Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 253 Strange Feelings

Chapter 253 Strange Feelings
Today's me is very strange. I always feel that everything I see and hear reveals a sense of disharmony.

It's like, I always feel that something is wrong, but I just can't find out what is wrong.

Wang Qi lay quietly, and then kept thinking about these things that made him dizzy.

Suddenly, he heard a few light knocks on the window frame next to him.

"Wang Qi, it's me, are you awake?"

There was a low voice coming from outside the window, carefully discerning that it was Zhang Yuxiang.

After thinking about it, Wang Qi still got up and got off the ground, then walked to the window and opened it.

"Haha, you really woke up. Let's go, we agreed to go to the master's place at night."

Zhang Yuxiang was very happy to see Wang Qi wake up, and encouraged him to go out quickly.

"Master? What master?"

Wang Qi was very strange.

"Did you forget? We both worshiped an expert, and he promised to teach us swordsmanship."

Zhang Yuxiang yelled softly.

"That's right...well, just wait, I'll be right there."

Wang Qi thought for a while and decided to follow him.He turned around and walked to the bed, put on his gown, and without going through the door, directly blew out the lights and jumped out of the window.

Following Zhang Yuxiang tiptoely over the wall and out of his yard, and then scurrying east and west, the two of them came to the earth temple on the edge of the city.

Looking at the earth temple from a distance, he saw a pile of firewood had risen in the main hall, and someone was warming up there.

"Master, here we come!"

Zhang Yuxiang began to yell from a long distance away, afraid that the people around the fire inside would not be able to hear him.

When he got closer, Wang Qi saw clearly that there was an old man sitting beside the fire.However, the face of this old man is very blurred, just like when he saw Zhang Yuxiang for the first time, like the moon in the water in the mirror, he couldn't see his true face clearly.

"Master, we are here, you promised to teach us two sword skills!"

Zhang Yuxiang hurried over, took out a bag of food from his arms and handed it to the old man, while begging.

"Master!" Wang Qi also called out.

"Hmph, you are filial, don't worry, I will teach you as soon as I promise you."

The old man opened the paper bag and saw that it was some meat, probably Zhang Yuxiang brought it along from the wedding banquet. He was also very satisfied, nodded and began to eat.

Wang Qi imitated Zhang Yuxiang and sat down beside him without saying a word. The two of them watched the old man finish eating, wiped his mouth with satisfaction, and then stood up.

Following him to the outside of the Earth Temple, the old man casually snapped a branch from a nearby tree, and then turned to face the two of them.

"Next, I will teach you a set of swordsmanship. The name of this set of swordsmanship is called 24 solar term swordsmanship."

As he said that, without waiting for the two of them to ask questions, he used the branch as a sword, and started to use this set of sword skills in a hurry.

Soon, after performing all the 28 moves in a set of swordsmanship, the old man casually threw the branch aside as he put on a gesture of retreating.

"How about it, how much do you remember?"

"Master, you just played it once, how can we remember it!"

Zhang Yuxiang immediately yelled, very unconvinced.

"What about you?" The old man turned to look at Wang Qi with a blurred face. Seeing Wang Qi was deep in thought, Zhang Yuxiang quickly pushed him.

"I, I might try."

Wang Qi hesitated a little.When he saw this set of sword skills just now, he felt as if he had seen and learned it a long time ago.Moreover, he always felt that the old man's swordsmanship was only superficial, and something was missing.

"Oh? Then try it."

The old man picked up the branch that had just been thrown on the ground with his feet, and he picked it directly in front of Wang Qi.

Involuntarily reaching out to grab the branch, Wang Qi hesitated for a moment, but walked aside.

With the branch in his hand, Wang Qi felt that he didn't know where the confidence came from. What he held in his hand was not a branch, but a long sword.

He briefly recalled the starting style of swordsmanship, and then directly took a stance.

Somehow, as soon as this stance opened, his body seemed to carry the memory of this set of sword techniques. The 28-style sword moves were like flowing clouds and flowing water, and they were all used up quickly. Even in terms of fluency, they were even better than that old man. Be stronger.

Zhang Yuxiang next to him was stunned, the old man couldn't see his expression clearly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"It's too strong, Wang Qi! Are you a swordsmanship genius!"

Seeing that Wang Qi had finished casting, Zhang Yuxiang rushed forward, hugged him and yelled.

"I...I don't know..."

Wang Qi felt confused again in his mind, as if something was about to come out.

"Yes, it seems that you have already grasped the charm of this set of sword techniques. However, no matter how well the sword moves are used, if they lack the essence, they are just a show."

The old man suddenly spoke, as if he was commenting on Wang Qi's swordsmanship.

"Master, Wang Qi has mastered swordsmanship so well, what else is he lacking?"

Zhang Yuxiang yelled directly, and Wang Qi also looked at the blurred face curiously.

"Missing 'spirit'."

