Chapter 256
As soon as the five people came out of the gourd, they were worried that Wang Qi was going to kill the donkey, and at the same time rejoiced that they finally saw the sun again. They saw that there was only a vast desert outside, and there was only a piece of ruins and an old man in front of them. They couldn't help being dumbfounded, and then felt sad .

But form is better than people, so they had no choice but to accept their fate and work.

Wang Qi gave each of the five people a low-level internal strength card so that they could continue to practice spiritual power, and gave some low-level item cards to at least ensure that they had something to use.Then they arranged the work for them and limited them to build the house within two days.

The five people over there were working hard, and here Wang Qi was satisfied with the service of Feng Zhongxian. The more he looked at the moon, the more he felt that Wang Qi was pleasing to the eye.

This apprentice is good, he has secrets, can resist the memory erasure of his spirit card, and has filial piety. As soon as he hears about the hardships the master has experienced here, he hurriedly builds a house and buys things, and even buys five. It's really good for coolies to serve me.

He was satisfied, so naturally he gave Wang Qi advice.

With a wave of the hand, an invisible barrier appeared around the two of them, all the sounds from the outside world disappeared, and the wind and sand beside them also became quiet, as if the two had entered a separate world.

"Okay, tell me what you want to learn." Feng Zhongxian said to Wang Qi.

"Master, I feel that although I have a lot of spirit cards, the effects are very strong, and I have also reached level 100, and entered the physical state. But every time I face the enemy head-on, I feel a little overwhelmed. Insufficient strength, it is not smooth to fight."

"Oh? Let me see your spirit card first." Feng Zhongxian touched his chin and made this request.

Wang Qi gave him all the Spirit Cards he used most often.Of course, some of the most critical spirit cards, such as data master, fusion, non-existent avatars, or the special effects of Zhenling sacrifice to heaven, exile from the spirit world, and domain exchange, will not be exposed to anyone. Wang Qi did not take out the human ones.

What he took out was only his internal and external strength, a few commonly used abilities and weapons.

Feng Zhongxian admired it in his heart, but Ling Ka took a closer look, said "Damn", and then threw the card back to Wang Qi.

"You call it very effective? Your spirit card has already fouled, okay!" Feng Zhongxian couldn't help complaining.

He took a sip of wine, thought about it, and then said.

"At your level, you can get these spirit cards, unless you have others behind you to support you, otherwise this is already a great luck. If you think these spirit cards are not strong, then you are useless at all it is good!"

He pointed out Wang Qi's problem without mercy.

"Not to mention anything else, just talk about your internal strength card. This is the top-level internal strength card I have ever seen. If you practice this internal strength card alone, it can produce extraordinary effects. But you, I Guess, you probably only regard this internal strength card as a basic tool for cultivating spiritual power?"

He pointed at Wang Qi's internal strength card, "Heaven and Earth Great Happiness and Freedom Fu", and shook his head regretfully.

"Inner strength card, inner strength card, why is it called this name? Because what he changed is a spirit card master. In ancient times we called it a practitioner, the most inner thing."

"The reason why a spirit card master is different from ordinary people is because a spirit card master has a bit of 'spirit'. Without this bit of spirit, how can you use all kinds of strange spirit cards?"

"You probably have forgotten, maybe many spirit card masters will not notice, when you just became a spirit card master, you have not started to practice spiritual power, the only bit of spiritual power that exists in your body. That is the key, That is the difference between a fairy and a mortal!"

Yifan preached, and Wang Qi fell into deep thought.

Indeed, I have a sharp spirit card like fusion, so all the way through the fusion, the speed of improving the spirit card is so fast that even an old monster like the master can't help complaining.However, because the spirit card was upgraded too fast and was constantly being updated, on the contrary, I didn't dig deep into and use some of the effects of the spirit card.

"So, what you should do now is not to pay too much attention to obtaining new spirit cards, but to thoroughly study these spirit cards in your hand first."

Feng Zhongxian saw through what Wang Qi was thinking.

"Understood, master. Then what should I do?"

Wang Qi humbly asked for advice.

"It's very simple, use it more, think more about it." Feng Zhongxian took another sip of wine.

"The effects of many spirit cards are not as simple as what is written in his attributes, or some effects will not be written at all. You must know that in ancient times, the effects of spirit cards were not like what they are now, and they were more ambiguous. It is because the spirit card has been evolving. Of course, if you want to say that there are gods who are constantly updating behind it, that is also possible."

It turns out that Lingka still has such secrets, which is very interesting.Wang Qi secretly kept these words in his heart.

