Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 264 One Point of Progress

Chapter 264 A Little Progress

Except for Shi Xiaozhu, the three people on board arranged monitoring and protection measures to prevent any accidents from the sea.

After traveling for about half a day, the treasure ship finally crossed the dividing line and entered the real East China Sea.

It was a feeling of a divine weapon. It was clear that there was still blue sea and blue sky in front of it, and the sky was clear, but in the next second it turned into dark clouds and the sound of thunder was bursting. At the same time, there were huge waves rolling everywhere, making the relatively small treasure ship fly up and down with the waves. .

Fortunately, the treasure ship is not an ordinary ship, no matter how violent the turbulence is, it will remain stable up and down.However, the few people in the ship were originally in the space that came with the cabin, so they couldn't feel the storm outside at all, so everyone didn't care.

"I didn't expect it to be so unfortunate that the weather in the East China Sea is actually stormy."

The fifth Wangxian felt the hustle and bustle of the sea outside, and couldn't help sighing.

"It's also thanks to Wang Qi's treasure ship. Otherwise, it would be a delusion to want to be so carefree and carefree with only the three of us going out to sea."

Xu Wen also very much agrees.

"I just hope that this kind of weather won't last too long, otherwise it would be boring to stay here all the time."

Shi Xiaozhu held a game console in his hand, and muttered while playing the game.

The other three sat on the sofa Wang Qi took out in comfortable postures, talking with each other.

"It's really hard to say. My summoned beast flew above the clouds, and I don't know how far away the clouds are. It must not be easy to leave the scope of this storm easily."

Wang Qi shook his head, the Void Butterfly's field of vision was always open, and some of them flew above the clouds, so they could naturally see very far away.

"Hey, something is coming."

Suddenly, Xu Wen's expression froze.

His countless phantoms will not be affected in any way in the water, and they are distributed in an extremely wide range.When the Fifth Wangxian summoned the Water Spirit Warrior, the two agreed that the Water Spirit Warrior would be responsible for guarding the vicinity of the ship, while his phantom would expand the range to search as far away as possible.

At this moment, in Xu Wen's mind, he could get feedback from the phantom, a large group of black shadows were approaching the distance of the boat at an extremely fast speed.

"I'll just say it won't be boring, the curse must be really useful."

Fifth Wangxian said, and stood up straight.

"Brother Wangxian, why don't you leave this wave to me first, and I'll practice it. I can't stop it anymore, so you guys go on."

Wang Qi got up quickly and stopped Fifth Wangxian.

He was also thinking about when he would replenish the Zhenling Jitian Cauldron with new Cauldron Spirits, and by the way, he would collect some and store them in the Qiankun Gourd for emergencies.

"That's fine, Wang Qi, go ahead, I'll hold the line for you."

Wang Qi turned and left the small island in the cabin, and came to the deck outside.

The strong wind, heavy rain, and endless cries made people feel very small from the bottom of their hearts.

However, such an environment is very beneficial to Wang Qi.Because he has a spirit card, "Lord of Wind Xun".

In this stormy environment, the Wind Lord's ability will give him a huge bonus.And then use any other abilities at this time, as long as the attributes correspond, the skills of the Lord of the Wind can make it more powerful.

Although the goal is to capture, it is better to be cautious before finding out the details.So Wang Qi was directly equipped with the Xuanyin Guishui Sword Art and the 24-solar Qi Sword Art. Relying on the ability of the Xuanyin Guishui Sword Art to double the speed in water, he used the Pofeng Sword directly into the water. Before Shadow approached the hull, he headed forward to meet it.

Of course, the Donghai Ten Spirit Sword would not be shown, it would be a fool to take it out.

After the slender sword god of the Steam Breaking Wind Sword dived into the water, under the blessing of the sword formula, it turned into an invisible shadow at an extraordinary speed.Wang Qi manipulated the flying sword with telepathy, and used his best 24 solar terms swordsmanship.

After being awakened by Master Feng Zhongxian before, Wang Qi kept thinking that his use of the spirit card was indeed a bit rigid before.

For example, I have always held a sword with my own hands to use swordsmanship.