Another strong feeling came over, and Wang Qi once again felt his head was squeezed by the door, swollen and uncomfortable.

He seemed to see himself falling down suddenly, and heard Zhang Yuxiang shouting his name desperately, and the old man's face seemed to be partly clear.Because Wang Qi saw that he showed a stubble-covered mouth, showing a silent smile.

Waking up from the coma for the third time, Wang Qi found that he had returned to that room again.

The oil lamp had been blown out before, but the light from the window had come through, as if it was already dawn.

Shaking his head, Wang Qi sat up and felt that although his head was still a little heavy, it seemed to be much better than before.

He got up and lifted the quilt, put on his clothes and went to the ground, Wang Qi opened the door and went out.

Sure enough, this should be my home.It's just that I didn't see my parents, and I thought they had already gone out.

On the table in the hall outside, there were two steamed buns and a stack of side dishes, presumably for himself.Wang Qi was also polite, sat down and devoured the food, then turned and left the house.

Speaking of which, if it wasn't for Zhang Yuxiang leading the way, Wang Qi felt that he was not familiar with the road here.This city is very strange to him, it doesn't look like... living here since he was a child.

Without Zhang Yuxiang's company today, after Wang Qi left the gate, he started to walk around the city casually.

While walking, Wang Qi looked around.He was surprised to find that there were quite a lot of people in this city, and there were many people in every household.Pedestrians coming and going on the street seemed very prosperous.

However, in Wang Qi's eyes, the images of these people are very strange, because they all - can't see their faces clearly.

Yes, everyone couldn't see the face clearly. In Wang Qi's view, it was a mosaic walking in groups.

This made Wang Qi, who found several good-looking young ladies, suddenly feel dull.

After wandering around the street, Wang Qi didn't know how to walk, and came to a shop, and finally saw a person whose face he could see clearly.

That is Qiu Mingshan.

"Hey, isn't this brother Wang Qi? How is it? Are you feeling better?" He asked concerned after saluting Wang Qi when he saw Wang Qi.

"Well, it's much better." Wang Qi hurriedly returned the gift.

"That's good. You fainted suddenly at the wedding banquet the day before yesterday, which shocked us." Qiu Mingshan shook his head, as if recalling the scene at that time.

"The day before yesterday?" Wang Qi grasped the key words.

"That's right, it was the day before yesterday. The great uncle and son have been married for two days."

"This..." Wang Qi suddenly felt a little confused again.

Co-authoring that I fainted the day before yesterday, and then woke up to learn swords. I don't know if it was yesterday morning or this morning?

Keeping this strange thing in mind, Wang Qi chatted with Qiu Mingshan here without saying much.

This is a cloth shop opened by their boss, which specializes in selling high-quality cloth shipped from far away, so it can be regarded as a very famous shop in the city.

After chatting for a while but not seeing any other people he might know, Wang Qi bid farewell to Qiu Mingshan, preparing to leave here and continue to visit other places.

In the following time, Wang Qi wandered around, and then he met the grand uncle and Miss Liu who got married the day before yesterday, and met the two generations of the Liu family.Only these people can see their true faces clearly, other than that, he can't see their true faces.

Stopping and stopping, Wang Qi returned to his home.At this time, his parents had already returned home.

Seeing that his parents could see their faces clearly, Wang Qi breathed a sigh of relief.But my father and mother were very worried when they saw him coming back from the outside, because he fainted for no reason, and they were very worried that something was wrong with him, Wang Qi repeatedly promised that nothing would happen, so they were let go .

The days that followed were so muddled.Zhang Yuxiang would occasionally come to Wang Qi to go out for a walk, it was just a trivial matter.He also came to see Wang Qi several times in the middle of the night, sloppy to practice swords with his master.

But no matter how much Wang Qi tried, the master would never say a single word easily, nor would he explain what Wang Qi's swordplay lacked in what he said last time.

Wang Qi is so idle these days, his parents don't urge him to do anything, and they don't care about him, it seems that as long as he wants to, it doesn't matter where he goes.

Finally one day, Wang Qi decided to go out of the city to have a look.

He didn't go with Zhang Yuxiang either, but took two steamed buns by himself, and just walked like a car and walked directly to the outside of the city that didn't even have a city wall.

Who knows, just set foot on the edge of the city, before coming out of the city in a serious manner, suddenly there was a sound of shouting and killing resounding through the sky, rushing towards Wang Qi from far and near.

Wang Qi widened his eyes and took a closer look. It was clearly a group of cavalry in bright armor, with a murderous aura soaring towards the sky, holding a long sword in his hand, and charging straight towards the city.

 One thing to say, in the chapters I sent out earlier, there are indeed many places where I made mistakes and did not check them out, and wrote a lot of typos.I am very grateful to see some book reviews to help catch bugs... But every time the background is modified, the chapters are often locked and cannot be modified. I don't know why, so it may not be possible to change it. Please forgive me...

(End of this chapter)

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