Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 262 The Torrent of History

Chapter 262 The Torrent of History
Wang Qi made two advances and two retreats, vomited blood and flew out, which attracted the fifth Wangxian and the other three below.

"Brother Wangxian, do you feel it, the owner of those eyes is not simple."

Xu Wen's expression was a little serious. The three of them were quite far away just now, but they also felt the infinite coercion brought by those giant eyes. Therefore, he had some admiration for Wang Qi who dared to charge up for the second time.

"I see, it should be an old thing."

Fifth Wangxian's eyes were full of light, looking at those eyes, he said slowly.

Wang Qi vomited blood and retreated. After the two methods were ineffective, he was seriously injured again. Naturally, he didn't want to fight anymore, so he turned around and ran away.

He is going to continue to procrastinate. Anyway, the spirit card domain will disappear when the time comes. If you can't beat me, just delay until you disappear by yourself.

The three people who killed the little monsters below lightly, he naturally discovered it from the Void Butterfly's vision.But Wang Qi didn't mean to implicate the innocent. If no one offends me, I won't offend anyone. Instead, he fled in the opposite direction from the three of them, letting the golden carp that recovered five seconds later continue to chase him away.

"He's a pretty good guy. I thought he'd be lured here."

Shaking his head regretfully, Fifth Wangxian was ready to take over and try the weight of this golden carp, but seeing that it was lured away by Wang Qi, he had no choice but to suppress the fighting spirit in his heart.

"Brother Wangxian, do you want to try?"

Seeing Fifth Wangxian's expression, Xu Wen asked.


The fifth Wangxian didn't say a word, but this one sound expressed the overflowing fighting spirit.

Don't look at him laughing and joking with Shi Xiaozhu these days, but in fact, no one will forget that the Fifth Wangxian is the No. 1 combat power of Huabang that no one can refute.Even the rankings around the world can compete for this position.

The phantom behind the golden carp is just a pair of giant abyss eyes, and the aura brought by it can actually arouse his fighting spirit, which shows that he is indeed not a simple person.

But at this moment, Wang Qi has already taken the golden carp around in the sky. The domain is a medium-sized domain, not too big, and there is too little room for wandering around.

Wang Qidou became a little impatient, and couldn't beat him again and again. Those eyes were too powerful. After much deliberation, he simply switched his avatar, and healed the main body with Shark Beads.

As soon as the clone was switched, the golden carp immediately lost its target.Knowing that Wang Qi couldn't get out, he only thought that Wang Qi was invisible, and immediately used the ability he used before. Countless bubbles began to fly all over the sky, spreading around, obviously trying to force Wang Qi to show up.

But the avatar's invincibility was unexpected to him, this Bubble didn't force Wang Qi out, and finally offended the fifth Wangxian and the other three.

After Xu Wen tried out the effect of the bubbles with a few sword qis, countless different phantoms flew out of his body, and then burst the bubbles one by one, ensuring that no bubbles near them could float close.

And the fifth Wangxian finally couldn't bear to draw his sword.

A shocking sword energy instantly crossed countless barriers, and appeared between Jin Carp's eyebrows as if it didn't exist in his eyes.

Those giant eyes reappeared, and even the sound of the waves of the sea and the roar of the creatures in the sea could be heard more and more clearly.

This aura transmitted through the air firmly resisted Fifth Wangxian's fuzzy flying sword, preventing it from advancing an inch.

But at this time, Jin Carp himself had just reacted, and the shadow of the flying sword that was in between his eyebrows was reflected in his eyes.His eyes and forehead ached sharply from the sharp edge, and he couldn't help but retreated, mobilizing Bubbles to attack Feijian and protect himself.

But he retreats, the sword advances.

This flying sword is like a high-frequency flashing image, if you stare at it, it is easy to make people feel sick.No matter how the golden carp retreated, the flying sword followed him as if fixed between his eyebrows.

And those bubbles disappeared for no reason when they approached the blade, as if there was an invisible invisible attack near the blade, dispelling these unresisting bubbles.

If it weren't for the phantom and giant eyes behind it, the golden carp must have been pierced through the brain by the flying sword, and it could not die anymore.

After Wang Qi switched to the avatar, the main body went to heal his wounds. The avatar could see clearly this time, and the protection method of the phantom behind the golden carp seemed to be a passive stress response, and could not take the initiative to attack.Otherwise, there is one thing to say, Wang Qi just couldn't get out of his body at all, and he would have hanged himself on the southeast branch a long time ago.

Fifth Wangxian naturally also saw this.But he wanted to have a try, or how much the person who only left a thought to protect the golden carp in the air.

He let out a soft drink, and the flying sword that touched the golden carp's eyebrows suddenly disappeared with a high-frequency tremor.

