Chapter 263

Wang Qi took the initiative to greet the three of them.He knew Xu Wen, but that was without Xu Wen's knowledge, so he just pretended not to know him.

"You are also very strong. It is already very good to be able to force the guy behind this."

The compliment from Fifth Wangxian proved that he really recognized Wang Qi.

Not everyone can make Fifth Wangxian such a compliment.

"Brother, why don't we find the Natural Spirit Card first and get out of here as soon as possible."

Shi Xiaozhu offered to propose.

A few people have nothing to do, Wang Qi said that he already knew where the natural spirit card was, and went to the place he just found, and touched the dirty sock with disgust, turning it into a spirit card .

He quickly flew back to the three of them, took out his car by the way, and the four of them watched the world around them gradually return to the real world.

"Three, where are you going? Why don't I give you a hand. I just want to leave here too."

After Wang Qi thought about it, he decided to take the initiative to make friends with the three of them.After all, when you are away from home, it is better to know more friends than enemies.What's more, the four of them just endured the inexplicable curse together, so it's better for everyone to communicate together.

"Okay, why don't we find a place to discuss it, I'm still a little concerned about the curse that the voice said just now."

They simply got into Wang Qi's car, and Wang Qi acted as the driver. He directly used the navigation to find a nearby coffee shop, and then the four of them got out of the car and went in together to sit down.

The waiter was a little surprised by this strange four-person combination. Three handsome young men and a boy dressed as a Taoist priest looked like an inexplicable combination.

The coffee was served soon, and everyone was not polite. They each took a sip and put down their cups before starting to communicate.

"Let me introduce myself first, I am Wang Qi, from Shui'an City."

Wang Qi took the initiative to introduce himself.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Fifth Wangxian, this is Xu Wen, and that is Shi Xiaozhu."

Fifth Wangxian smiled, not hiding his real name.

"Sure enough, I guessed that you must not be ordinary spirit card masters. I didn't expect that you are the famous No. 30 in the world and No. [-] No. [-] Xu Wen on the ranking list. I have admired you for a long time!"

Wang Qi hurriedly expressed the surprise and joy that happened to be everywhere, as if he was slightly excited when he saw his idol.

"Ahem, stop flattering us, it's all a false name, a false name."

Although Fifth Wangxian said this, the corner of his mouth could not help but reveal his inner complacency.

"Shui'an City? Do you know Gongxi Heyu and Li Chuan? I really want to fight against them."

Xu Wen had a calm expression on his face, and instead asked Wang Qi a question.

"I know you. I'm in the same company as Brother Heyu, but I just ran out and wandered around recently. I know Brother Li Chuan very well. If you go to our place later, I'll introduce you."

As soon as Wang Qi heard him ask this, he readily agreed.

As a result, the topic became lighter, and several people also took advantage of the opportunity to communicate happily.

"By the way, where are you guys planning to go? This direction is the road away from the city, and there is only the sea ahead."

After chatting for a while, Wang Qi asked his own question.

"It's like this, Brother Wang Qi. In fact, I have to go to the East China Sea to find something. The two of them are protecting me. But we haven't found a good way to go to sea. Today we are going to go to the seaside to try our luck. If it really doesn’t work, we can only get an ordinary people’s boat first.”

Shi Xiaozhu explained.

"What a coincidence? I'm going to sea too, and I have a boat."

Wang Qi looked at the three of them in surprise, thinking it was a bit of a coincidence.

"No way, is this fate?" Shi Xiaozhu couldn't help calling out.

Fifth Wangxian and Xu Wen looked at each other and nodded slightly.So Fifth Wangxian took the initiative to speak.

"In this case, if it's convenient for you, why don't the four of us act together?"

When Wang Qi heard this proposal, he thought for a while.

The purpose of the three of them is actually not in conflict with myself. Although acting together may be a little inconvenient for me to switch avatars and use some spirit cards, but because the four of them experienced the inexplicable curse just now, it may not be safe to act alone. , but with a master like Fifth Wangxian, it is more secure.

Thinking of this, Wang Qi readily agreed.

"Great, then we can go!"

Since they were going to act together, Wang Qi briefly asked the three of them about their preparations.Sure enough, Xu Wen also had props similar to the Qiankun gourd, and they also prepared a large amount of supplies enough for the three of them to use for a long time. Now the four of them don't need to prepare anything, and can go directly to sea.

They came to the beach together, and after finding a deserted place, Wang Qi directly summoned his Solomon Treasure Ship.

This item card was used once when going to Peach Blossom Island last time, and the treasure ship that was summoned had the characteristics of absolute stability.However, the boat that was summoned was a bit small, and it didn't have a roof, so it didn't look very comfortable, and it was only suitable for short trips.

This time Wang Qi was well prepared, summoned many times, and refreshed a suitable boat, so that the four of them would not appear crowded, and they could still have good abilities.

Under the watchful eyes of the other three, Wang Qi summoned and canceled it for about ten times, and finally summoned a satisfactory treasure ship.

