Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 250 The Bottom of the Abyss

Chapter 250 The Bottom of the Abyss
Just when Wang Qi was about to use his repertoire and start planning to exile from the spiritual world, Bai Long became impatient.

It let out a dragon chant, and Wang Qi's avatar and the summoned beasts immediately fell into a state of being stunned and paused for 0.1 second.

In just 0.1 second, the white dragon flapped its wings behind its back at a speed beyond the naked eye, and immediately turned into an afterimage, and rushed directly to the surface of Moon Spring Lake.Two bands of light shining with stars were pulled out along with his figure, the bands of light undulating like waves, very beautiful.

Finally coming to the surface of the lake, Bailong didn't stop, he just put his head and feet upside down, and got in.

Wang Qi's avatar and the summoned beasts had already recovered from the shock, but Bailong's move was too fast, and he only had time to cut off a section of starlight, nothing blocked it.


He knew that since Bailong wanted to enter the water with all his life, he must have some final skills and needed the help of lake water to complete it.

Sure enough, just a second after the white dragon was completely submerged in the water, a huge transparent water dragon dozens of times bigger than the white dragon rose directly from the lake.The body formed with the help of lake water brought countless tons of clear water, and even the waterline of the lake dropped a lot because of it.

The white dragon was at the core of the giant dragon made entirely of water, with two ruby-like eyes staring at the shore, as if it wanted to lock Wang Qi and his summoned beasts to death.


At this time, even exile from the spirit world is useless. It can't hit the white dragon at all, it can only hit the water dragon made of clear water outside, and at most it will send away a ball of clear water, which is completely meaningless.

If Wang Qi has enough Xuanming True Water, he can consider competing with this water dragon to see who is better at manipulating water.But that's obviously impossible. If you want to manipulate so much water, you have to summon a lot of Xuanming True Water. Anyway, Wang Qi's spiritual power is definitely far from enough.

It seems that there is only one way to go.

That is... run!
Wang Qi is not stupid. Does this situation really require hard steel?

Although I don't know why these two white lizards wanted to sneak attack on him, but it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, and if he can't beat him, then sneaking away is the most correct choice.

These thoughts flashed through my mind in an instant.Before the water dragon was completely out of the lake, the avatar had already controlled the flying sword, canceled the summoning of all the summoned beasts, and shot away with a whoosh.

Immediately, the blizzard disappeared, and everything returned to silence, only the white dragon with red ruby ​​eyes remained, and the huge water dragon stood blankly on the lake, slowly pulling its body out of the lake.

"So... ran away?"

Bailong was a little stunned, but cautiously kept him in this state, and manipulated the huge water dragon incarnation to form a small rainstorm directly around, washing the ground in the same way as Wang Qi's blizzard.

After confirming that the enemy was really gone, after hesitating for a while, Bailong still released the water dragon, and then all the water that made up the water dragon began to slowly flow back into the lake.

It also knew that if it really smashed all the unknown tons of water down, it would probably have razed the surrounding area to the ground.

And... the young master who transformed in the lake... might be disturbed by the two of them.

The white dragon returned to the shore after leaving the water dragon, and then released the fusion.

Immediately, it split into two and became two white lizards again.

The two white lizards glanced at each other, then disappeared and disappeared again.

Immediately, the surroundings of the Moon Spring returned to the eerie tranquility that Wang Qi saw when he came here. Only the huge water dragon remains that gradually lost its outline on the lake surface and continued to flow down proved that there was a battle here just now.

At this time, Wang Qi's avatar naturally did not go far.

Escape of course escaped, but the flying sword carried him, and after flying a few hundred meters, he was sure that the enemy hadn't followed, so he turned back directly.

The two white lizards attacked him out of nowhere, and there was no one in this weird inn, probably because they had some ulterior secret to carry out here.

The analysis ability of the master of data was activated, and Wang Qi easily grasped the key point, the moon spring water.

He was attacked after the main body took out the Zhenling Sacrifice to Heaven Cauldron by the lake.If the two invisible white lizards did not follow him before, Wang Qi himself would not believe it.

Wang Qi has seen White Lizard's invisibility ability, even the Void Butterfly can't see through it, and he can't follow it if he wants to.It was also the first time for Wang Qi to see such a troublesome enemy, and he deeply felt the difficulty of invisibility.

But... Although I can't take revenge now, I can always make trouble, right?

Flying straight back to confirm that the white lizard had disappeared, Wang Qi quietly flew to the other side of Moon Lake, dug a sandpit to block his figure, and then switched to the main body.

The Zhenling Jitian Cauldron was always held in his hand, Wang Qi submerged it directly into the water, and summoned the only cauldron spirit inside, Sha Wudao.

