Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 251 2st Destination

Chapter 251 The Second Destination
The size of the golden disc is not big, using human size to describe it, it has a radius of only twenty centimeters and a thickness of five centimeters.

Unknown characters are engraved on it, and a very subtle pattern is also painted on it.

For Sha Wudao, this thing is too small, it doesn't even know how to hold it.But after finally diving to such a deep place, seeing this only loot, it is not appropriate not to bring it back to the owner.After thinking for a long time, it could only carefully bite the gold plate into its mouth.Just this, I dare not swallow hard, for fear that I will swallow it accidentally.

Swimmed around again and found that there was nothing else to take away, Sha Wudao didn't want to stay in this infiltrating place, so he swung his tail vigorously and started to swim upwards.

On the way up, it saw the little white lizard again.The degree of molt of the white lizard is less than a quarter. Sha Wudao estimates that it will not be able to reach the bottom of the building before it can complete the molt.

But this has nothing to do with me, it is more important to go up and reply to the master first.

Finally, after Wang Qi waited anxiously for almost five hours, he saw Sha Wudao again.

If he could not feel that Sha Wudao was still alive through the small tripod in his hand, he really thought there was something terrible down here, and Sha Wudao would never come back.

Seeing Sha Wudao quietly approaching the water surface from below, Wang Qi hurriedly took the Qiankun gourd over, shoved it into the gourd, and then followed him into it, leaving the gourd in place.

As soon as he entered the gourd, Wang Qi asked Sha Wudao about his experience.

"Master, luckily, I saw it from below..." Sha Wudao hurriedly reported what he saw.

"Huh, there is actually a white lizard moulting in the water?" Wang Qi thought for a moment, no wonder the two white lizards didn't let him approach the lake, presumably they were afraid that they would disturb the white lizard by going into the water.

But they might not have thought that they would really go around the little white lizard with a subordinate like Sha Wudao.

It's just that it was lucky, Sha Wudao didn't have any extra problems, so it was a spare of his life.

Putting the matter of the white lizard behind him, Wang Qi took the gold plate that Sha Wudao spat out, rinsed it with water, and began to watch carefully.

When the gold plate touched him and Sha Wudao, it didn't turn into a spirit card, which meant it was just an ordinary thing.However, it is not an ordinary thing to be placed on the top of that huge building.

Wang Qi deciphered the words engraved on it, and it was not among the 26 ancient civilization languages ​​learned from Gary's spirit card. It seems that these are the No. 20 seven lost civilization languages.

Instead, the front and back sides are completely connected by the edge of the engraved pattern. After careful inspection, Wang Qi confirmed that it was a map.

Moreover, because the front and back maps are completely connected, the patterns on the two sides are different, and there are also many patterns on the five centimeters thickness on the side. Wang Qi even suspects that this is a globe that changes direction.

Wait, two sides, a map... Is this a map of the spirit world and the real world?
An unbelievable idea suddenly popped up in Wang Qi's mind, but the more he thought about it, the more likely he felt it was possible, so he picked up the gold plate and looked at it carefully.

The pattern on the gold plate, I don't know who the sculptor is, but on this small place, many very vivid landforms have been carved with extremely superb techniques.

Even, Wang Qi discovered that if he turned the gold plate at a certain angle and looked at the map obliquely, many patterns even became three-dimensional figures.

The gold plate was in Wang Qi's hands, and it became more and more interesting for him to look at it.

But after carefully comparing it with the world map in his mind, Wang Qi didn't find any familiar places on it, which made him suspect that he might have guessed wrong.

After researching it back and forth, there was nothing to gain, so I had to put him away first.

Wang Qi encouraged Sha Wudao, and he didn't put it away anymore, but let him stay in the gourd so that he could continue to practice.Then Wang Qi got out of the gourd by himself and returned to the shore.

After returning here, Wang Qi thought about it, and instead of staying here any longer, he changed into a clone, and directly flew away with the flying sword.

But it's certainly not over.

When he came to a place where the Moon Spring was far away, Wang Qi took out his mobile phone and wrote a detailed post, adding a lot of photos he took by the way, telling what happened here in the Moon Spring, As well as the two white lizards that fought with him, and the white dragon that later merged with them, and the little white lizard that was shedding its skin underwater.

Because all the ordinary people in the inn here disappeared, Wang Qi boldly guessed in the post that these people had all been killed, and he couldn't beat the two white lizards, so he had to run away.I hope someone can find out the truth, and it would be even better if they can defeat these two white lizards.

