Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 259 Here I Come Again

Chapter 259 Here I Come Again
Now that they heard what they wanted to hear the most, the old couple nodded contentedly and enjoyed eating even more. Wang Qi's father even took the opportunity to drink two more glasses.

It wasn't until the family of three returned home after eating and Wang Qi returned to his familiar room that he felt at peace.

The golden nest and the silver nest are not as good as your own kennel.Looking at the place where he grew up, Wang Qi suddenly felt that there is no place in the world where he is more comfortable.

However, the proposal during the meal was still rejected by the old couple. They said that Wang Qi’s house should be lived by himself. It's not embarrassing.Besides, they don't want to be idle, and they are reluctant to live in the old house for decades, so let's stay like this.

After thinking about it, he thought it was right, so Wang Qi didn't persuade him any more.But after he came back, he still transferred 100 million to his parents.If it wasn't for the fear of frightening them by exposing too much at one time, Wang Qi would have liked to show the old couple all his wealth.It is better to proceed step by step, so that they can accept it psychologically.

"This is my honor to you as a son. Don't refuse. I am very capable now and can earn a lot of money. When I earn more in the future, I will honor you even more!"

It's easy to say, let the old couple accept the money.But judging by his mother's appearance, he would definitely go to the bank to quietly save it as a time deposit, the reason being that it will be used for Wang Qi's future marriage.

Wang Qi, who stayed at his home for one night, received the greatest recovery both physically and mentally.

The next day, his parents had to go to work, and he got up early. After the family had breakfast together, Wang Qi sent the old couple to work separately, bid them farewell, and said that he would continue his business trip.None of them can drive, so there is no need to keep the car.After the gradually exposed wealth increases, it will be good to provide the old couple with a driver.

However, he didn't forget to leave a number of Void Butterflies for the old couple to protect secretly. There is no upper limit for Void Butterflies, but he made a lot of effort to build some, and it's good to hide in the dark.

On the contrary, there is no sign of a spirit card master in this small place in his hometown. Wang Qi thinks that the safety of his parents should not be a big problem.

After saying goodbye to his parents, Wang Qi drove back to Shui'an, because only Shui'an has an airport.

The destination of Wang Qi’s air ticket this time is not anywhere else, but the city where he made a double trip before and released the little fish, Jinggang City.

The last time I went there in person, I didn't have the opportunity to visit this famous seaport city and eat local special seafood by the way, so Wang Qi simply chose this one among the many coastal cities this time, which is considered one of them. wish.

The speed of the plane was very fast, and Wang Qi arrived in Jinggang City on the same day, and then temporarily stayed in the hotel.

In fact, during the flight, Wang Qi did another thing, which was to switch his attention to the avatar.

The time has come for the second cauldron spirit of the avatar Zhenling Jitianding, and the sacrifice has been completed.

This time, because I chose a low-level monster that was randomly caught in the field, the speed of the sacrifice was very fast, and the sacrifice was easily completed as soon as the time came.

Last time, the highest attribute of the first monster was physical strength. After meeting the conditions, I got the mythical spirit card "Mystery of the Starry Sky" from the equipment card slot of the ghost.

Although Wang Qi's spiritual power is not enough to activate this spirit card, even if he puts this card in the free card slot to appreciate, it is more comfortable than putting him on the enemy to deal with himself!

And the monster prepared this time has the highest physical strength.Wang Qi's goal is very simple. It is to identify your "fate", "spirit" and "body". So there is a high probability that you can still get a new mythical spirit card.

After getting ready, Wang Qi didn't hesitate, and the avatar directly manipulated the diamond flying dragon under his seat to accelerate, and soon caught up with the ghost that he had been following far away.

The ghost still doesn't know where the destination is, and he doesn't need special means to move forward, but has been walking step by step in the boundless jungle with his feet on the ground.It's just that he doesn't need to rest, eat and drink, so he keeps walking, and he walks quite fast.

The current location has already left the scope of the human kingdom far away. According to the information Wang Qi read from the Spirit Card Association, this place should already be located within the territory of the Spirit Beast Kingdom or the Spirit Plant Kingdom.

In fact, except for the area occupied by the human kingdom, most of the land in the world belongs to spirit beasts and spirit plants.Although there are not many of them in total, and there are only 1000 million spirit card masters in the world when combined with human spirit card masters, the proportion of spirit beasts and spirit plants far exceeds that of humans, so the two are actually in a state of siege to humans .

However, since ordinary beasts and plants other than spirit beasts and spirit plants do not have more advantages than ordinary humans, they are not too persecuted, and the three parties will still rationally rely on some methods to determine the territory. This was the case with the Tri-Clan Tournament that Qi had previously played on behalf of.

