Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 267 Deep Sea Spirit Beast City

Chapter 267 Deep Sea Spirit Beast City
As soon as the two of them left, Fifth Wangxian, who was chasing after him, came to this phantom.

Seeing the figure staying here, the Fifth Wangxian instantly felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy, and he used all his strength without holding back.A shocking sword light pierced towards this phantom with the momentum of tearing the world apart.The Fifth Wangxian believes that as long as he is hit by this move, no matter how strong Liu Hengyu is, he will definitely have no good results.

However, a phantom is a phantom.As if they existed in a parallel world, the two did not interfere with each other. Except for seeing his body being pierced by the flying sword, any other scenes imagined by Fifth Wangxian did not appear.

"Oops, it's bait!"

Fifth Wangxian instantly judged the form.Although this sword was extremely fast, it was delayed for a few seconds.This delay, Liu Hengyu's and Shi Xiaozhu's aura, under his fully developed spiritual awareness, had faintly disappeared into the distance.

No more wasting time, Fifth Wangxian turned into streamer again and chased him away.

Just after Fifth Wangxian left for a while, the phantom of Liu Hengyu who had closed his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes.

He looked around blankly, and then gradually disappeared, just like the way he appeared.

Wang Qi, who was waiting in the Qiankun Gourd, suddenly felt that the nightmare he had woven had been completed and the target had died.


Wang Qi couldn't believe it at all, full of doubts.

Liu Hengyu, the majestic devil king, died so simply?He actually killed the demon king who had been on the list for more than 30 years?

This is simply not realistic.

If so, then make sure.The easiest way to confirm it is to use the effect of "The Pen of God Weaving Nightmare" again.

If the opponent is really dead, the effect cannot be activated at all. After all, the effect of this spirit card cannot be applied to dead people.

Then, the facts turned out to be exactly as Wang Qi imagined, and the effect took effect again.

Liu Hengyu, who was walking, didn't even change his brows this time, leaving a phantom in place again, and easily escaped the nightmare curse.

"As expected of a demon king, it seems that he must have a mythical spirit card that can resist this type of ability."

After Wang Qi deduced this conclusion, he simply put away his spirit card and stopped wasting his spirit power.

"Hey, by the way, I still have an enemy. That guy Lin Zhongchen, he didn't come when he used 'what's your name' last time. I forgot. To deal with him, then continue to use this spirit It's stuck, just let him come to the East China Sea to suffer, and add some chaos to him."

Do as soon as you think of it, and the effect of "Your name is baa" is activated.But there is no way to verify the effect of this spirit card, only to wait.Wang Qi didn't care, and put away the spirit card after activating it.

It's just that he didn't know that Lin Zhongchen had already tried a way to be immune to the effect of this spirit card, and this spirit card had completely lost its effect on him.

Wang Qi, who stayed in the Qiankun Gourd, no longer thought about his enemies.After pondering for a long time, I finally came up with a method to observe the situation around Sha Wudao in the outside world.

Summon a new Void Butterfly, and then manipulate Xuanming True Water to create a thin water cover to form a blister, completely enveloping the Void Butterfly, ensuring that the Void Butterfly is under the protection of the blister.

Send the water bubble containing a Void Butterfly directly out of the Qiankun gourd, and stick it on Sha Wudao's body in an instant.

Xuanming Zhenshui manipulated the water bubbles to directly offset all the powerful water pressure in the deep sea, and the Void Butterfly was extremely safe in it, and the water bubbles did not even deform at all.

Sha Wudao felt that there was something more in him.But a thought came, let it know that this is the master's method, and ignore it.


Wang Qi was happy for his whim.

Sure enough, as long as the abilities of some spirit cards are organically combined, they can do things that were never thought of before.

The Void Butterfly's vision is able to ignore darkness.Therefore, through the eyes of the butterfly in the void, it should be extremely dark. The deep-sea world, where only deep-sea creatures can move without hindrance by relying on the various peculiar organs they have evolved, is now showing a magnificent side in Wang Qi's eyes.

