Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 254 Restoring memory

Chapter 254 Restoring memory
Anyone who saw a group of murderous cavalry coming towards their direction with billowing gunpowder smoke accompanied by tremors on the ground could not be sure to face it.

At this time, the choice of normal people is basically to turn around and run.

Wang Qi was no exception. He didn't feel that he was capable of resisting these cavalrymen, so he turned around and ran away.

However, it is obvious that he does not run as fast as these four legs.

In just a few seconds, his thin figure was overtaken by the cavalry and collided with each other.

"My life is over!"

Wang Qi couldn't help shouting out the line that the ancients loved to shout in the TV series.

However, he closed his eyes and waited for the pain of being trampled into flesh, only to find that all the cavalry seemed to have no eyes on him at all, just like water flowing around rocks, bypassing him one after another, and continuing to head towards the city. rushed over.

Apart from the choking dust that brought him, he was fully clothed and unharmed at all.

In the blink of an eye, these cavalry had rushed into the city.The sound of iron hoofs overflowed, and the shouts of killing shook the sky. The residents of the town ran and shouted, but fell under their chopping and killing.

Just stunned, surprised at the strange development of the matter, Wang Qi saw that the originally peaceful city had turned into a scene like hell on earth.

There are burned houses everywhere, and the ground is full of unwilling corpses and muddy blood.

Those unknown cavalrymen were like a hurricane, destroying everything in the city, showing no mercy to anyone or anything.

"what is this?"

Wang Qi was confused.

He wanted to rush back to see if the people he knew and the places he was familiar with these two days were still there.But obviously, it's all gone.

The cries of the cavalrymen gradually faded away, proving that the town had been completely slaughtered by them.

The unheeded fire continued to engulf the houses one after another. Gradually, the town was reduced to ashes before Wang Qi's eyes.Only some remnants of the walls were left, and the scorched marks on them complained of unwillingness.

"Why don't you make a move?"

A voice suddenly sounded beside Wang Qi.

Looking back suddenly, it was the master who went to learn sword worship with Zhang Yuxiang in the middle of the night, that mysterious old man.

His face was still the same as the last one Wang Qi saw before he fainted, only the lower half of his face could be seen, and the whole face could not be seen clearly.

"How do I make a move? I'm not a god..."

Wang Qi murmured the answer.

"Although you are not a god, as long as you are willing, you can cut them as easily as grass."

The old man picked up a wine gourd and took a sip from the spout.

"I...why do you think I'm so strong?"

"Because you are already that strong."

He pointed out suddenly, right on Wang Qi's forehead.

Wang Qi suddenly felt that something burst between his eyebrows.Then, a familiar feeling gradually returned from inside his body. this?
A large number of memories immediately impacted his mind, but Wang Qi, who regained the Book of Spirit Card and spiritual power, the Lord of Data easily resolved the impact. Once the spiritual power was activated, he felt refreshed all over few.

"It turns out that everything before was just an illusion."

Wang Qi finally recalled what he was here for, and understood the specialness of this place.

"It's not an illusion, it's a dream."

The old man took another sip of the wine, and then said lightly.

"Dream? No wonder..."

The Lord of Data has the ability to see through illusions. As long as it is in Wang Qi's equipment column, it will always be passively activated.Although this ability has never been used before, even Wang Qi has forgotten about it, but the ability will not disappear by itself.

What can make the data master unable to function and affect Wang Qi's thinking can only be explained by dreams.

Thinking of this, Wang Qi couldn't help becoming very vigilant. Doesn't this mean that at this moment in this unknown place, in this ancient city of dreams, his life and death are actually not under his control?
Even Wang Qi tried to communicate with the avatars, but found that they couldn't connect with each other.This is the first time that the avatar has completely lost contact with his main body.

"Now that you have regained your strength, if you do it all over again, will you stop those cavalry from slaughtering the city?"

the old man asked again.

"I already know it's a dream, why are you still obsessed with their life and death?"

Wang Qi asked him back.

"This is your dream, not theirs."

The old man didn't talk much, but he expressed his meaning very clearly. He wanted Wang Qi to take action.

Wang Qi frowned, thinking about what the old man meant.

But before he finished thinking, he saw that everything in front of him seemed to be going back in time, in a state of rewinding a video tape, constantly going backwards.

Finally, all the cavalry retreated back behind the two of them, and the whole city returned to its original state.

Wang Qi sighed as he watched the cavalry behind him, who were roaring loudly again, rushing towards this peaceful city again.

