Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 265 The Center of the Rainstorm

Chapter 265 The Center of the Rainstorm

The journey of the treasure ship is aimless, because no one knows where the place they are looking for is.

Shi Xiaozhu's target, he has no idea at all, he just has a feeling that the target he is looking for is in the East China Sea.As for the small island that Wang Qi is going to, the master said that there is no way to find it...Because Feng Zhongxian gave Wang Qi a chart before he left, and it was hand-painted. The above route must be found on the sea. It can only be determined after a reference object.

This makes the trip of four people on a boat completely like drifting with the tide.

Fortunately, Wang Qi has always grasped the general direction, at least so that the treasure ship he manipulates will not go too far.

Another thing that made them depressed was that the storm had not stopped for a moment since it entered the range of the East China Sea.

The four of them also discussed together how this weird weather came about and how it persisted for so long.But because they are all unfounded guesses, they can only be imagined.

Today, things finally changed.

Entering the area of ​​the East China Sea, there have been constant storms for fifteen days. Apart from the monstrous waves, roaring winds, and dense raindrops, the most striking thing is the occasional thunderstorm accompanied by loud noises.

Whenever such a huge thunder falls in the distance, a huge splash will be blown up, and then the boat can feel a more violent wave coming.

However, Wang Qi, who just happened to be on duty on the deck, continued to polish his sword control skills while discovering that today's lightning strikes are not as dense as before.There is an area ahead that seems to be struck by lightning very frequently.

Several Void Butterflies were dispatched to fly towards the direction where the thunderbolts became denser. With Void Dun's space jumping ability, the Void Butterflies quickly approached that area without being affected by the storm at all.

Wipe across!

A thunderbolt shot down next to a Void Butterfly and hit the sea.

Continuously advancing, Wang Qi found that there were more and more lightning falling there, and the Void Butterfly seemed to be trapped in a giant net made of lightning, moving forward cautiously.If you don't pay attention, you will be wiped out by lightning.

Finally, in a flash of lightning, Wang Qi saw something different.

It was the shadow of a person and an unidentifiable creature.

Both of them are extremely fast, flashing constantly in the air, and each time the figures appear, they are in different positions.And with the appearance of their shadows, there must be a fight, followed by a thunderstorm.

Because the speed was so fast, the figure couldn't see his face clearly, he could only see a strange silver armor with bright electric sparks flashing on it.He held a silver long knife in his hand, and he looked like a god of thunder coming down to earth, majestic and majestic.

His opponent, on the other hand, looked very strange, looking like a dragon but not a dragon, with a slender horn on top of his head, and his whole body was also bright silver, streamlined from top to bottom, with sharp scales and sharp edges, and three pairs of blade-like wings on his back. Limbs are like four sickles.On its sharp horns and each wing, there is a group of dense lightning elements gathered and suspended, and energy bursts out from it non-stop, shooting at the man in front of him.

Both are as fast as lightning, and they are also masters in manipulating lightning, so this is the reason for those lightning strikes.

After seeing these clearly, Wang Qi couldn't help being dumbfounded.

"What kind of existence are these two? Every time they fight, there is a thunderstorm. Could it be that... this storm, all the thunderstorms in the past fifteen days, are the aftermath of the two fighting?"

Thinking of this, Wang Qi didn't dare to be brave, he hurried back to the cabin and called the other three people out.

After telling the three of them what they observed, their reactions were completely different.

Shi Xiaozhu's expression was astonished, just like Wang Qi, as if he was shocked that there was such a level of master.Xu Wen was lost in thought, probably recalling the origins of the two.And the fifth Wangxian was the most straightforward, a shocking fighting spirit immediately appeared on his body.

"Hey, Brother Wangxian, calm down first!"

Wang Qi quickly stopped him, otherwise he would have just flown away.

During these days of getting along with each other, they are considered to be familiar with each other, and the temperament of Fifth Wangxian has also been thoroughly grasped by Wang Qi.That is he is a pure fighting madness.

Whenever he sees an opponent worthy of a fight, Fifth Wangxian can't help but want to go up and compete with each other from the bottom of his heart to see who is stronger between him and the opponent.Just like before in the field, he shot directly at the golden carp, just to try the weight of the humpback whale king behind the golden carp.

