Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 257 The chapter is finally here

Chapter 257 is finally back

The Immortal Wind has pointed out the way for him, and with his brilliant mind (boasting) and the help of the Master of Data, it is inevitable that he will go in the right direction.

After receiving their magical powers, Feng Zhongxian and Wang Qi returned to the normal environment.Those five people were still working tirelessly to build the house, Wang Qi went back to the city to buy a bunch of other messy things.

As a result, the fairy in the wind who was still living like a beggar in the primitive society suddenly lived a high-end and luxurious life of a civilized person.

At the moment, he is sitting in a room converted from a temporary transitional container. There are a large number of solar power panels outside to supply sufficient electricity to the room, and all kinds of modern electrical appliances are available in the house.

He happily took a sip of Wang Qixiaojing's fine wine, then lay comfortably on the luxurious leather sofa, and turned on the TV with the remote control.

The TV is naturally connected to a satellite dish, and all it receives are satellite signals, so you can watch the latest programs.Wang Qi bought it for 100 years at one time, so he might not be able to see it.

Wang Qi didn't think it was enough, so he dug a deep water well with the drilling machine he bought next to the open space outside. The continuous groundwater was directly pumped up, and after passing through a complicated filtering system, it became clear and sweet tap water.

Water, electricity, internet, and accommodation have all been taken care of by the master. Wang Qi also assigned a long-term task to the nearest Spirit Card Association to deliver various daily necessities here regularly.In this way, from now on, Fairy in the Wind will be able to live a comfortable life.

"Wang Qi, you apprentice, I feel a little embarrassed for doing this."

Feng Zhongxian looked at all this with satisfaction, and he was naturally happy to have good enjoyment. No one is born to like to suffer.It's just that I had obsessions before and didn't move casually, so I couldn't do it myself.You must know that when he ran around the world before, his food and supplies were never worse than they are now.

"It's okay, master, I honor you for this." Wang Qi chuckled, "From now on, master, you will be my thigh. If I have any troubles, I will have to carry it for me, master."

"No problem!" Feng Zhongxian touched his chin, "There are really few guys in this world that Feng Zhongxian is afraid of. If you have trouble, just come to me!"

Not to mention, the Feng Zhongxian recorded in the Spirit Card Association didn't like to talk at all, but now that he became Wang Qi's master, he talked a lot.

"Hey, thank you, master!"

Wang Qi was happy to serve him, and got a backer.He also didn't think that the Fairy in the Wind might be a liar or something.But who would have nothing to do and go to this place where the birds don't shit and stay for who knows how many years just to lie to themselves?According to the records of the Spirit Card Association, he doesn't know when he has been here.

Five laborers, still very capable laborers, worked together, and the house was built quickly.

In less than two days, a single-family Xiaobieye, which looks very good, with thick and durable walls, and is not afraid of wind and sand erosion, just stood up next to the ruins of the ancient city in the desert.

All other equipment and so on are protected with the same building, and this settlement is completely completed.Feng Zhongxian and Wang Qi were very satisfied, and Wang Qi even praised the five of them, making them all heave a sigh of relief.

"Well, from now on, you five, stay with my master and listen to his orders. From now on, don't think about the crooked ways of the Salvation Society, otherwise I have plenty of ways to deal with you."

Wang Qi said to the five people indifferently.The five people lowered their eyebrows and agreed in unison.

If you don't agree, you can't do it. This guy is so powerful. The five of them got caught up without a sound, and they were imprisoned by him for a long time. They were finally released. They were still in the middle of the desert, without means of transportation, and they didn't even know how to run. how to run.

And his master, that old guy is not simple at first glance, when he taught Wang Qi these two days, he occasionally showed a little momentum, which scared the five of them.No matter what, he must be a master who is several times stronger than his own president.

Besides, Wang Qi had searched all the useful spirit cards from them before, the effect of "Your name is baa name" is not clear to others, but the black-robed man No. [-] knows it best.Their names had already been interrogated by Wang Qi. With this spirit card, they couldn't escape even if they wanted to, and they had to come back by themselves.

What's more, the existence of the "Nightmare Weaving God's Pen" that none of the five of them knew existed. It was really easy for Wang Qi to clean them up from a distance.

So, leaving the five people here to be encouraged by Feng Zhongxian, Wang Qi bid farewell to his master and left here.

In the past two days, he has been learning the cultivation and mastering of internal skills cards with his master.

Because "Heaven and Earth Da Xiaoyao Zi Zi Fu" is a kind of internal strength with dual attributes of wind and water, which is carried in its own attributes, and it can get twice the result with half the effort in the environment of wind attribute or water attribute, so the master suggested him to find one of the two. Concentrate on cultivation in a place with excellent attributes, so that you can better improve yourself.

Feng Zhongxian was used to being lonely by herself, so she didn't need his company by her side.What's more, Wang Qi also left him five coolies to order, which was enough for him, and he didn't have any more needs.

According to Feng Zhongxian's advice, Wang Qi has now made a decision to go to sea.

Feng Zhongxian once traveled around most of the world. Wang Qi heard from Sha Wudao that Feng Zhongxian had been to all the four seas. Fuck the shit.

