Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 261 The eyes behind

Chapter 261 The eyes behind

Although the prototype is a huge golden carp, he is undoubtedly very handsome after transformation.With this golden armor, this arrogant posture, and that stern expression, people who say that he came out of anime are believed.

"Can you still meet the bosses you have encountered before in the field?"

Wang Qi was a little curious, and became more interested in the secrets behind the domain.

The golden carp was quietly suspended in the air, his fiery red cloak moved without wind, his face was expressionless and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Suddenly, he seemed to have noticed something, frowned slightly, and then looked straight in one direction.


Wang Qi was alert.The direction of his gaze, based on the vision of the Void Butterfly and the instantaneous calculation of the Lord of Data, is undoubtedly looking at him beyond the sight of the ruins of the town building.

"Is it because of the Ten Spirit Sword?"

Immediately, this idea sprouted in Wang Qi's mind.

I think so, even the little fish can jump into the book of the spirit card by itself, and through the book of the spirit card, it is not strange to see the unused ten-spirit sword—Xingbo.

Thinking of this, Wang Qi, holding the idea that more things are worse than less things, decided in an instant to leave.

But it seems that Wang Qi's existence has been confirmed. The golden carp first frowned slightly, then became angry, and then put down its hands, directly turning into a golden lightning, enveloping the sixteen koi elites around it, and moving towards Wang Qi. The direction of lasing comes.

Wang Qi also frowned, wondering if it would be easy to get wrinkles like this, and he didn't even think about meeting this unknown golden carp, he stepped on the flying sword and flew out of the field.

If I'm too lazy to fight with you, I won't run away.

After escaping and chasing, two bright lights in the sky startled the three people below, Fifth Wangxian.

"Although I know that the boss has a way to lure him away, this dude has something. It's been less than a minute since he came in, and the boss started chasing him?"

Shi Xiaozhu couldn't help commenting.

"Hehe, let's go to the show. This kind of small boss in the ordinary field is the one who delivers food. Since this buddy is willing to play, let's just watch it."

The fifth Wangxian chuckled, and said to Shi Xiaozhu while directing the flying sword to kill mobs one by one.

"If he really can't fight, then after he goes out, we can fight directly."

At this moment, Xu Wen didn't expect to use a sword too.Next to his body is also a handle that is dull and almost transparent in color, and there is a distorted vision of air that is like boiling water constantly emitting from it, which is not ordinary at first glance.

"Okay, let's take a look first."

While the three were talking, Wang Qi's flying sword had already brought him to the edge of the field.


Just like being hunted down by robots, the domain was actually blocked.

"Fuck! Youte Miao is such a setting!"

Seeing that he couldn't get out, Wang Qi had no choice but to turn around and face the golden carp that caught up to him in a blink of an eye.

Seeing Wang Qi no longer running away,

"Who are you? Why do I feel that Xingbo is in your hands? Hand it over to me, and I will give you the whole body!"

With a cold tone, the golden carp shouted at Wang Qi.

"Hehe, are you out of your mind?"

Wang Qicai would not answer directly, the elemental tyranny land in his right hand shot straight at his forehead and it collapsed.

[Former Eastern Sea Ten Spirits Golden Carp: Level 143]
Well, there is level suppression again, Wang Qi's level is nearly 30 levels behind him, and the damage will decrease.

It's still doable though.

Beside the golden carp, there are sixteen koi elites brought by him. Their level is only more than ten levels higher than ordinary mobs, and they will be close to level 100, which is nothing to worry about.

When the golden carp saw Wang Qi, he couldn't help but attack him, even hitting such a sensitive place as the face, and immediately lost his temper.

With a wave of his left and right hands, countless colorful bubbles appeared out of nowhere to protect his body, and several paper-thin water blades shot towards Wang Qi. Signature skills.

Wang Qi had seen his two tricks before, the bubble was completely untouchable, and he didn't know if there was any good way to break it, otherwise he wouldn't dare to approach it at all.And that water blade is also extremely sharp, not easy to defend against.

Thinking about this in an instant, Wang Qi simply switched the equipment spirit card, stepped on Jinghong with his foot, held Pofeng in his hand, and threw out the 24 solar term swordsmanship as a remote output.

A large amount of sword energy cut the water blade into pieces, and part of it was evaporated or frozen by the summer heat attached to the sword energy, and immediately turned into ordinary ice water, which could no longer cause any damage.The remaining bits and pieces were drawn away by the sword energy skillfully, and none of them could hurt Wang Qi.

It is impossible to be beaten without fighting back. With a thought, two phantoms, a regular hexahedron and a regular octahedron, appeared outside Wang Qi's body, which were [Anduin's immunity] and [Anduin's resistance].

[Anduin's Immunity] It can completely absorb and be immune to one type of damage, and four faces can be immune to four types. Currently, the golden carp only shows two attack methods, which should be enough to deal with it.And [Anduin's Rebellion] is to retaliate against him in his own way. Wang Qi thought to see if he could find a chance to bounce the colored blisters onto the golden carp, so that he could try it himself. taste.

