Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 260 Seeing the Golden Carp Again

Chapter 260 Seeing the Golden Carp Again

"Arrow of the Starry Sky: External Power Card, mythical level. The first activation requires 8000000 points of spiritual power, and no need to use spiritual power after activation. It needs to have the attribute of star power. Consuming star power can create five starry sky arrows, with a range of 1 meters After the arrow hits, if the target is not dead, it will remain in the target's body for 1000 hour (cannot be expelled by powers other than star, holy, and world-destroying attributes), with the effect of "star power devouring", Each arrow causes the target to lose 10 points of spiritual power per second and replenish [-] points of star power. The arrow of the starry sky can be attached to any long-range attack, and the effect is compatible."

"Children of the Forest: Internal Strength Card, Mythical Level. Wood Attribute Internal Strength, Compatible with Any Attribute External Ability, Wood Attribute External Ability Attributes Extra +1200%, Earth Attribute Defensive Skills Defense Effect +500%. You must be in the forest when practicing, in the forest Every non-plant creature within a radius of 1000 meters can contribute 1 point of spiritual power to the cultivator for each practice. When practicing, it is automatically in the state of forest protection, and any creature in the forest cannot harm the cultivator. Every time 1000000 points are cultivated Spiritual power, increase all physical qualities by 400 points, and increase mental attributes by 20%."

Needless to say, the arrow of the starry sky, combined with the attacking card of the mystery of the starry sky before, is also a mythical level of high authority, although the effect is not much, but it is strong enough.

This card can also be used in conjunction with any long-range attack, so that your own firearms can also be used.It's a pity that there is still too much spiritual power that needs to be activated. I am not enough spiritual power now, so I can only put it on the shelf together with the mystery of the starry sky for the time being.

What's interesting is the second Mythical-level internal skill card that Wang Qi saw, the son of the forest.This is not like Wang Qi's internal strength card is the traditional martial arts internal strength. There is no fixed number of layers, no upper limit of cultivation, and it can be improved infinitely.

However, compared with Wang Qi's own internal strength card, this has both advantages and disadvantages.The disadvantage is that the conditions for its cultivation are too strict, and it must be practiced in the forest.But the advantage is that this kind of restriction brought stronger attribute enhancement, and the 20% increase in the spiritual attribute that made Wang Qi envious.

The algorithm is that for every 100 million points of spiritual power, the spirit can be increased by an additional 20%, that is, the first 100 million is (1+20%), and the second 100 million is (1+20%)^2 , and so on.

This is very scary.Just imagine, if the spiritual power is increased to 1000 million, not to mention that the total attribute has been increased by as much as 4000, which is a full 1000 points higher than Wang Qi's internal strength, and the spiritual attribute has become 6.19 times that of before. Ascension simply couldn't be stronger.

Wang Qi tried to use the master of data to analyze and model two spirit cards, and then deduced the possibility of merging the internal energy card of the child of the forest with his own internal energy card.

However, after several simulations, the two did not merge, and the result of the deduction was that the fusion failed.

This made Wang Qi very regretful, so he could only put away this spirit card for the time being.

No matter what, this is a mythical internal strength card. Even if it is sold out, it can be sold for a sky-high price and be robbed by others, so let's keep it for now.

Switching back to the avatar, watching the distraught ghost fight the wild boar that ran out for no reason for several rounds, the roar of the ghost's mental power resounded throughout the forest, startling countless birds in the forest.

However, this ghost really deserves to be an old antique that has survived from ancient civilizations. It is covered with various high-end spirit cards. Even though Wang Qi took away two cards that he had never seen before, there are still endless tricks. Presumably he There are also a large number of spare spirit cards in the free card slot.

When his anger value was full, although the boar was also very strong, it still couldn't resist the roar that attracted its companions, so it was directly beheaded by the ghost, and its huge body was also drilled out from under the ghost's cloak. Countless black awns ate it up, and there was not even a single residue left.

After venting his anger, the ghost looked around, but the avatar had already fled far away, and he couldn't find the Void Butterfly at all, so he could only continue to move towards his goal down-to-earth after being incompetent and furious for a while.

"I really want to loot all the spirit cards on him..."

Seeing the powerful strength of the ghost, Wang Qi can only drool.

Shaking his head, he separated a few Void Butterflies to follow the wild boar and other spirit beasts who dared to come, and the clone continued to follow the ghost.

The story here is just a small episode, and it does not affect that Wang Qi has already lived in the best hotel in Jinggang City.

After thinking that he didn't miss anything, Wang Qi set up his computer again, preparing to collect information on the trading platform for the last time and buy some useful spirit cards before leaving the city and entering the sea.

At this time, beside a pier in Jinggang City.

"Hey, Comrade Fifth, have you found the boat yet?"

A very young Taoist priest in Taoist robes with a bun on his head asked rudely to the very handsome guy in casual clothes beside him.

"What's the rush? Is it so easy to find a boat to go to sea?"