"You still don't understand after talking so much, you'd better experience it yourself."

As he spoke, Feng Zhongxian assumed a cross-legged meditation posture, and began to activate his own internal energy card.

Immediately, in Wang Qi's eyes, Feng Zhongxian became a little different.

That is a special breath.When he was breathing, Wang Qi felt that the sky and the earth trembled together, and the space resonated.

This feeling made Wang Qi very depressed. He had a feeling that he couldn't operate his spiritual power normally. The spiritual power in his body became very stagnant, and he was very uncomfortable from head to toe.

Just posing a pose, exercising his internal strength, and taking a few simple breaths gave Wang Qi an irresistible feeling.

"How, do you feel it?"

Feng Zhongxian retracted her posture and returned to her normal appearance, immediately letting Wang Qi breathe a sigh of relief.

"I feel it. It turns out that the internal strength card is really neglected by me too much."

Wang Qi nodded, indicating that he already understood.

"Now that you understand the internal strength card, the external strength card has the same meaning."

"Do you know why the same ability is used, but it is divided into two types: external skill card and ability card? Or, do you know the difference between the two?"

The Immortal in the Wind looks like Wang Qi who is trying to teach him.

"Hmm..." Wang Qi thought for a while, "I think it's probably because of the different ways of using it?"

Because of Feng Zhongxian's reminder, his master of data was running quickly in his mind, and he found the difference between the two in an instant.

Upon hearing this, Feng Zhongxian nodded slightly.

"Tell me about it."

"The ability card is to provide spiritual power to the spirit card, and then the spirit card will automatically give you a fixed result through a mechanism similar to a fixed program. The input spiritual power is related to the attribute of the ability card itself, and is not determined by the user. Control yourself."

"Although the external power card also uses spiritual power, it is more about giving you a spiritual power operation method similar to internal power, and then you can control the input and control of the spiritual power yourself, so as to achieve the preset goal of the spiritual card itself. Effect."

"The difference between the two is like, one you pay someone to sing to you, the other you pay someone to teach you how to sing, and then you sing a song yourself."

After thinking about it, Wang Qi expressed his opinion.

"... You pretended not to know before? Isn't this a thorough analysis?"

Feng Zhongxian looked at him a little speechlessly.

"No, no, if it weren't for your awakening, master, I would never have thought about these things before."

Wang Qi hurriedly answered modestly.

"Okay. You've made it clear yourself, so you don't need me to teach you how to do it." Feng Zhongxian waved his hand, and suddenly felt that the apprentice who was thinking so fast was a little tired.

"I'll just give you a suggestion. Don't you modern people have a lot of literary and film works? Don't look at those are made up by ordinary people, but some things are really very interesting. I thought it was written by some old monster Things. You should look at those things more, learn more about the ideas in them, and don’t think of yourself as a thing you call a computer.”

"No matter how good the link card is, it is software, but you are not a computer, you are a user. Don't let the computer limit your thinking. Sometimes software can do many things beyond its own design."

Unexpectedly, Feng Zhongxian is quite clear about the things outside, regardless of how long she has been here, and she also knows terms such as computers and software.

"After talking about the Spirit Card, let's talk about your physical problem."

Feng Zhongxian then changed the topic to Wang Qi's physical fitness.

"Didn't your physical fitness improve a lot when you reached level 100 or above? However, you didn't feel any obvious improvement in your physical fitness?"

"That's because you haven't developed the power represented by these physical qualities at all."

"The current spirit card masters are very convenient. After reading the spirit card book, they can know how much strength and speed they have. But these values ​​are only the level you should be able to achieve in theory, not what you can actually display now. degree."

"The simplest thing is, do you know what the effect will be if you have 1 point of strength? What about 10 points of strength? How about 100 points?"

Wang Qi shook his head blankly, he hadn't thought about it at all.

"Look, you don't know at all. So, even if you have [-] points of power on the panel now, what you actually exert is the strength you usually adapt to. The rest of the power you should be able to exert is still hidden in you. The inside of the body, you didn't develop him."

"So you will feel that after you have reached level 100, you have obviously entered the physical state, and you have become a so-called physical state master, why you still don't feel much change. This is the root cause."

"At this time, what you need to do is to combine your external strength cards to develop your body."

"The two complement each other. While experiencing and comprehending the internal attributes of the external power card, at the same time, using the external power card to enhance the development of the body's potential, so that one's true level can be fully reflected, and one can truly understand and possess the strength in line with the "physical state" .”

"Yes, Master!"

Wang Qi bowed sincerely.

(End of this chapter)

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