Even if this is a dream, since he has already done it all over again, can he still watch them destroy everything.

After all, he is a kind person.

Summon the Broken Wind Sword casually.To deal with these... mortals, you don't need too many actions, a sword is enough.

You know, Wang Qi has been dealing with spirit card masters all the time, and because of the improvement of his own level and quality, he doesn't feel it, but in fact he has opened a long distance from ordinary people.

Just like the Superman played in the movie, he is now Superman to ordinary people.

Just made a simple judgment, and then swung the sword casually, countless invisible sword qi shot out with this swing, each sword qi accurately found its own target, and knocked out every one of them. The cavalry and the horses under them passed through the brain, and all life was cut off immediately.

This is a very strange picture. In the last second, thousands of cavalry were still shouting and charging forward, but in the next second they were silent, not even the neighing of horses.With only the effect of inertia, he took these corpses forward for a few steps, and then fell to the ground one after another, piling up in front of Wang Qi and the old man not far away.

"Look how easy it is."

The old man took a sip of his wine, seeming to sneer or sigh.

"Okay, what you asked me to do, I did. And then?"

Wang Qi asked him.

He didn't think that he had become safe.Losing the connection with his avatar, he fell into a tension that had never existed for a long time. He only appeared calm on the surface, but in fact his whole body was tense.

"Then... just walk around. Look for your reward, and you can leave when you find it."

"that's it?"

"that's it."

After finishing speaking, the figure of the old man gradually began to become unreal, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

However, before he disappeared, Wang Qi finally found that his face was no longer as blurred as before, but revealed his true face.

The unknown old man guarding outside the secret realm.

"What is his purpose?"

The old man disappeared, Wang Qi didn't want to understand why he let himself go through this.

But since you can't find the answer here, go out and ask him.

Thinking of this, Wang Qi summoned a large group of Void Butterflies and scattered them in all directions.

The Void Butterflies that I had been carrying with me before were like clones, completely out of touch.

The Void Butterflies flapped their wings and flew high into the sky, flying to every corner of the town, and finally let Wang Qi have a clear picture of the situation here.

This is a city that exists in fantasy.

The size of the city is not small, comparable to an ordinary modern small town.But the space is also limited to a closed space.

If Wang Qi, who is currently standing on the edge, continues to walk out of the town, he will be trapped in the fog, and if he continues to walk forward, he will come out from the other side of it.

In other words, here is a completely closed loop space.

The total population of the city is not large, so Wang Qi has seen almost all of them during the past two days. There are only about 4000 people in total.

Among them, through the Void Butterfly, Wang Qi saw many faces that he could see clearly, and those were the faces of people he had seen before.

Besides, Wang Qi couldn't see the faces of all the remaining town residents.

Considering that this is a dream, it's not surprising.

Relying on the Void Butterfly, Wang Qi turned the city upside down, and he finally locked the target of the reward that the old man said.

It was a plaque hanging on the lobby of the yamen.

The plaque is very ordinary, probably because it has been a long time, and the color is a bit dim.The four large characters of "Mirror Hanging High" in the last letter look vigorous and powerful, but I don't know who wrote it.

The reason why this plaque can be locked by Wang Qi is because the four large characters that should have been as dim as the plaque, in his eyes watching through the void, there is a faint stream of light hidden in it, and it does not look like an ordinary one. thing.

If you want to know the mystery of these four big characters, you must touch them with your hands.

Wang Qi strolled into the town again, and walked slowly towards the Qingshui yamen.

No one stopped him along the way, and he came to the yamen very easily, standing in the empty lobby.

A slight wind emerged from his palm, and this wind gently blew towards the plaque, gently sending it down.

After taking the plaque and putting it on the ground, Wang Qi directly touched the four big characters with his hand.

As soon as his hand touched it, Wang Qi immediately understood that he had to make a choice.

The four big characters represent four attributes, and each person can only choose one of them as a reward.Of course, what attributes each word represents is unknown.

But from the literal meaning, one can still guess one or two.

After thinking for a while, Wang Qi put his hand on the word "hanging" again.

The streamer on the word "Xuan" didn't hesitate this time, directly following Wang Qi's hand, rushing into his body, and then the book of spirit cards popped out automatically, and it went directly into the book of spirit cards.

After reading the Book of Spirit Cards, there is nothing strange on the back cover and front cover this time.Open the property page, and sure enough, there is a new property.

(End of this chapter)

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