Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 255 The Origin of the Secret Realm

Chapter 255 The Origin of the Secret Realm
[Hanging: It can be used once per hour. It is launched on a target, and the target is suspended in the air, unable to make any actions, and lasts for 5 seconds.The authority level is based on the highest level in the equipment card. 】

Sure enough, just as Wang Qi guessed, the word "hanging" is a control skill, and the effect is very good. It can make the opponent hang upside down and make the opponent unable to move for a full five seconds. It is also very good to cooperate with Qiankun Gourd.

Speaking of which, I now have a bunch of increased active and passive skills in the attribute bar, and I feel that since my level has improved, the opportunities to obtain these have become more and more.

I don't know how many various attribute abilities those masters will have.

After receiving the reward, everything around him began to gradually disappear into nothingness.The billowing clouds marked an invisible road, and Wang Qi knew that this was the way out.

Walking along this road, Wang Qi soon left the ancient dream city and returned to the real world.

After reconnecting with the avatar and the Void Butterflies scattered all over the world, Wang Qi breathed a sigh of relief, and then he looked at the old man in front of him.

I don't know, the old man is also looking at him in surprise.

"Why, old man, don't you want to explain it to me?"

"You don't have amnesia?"

The two stared at each other, and then asked their own questions.

"Well, it seems that you are special."

The old man sighed and lowered his head.

"Is there any wine? If there is wine, I will tell you about the things here."

Wang Qi was kind and generous, not only took out the wine, but also took out a table, two stools, and some appetizers.

With the ruins of the ancient city and the wind and sand in the desert, the two of them just sat down and chatted while drinking.

"You are the first person who came out without amnesia."

The old man took a sip of his wine.

Wang Qixin said, probably because I have the master of data.

"Actually, you may not be able to guess my real identity." The old man said lightly, with some sadness in his eyes.

"The dream city you see is what the ruins in front of you used to look like. Everything you have experienced is actually what I have experienced."

He calmly revealed a shocking secret.

"Yes, I am a ghost who has survived from the slaughtered city at that time."

"A ghost again?" Wang Qi couldn't help thinking of the ghost that came out of Anduin's ruins.

But don't think about it for the time being, he is more concerned about what the old man said.

"I can still vividly remember the scene of that day. I only hate that I didn't have the power I have now, and I couldn't kill those damn soldiers. Even their souls have long since disappeared. In this world, only left me alone."

The old story is told from the mouth of the old man.

"This place itself is a happy and prosperous city. Caravans from all over the world will pass by here regularly. All countries need to maintain this business route. Many parties have troops stationed here, and no one will take action here. Therefore, we life is simple and joyful.”

"Until one day, a unified king appeared in the ancient land of Huabang. His iron hooves fought for him in all directions, and what he brought was either death or submission."

"Originally, all of this has nothing to do with us here. What we respect is not any dynasty. We think that we have a detached status and do not participate in state affairs."

"However, for some reason, some of the countries and forces protecting this city have offended the king, which made him very unhappy. Because of this, the flames of war have finally implicated this city."

"Although I was already a Spirit Card Master at that time, my strength was not strong, and I was far behind you now. Facing this ruthless iron hoof, I can only watch them destroy everything after all."

"I am unwilling, I am angry, and I have embarked on a long road of revenge."

"Finally, with my obsession, I destroyed that dynasty and all the executioners who had participated in this massacre."

"But when I turned around, I found that my hands were also covered with blood. Moreover, everything I want, there is no way to go back to the past."

"So I started wandering around, traveled all over the world, and witnessed the rise and fall of countless countries."

"Finally one day, I got such a spirit card. Its ability is very simple, it is to turn my thoughts into a dream, and then as long as others come in to experience this dream, there will be a total of 99999999 different spirit card masters. , have experienced this dream, and made a choice to protect the city in the dream, then the city will come from the dream to reality and become a real existence."

"It's just that I can't tell anyone about all this before he experienced it, otherwise all the previous entries will be invalidated, and we will start all over again. Of course, there is no problem in telling him afterwards."

"But I found that all the people who entered it and came out will be automatically erased by this dream. Even if I tell them, they will forget it completely. You are the only one whose memory has not disappeared."

After speaking, he looked at Wang Qi with complicated eyes.