The endless sea creatures, with all sorts of strange postures, show their most primitive postures in the vast deep sea.Some walk alone, some gather together, and some can live in harmony with each other. The big fish eat the small fish, and the small fish eat smaller creatures. This is the most realistic display of the food chain.

But Sha Wudao, who walks alone, because of its huge and vigorous body and fierce appearance, makes all creatures shy away from it wherever it goes, and dare not touch its bad luck.

Wang Qi flew out three void butterfly blisters one after another, and stuck them on Sha Wudao's body in four directions: up, down, left, and right, so that he could observe all angles perfectly.

He saw that Sha Wudao was indeed following his instructions, thinking of diving into the depths of the sea below.

In this real world of the East China Sea, the depth of the sea is unfathomable, and the most submerged place is several thousand meters. After walking for fifteen days, the hinterland of the vast East China Sea is even less deep.

But obviously Sha Wudao has its own wayfinding method.That is not the ability of the Spirit Card, but the biological instinct engraved in its genes.

After appreciating the spectacular underwater scenery for three full days, Sha Wudao finally brought Wang Qi to a submarine plain at a depth of more than 1 meters.

In the center of this huge submarine plain stands a magical rock mountain.The entire rocky mountain is like a devil landform carved by wind and sand in some Gobi deserts on land, full of caves of various shapes and sizes.The caves are connected to each other, and the sea creatures, big and small, come and go in and out, which actually gives people a very lively feeling.

In the past few days, what Wang Qi observed was that some creatures that should be the upper and lower levels of the food chain also live in harmony here and do not attack each other.

In an instant, Wang Qi guessed that this should be a "city" where spirit beasts gather in the sea.

With a flick of its tail, Sha Wudao easily entered one of the caves.Seeing Sha Wudao's huge body, some spirit beasts at the side quickly moved away.

After entering the cave of this strange rock mountain, Sha Wudao had obviously been here before. Facing the cave roads extending in all directions, he made choices one after another without hesitation, and reached the center of the rock mountain in the blink of an eye. .

Once here, Wang Qi saw a scene that shocked her through the eyes of Void Butterfly.

One can't see how big it is, but it can only be judged that it is a huge octopus with countless tentacles, which is located at the core of this rocky mountain, in a vertical cave like a huge patio.

Its body completely covered the vertical cave, and no spirit beast could see what was under its body.And its countless tentacles are constantly floating around with the water waves, without any active consciousness.

But Wang Qi believes that as long as the octopus is willing, the countless tentacles will turn into the most powerful whips, entangle, strangle, or tear any enemy.

Sha Wudao came to this octopus and let out a low growl, which is its unique way of communicating in water.

As if hearing Sha Wudao's voice, one of the octopus's closest tentacles slowly approached Sha Wudao's side.

Except for the spirit cards in Sha Wudao's book of spirit cards, Wang Qi picked some useful ones and took them away, leaving all the rest to it.After all, he is already his most loyal little brother, so there is no need to be stingy.

This tentacle stretched out in front of Sha Wudao, as if begging for something.Sha Wudao's book of spirit cards appeared instantly, and then it took out one of the spirit cards, and with the help of water, sent it directly to the tentacle.

After lightly sticking the spirit card, and then quickly withdrawing the tentacles, a deep unknown sound echoed faintly from the hole.

Of course Wang Qi couldn't hear the sound through the void, but Sha Wudao could hear it clearly.

It was the boss of this undersea spirit beast city, that is, the octopus with the best information in the nearby waters, who was buying the information on the location of the small island that Wang Qi needed at the cost of a spirit card.

Although this octopus with countless tentacles has never left this spirit beast city, it has a special spirit card ability and can get any news it wants to know in the sea.Many spirit beasts came to this city to buy information from it.

To put it bluntly, this octopus is a news dealer.

After getting the information the owner wanted, Sha Wudao turned around and left the big octopus, and after twists and turns, he left this special underwater city.

But at this moment, the accident happened.

Sha Wudao only felt that the world around him suddenly became extremely bright, as if he had returned to the shallow sea near Peach Blossom Island, which was his favorite place, which was close to the human continent.