The golden carp was not surprised that Wang Qi resisted his own attack. While waving his hand again to launch more water blades to attack, he flicked his left hand, and a long sword made of condensed clear water appeared in his hand.If Wang Qi looked carefully, the appearance of the sword was exactly the same as the Ten Spirit Sword - Xingbo.

"It seems that you want to fight swordsmanship? Then come!"

With two layers of shields on his back, Wang Qi stepped forward directly, relying on the four sides of the regular hexahedron with its own QR code, he resisted the attack and came to the golden carp.


As soon as the long sword was sent, it accurately found a gap and stabbed the golden carp's body.


The colorful bubbles are the ability of the golden carp. As his thinking changes, the positions of the bubbles begin to change dizzyingly.The other part jumped at Wang Qi like a living thing, but was completely blocked by the QR code.

Relying on the two QR codes to block the two attacks of the enemy, it was beyond the expectation of the golden carp.But Wang Qi's attack didn't work either, because the Pofeng Sword... instantly became smaller.

If the summoned props are damaged or consumed, they can be re-summoned.But the sword was only infinitely reduced when it came into contact with the bubble, and did not disappear or be damaged. Wang Qi lost the weapon in his hand in an instant, and almost touched the bubble with his hand, so that he was also turned into a small one.

Instantly canceling the summoning and re-summoning the weapon, Wang Qi didn't panic, and used the octahedron to slam into the colorful bubbles.

The concept of repaying the other body with the way of the other is exactly in line with the ability of the octahedron.

Under Wang Qi's collision, four of the bubbles suddenly betrayed their original owners because they touched the four sides of the octahedron, and floated towards the body of the golden carp.

But the golden carp seemed to realize in an instant that the bubbles were out of control. He snorted coldly, a large number of bubbles blocked the path of these four water bubbles, and disappeared in an instant, and was made smaller than dust by other bubbles. Can not play any role.

This momentary interaction made Wang Qi understand that the golden carp really isn't easy to mess with, and this body of bubbles is very troublesome. Even [Anduin's resistance] wasted all around and didn't have any effect.His mind was also extremely fast, and he distanced himself from the golden carp with a sharp turn.

Since the first way doesn't work, let's change it.

"Diamond Imprisonment! Hanging!"

The Diamond Flying Dragon, who had been eyeing it all the time, was manipulated by Wang Qi. Cooperating with Wang Qi's "hanging" character ability, Wang Qi immediately used the two restricted skills together.

When the diamond prison condensed out of thin air and appeared, the golden carp only struggled a little, and broke through lightly, ending in failure.But for the word "Xuan" in the same shot, because the authority level is calculated by comparing the highest level spirit card equipped on his body, Wang Qi has a chaos level spirit card, so the golden carp was directly hit by no accident. His expression was suddenly stunned, and he stood upside down His figure looks very funny in the air.

The time limit of "Hanging" was five seconds, and Wang Qi sacrificed his best ability to match this ability, Qiankun Gourd.

As long as this enemy can be included in the gourd, it will be at the mercy of Wang Qi, and he will never be able to stand up again.

But just when the gourd released infinite suction, trying to suck in the irresistible golden carp, a boundless phantom suddenly appeared on the golden carp.

In front of Wang Qi's eyes, he seemed to hear the roar of endless waves, and countless creatures were churning and roaring in the waves.

Among them, a pair of huge eyes without any emotion suddenly opened from the dark deep sea, and those eyes released a light that was not dazzling but made people unable to look directly at it, which immediately dazzled Wang Qi's eyes. The raw pain.

The owner of these eyes did not appear at all, just relying on such a glance, Wang Qi felt as if his chest had been hit hard, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.The suction of the Qiankun gourd was naturally interrupted, and it automatically flew back to Wang Qi's waist.

"What is this special meow!"

While Wang Qi retreated in shock, he took out the Zhenling Sacrifice to Heaven Cauldron again, ready to try again.

Zhen Ling Worship Heaven Cauldron Worship Heaven ability has just been used on ghosts, before adding new cauldron spirits, Zhen Ling is now available.Originally, Wang Qi planned to replace the Zhenling Sacrifice Heaven Cauldron if the Qiankun Gourd failed. This is the second plan in the plan.

But as expected, Wang Qi was once again interrupted by the gaze of those eyes, Xiao Ding slipped out of his hands, and he sprayed several mouthfuls of blood. Now, I really don't know how many eggs I have to eat to make up for it .

Seeing that the two attempts to capture the enemy failed, although the phantom behind the golden carp did not know who it was, he could guess that it must be related to the Lord of the East Sea, either the Lord of the East Sea himself, or the Four Kings of the East Sea At that level, it is understandable that Wang Qi's small body can't handle it.

(End of this chapter)

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