"Sha Wudao, let me go into the water and see what's inside? If you find something, don't be alarmed and come back quietly."

Sha Wudao nodded silently in the water, then dived into the water and disappeared in an instant.

Since it was accepted as the Cauldron Spirit by Wang Qi, the spirit card on its body was naturally checked by Wang Qi.But because most of them are suitable for its own use, or suitable for underwater use, Wang Qi doesn't use them much, so he kept them for himself and didn't take them away.

So at this moment, Sha Wudao's strength has not been damaged. On the contrary, Wang Qi also gave him some spiritual card fusion to improve his strength. At this moment, his strength has even improved.

In fact, if Sha Wudao was summoned to help just now, with its high level of 176, maybe he could really fight that white dragon.But it's in the cauldron on the main body's side, and the avatar can't be summoned, so Wang Qi gave up this idea.

It is said that Sha Wudao quickly dived into the water after receiving Wang Qi's order.

Its size is not small, but what it didn't expect at all was that the waters in this unknown place were so deep.After casually wagging the tail, I felt that I had dived hundreds of meters, and the water surface above had become a small bright spot in my field of vision. The surrounding area was pitch black, and there was nothing but my own existence.

Sha Wudao, who has been everywhere in the sea, naturally won't be afraid of this kind of darkness.You know, tens of meters in the deep sea can no longer see the sun, and it becomes pitch black.And in this dark deep sea, there are still countless creatures living there.Creatures in the sea are not afraid of that kind of darkness, but Sha Wudao is more used to the shallow sea with light.

The tail kept swinging, and soon Sha Wudao dived to a depth of about 5000 meters.At this moment, the little bright spot on the top of the head also disappeared.

It can only confirm with the instinct of a creature that it is indeed going downwards instead of swimming in the void.

Continue to accelerate the dive, 6000 meters, 7000 meters, 8000 meters... After about an hour, Sha Wudao finally came to a depth of 5000 meters.

Of course, it doesn't know how deep it is here, and Sha Wudao just relies on its feeling to confirm that this place has exceeded the deepest depth it has ever dived.

But because it has completely turned into a cauldron spirit now, executing the master's orders is the whole of his life.Although the body has slightly felt the huge pressure brought by some deep water, Sha Wudao feels that there is no problem in continuing to dive.

It continued to dive for another half an hour, and finally when Shawudao reached a depth of about [-] meters, it saw something other than itself below.

It was a ball of light.

Thinking of the task assigned by the master, Sha Wudao quietly turned into an invisible ghost in the dark deep water, and slowly approached the light.

When it came close to the ball of light, it finally saw clearly that it was a ball of light formed by energy, and there was a white lizard-like creature inside.

It closed its eyes, curled up in the ball of light, and let the ball of light dive slowly.

On the body of this white lizard, there is a layer of skin that has fallen off half.

If Sha Wudao had seen the two white lizards that fought Wang Qi on the ground just now, he would know that they should be the same kind of creature.

It's just that the one in front of me has shed half its skin, and the two slightly raised bumps on the top of its head have turned into two short horns.

Its body has also become thicker with hind limbs and smaller forelimbs.On the back of the forelimbs, two small wings have been formed.

If Wang Qi saw this scene here, he would be surprised to find that this white lizard is not so much like the two white lizards on the bank before their transformation, but more like the white dragon after merging .

Sha Wudao looked at the white lizard up and down, and it still closed its eyes tightly in the light sphere, and it didn't notice Sha Wudao outside at all.

After thinking for a while, he didn't disturb the white lizard, but continued to dive down.

Sha Wudao desperately went downstream, and finally, when he already felt that his body could not bear the external water pressure, even if he used the spiritual power to strengthen and used the spiritual card ability, he felt that he was about to be unable to hold on, it found that he It's over.At this time, he had reached a depth of nearly [-] meters.

Because directly below, a magnificent building appeared.Looking from top to bottom, it looks like a huge pupil, and the shark that looks at it shudders for no reason.

After it swam slightly to the side, it was able to see the true face of this huge pupil, which was a tall building like a pyramid.Although he has never seen a pyramid, Sha Wudao always feels that this building is very similar to the mysterious building in the East China Sea that he has seen before, which can pass through the spirit world.

It's just that the one in front of me doesn't have that huge portal at the top that keeps emitting infinite thunder.

Seeing that it has reached the bottom, Sha Wudao cheered up and mustered all his strength to swim towards the top of the city-like huge building.

Finally, it swam to the top of the building, which is the exact center of the huge pupil viewed from above.

This is a small platform with a side length of only ten meters.

In the middle of the platform, there is a golden disc.

(End of this chapter)

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