Therefore, he told Wang Qi that he must not go to Xihai, and if he did, he must not report his name, otherwise there would be a possibility of being chased and killed by all Xihai members.

Then he recommended a good place to Wang Qi. It was an island located in the depths of the East China Sea. There was constant strong wind all year round. There was also a natural spring in the island. The environment was very unique and it was a very nice small island.

Of course, this island is beyond the reach of ordinary people in the East China Sea, so naturally Wang Qi can only rely on Wang Qi to find it.

"By the way, I have to tell you one more thing. If you want to go out and run around, there is a taboo to remember, don't fly too high."

Before leaving, Feng Zhongxian stopped Wang Qi and gave him special instructions.

"Master, is there any problem with flying too high?"

Wang Qi was very curious.He has never really been able to fly particularly high, whether it is the diamond flying dragon, the sun chariot, or the newly obtained sword control technique, they all fly within a few kilometers from the ground, no matter how high he has never gone up.

"Well, to be precise, don't fly more than [-] meters."

Feng Zhongxian directly gave an exact number.

"Above [-] meters there are things that you can't even see. Don't be too curious."

"...Okay, I'll keep an eye out."

After bidding farewell to his master, Wang Qi stopped driving and returned quickly in the sun chariot.Of all the spirit cards in his hand that can be used as means of transportation, this one is still the fastest.

After returning to the city limits, Wang Qi decided to go home first.

After all, it's been so long since I've been out, since I'm going to go on a long-term trip, it's better to go home and say hello.

Originally, it was best for the main body and the avatar to stay at home and the other to go out and wander.But now who let the avatar still follow the ghost who ran out of the Anduin Trial Temple, one wants to use the ability of Zhenling Sacrifice to Heaven to exploit more spirit cards from him, and the other wants to see , Where does this guy want to go, maybe he can fish in troubled waters and make a profit from it.

It's just that the ghost looked awesome when he teleported to and from the spirit world during the battle before, but in the end, he drifted slowly all the way. The clone followed him for so many days, and he was still wandering around in the primitive jungle with no end in sight.

In this case, I had no choice but to go back home and tell my parents that I was going on a long business trip.

It just so happened that I didn't go back for a while, to see my acquaintances.

After booking the air ticket, Wang Qi flew back to the long-lost Shuian City that night.

Because it was already night, Wang Qi didn't intend to disturb the boss and the others.So I went straight back to my house.

It's ridiculous to say that Wang Qi hasn't lived in this house since he bought it. He was blinded by such a high house price. It's a waste to leave it empty for a day.

When I find a chance to tell my parents that I have made a lot of money, let them move here to live.

As a result, on the night of returning home, Wang Qi encountered the long-lost Spirit Card Domain.

"Hey, I don't know if it's bad luck or something."

Fields are very rare in the wild. This thing is really easy to appear in places with more people, and it will definitely be refreshed in cities.

But it just so happened that Wang Qi's main body and avatar hadn't been in the city circle much recently, so it felt like the domain hadn't been brushed for many days.

Walking out of the dilapidated room, Wang Qi walked to the bed, looking at the dark field outside the window, a little dumbfounded.

"It seems that no one has come to clean up for the time being. Forget it, I will do it myself."

Jumping out of the window, Wang Qi summoned the Howling Moon Shadow Wolf and the Diamond Flying Dragon, stepped on the flying sword and took out the Miracle Compass to find the Natural Spirit Card first.

The scope of this field is not too large, and the level of natural monsters is not too high, only more than 30 levels.Even elites and bosses are only up to level 50.

Therefore, the Xiaoyue Shadow Wolf didn't even draw enough spiritual power from the little monster to summon the clone. Its body and the Diamond Flying Dragon worked together to kill the boss.

Randomly clicked the settled spirit card, and the natural spirit card already in his hand was automatically turned into a spirit card. Wang Qi never felt that swiping the domain could be so easy.

But this is not enough, because my vision is already higher, and I can't just stare at my eyes.

However, now I can finally realize how boring Gongxi and Yu are, and they can only do these things day after day.No wonder the cleaning companies couldn't recruit too many people.

Quietly returning to the house from the air, Wang Qi planned to continue sleeping.

In the sky outside the window, a silent black figure suddenly appeared.

"It's strange, it came out immediately after the settlement, and someone moved faster than me."

He couldn't see any expression on his covered face, and he looked left and right, but couldn't find any traces.After hesitating for a moment, he finally disappeared from the sky and rushed to the next field.

Wang Qi slept soundly this time. After all, this is his own home, psychologically it is different from a hotel, and it must be much more comfortable to sleep than a hotel.

Waking up early the next morning, he opened his eyes, stretched, and sat up.

He took out some food from the Qiankun gourd and ate casually. After finding his car keys, Wang Qi turned around and went out.

He drove directly to the company building, and then Wang Qi went straight to the familiar 27th floor.

Sure enough, as soon as the door was opened, the boss was still lying on the sofa in the familiar posture, looking up at the ceiling and smoking in a daze, and no one else was in sight, presumably he was brushing the field outside.

(End of this chapter)

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