Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 258 Chapter Family

Chapter 258
"Morning boss!"

Wang Qi took the initiative to say hello, which caught Zhang Tiansheng's attention.

"Oh? Why are you back? Aren't you very happy to be wandering outside?"

Zhang Tiansheng was a little surprised that it was Wang Qi.

"Khan, I wandered around, but I also encountered many dangers."

Wang Qi sweated immediately.

"Anyway, I see that you are playing well, and I didn't intend to call you back. Why, come back suddenly, what's the matter?"

Zhang Tiansheng rolled his eyes at Ren'er.

"Come back to see you, and by the way, hand over all the people who should be handed over to the company for the next two months."

As he said that, Wang Qi handed over the part of the Spirit Card that he had prepared before going out, and that he had put in the Book of Spirit Cards to be part of it.

These are of course selected and handed over if the harvest is not very good. Anyway, as long as you pay enough according to the number of times, it is very clear in the contract.

"It seems that you are going to go away again."

Zhang Tiansheng didn't hesitate, he directly took the stack of spirit cards, put them in his pocket without even looking at them.

"Yes, so come back to see everyone, then go home to see my parents, and then I will be away for a long time."

"Where are you planning to go? Tell me."

"I'm going to go to sea."

"Wang Qi," Zhang Tiansheng sat up straight suddenly, and looked at him seriously, "You are young, just tell me you are short of money, but don't go on such an evil path!"

"...Where do you want to go! I want to go into the sea! It's literally! I'm going to go to the East China Sea!"

"Tsk, that's really a pity."

"Boss, you just clicked your tongue, right! I heard it!"

Then Wang Qi briefly told him about his experience of wandering around during this period of time.

After a while, several people who had completed the 8 o'clock field refresh all returned to the company. They were surprised to see Wang Qi, and Wang Qi had no choice but to tell his recent experience again.

"Brother Heyu, let's go out to play sometime!"

Lingyi looked at Gongxi and Yu with anticipation.

"Girl, are you planning to elope now?"

Zhang Tiansheng rolled his eyes helplessly.

"Haha, Ah Qiu, should we take turns traveling as well? I haven't even visited the secret places Wang Qi mentioned."

"It's a pity that there are no famous secret places in Shui'an City."

Ye Tianbing and Qiu Mingshan were also very excited, they both wanted to go out and wander around like Wang Qi.

"If we all leave, will it be hard for Dad to be alone at home?"

Lingyi suddenly looked at Zhang Tiansheng worriedly.

"Don't worry, your dad won't work hard. We're all gone, so he'll sleep in the company every day. Anyway, the field exists for a short time now, and it will disappear in time. As long as it doesn't show up with us, you don't have to worry about it. "

"Hey, you accidentally got the truth!"

Several people joked with each other, it was very happy.

At noon to celebrate Wang Qi's return, everyone went out to have a good meal together.While eating, Wang Qi asked Ling Yi about Liu Manman's recent situation.

"Wang Qi, I don't know if it's appropriate for me to say something. I think sister Manman has gotten very close to my grand uncle recently."

"Ah, I probably guessed it too."

Wang Qi said it was not surprising at all.

"Actually, the last time I contacted Octopus, he already said that if he doesn't come back for a long time, let me tell Liu Manman that my uncle is very nice, so don't wait for him."

He paused and took a sip of tea.

"I thought about it, and it's true. Zhang Yuxiang seems to be doing well there, but he won't be able to come back for a short time. The relationship between him and Manman is not very strong, so he treats them like this. Actually nothing."

"Oh, I didn't see it. Octopus is still a very open-minded person. I didn't say that kind of begging for nothing to make people wait for her. I gave him a high look."

When Ye Tianbing heard it, he couldn't help interjecting.

"That's all right, all right, don't worry so much about other people's affairs, you two should hurry up and find a partner, don't you two really want to form a CP for the rest of your life?"

Zhang Tiansheng scolded Ye Tianbing angrily.

"Mouth! I already have a target and I'm chasing after it!"

Qiu Mingshan quickly stood up.

"Whose girl, it's better for you not to harm Tian Bing."

Suzuki immediately made a knife.

Everyone burst into laughter all of a sudden.

After the meal, Zhang Tiansheng and the others did not stay with Wang Qi.Anyway, he has handed over all his members, and the rest of the time is in his own right, so there is nothing to say.

But before leaving, Zhang Tiansheng, together with Gongxi and Yu, stopped Wang Qi from left to right and gave him a few words of advice.

"Wang Qi, we don't object to you asking for a master. On the contrary, what your master said is very correct. Practice the spirit card in your hand well. If you really use it, you can become a master like me. gone."

Zhang Tiansheng took a puff of his cigarette, pretending lightly.

"Hehe, boss, I will work hard."

Wang Qi had no choice but to say a few perfunctory words.

"Wang Qi, remember that you helped me bring this knife back earlier?"