Of course, because of the effect of [Peach Blossom Branch in Peach Blossom Temple], holding a sword in your hand will do more damage.This is fine for melee combat and is a great option.But in a larger battlefield, this will turn him into a melee character. Even if there is a long-range output method such as sword energy, after all, it is not as high as direct use of the sword, and it is not more flexible. On the contrary, it is more vulnerable to damage and faces danger. .

Especially since he already possesses the Xuanxin Guishui Sword Art, which can be used for mid-range and long-distance combat, he should think more about how to make full use of this advantage.

Combining Yujianshu with 24 solar terms swordsmanship, and using Yujianshu to use swordsmanship is the method Wang Qi is thinking of now.

The two companions who formed a team to act together this time are both masters of flying swords, and they are well-known on the leaderboard.Unconsciously, Wang Qi went to observe the fighting style of the two.

Then, he woke up.

The Xuanyin Guishui sword art is also clearly written in its attributes. It is a sword art that allows you to have the ability to control the sword. To put it bluntly, it is the ability to manipulate the sword to fly up and kill the enemy.It doesn't have any moves, it's completely controlled by you.

Then, using sword formulas, operating flying swords in the air, and using a complete set of sword techniques, what's wrong?
Now is the time to test this idea.

The flying sword disappeared in the water because the speed had reached extremely fast, and the sea water itself blocked the line of sight, so it was impossible to see the position clearly.

This ray of light came to the group of black shadows in the blink of an eye, and the front one was in front of it, and the opening move "Lichun" in the 24 solar terms sword technique was used.

Relying on the Flying Sword, the imperial envoy of mind and spirit, Wang Qi, who is the master of data, can completely follow the direction of the heart and the destination of the sword without any deviation.

At this moment, Lichun used only Feijian to perform this move, but it was exactly the same as Wang Qi's own long sword, there was no difference.

But the sword moves tested in this way have another advantage, that is, they are faster than Wang Qi's own use, and much faster.

The huge water attribute bonus made Feijian itself extremely fast, and the speed of using moves one after another was also extremely fast.The black shadow didn't even finish flashing a thought, and the 28 sword moves have been used coherently, as if it had turned into a sword art.

The sharp sword intent of "spring, summer, autumn and winter" and the sword intent of "life, death, prosperity, and cycle of life" quickly and completely merged together. The light that should have been bright, because of the ultimate fusion, was no longer dazzling, just a faint flash , gently sliced ​​the black shadow into two smooth halves.

Even Soi Ying himself swam for a few meters before separating in such an understatement.The blood instantly stained the surrounding area red, startling all the black figures behind it.


Wang Qi jumped for joy.Sure enough, this idea is correct.

And at this time, he also took the opportunity to cut the black shadow in the sea through Yujian, and divided it into two halves. Various subtle changes in the water flow in the touched sea water, relying on the powerful analysis ability of the data master, instantly appeared in his mind. Sombra's appearance has been refactored in .

It was a streamlined body with a long spike on its head. It looked very thin, but its mouth was full of sharp teeth, making it a very ferocious fish.

Although these fishes were completely different from ordinary fishes, they didn't give Card Master Wang Qiling the feeling of being able to use them. Presumably they were just sea creatures similar to ordinary monsters in the domain, or those common creatures in the spirit world.

The death of the leading monster fish did not make the rest of the monsters flinch, and the appearance of the bloody smell made them even more crazy.

A strong idea kept hitting their minds, and a voice kept saying "kill the humans on this ship", which made them not even care about their own lives at all, but continued to rush up .

But having mastered the knack of controlling the sword and at the same time finding out the details of this group of fish, Wang Qi is no longer polite.

Dealing with ordinary creatures does not require a full set of 24 solar term swordsmanship, a simple move is deadly enough.Therefore, Wang Qi no longer extravagantly assigns a set of sword skills to each fish, but directly and flexibly uses sword moves with different periods, and sometimes even kills several fish with one sword.

For attributes that have bonuses to the Lord of Wind's abilities, such as ice attributes and thunder attributes, Wang Qi often uses the tricks of "Jingzhe" and "Big Snow" to make the slaughter more efficient.

Therefore, it's a long story, but in fact, in less than 20 seconds, this group of strange fish that invaded the water was easily sent away by Wang Qi.

Fifth Wangxian and Xu Wen didn't come out on the deck, but at this moment Fifth Wangxian raised his head and looked at Xu Wen. The two smiled slightly, and then continued to close their eyes and rest.