This is a boat about the size of an ordinary yacht. It is a bit similar to the domestic painting of Huabang. There is only a metal house on the boat, and there are two doors at the front and back, but there are no windows on both sides.

The size is already suitable, and the attributes can only be known on the boat.Wang Qi jumped on it first, and the information about this ship immediately flowed through his mind.

"The Treasure Ship of the Island: There is a small island in the space in Chuannei. The weather of the outer sea will never affect the weather of the island, so that you can feel the calm and comfortable island life on the sea. This ship can sail automatically."

"Hey, the attribute is not bad this time."

Wang Qi felt that this attribute was quite good, so he invited three people to come up.

After briefly introducing the features of this boat, the three of them also had happy expressions.The three of them are very willing to have this kind of travel method without feeling the wind and waves.

After entering the small island world in the cabin, it was a scene of very clear sea water, blue sky and white clouds.Of course, the island is not too big, but it is still much bigger than a small boat.

"Oh, it's a pity that there are no beauties to travel with, otherwise, how happy it would be to spend happy time with beauties on such a beautiful island!"

Fifth Wangxian sighed, Xu Wen couldn't help but touch his forehead.

Since everyone was quite satisfied, Wang Qi didn't want to change, so he ordered the boat directly.After all four of them went in, the control of the boat was under Wang Qi's mind.He is the summoner of this ship, so he is the only one who can see the world outside the ship through his spiritual consciousness even if he is inside the ship.

"Let's sail!"

The four of them didn't go into the cabin first, but stood on the deck.Shi Xiaozhu cheered, and the boat slid smoothly into the sea, leaving the vast land.

Since someone was traveling with him, Sha Wudao was going to be released, so Wang Qi could only dismiss this idea and not let it go for the time being.

The speed of this treasure ship was very fast. The four of them blew the wind on the deck for a while, felt the humid and salty air of the sea, and watched the land gradually disappear behind them.

The real East China Sea, a sea area that only Spirit Card Masters can enter, is a part of the infinite land, a world hidden outside the world of ordinary people, and it is more than 1000 kilometers away from the coastline of the mainland.So before leaving the sea area of ​​ordinary people, the road should be considered safe, because strictly speaking, this place does not belong to the range of the East Sea, the middle of the four seas.

But Wang Qi couldn't forget the curse from the one behind the golden carp, one of the four kings of the East China Sea, the Humpback Whale King.

Wherever we go, we will be disgusted by the sea, and all creatures in the sea will be our enemies until we are all buried in the sea.

This curse sounds pretty powerful.If you don't go to sea in this life, then it doesn't matter, this curse is useless and will not hinder at all.

However, the original purpose of the four of them was to go to sea, and they did not change their purpose just because they were afraid of this curse.In such a case, one needs to be more cautious.

Wang Qi scattered a large number of Void Butterflies, flying tirelessly in the vast sea around the ship, monitoring all the movements on the sea.

But after coming to the sea, the limitations of the Void Butterfly were fully exposed.That is, the Void Butterfly couldn't detect all the movements in the water.

The real East China Sea is not the sea area of ​​ordinary people. The sea is bottomless. Sha Wudao once described it to Wang Qi. The deepest place is almost the same as the deepest place of Moon Spring, and it may even be deeper.

In this case, the pitch-black sea is an unknown world hidden under the turbulent waves on the surface, and there is a threat of curse, so it is impossible to be overly cautious.

Of course, this kind of preparation and pressure does not need to be resisted by Wang Qi alone.

"Your butterflies monitor the nearby sky, and let me take care of the water under the boat."

Xu Wen, who was standing beside Wang Qi, spoke calmly.Wang Qi saw that countless overlapping phantoms appeared from his body.Those phantoms have all kinds of shapes, even if they come out, they are still changing, making it difficult to see clearly.

After these phantoms came out of Xu Wen's body, they overlapped and jumped into the sea water together, and then completely merged into them and disappeared.

Even though Wang Qi's eyes widened, he couldn't see any trace of those phantoms. In the data lord's field of vision, there was only an endless piece of sea water.It seems that those phantoms have spread, completely hidden in the dark to protect the progress of the treasure ship.

Fifth Wangxian is not to be outdone.

He chuckled, and after Xu Wen's phantom entered the sea, he summoned a paper-cut figure in his hand.

The little man was thrown down by him and floated straight into the sea.

As soon as it came into contact with the sea water, the little man cut out of white paper immediately began to change.Soon, a metal giant covered in blue, with half of its body submerged in the water and half of its body out of the water, cupped its hands and saluted Fifth Wangxian.

Such paper figurines Fifth Wangxian threw out ten of them, and all of them turned into metal giants to guard the treasure ship.

"Okay, Water Spirit Warrior, pay attention to the safety of the escort ship, hide yourself, and act cheaply when you find danger."

The blue metal giants bowed together again, and then gradually disappeared into the water, also disappearing.

(End of this chapter)

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