Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 252 Dreamland Ancient City

Chapter 252 Dreamland Ancient City
Stopping the car near the ruins of the ancient city, Wang Qi put away his car and walked in on foot.

Wandering among the real ruins is a completely different feeling from the ruins in the Lingka domain.

The ruins in the Lingka domain are inherently cold and terrifying, making people very depressed and uncomfortable.

And this ancient city site that really came out of history and came to modern times has a kind of embarrassing emotion.

Bathed in the sun, the pieces of broken bricks and tiles, as if they have their own stories, give people an uncontrollable urge to pursue everything behind them.

Walking casually in this ancient city, I didn't see a single person.Wang Qi was not in a hurry either, because through the Void Butterfly, he had already seen the illusory city not far from the ruins, and the maverick old man.

He browsed through the ancient city slowly, took a lot of photos, and then walked up to the old man sitting cross-legged on the ground.

This old spirit card master didn't say his name, and even he only had a few conversations with people in the records, otherwise everyone would think he was dumb.

However, Wang Qi was still very polite, walked up to him, and greeted him.

"Hi old man, I'm here to experience your secret place."

After a pause, Wang Qi took out the packaged food and drinking water that he had prepared long ago. This is a point reminded in the Lingka Association materials, that is, although he does not charge any compensation, he will still charge for some food and water. It's also a matter of course.

The old face buried in the hood lifted up, looked at Wang Qi with dim eyes, he didn't say anything, just stretched out his hands, and took the food and drinking water that Wang Qi had prepared.

There used to be some bad spirit card masters who wanted to rob this old guy who seemed to be dying, and snatched the building spirit card of Dreamland Ancient City.But before the robber could even use his ability, he turned into nothing. No one could see whether it was the old man who did it, but no one dared to attack him casually.

Seeing that the old man had already received the water and food, but did not get any feedback, Wang Qi knew that this was normal. He turned around and walked into the completely undefended, but seemingly illusory, dreamland ancient city.

When Wang Qi's back gradually disappeared in the illusory scenery of the ancient city, the old man raised his head again. He looked at Wang Qi's back and wondered what he was thinking.


"Hey Wang Qi, I heard that the Liu family's daughter is getting married today, let's take a sneak peek!"

A teenager climbed up to the roof, shook Wang Qi who was lying on the roof basking in the sun and taking a nap, and excitedly said to him.

"Uh... hey, where is this..."

Wang Qi woke up from his lethargy, stretched his waist, and shook his swollen head from sleep.

"Hey, I seemed to have a very strange dream just now. The world in the dream is very interesting."

He muttered to himself, feeling like he had a very long dream, but he couldn't remember clearly what was in the dream.

"Whatever his dream is, let's go, let's go, if you don't go, you won't be able to see the bride!"

The boy quickly pulled him up, and he didn't know why he was so excited about the woman who was about to become someone else's wife.

But Wang Qi is a little strange, is it because he has been taking a nap for too long, why can't his eyes see clearly, even the appearance of this guy in front of him is blurry?
"I know, I know... Hey, you, you are... What's your name?"

Wang Qi looked at the young man in front of him and thought he looked very familiar, but he couldn't remember his name.

"I'm Zhang Yuxiang!" The boy seemed very surprised that Wang Qi had forgotten his name.

"Yes, you are Zhang Yuxiang, dead octopus... Hey, what is an octopus?"

As soon as he said this name, he seemed to be looking at people through a layer of frosted glass, but now, as if washed by water, Zhang Yuxiang's face clearly appeared in front of him.

Wang Qi always felt that his head was foggy, but he couldn't think clearly.He just felt as if he had forgotten something important.

Zhang Yuxiang didn't care so much, he pulled him excitedly, jumped from the roof of Wang Qi's house to the roof of the neighbor's house.

The two followed the route on the roof, bouncing up and down all the way, being scolded from time to time, and soon arrived at Liu's house that Zhang Yuxiang mentioned.

At the moment, the Liu family's courtyard is very lively, many neighbors are coming to congratulate them, the old man of the Liu family and the head of the family greet these guests in the courtyard, while distributing festive candy peanuts and so on.

At this time, Wang Qicai realized that he, Zhang Yuxiang, and the people in the courtyard below were all wearing very strange coarse cloth long clothes.It's like...the dress in a costume TV series.

Hey, what is a costume TV series?Why does this strange word pop into my head?
No matter what kind of nerves Wang Qi got here, Zhang Yuxiang lay on the beam next to him, peeping at the lively scene below, while muttering, wanting to see how good-looking the girl from the Liu family is after putting on her new clothes.