Gongxi and Yu asked him a question.There was a knife case on the back of his waist. Wang Qi found that he had never taken it off since he came back, and he already guessed that it was that knife.

"I remember. Brother Heyu, I have always wanted to ask you, are you also looking for a way to develop this sword into a spirit card? Unfortunately, I don't know if there is any place similar to Emei Sword Mountain."

Wang Qi asked curiously.

"Yes. But, I don't want to turn this knife into a spirit card, but to use it to continue to practice my way of the knife."

Gongxi and Yu lightly pushed their glasses.

"I want to continue to hone my sword skills with this knife. When I can use an ordinary knife and still use my knife skills to the extreme, that is the point of my sword skills. Time."

"So that's how it is!" Wang Qi was awed immediately, "No wonder the boss has been smoking, so the boss wants to find his own flue!"

"Cough, cough, damn your flue, you think I'm a range hood!"

Zhang Tiansheng was immediately overwhelmed and almost choked on the cigarettes he had smoked for decades.

"Haha, just kidding. I understand what you said, and I will practice seriously!"

Wang Qi said to the two seriously.No need to say any words of thanks, everyone understands.

Ye Tianbing and Qiu Mingshan patted Wang Qi's shoulder together.

"Little brother, you have grown too fast. It took us a lot of time to reach your level. Now that your chances are not bad and you have a chance to become stronger, then move on, maybe wait for you If you come back again, you will become the most powerful third master in Shui'an City!"

Ye Tianbing encouraged Wang Qi carelessly.

"Brother Tianbing, don't be so sensational, maybe I'll be back in a month, don't make it look like life and death!"

Wang Qi didn't know whether to laugh or cry and looked at the few people who didn't know what to say.

"That's right. Did we drink too much to be a bit high, why is it a bit embarrassing?"

Qiu Mingshan suddenly felt a little weird, and couldn't say what he wanted to entrust.

"Isn't it all my father's fault!" Ling Yi found out the culprit.

Everyone laughed together and bid farewell to Wang Qi amidst laughter.

After returning home to pack up his things, Wang Qi drove back to his home that afternoon.

Both parents are at work. Although they have reached the age of retirement, they still can't stay at home and continue to exert their spare energy in their respective positions.So when Wang Qi arrived home, it happened to be the time when the two of them were about to go home from get off work.

"Dad, Mom! I'm back!"

Without going upstairs at all, Wang Qi stood beside his car and greeted his parents.

"Hey, why are you back?"

The old couple hurried forward, squeezed this and patted that to see what happened to Wang Qi.

"Hi, I just came back to see you on a business trip." Wang Qi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Let's go out to eat today, I'll treat you!"

So Wang Qi, under the surprised and gratified eyes of the old couple, drove them to a nice restaurant nearby and had a good meal.

It turned out that when Wang Qi was growing up, the three members of his family would come here for a good meal every birthday or something happy to celebrate.Over the past few decades, the boss has also become familiar with each other.

After skillfully ordering a few dishes, Wang Qi poured tea for his parents respectively, and then started to tell them something.

"Dad, Mom, let me tell you something."

"What's the matter? Are you short of money? Or have you been bullied outside? It's okay. If you can't, you can come back. Our place is small, but people have a good heart. Finding a job here is no worse than yours! "

Before Wang Qi could speak, Wang Qi's mother asked several questions directly, and even began to plan for him what to do and where to live when he came back.

"Hi, what. What I want to say is that I have a good job and the company pays me well. I have made several big deals for the company, so I bought a house in Shui'an and saved a lot of money. You two Live in Shui'an!"

Wang Qi quickly stated his purpose.

"Buying a house? How much money do you earn and you spend it recklessly, and you don't say anything about such a big thing as buying a house!" My mother was a little anxious when she heard this.

"Tell us, where did you buy the house? How big is it? What's the type of apartment?"

So Wang Qi talked to the old couple for a long time, and finally explained the fact that he owns a good house.Of course, for their peace of mind, I didn't dare to say that I bought it. I only said that the company had advanced part of it, and I had borrowed part of it, and I am currently repaying the loan.

"Your company is really good. You can give you this kind of reward for newcomers who have just graduated. You must give it to the boss to do a good job!"

Dad nodded in relief, and then told Wang Qi.

"Son, now that you have a house, what about your wife? Last time your second uncle said he introduced one to you. How did the talk go?"

His mother quickly took the opportunity to ask the most concerned question.

"Ah, we're still talking. We're fine. She's on a long business trip recently and hasn't had a chance to come over. When she comes, I'll bring it to you."

Wang Qi quickly described Xiaobai's general situation, and praised her a little bit.

"That's fine. You have to be nice to them. It's not easy to find a wife now, and it's even more difficult to find a good one. Don't do stupid things and let her slip away from you. Then I won't smoke you."

(End of this chapter)

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