At this moment, seeing that it was able to move the sky thunder like this, and every impact was a massive warring party, he immediately wanted to step up and intervene.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine!"

Fifth Immortal Wang waved his hand slightly, and before Wang Qi could say anything more, it turned into a sword energy soaring to the sky, and went straight to the shadow in the sky.


Wang Qi, who didn't stop him, had no choice but to withdraw his hand resentfully, and looked at Xu Wen helplessly.

"Don't worry, if you really can't beat him, he will run away. Otherwise, why do you think he has such a character, why he has survived and become the number one in the world."

Xu Wen smiled slightly and comforted Wang Qi.


Wang Qi had no choice but to accept it with a nod.However, he had no reason to stop Fifth Wangxian, it was just out of the friendship and instinctive concern he had gotten along with these days.

The soaring sword light transformed by the Fifth Wangxian could not conceal his fighting spirit, which immediately attracted the attention of the two warring parties who were still moving while fighting.

In the blink of an eye, Fifth Wang's immortal body and flying sword directly crashed into the battle group they were fighting this time.

A thunder god-like character with silver armor and silver sword will not show mercy, and instead increased his strength in the face of this third person who suddenly broke into the battle circle.

And his opponent, that strange creature, thought the same way.

There was a loud bang, and another thick bolt of lightning fell. None of the three took advantage, but none of them suffered.

"Haha! Refreshing!"

The fifth Wangxian emerged from the sword light, stood in the air out of nothing, and laughed loudly.

The two also tacitly suspended the fighting, and looked at him together.

"Boy, who are you?"

The long knife in the silver-armored master's hand slightly raised, pointing at the Fifth Wangxian.

"Hehe, I am the Fifth Wangxian."

At this moment, because of the suspension of the three, Xu Wen saw the face of the silver armor master clearly, was startled, and thought of something.

"He is Liu Hengyu!"

Xu Wen exclaimed in shock.

"No way? He is the "Devil" Liu Hengyu who is No.3 on the reward list?"

Wang Qi and Shi Xiaozhu were also taken aback immediately, and quickly looked at the man in the air, wanting to see his appearance more clearly.

His unruly long hair was fluttering with the storm, and the expression on his handsome face was not grim. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, which seemed to be full of unknown meaning.The cool and strange silver armor all over his body and the shiny silver long knife in his hand set off his extraordinary prowess.

If I had to say it, his appearance made it impossible for people to associate with the title of Demon King.

The only information Wang Qi knew about Liu Hengyu, the Demon King, was the one on the Spirit Card Association's reward list.

His origin is very mysterious, no one knows his specific information.What everyone knows is only his only shot record.

It was a day more than ten years ago, the demon king Liu Hengyu slaughtered all the spirit card masters on both sides in a battlefield where the human kingdom and the spirit beast kingdom fought.

It was also Thunder Purgatory, which turned the battlefield full of thousands of spirit card masters, spirit beasts and spirit plants into scuffle, regardless of reason or camp, all turned into coke.

At that time, everyone outside the battlefield witnessed with their own eyes the scene where Liu Hengyu turned the huge area into a purgatory of thunder and thunder, as well as the yelling, yelling, roaring and begging for mercy from all the people and beasts trapped in it. The sound, and among these sounds, was set off even louder, that Liu Hengyu's wild laughter.

After the thunder washed the ground, everything was reduced to scorched earth, no one escaped alive, and none of the onlookers dared to step forward to check. In the end, Liu Hengyu's laughter gradually disappeared, and the others disappeared together.

Because of this crazy behavior of killing all enemies regardless of ourselves, after this battle, the name of "Devil King" spread like wildfire.

Some onlookers who are good at painting painted the scenes they saw with their own eyes.It was exactly the same as what Wang Qi and the others saw now.

The Spirit Card Association quickly launched a reward for him. It is said that the Spirit Beast Empire and the Spirit Plant Kingdom did the same thing.

But it was of no use, no one could trace him, and no one knew why he did it.

Under the continuous investigation of some Spirit Card Masters with special means, finally, the Spirit Card Association got his name and made it public.

For more than ten years, countless spirit card masters, especially some newcomers who are full of self-confidence, want to step on his name and become famous.However, Liu Hengyu seemed to have disappeared, and no trace of him was revealed anymore. Gradually, except for the reward that had been on the list all year round, he was gradually forgotten by most people.

