Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 266 Demon King Liu Hengyu

Chapter 266 Demon King Liu Hengyu

His flying sword was also cut in two, and the incision was extremely smooth, but if someone put the two broken pieces together, they would find that the length was a little shorter.That's because the place Liu Hengyu struck with the silver knife was directly annihilated by lightning.

Seeing that the fifth Wangxian was still majesticly beheading the lightning creature one moment, he was on equal footing with Liu Hengyu and the Thunder Beast, but the next second he was in danger, almost cut into two pieces, and there was only one breath left.Wang Qi and Xu Wen were terrified, and they wanted to fly up with Yujian to rescue Fifth Wangxian.

But Shi Xiaozhu moved faster than them.

"History goes backwards!"

A feeling similar to the "historical torrent" that Wang Qi had seen once before appeared in his heart instantly.

It was a kind of vast soup, magnificent and majestic.

It's like a long illusory river running across the sky, without knowing where it comes from or where it goes.But everyone who feels this river knows that this river is called history.

However, when Shi Xiaozhu yelled the words "History goes backwards", everyone seemed to see that the river began to flow backwards.

Liu Hengyu and Thunder Beast were about to break up. Liu Hengyu had a delicate expression, frowning and looked at Shi Xiaozhu below, while Thunder Beast looked at Shi Xiaozhu with the same alertness as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

The fifth Wangxian who was not in the eyes of the two of them, who was already on the verge of death, changed at this moment.

An unknown force slowly brought his almost broken body back together.Just like a zipper that was pulled open, the zipper was closed again at this moment, and the closed part was intact.

When the last point of the wound closed, even his flying sword returned to its original state.As for the Fifth Wangxian himself, there was a loud bang in his head, and he completely recovered.

Just now, he experienced Liu Hengyu's inconspicuous knife that almost wiped out his vitality in an instant, but with the help of Shi Xiaozhu, although he kept the memory of being chopped into two parts, he knew that he had recovered. .

Knowing that Shi Xiaozhu had exposed his abilities, Fifth Wangxian secretly cried out that something was wrong, and no longer had the intention to fight against Liu Hengyu and Thunder Beast in his mind.And the two looked at Shi Xiaozhu, one was very interested and the other was very wary, which also let him know that things were going to happen.

"Xiaozhu! Hide!"

The fifth Wangxian exerted 120% of his strength and wanted to rush to Shi Xiaozhu's side faster than before.

However, Liu Hengyu suddenly smiled, and then took a simple step.

"It's interesting, come with me."

With just one step, he walked to the side of Shi Xiaozhu and the others.With a light clasp of his wrist, he clasped Shi Xiaozhu's hand, and then smiled slightly at the only Fifth Wangxian who was flying back after reacting, took another light step, and brought him back to the air, and with that thunder where the beasts confront each other.

It was at this moment that Wang Qi and Xu Wen realized what had happened.


The two shouted together, but found that they dared not take a step at all.

Just now, Liu Hengyu's absolutely crushing posture filled the two of them with a sense of fear involuntarily, and even their bodies seemed to be paralyzed, unable to move at all.

"Okay, Leijiao, I don't want to fight you anymore, I'll kill you next time."

Liu Hengyu simply ignored the few people below, but said something casually to the Thunder Beast opposite him.

The Thunder Beast roared, as if to express its disdain.However, Liu Hengyu didn't say anything, took another step, and directly disappeared out of thin air with the stunned Shi Xiaozhu.

In the next second, their figures appeared in the air thousands of meters away.

Fifth Wangxian controlled the flying sword, shouted again, followed by cutting through the sky, and in the blink of an eye, the shadows of the three of them disappeared together.

At this time Wang Qi finally felt that he could move.But Xu Wen was much stronger than him, just before Wang Qi recovered, Xu Wen also summoned his faint flying sword, and also turned into a streamer, chasing the shadow of Fifth Wangxian.

As he flew away, he yelled at Wang Qi, "Wang Qi, I'll go first! You also catch up!"

The flying speed of Fifth Wangxian's Yujian is far beyond Wang Qi's.And Xu Wen's flying speed of Yujian is also not bad.

So when Wang Qi also reacted quickly, Yu Jian wanted to catch up with Xu Wen, but he was still a step too late, and Xu Wen had already turned into a streamer in the sky.The fifth Wangxian and the devil Liu Hengyu who are farther away have completely disappeared.Even Void Butterfly couldn't catch up with them, watching them disappear into the sky in vain.