This group of strange fish are just ordinary creatures, and there is no sense of accomplishment in killing them.Wang Qi was so excited about practicing his sword skills that he didn't bother to go back to the cabin.Although it was raining and windy outside, but with the protection of the Lord of Wind, Wang Qi didn't even get a single raindrop on his body, so he was very relaxed.

He simply sat cross-legged on the overtime work, while exercising his inner strength to cultivate with the help of the boundless water vapor, while manipulating the flying sword with his mind, he simply expanded the range and wandered around in the sea water, looking for the next possible target.

By the way, by using the flying sword to swim continuously in the water, the data master can also build a three-dimensional model of the sea area below.Although it can only construct part of the sea area that the flying sword passes through, as long as the flying sword is fast enough, the scope of construction will be larger.

Dahai did not disappoint Wang Qi.This wave of strange fish died easily, but it didn't scare anyone at all.The curse from the humpback whale king, one of the four kings of the East China Sea, made the creatures of the sea within a huge radius around them feel that these people were rejected by the sea.Therefore, this wave of strange fish was just a vanguard because of their proximity.

More creatures in the sea that were coming towards them were still on the way and approaching rapidly.

It didn't take long for Wang Qi to discover a new wave of approaching enemies through the constructed sea area model.

"Sure enough, this curse will indeed constantly attract enemies."

Reconfirming this conclusion in his heart, Wang Qi manipulated the flying sword and killed him silently in the water.

When there is only a small boat left between the sky and the sea, the surrounding world will be infinitely magnified in your cognition, and your own existence will become infinitely small.

Just like the relationship between each of us and the world and the universe, there is no difference between us and dust for the universe.

So, what are we after?Do you try to get rid of your dusty identity, or do nothing, and then the ashes return to the ashes in the end?
Wang Qi didn't know either.He only knew that although he had no ambitions, he had to work hard to become stronger.

There is always a vague sense of being chased in his mind, which is a kind of extra information that will occasionally appear when the data master enters the full power mode for in-depth analysis.

But there is no result to analyze specifically, it just makes Wang Qi subconscious, believe it, and dare not stop.

Wang Qi was thinking like this.

These days, the treasure ship moved forward smoothly, because except for Shi Xiaozhu who was not allowed to go out because of his poor strength, the three of them took turns on the deck to defeat all the invading enemies.

The curse of the Humpback Whale King is invisible to the sea every moment. Even if Wang Qi tried it, four people entered his gourd, but the influence of the curse could not be blocked.

Countless creatures in the East China Sea that are different from the ordinary world showed their most ferocious side to them, rushing towards this small boat in the vast ocean one after another, trying to destroy them.

The fifth Wangxian and Xu Wen's strength is superb, but the two of them are too embarrassed to sit in the cabin all the time, so they simply propose that the three of them should take turns to exchange.And Wang Qi does need to rest occasionally. Swordsmanship cannot be practiced in a day or two. Even with the help of the master of data, it needs continuous accumulation to make swordsmanship reach a higher level.

And besides swordsmanship, Wang Qi is also practicing spearmanship.The wrath of Senrog and the land of elemental tyranny can also be used in combination with the wind lord and other abilities, and their power should not be underestimated.

Occasionally, one day, Wang Qi had a whim, and used the land of elemental tyranny as a concept of "sword" to control. Although it was not successful, it was not a complete failure.

In the future, either integrate and evolve Yujianshu to be able to control all things; or fuse and evolve the spear to become something that only appears in anime like a gun blade. This is a very interesting idea.

These are the harvests of the past fifteen days, because apart from these things, the four of them actually have nothing to do.

At any rate, Wang Qi still has a clone to change his mood, and occasionally switch his consciousness to the clone to see that the ghost is still advancing steadily in the jungle. One fight after another.

During this period, the avatar hadn't had the chance to refine a new cauldron spirit because it hadn't caught a suitable monster, which made the ghost relax a lot, thinking that Wang Qi didn't follow him anymore.

Back to the main body, the few people have actually become a little listless after drifting for so many days.

 Sorry, recently due to work, I haven’t saved many manuscripts, and I have been writing very hard every day. From today onwards, it will temporarily become an update...Each update is 4000 words, earning a full-time subsistence allowance...

(End of this chapter)

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