With a light pinch of the sword finger, the flying sword disappeared completely.Fifth Wangxian looked up at the golden carp in the air, his eyes were as calm as water.

It's not that he will withdraw, but that the speed of the vibration has reached the extreme, and it is no longer visible to the naked eye.

Wang Qi's avatar secretly guessed that this level of swordsmanship must be what the master told him, and he has mastered and developed the ability of the spirit card to the extreme.Only at this level can one use the flying sword like this.

The disappearing flying sword, under the control of the Fifth Wangxian, did not continue to compete with that momentum, but turned into a completely invisible assassin with extraordinary speed, and attacked countless times in an instant , hitting the same spot every time.

These countless stabs not only brought a huge momentum, after each stab, the next stab must be stronger.After countless accumulations, Feijian's attack power has reached a brilliant level.

Finally, those giant eyes couldn't stand it anymore.

After all, it only sent thoughts from the air, and did not come in person, so most of the time it could only defend passively.

If it was his own body, he might be able to counterattack against the attack of the fifth Wangxian, but at this moment, the power transmission through the air is transmitted from the unknown distant East China Sea to this special spirit card field. With one increase and one decrease, Fifth Wangxian's attack broke his defense.

But at the moment when the attack broke through his defense, this unknown existence angrily unleashed all the power sent from the air.

Immediately, Wang Qi's avatar and the three people in the audience had a feeling that mortals didn't know where to flee in a hurry in the face of the tsunami that fell like a mountain.

This kind of strength is completely beyond the standard. According to the game settings, this level should not appear in this part of the plot at all.

"The torrent of history!"

Suddenly, a crisp voice sounded from the field.

Faced with danger, Shi Xiaozhu finally couldn't bear it under such strong mental oppression, and used his own trick.Xu Wen frowned, and quietly took back a celadon bottle that was secretly held.And Fifth Wangxian's eyes instantly became extremely sharp, but it didn't stop Shi Xiaozhu from making a move.

In the minds of Wang Qi and the two of them, after hearing Shi Xiaozhu's shout, it seemed that a torrent of majestic momentum appeared in front of them.

The torrent instantly shattered the aura of the tsunami that was like a toppled mountain. A feeling that made people feel that the general trend was coming, unstoppable, but as if they were witnessing something, emerged in the hearts of the three of them.

The golden carp is basically a bug caught between the two auras, unable to move at all.The existence behind him, also because of the momentum of this endless torrent, was directly crushed, and he spit out a mouthful of blood in the far away side.

At this moment, one person did not forget the original goal, and he moved.

Fifth Wangxian's flying sword has never been withdrawn, and at this moment, taking advantage of this mighty momentum with a strong historical atmosphere, with a pinch of the sword formula, the flying sword is directly sent into the eyebrow of the golden carp, and passed through.

Without any sound, without any dazzling special effects, the sound of waves, roars, endless sea and tsunami phantoms, just disappeared without a sound.

Looking at the golden carp again, there is only a small dot between the eyebrows at the moment.

But his expression has long been frozen, without that arrogant look in his eyes, without that arrogant face.

The red cloak on the back also seemed to be suspended, standing still there.

Then everyone noticed that the settlement popup popped up.

No one can change the rules of the spirit card field, and the pop-up of the settlement means that the boss is dead, and there is no comeback.

But at this moment, several people saw together that a shadow of nothingness floated out from the body of the golden carp.There was a feeling that the shadow body was about to dissipate at any time, but if you looked closely, you could see that it was the golden carp.

"You wait! I remember the four of you! If you dare to kill the golden carp, you must bear my wrath!"

The giant-eyed owner who had just been broken did not leave, but it was too quiet at that moment, giving people the illusion that he had already left.

"In the name of the four kings of the East Sea, I, the Humpback Whale King, hereby declare: I bestow upon you four the Lords of the East Sea a curse! Wherever you go, you will be disgusted by the sea, and all creatures in the sea will be with you. Be the enemy until you are all buried in the sea!"

A mysterious feeling appeared in the hearts of Wang Qi and the three people below. Wang Qi's body even discovered that this curse broke through the limitation of space, and formed a curse for his body, which was exchanged with the clone, far away in the sky. strength.

Then the voice suddenly disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.The phantom of the golden carp also followed and disappeared, leaving only his body gradually turning into fly ash here.

"Uh, I didn't kill it..."

Wang Qi was a little speechless, but thinking that the golden carp was provoked by himself, he had no choice but to give up.

Healed the injury with the shark bead, and seeing that the matter was over, he simply switched back to the domain, and then came in front of the fifth Wangxian and the other three.

"Okay, thank you guys for taking the shots, we are also unlucky, and got into this kind of thing for no reason."

(End of this chapter)

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