After following the ghost for so long, Wang Qi strongly suspects that his destination is a spirit beast or a kingdom of spirit plants.Although I don't understand why this guy is advancing so down-to-earth, but this does not prevent Wang Qi from using his ability of suppressing spirits and offering sacrifices to heaven.

"Sacrificing to Heaven!"

Getting closer to the skill range next to the ghost, Wang Qi directly activated the effect of the tripod.

Immediately, Phantom felt his whole body tense up, unable to move.He was horrified to find that he had experienced the hateful state ten days ago again.

"Bastard! How dare you show up!"

The ghost was frightened and angry, wishing he could yell and curse, so he could only use the voice formed by the spirit to urge the billowing tide.He hated Wang Qi very much in his heart, he was surprised that this guy had followed him for ten days without a sound, and at the same time he was worried that he would be robbed of some kind of spirit card again.

Although his most important and precious spirit cards are all in the natal card slot, the spirit cards equipped in the ordinary card slots are also the most commonly used and most handy spirit cards, and he will feel distressed if any one is taken away.The change of owner of "Mystery of the Starry Sky" last time made him angry for a long time, but he didn't expect it to happen again now.

Wang Qi didn't care what this guy's psychological activity was. After the effect was activated, he felt the big empty hand full of anticipation, and pulled out the ghost's equipment card slot again, picking and choosing like grocery shopping.

This time, the three spirit cards equipped with slots still made the hand hesitate for a while, Wang Qi's eyes lit up, which means that the three spirit cards are all of the same level, otherwise, just choose the highest level, so there is no need to be so entangled ?
Sure enough, this time, after hesitating for a while, the big hand randomly chose the spirit card in the "body" slot.

"Haha! Got it!"

Wang Qi's avatar laughed loudly, caught the spirit card that appeared in his hand, put it directly into his book of spirit cards, and then ran straight away without stopping.

Trembling with phantom energy, he watched helplessly that another important spirit card was missing from his equipment card slot, and his angry mental roar even broke through the sky.

"Hey, there is a strange and powerful guy who appeared in the king's territory."

A wild boar raised his head, looked at the sky in front of him, looked at the torn clouds, he thought for a while, and then disappeared in a flash.

In the next second, it appeared at a point 500 meters away from its previous position.Without stopping, he flashed again.

Soon, he saw the target he was looking for, a guy who looked like a human, but not so human.The appearance is a bit weird, it's better to be cautious.

Thinking of this, the wild boar did not ask or provoke, but first blessed himself with seven or eight hundred layers of various protective shields.

"Hmph, when it comes to defensive ability, who under the boss dares to compare with me!"

The ghost was in a fit of anger, seeing the sudden appearance of a wild boar, he seemed to have found someone to vent his anger on.He used his attack ability without hesitation, and immediately fought with this wild boar with seven or eight hundred layers of defense.

Wang Qi's avatar watched the battle between the wild boar and the ghost that suddenly appeared below, while thinking for a while, then decisively switched the main body, came to the range above the two again in an instant, and then activated the second sacrificial beast on the main body side Cauldron Spirit's Heaven Worship effect.

As soon as the effect was activated, the ghost and the wild boar, who had been fighting in one place without any communication, were forced to stop all movements immediately, posing awkwardly in their respective poses, frozen there unable to move.

It's a pity that this state does not meet the conditions of the Qiankun Gourd, otherwise Wang Qi could have directly put these two into the Gourd and cleaned them up slowly.

"Fuck! Come back!"

The ghost's spiritual transmission resounded everywhere, and he also learned the high-level vocabulary of "fuck" to express emotions without a teacher.

Wang Qi's body covered his face and floated in the air behind the ghost's head. After activating his ability, he waited for the spirit card to be obtained after the activation of Jitian, and then cut back to the clone directly, disappearing from the perception of the ghost and the wild boar again.

Should it be said that it is the Zhenling Sacrifice to Heaven Cauldron? This kind of strong control effect is really strong.

However, when Wang Qi returned to the plane, he still reflected in his heart.

You can't underestimate the heroes of the world, what if someone can break this strong control effect?
I was still too reckless.Be more cautious in the future and only use clones to do this.

Just now, the main body was uneasy, but now that I recalled it, I noticed that the second time the effect of "sacrificing heaven" was activated, the ghost was lucky enough to be dodged. In the end, the big invisible hand squeezed a piece from the wild boar. Linka is back.

"It's a loss, what if it doesn't work."

Many of the spirit cards of spirit beasts are not suitable for human use. After all, they are the most suitable for themselves. Many beasts strengthen their bodies, or strengthen their atavistic ability, devouring ability, rough skin and thick flesh ability or There are not many species with sharp teeth and sharp teeth, as diverse as humans.

Opening the book of spirit cards, Wang Qi clicked and watched the two spirit cards he had just harvested, and immediately felt that it was worth it.

(End of this chapter)

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