Later, after two more high-profile and hated spirit card associations appeared, his ranking dropped to third place.

But at this time, seeing Liu Hengyu's conspicuous appearance standing out of thin air, as Xu Wen, who was educated by elites since childhood and knew all kinds of news by heart, he recognized him instantly.

Fifth Wangxian, Liu Hengyu, and an unknown creature stood in the air in a triangle shape. He didn't hear Xu Wen's words, so he didn't remember who this person was.

But when Liu Hengyu heard that he had reported his family name, he became interested.

"Oh? Fifth Wangxian? Is that the junior who ranks first on the leaderboard?"

Liu Hengyu looked at Fifth Wangxian with a questioning expression.However, his aura did not relax, and he still firmly locked on the unknown creature.

"I don't dare to be the first, it's just a fluke."

The fifth Wangxian was full of fighting intent, watching the long knife in his hand ready to move.

At this moment, the Thunder Beast couldn't bear it anymore.

After fighting with Liu Hengyu for more than ten days, one can imagine how powerful it is.At this moment, another guy who looks like the enemy came again. Anyway, there is no need to waste time letting them communicate.

The Thunder Beast roared through the sky, and the sharp horns on the top of its head and the plasma spheres on its wings shot out endless lightning.

Its figure disappeared instantly, and Liu Hengyu also disappeared together, and the two instantly returned to the previous state of fighting.

"Brother Xu Wen, do you know what that creature is?"

Shi Xiaozhu asked curiously.

Xu Wen shook his head.

"I have never seen this kind of creature, nor have I seen similar records. It must be a rare creature unique to the East China Sea. However, it seems that he can continue to fight against the devil Liu Hengyu without losing the wind. Level of fierce guy."

"I hope Brother Wangxian will not be impulsive."

After Shi Xiaozhu listened, he looked worriedly at the Fifth Wangxian in the sky.

Just after Liu Hengyu resumed their fight with the Thunder Beast, Fifth Wangxian joined in not to be outdone.

You don't mean to fight with me, so I'll just get in by myself, and let's all fight together.

With the addition of his sword light, every time the flashing silhouettes exploded even more, the sound of thunder was endless, and the sound was much louder than before.

It seemed that he was disturbed by Fifth Wangxian's mangy style of play, Liu Hengyu didn't say anything, but the Thunder Beast suddenly became angry.

When the flash appeared again, there were six wolf-like tiger-like creatures beside the Thunder Beast. The whole body was made of lightning, and only two blood-red vortexes were located at the two eyes, which looked very ominous.

As soon as the six lightning creatures appeared, they flew straight towards the fifth Wangxian.This method was used by Thunder Beast against Liu Hengyu before, but it was useless, and it was not as good as his own Thunder and Lightning, so it was no longer used.But at this moment, facing the Fifth Wangxian, the Thunder Beast used this trick again.

Six lightning creatures rushed forward, and the fifth Wangxian was shocked, and immediately manipulated the sword light, and suddenly doubled the speed.A few Xu Ying appeared, and the six lightning creatures were cut into pieces immediately and disappeared into the air.

The Thunder Beast glanced at the Fifth Wangxian in surprise, and realized that this newcomer should not be underestimated, so he simply continued to fight with Liu Hengyu, and at the same time distractedly summoned countless lightning creatures, all facing Fifth Wangxian rushed over.

"Good come!"

The fifth Wangxian is not afraid at all, his sword light moves like clouds and flowing water, constantly beheading and killing lightning creatures one by one, turning them into pieces of lightning.

But at this moment, Liu Hengyu suddenly became impatient.

It seems that he felt that his fight with this thunder beast was distracted by the fifth Wangxian's interference, and he was very upset.Without opening his mouth, he suddenly slashed at Fifth Wangxian's sword light across the air.

This knife looked ordinary, and Fifth Wangxian's sword light became very inconspicuous because of its extremely fast speed. In the eyes of Wang Qi and Xu Wen, this knife would not pose any threat to him at all.

However, at the next moment, Fifth Wangxian, together with Feijian, was directly chopped out of thin air and appeared.There was a huge oblique cut in front of his body, that cut completely tore his battle suit, almost cutting his body into two obliquely.Around the wound, countless electric sparks danced non-stop, scorching the wound black, obviously containing powerful lightning power.

(End of this chapter)

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