"So, are you willing to tell me this in the hope that through my mouth, you can persuade more people to come here?"

Wang Qi understood what he meant.

"That's right, if you can still remember all this after you leave here, I hope you can help me. Although the target number is still far away, as long as there are a steady stream of spirit card masters coming, sooner or later they will gather enough people."

The old man took another sip of his wine and did not deny it.

After thinking about it, no matter what it is, this is a senior who has never known when he has lived to the present. His strength may have far exceeded Wang Qi's imagination. There is no harm in helping him. edge.

"No problem, if I can remember all of this, I will help you promote it." Wang Qi solemnly promised.

"However, senior, there is a problem. The total number of Spirit Card Masters in the world is only 1000 million. Even if you have all of them, it's still not enough for the number you need."

"Hehe, it's okay. As long as I stay here, I will make up enough one day. I have been waiting for thousands of years, and I don't care about waiting for thousands more."

The old man seemed very happy that Wang Qi was able to beat him, and a rare smile appeared on his face.

"That's true. There is another question, why don't you go to a crowded city to summon this secret realm? It's a bit remote and inconvenient for people to come here."

"Because this secret realm must rely on the ruins of this ancient city to exist."

The old man smiled wryly, as if he was also very helpless.

Knowing his purpose and difficulties, Wang Qi wanted to help him.

In front of the old man, Wang Qi took out his mobile phone, and then posted a post on the forum, not mentioning the story of the old man, but only saying that this secret realm can get great benefits, and his strength has improved a lot Cut, anyway, how to blow how to come.In this way, many people will be skeptical, and maybe they will come to satisfy their curiosity and find out.

Spending points to add a few eye-catching special effects to his post, people can't help but want to come in when they see it, so Wang Qi turned off his phone in satisfaction.

Sure enough, when he was doing these things, there was no problem with his memory.

"Senior, I have already spread this, but because some content is not suitable to say, so the effect is not certain."

"It's okay, as long as you want to help."

The old man was very satisfied.

"By the way, senior, after talking for a long time, I still don't know your name."

Wang Qi suddenly had a thought and thought of something.

"Hehe, my name has long been forgotten in the wind and sand. If you insist on calling me by a name, just call me Fengzhongxian."

Old man, no, Feng Zhongxian gave Wang Qi a name that sounded very tall and incomparable, which formed a strong contrast with his simple and rough appearance.

After thinking for a while, Wang Qi decided to tell him what he thought.

"Senior Feng Zhongxian, in fact, I still have an unfeeling request." Wang Qi said tentatively.

"Tell me, anyway, you have helped me, as long as you say, I can give you some pointers."

"Well, you used to be my master in the secret realm before, and even taught me a set of sword techniques. Can you really teach me?"

After finally catching an old senior who has lived for an unknown amount of time, what can I do if I don't hurry up and hug my thighs tightly.


Feng Zhongxian looked Wang Qi up and down, seemed to be thinking for a while, took a sip of wine, and finally nodded.

"Forget it, even in a dream, if you call me master, I accept your love again, and I will recognize this apprentice."

So, witnessing the ruins of the ancient city, Wang Qi bowed three times and kowtowed nine times, offering fragrant tea, and recognized a master.

No matter what, Feng Zhongxian was able to overthrow a dynasty with his own strength, and after thousands of years of cultivation, he is no longer a mortal.Wang Qi was very satisfied with being able to report this thigh.

"Master, can I ask why you have to sit here like this all the time? You don't build a house or anything. Is this a kind of cultivation?"

Wang Qi asked the first question.

"Fart! At that time, I didn't know that after the secret realm was opened, I couldn't move, and I couldn't leave here, so I had to carry it so hard!"

Once he became a master and apprentice, Feng Zhongxian spoke a lot more casually.

"Oh, fortunately, the master is not a mortal, and he can survive by eating the wind and drinking the dew." Wang Qi quickly wiped off his sweat, and then patted the horse.

Now that Feng Zhongxian said so, and the master had something to do with his disciples, Wang Qi simply ran to the nearest city in the sun chariot, bought a lot of building materials and supplies, and then simply released five prisoners. Let them help build a house for the master.

Why is the physical fitness of a group of spirit card masters still there, this kind of physical work is also very simple.

(End of this chapter)

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