After it saw the surrounding situation clearly, it realized that this place had turned into a huge freshwater lake, and all the spirit beasts entering and leaving the city were there, and the city made of rocky mountains on the seabed stood there intact. , can't see any difference.

That's right, because of the gathering of spirit beasts here, the domain has been refreshed at this moment, and all nearby spirit beasts have been involved in the domain.

The sea spirit beasts seem to be used to this scene, and some of the spirit beasts who are not happy with the light directly drilled into the cave of the rocky mountain.And the other spirit beasts calmly began to fight with the water monsters that appeared around them.

Wanting to experience the difference between the water domain and the land domain, Wang Qi hesitated for a while, then switched to his avatar again, and after wrapping himself in the same blister, he drilled out of the universe gourd.

Fortunately, Xuanming Zhenshui's ability to control water is very strong, allowing this bubble to resist the huge pressure of the deep sea, and the clone is completely fine, which makes Wang Qi very happy.

Sha Wudao did not give up this opportunity to clear the domain. Although it resolutely carried out Wang Qi's orders, it was different from ordinary summoned creatures. It still had its own thinking ability. This was the special feature of Cauldron Spirit.He thought that he would not delay the master's affairs after finishing this field, and he didn't need to report to the master, so he didn't have any extra thoughts at all.

After the avatar came out of the gourd, the blisters were like a layer of membrane, close to Wang Qi's body, and flowed out for a distance of more than one centimeter.It is very easy for Xuanming Zhenshui to manipulate Wanshui.

He casually summoned the Steam Breaking Wind Sword, used the Xuanyin Guishui Sword Art, and slashed at the monster in the water beside him with a single stroke of his sword.

This monster looks like a cloth bag with a big opening in the front and a closed back.Above the pocket, there are three eyes, but nothing else.

[Cloud pipe: level 89]
This monster is not strong, and its attack method is nothing special, it just uses the opening in the front of the bag to swallow the target.

Obviously this kind of monster was not beaten, and the number of various spirit beasts around should not be too many. Wang Qi only had time to touch a name, and almost all of these monsters were cleaned up.

During the observation just now, Wang Qi discovered another difference in the deep sea domain, that is, here, the domain presents a perfect spherical shape, unlike the domains on the surface, only half of which is exposed outside, most of the time you only need to fight on the ground up.

There is no special barrier in the sea water, so the scope of the domain can be perfectly presented, and the number of monsters has also increased and become more scattered.

In the very center of the perfect sphere of the domain is the monster boss of this domain, a huge cloud pouch with a golden stripe on the body, which looks like a VIP effect after charging money, except this At most it is VIP1.

Quickly used the flying sword to rub the damage, the boss and the elites were overwhelmed by many spirit beasts, and the battle was resolved in two or three strokes, and the dead could not die again.

However, during the battle, Wang Qi also discovered that even if there was a competitive relationship between these spirit beasts, they would not have any intention of attacking each other at all, which was much more peaceful than the human spirit card domain on the ground.

After the battle, a settlement window popped up in front of Wang Qi's avatar.After making a random choice, he saw that many spirit beasts summoned shells, rock pieces, and the like, and then began to wander around.

"This is probably their natural spirit card detector. But after all, it is a beast, not as imaginative as a human being. This prop looks too primitive."

He simply took out the miracle compass, and it pointed directly to the position that happened to be at the bottom of the sphere of the domain, where it meets the seabed plain.

However, many spirit beasts have also been found here.After all, in the underwater world, most of the things that can generate natural spirit cards are real objects, and they can only be some things on the hard seabed.

It seemed that they couldn't grab these extremely fast spirit beasts, and the clone was a little bit regretful, but it still turned around and went back to the side of Sha Wudao.

The Natural Spirit Card was found, and the domain quickly disappeared, returning to the dark and gloomy underwater world again.

After entering the gourd and switching back to the main body, Wang Qi thought for a while, and passed a new command to it through the gourd.

(End of this chapter)

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