After spending a little points, he bought a popular feed for his post, and soon Wang Qi saw that a large number of Spirit Card Masters began to browse his post, and responded one after another.

"Lord, you actually went to Moon Spring, the scenery there is not bad!"

"The entire inn has disappeared. I suggest that the association investigate carefully. Is it possible that the spirit beast is going to attack from here?"

"This white lizard looks very cute. I want to raise one for my wife. Does anyone know what species it is?"

"The one upstairs that I want to raise is probably a mutant breed. You won't be able to find it unless you catch it yourself."

"I'm going to Moon Spring to meet these two white lizards that can only turn into dragons. Is there anyone in the team?"

"The landlord is watching the private chat. I have a question for you."


Satisfied, Wang Qi suddenly saw that there was a person who noted that the sub-moderator replied to let him watch the private chat.

So Wang Qi quickly clicked on the private chat, and it turned out that the deputy moderator contacted him.

"Hello, are you Wang Qi who posted the post? I'm a staff member at the General Assembly, and I want to learn more about this matter with you."

"Hello." Wang Qi replied, and then directly clicked on the voice contact.

The two quickly communicated about this matter through voice.The Spirit Card Association attaches great importance to the situation written by Wang Qi. The deputy moderator also contacted the local branch of the Spirit Card Association in Hanlan just now, and went to check. Sure enough, there should still be many ordinary people staying at the Moon Spring Inn at this time. There are as many as 27 people working in the middle school.

If all of these people have been brutally murdered by spirit beasts, then this matter must be resolved by the Spirit Card Association.It is not a small matter that so many people have an accident, especially after everyone has just experienced the attack of the Salvation Society recently, the Spirit Card Association is simmering with anger, if the spirit beast dares to hit the gun at this time, the Spirit Card Association will definitely It will not be peeled off lightly.

Wang Qi repeatedly confirmed what he said was true, and promised to go back and shoot some videos to provide sufficient evidence.

Anyway, the two white lizards in the past could not find themselves, so it was easy to take pictures of the deserted inn.

Putting the phone where it was, and picking it up with another avatar, the avatar drove Feijian to hold the phone and flew back to Moon Spring again.

He quietly took pictures of the inn with his mobile phone, and took a picture around Moon Lake, focusing on the traces of the previous battle. Wang Qi did not try to provoke the two white lizards again. Pay attention, turn around and walk away.

Switch back to the main body, send the video, and the association will reply soon, and will send someone over quickly, thank Wang Qi for the message, Wang Qi's task will be completed.

What happened next had nothing to do with Wang Qi. Wang Qi would not tell anyone about the ruins at the bottom of the abyss and the gold plate even if he was killed. This is a secret that only he knows.

After confirming his location, he took the car out of the hoist, and then drove to the second destination.

The second target is very far away from here, and has completely penetrated into the most uninhabited area of ​​the Great Desert. Most of the supplies prepared by Wang Qi are for this place.

It was the ruins of an ancient city. It was a very famous place in ancient times, and it was located on a very great trade route.

However, due to environmental changes, the place was gradually eroded by wind and sand, and lost its former population, leaving only some ruins to tell ancient stories.

In modern times, most people have seen this name from some reading materials, but because the distance is too far and remote, very few people can come here in person.

Wang Qi's trip this time is to satisfy his desire to visit and to check in there.The second is because there is also a well-known secret realm in the world of spirit card masters.

There is a mysterious old spirit card master who has always lived there alone. No one knows when he appeared, how old he is, and the reason why he lives here. He only knows that he owns a mysterious building. Card, the ancient dreamland.

As long as any spirit card master comes to the ruins of this ancient city, he can easily find the building card that only the spirit card master can see. He will not block anyone, and the entire ancient dreamland is open to anyone.

In the records of the Spirit Card Association, no Spirit Card Master came out of it and could still remember what he experienced inside.However, all the people who went in came out safely, and they all said that they got some benefits, so the Spirit Card Association recorded this place and did not prevent anyone from coming here and going in.

Wang Qi is also curious. This secret realm is not detailed in the records, and no one can tell what has happened, but it must have benefited until now, so many spirit card masters will find a chance to come once if they have nothing to do, and it is considered a relatively popular one. mystery.

It's just that most of the other Spirit Card Masters came in groups, and there were really not many who came alone like Wang Qi.

Driving in a car in the desert also has a unique style. Wang Qi took a lot of photos of himself that he thought were good, and he planned to post them on Moments for everyone to see after returning home.

It took another full day in the experience, and finally, on the distant horizon, Wang Qi could see traces of a man-made building, which was the destination of this time.

(End of this chapter)

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