These two people were the Fifth Wangxian and Shi Xiaozhu who sneaked here at some time in the imperial capital.

"Go find it if you haven't found it yet! Why are there so many ink stains?"

Taoist Shi Xiaozhu yelled at Fifth Wangxian unceremoniously.

"Tsk, don't think that if I accompany you out, I will become your servant. If you are in a hurry, I will do it!"

"Come on, let's do it! Who is afraid of whom!"

Seeing two people rubbing their hands and rolling up their sleeves, they looked like they were really going to fight first, and the third person standing beside him who hadn't spoken hastily spoke up to persuade them to fight.

"Okay, okay, calm down, you two. Brother Wangxian, you too, why are you fighting with children?"

The person who spoke, if Wang Qi was here, would definitely recognize him, it was Xu Wen who had met Jiang Yong's Xu family with his avatar before.

"What a child! My majestic Lord of History, why am I a child!"

Shi Xiaozhu suddenly cried out unconvinced.

"Hey, don't shout around, I'm afraid no one will know how powerful you are! Don't forget what your master told you!"

Fifth Wangxian was dissatisfied and directly hit Shi Xiaozhu on the head with a hand knife, and immediately beat Shi Xiaozhu on the head, and his words were not easy.

"Okay, okay. Brother Wangxian, I think it's better for us to stay temporarily. Master Honglu said that there is no need to rush this trip. When the opportunity comes, we will move forward. I think this is the case now, and we will also Don't be in a hurry."

"That's fine, I'll listen to you." Fifth Wangxian said with a helpless expression as he firmly supported Shi Xiaozhu, who was baring his teeth and claws.

The three of them went directly back to Jinggang City and found a hotel to stay.Coincidentally, this hotel is exactly where Wang Qi stayed.

The next day Wang Qi got up and went to the Spirit Card Association to get some Spirit Cards ordered last night, and then drove to a less crowded beach in the suburbs of Jinggang City to prepare to go to sea.The Fifth Wangxian and the other three also drove to the beach together after getting up and eating.Coincidentally, Wang Qi and them actually drove together, but no one knew about it.

At this time, it happened to be twelve o'clock in the noon again, which coincided with the time for the field to be refreshed.Then... Wang Qi discovered that he had entered the realm again.

It is said that this kind of thing has been encountered many times, and it will not feel strange.After all, I am moving on the road, and driving around will inevitably crash into the new realm.

The three people not far behind naturally also entered the field together.However, we were separated by two streets and did not find each other.

Wang Qi got out of the car, put the car away, and Duan Zhi first took out the Miracle Compass to look for the Natural Spirit Card.Now that you know that the Miracle Compass can be used in this way, you will naturally not let go of any areas you encounter in the future, and there will never be another thing where someone else picks peaches after you have worked so hard to beat the boss.

"Come out, Diamond Flying Dragon, Howling Moon Shadow Wolf."

Summoning his two powerful generals, Wang Qi stepped on the steam breaking wind sword, held the elemental tyranny with his right hand, and went directly to the air, leaving only the shadow wolf on the ground, facing the group of mobs alone, Start to absorb spiritual energy.The Void Butterflies have already spread out to help him gain the vision of God in the field.

With a random shot, Wang Qi got useful information in this field, and Wang Qi showed a slightly astonished expression.

[Donghai Koi Soldier: Level 87]
At first glance, the name is closely related to the East China Sea. I didn't expect to see this kind of monster related to the East China Sea in the Spirit Card Domain when I was about to set off for the East China Sea. What a coincidence.

These monsters are all carp-headed human beings, wearing five-color armor, holding various weapons in their hands, making unexplained screams, and directly pounced on them.

Level 87 is already nothing to Wang Qi and his summoned beasts.I don't bother to care about it at all, Xiaoyue Shadow Wolf only needs to stand in the group of monsters, relying on its own crushing attribute to resist more and more monster attacks, and after a few seconds, it has gathered the [-] points of spiritual power needed for the clone , and then activated the long-lost clone ability.

After the clone came out, after resisting for a few seconds again, the three shadow giant wolves activated the ability of the shadow clone together, and the wolves finally saw the light of day again.

After the clone was completed, the Shadow Wolf no longer kept it. Under Wang Qi's distracted command, it began to advance quickly and ran towards the center of the field.

At this time, Wang Qi had already found the natural spirit card of this domain, hidden in a broken trash can, an old sock that looked very dirty, which made Wang Qi feel a little disgusted, so he didn't move at all.

Moreover, when he was just looking for the Natural Spirit Card, he had already seen the boss of this field through the Void Butterfly, a familiar guy.

It was a handsome man with blond hair and blue eyes, and a shiny gold armor all over his body, floating quietly in the center of the field with his hands folded in front of his chest.

His expression was stern, with undisguised contempt and disgust in his eyes, as if he was very dissatisfied with his subordinates around him.

That's right, the golden carp that Wang Qi saw at the last moment before the domain disappeared, turned into a human form, almost beheading everyone under the sword.

(End of this chapter)

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