Before the two of them had to wait for too long, there was a sound of blowing, blowing and beating coming from outside the courtyard, and a group of welcoming teams came from far to near, and finally stopped at the gate of the courtyard.

A gentle and handsome young man, wearing a red festive wedding dress, walked into the yard first, bowed to the elders of the Liu family, and then said some festive words, and everyone looked into the house together.

Sure enough, accompanied by her younger sister, the bride also came out wearing a red wedding dress, smiling like a flower.

There is probably no such thing as a red hijab and a big sedan chair in the wedding customs here. The groom comes to pick up the kiss in person. After a simple ceremony, the two families go to the groom's house to have a wedding banquet together, and it's over.

"This girl from the Liu family is really pretty, if only she could be my bride." Zhang Yuxiang crawled beside Wang Qi, muttering.

"...What is the name of the bride? What is the name of the groom?"

Wang Qi suddenly felt a little confused, so he asked this question.

Coincidentally, at this time, in the courtyard below, a middle-aged man who seemed to be the person in charge of the wedding announced loudly, "The auspicious time has come! The groom can pick up the bride!"

The gentle young man took the bride's hand and invited everyone, so everyone surrounded them out of the courtyard and went to the groom's house to have a wedding wine.

"...The bride's name is Liu Manman, and the groom is the eldest son of the uncle's family, named Subaru, the uncle."

Only then did Zhang Yuxiang answer Wang Qi's question.

"Let's go, don't delay, let's hurry up and get in the team, and we can have a wedding drink in a while."

As he spoke, he pushed Wang Qi, motioning him to go down quickly.

But Wang Qi's mind at this moment suddenly became very confused.

"No, there must be something wrong, what is wrong..."

Wang Qi held his head in pain, unable to explain why his head was so swollen and messy.

Being dragged by Zhang Yuxiang all the time, Wang Qi muddled along with him and sneaked into the wedding party, and then had a meal of wedding wine, watching everyone bless the couple together.

At the wedding, Wang Qi met the groom's family. He had a younger brother who looked very similar to him, and looked very shy.On the bride's side, there is a younger sister who is very cute and cute.

During the banquet, the groom took his younger brother to toast around, and when the toast came to the table of Wang Qi and Zhang Yuxiang, he very politely greeted everyone to eat and drink well.And Zhang Yuxiang just kept gobbling it up, eating everything, and said a few auspicious words to the groom, and then he couldn't care about anything else.

Wang Qi also didn't care about eating, there were people standing up to toast all around him, so he pretended to hold the wine glass, stood up and walked around.

On the table of the relatives and friends of the bride's family, several people looked familiar. Wang Qi was going to get closer and take a look.

"This brother, what do you call him? I think you look familiar."

Wang Qi walked up to a young man who came out of that table.

"My name is Qiu Mingshan, may I ask who you are?" The young man looked at Wang Qi, clinked the wine glass with him, drank it casually, and asked.

"Oh, I'm Wang Qi, a neighbor of the groom's family. Can I ask you, what are the names of the people sitting at that table?"

Wang Qi felt a little strange when he heard the name, but he still pretended to be calm, and just pointed to the table where Qiu Mingshan came out and asked.

"Over there, those are our boss and his daughter and son-in-law. Our boss is called Zhang Tiansheng. He and the head of the Liu family are considered business partners, so this time we are here to congratulate you."

"He... what are the names of his daughter and son-in-law?"

Wang Qi suddenly felt a little dazed again.

Qiu Mingshan gave him a strange look, but still answered the question.

"His daughter's name is Zhang Lingyi, and his son-in-law's name is Gongxi Heyu."

Wang Qi only felt that something hit his head suddenly, there was a loud bang, and then he fell to the ground unconscious.

When he woke up again, he found himself lying on a bed.

Covered with a not-so-thick quilt, Wang Qi sat up with his hands, rubbed his head, and looked around the room.

The room was not big, and it didn't look like a wealthy family. Apart from a bed, there was only an unpretentious table with an oil lamp on it. The light was dim and the room was very dimly illuminated.

The windows are made of paper, and it looks like it is very night outside, so there is no light coming in from the outside, only the lights from inside the house shine on.

After thinking for a while, Wang Qi lay down again, and then began to sort out his thoughts for today.

I feel very strange today, why did I faint when I heard a few names during the wedding banquet?
After carefully reading the names of several people, Wang Qi only felt that he should be very familiar with these people.But I can't tell where this sense of familiarity comes from.

 Happy April Fools' Day.I'm probably a fool myself though...literally.

(End of this chapter)

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