But at this time, something even more unlucky happened, the Thunder Beast stared at Wang Qi who was walking slowly.

It didn't chase Liu Hengyu, but hesitated for a moment. After watching the fifth Wangxian and Xu Wen leave one after another, it stopped the unlucky Wang Qi because of the familiar fluctuation on Wang Qi's body.

"I wipe! What the hell!"

He didn't know what this thunder beast wanted to do to stop him, but Wang Qi didn't dare to show any carelessness.

This Thunder Beast has been fighting fierce men like Liu Hengyu for more than fifteen days without losing the wind. Now Wang Qi can't even last a second when facing him.

Therefore, the powerful brain power brought by the data lord made the most correct decision in an instant, switching the avatar.

Wang Qi's main body disappeared in place, and the moment his avatar appeared, he saw a pillar of thunder as thick as a water tank passing through his untouchable body.

Even though he knew that the thunder pillar would not cause any harm to him, the avatar still felt it from the bottom of his heart, the pure and overflowing, destructive aura unique to thunder.


The Thunder Beast was a little surprised that its own blow missed the ground. It hovered quietly in place, and suddenly thunder burst out all over its body. A sphere of lightning and lightning centered on it exploded instantly.Countless small lightning bolts, whose speed is countless times faster, shot out towards all the surrounding spaces in the form of radiation.

It is to use this method to force out Wang Qi who he thinks is invisible.

Fortunately, the avatar ability is really unreasonably useful, as long as you don't kill yourself, the avatar itself does not exist.

These thunderbolts failed to achieve meritorious service, and the Thunder Beast didn't try a second time.It turned around straight away, and in the same way as Liu Hengyu, it disappeared in an instant without a trace of fireworks, and it was already in the sky when it reappeared.After a few strokes, it completely disappeared between the sky and the sea without leaving a trace.

"Huh... it's okay."

The clone let out a sigh of relief, and did not switch back, but returned to the treasure ship below that had been completely forgotten just now, but was miraculously intact.

After entering the inner space of the treasure ship, Wang Qi switched back to the main body.

"This is troublesome. I didn't expect everyone to go away like this."

A little helpless, I thought that with a super strong companion, I would be able to run wild in this sea, but I didn't expect the reality to hit my face really fast enough.

"Now, no matter where they go, I can't catch up with them in a short time. Then, if this is the case, why not act alone, and then find a way to find them slowly."

After thinking about it, Wang Qi decided on the safest way to travel.

He walked out of the cabin, and then shouted the slogan of Jizhong Er to summon the Zhenling Sacrifice to Heaven Cauldron, and put the Shawudao General Cauldron into the sea.


As soon as Sha Wudao came out, feeling that he was back in the familiar sea again, he showed some excitement slightly.

"Sha Wudao, let me ask you first, do you know that you only have such a creature?"

Wang Qi used the ability of Xuanming Zhenshui to control a pool of sea water, and transformed into the appearance of the Thunder Beast just now.

"I know. This is one of the ten spirits of the East China Sea, Master Linglongzuo, who was bestowed by the Lord of the East China Sea with the 'Sword of the Ten Spirits of the East China Sea—Fixing the Wind'."

Sha Wudao immediately gave the answer after seeing the illusion of the ball of water.

"Oh? The ten spirits of the East China Sea can't be creatures from the sea? And how can they be so strong? I think he's stronger than that golden carp, isn't it 01:30?"

Wang Qi asked.

"Master Linglong Zuo is a special creature born in the East China Sea. It was born on a small island that was struck by lightning all the year round. There was a piece of precious jade on the island that was struck by lightning all the year round. After thousands of years, Master Linglong Zuo was born from it. When Linglong The moment Zuo was born, the East China Sea was covered with thunderclouds, and countless thunderbolts fell from all places at the same time to celebrate his birth."

"After this situation was sensed by the Lord of the East China Sea, he came to it in person. After a discussion between the two, Master Linglong Zuo was completely defeated by the Lord of the East China Sea, and finally expressed his submission. However, it rejected the Lord of the East China Sea's offer to become the fourth Invited by the king, he only accepted the status of a ten-spirit, listened to the tune but not the announcement, and wandered around according to his preferences."

"As for the strength between him and the golden carp, there is no comparison. The golden carp was named one of the ten spirits by the Lord of the East Sea just because of its good looks and some special pleasing skills. Many creatures in the East Sea It’s actually quite annoying.”

Sha Wudao explained in detail the origin of this thunder beast and the difference between it and the golden carp.

"I see. If you put it this way, Linglong Zuo actually has the strength of the Four Kings, and is at the same level as the Humpback Whale King."

After Wang Qi finished listening, he was in a cold sweat.Fortunately, I was decisive enough just now, otherwise I really didn't know how to die.

Just thinking of this, that Demon King Liu Hengyu can be on par with Linglong Zuo. From this, it can be speculated that the strength of that Demon King Liu Hengyu must also be at the level of the Four Kings of the East China Sea.

After thinking about it for a while, Wang Qi stopped thinking about it.In the future, if there is a chance, slowly let Sha Wudao tell him some secrets about the East China Sea.The first thing now is to get out of here.

"Sha Wudao, from now on, I will hide in this gourd. You take this gourd and travel from the deep sea to find a special island. I have already passed the information of the island into your brain Oh, if you drop by, I have a chance to visit the gathering place of your water spirit beasts, and I will see if there is a chance to add a few more companions to you."

Wang Qi gave the order clearly, Sha Wudao nodded to express his understanding, then he turned around and put away the treasure ship, and got into his Qiankun gourd.

The gourd was automatically hung on Sha Wudao's side, and would not slip off.Seeing that Wang Qi had made arrangements, Sha Wudao quickly dived into the world below the sea surface.

In the underwater world, the Void Butterfly is not easy to use.Wang Qi also had no other way to observe the external environment, so he had to find some things to do at will.Fortunately, he has stored a large amount of daily necessities in the gourd, and he can switch with the avatar at any time, so he doesn't have to worry about life problems at all.

Wang Qi was very curious about the devil Liu Hengyu who kidnapped Shi Xiaozhu.Just now he found out that he was actually a powerhouse at the level of the Four Kings of the East China Sea, and Wang Qi felt sincere awe in his heart.

But this does not prevent him, he used some obstacles to the devil.

"What's Your Name" and "The Magic Pen of Weaving Nightmare" are good choices.

The name of the Demon Lord Liu Hengyu was acquired by the Spirit Card Association at a cost, and it is completely his real name.So the activation condition of "Your name is baa" has been met.But letting this expert come to him is purely looking for shit, Wang Qicai is not that stupid.At this time, the "magic pen for weaving nightmares" has become the best choice.

Taking out a piece of white paper that met the conditions that had been prepared long ago, Wang Qi held the pen, and after thinking for a while, he began to scribble on the paper, writing down the nightmare he had arranged for Liu Hengyu.

This kind of strong man is handsome and powerful, what is the most feared thing?What could be called their nightmare?After thinking about it, Wang Qi arranged a very disgusting plot.

"Well, the devil woke up from his dream, and then found that he had no strength. He was caught by the enemy who had killed him in the past. Instead of killing him directly, he was thrown into the cesspit and called countless ordinary people. Onlookers watched, and broadcast it live to the whole world. In the end, the demon king died of embarrassment and anger after being submerged in feces. After he died, he found that this was just a nightmare. In the midst of rejoicing, the same plot just happened again."

Wang Qi chanted while writing, and couldn't help shaking after writing.

"It's disgusting! It's brutal! It's horrible!"

Wang Qi couldn't help giving himself a thumbs up for being able to come up with a nightmare of this level, and nesting his favorite dream-within-a-dream setting.

After writing, look at the paper with satisfaction, and then burn it casually.

The conditions have been met, and the effect of the spirit card is activated.

The devil Liu Hengyu, who is far away in the unknown sky, is walking leisurely in the air with Shi Xiaozhu in one hand.

Shi Xiaozhu has calmed down now.He knew that the devil Liu Hengyu had captured him, probably because he saw what he had just used his ability to get, and he would not be in danger for the time being.

At this moment, he suddenly saw Liu Hengyu frowned slightly.Then, a phantom suddenly appeared in his body, and it remained in place, as if falling into a deep sleep.

As for Liu Hengyu himself, he continued to move forward with Shi Xiaozhu in his arms.

The phantom left behind gradually solidified.However, he was completely still in the air, with his eyes closed tightly, and there was even a slight breathing sound between his nostrils, exactly the same as Liu Hengyu.

(End of this chapter)

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