Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 268 Wandering in the Sea

Chapter 268 Wandering in the Sea
"Sha Wudao, look for the lonely spirit beast, I need a new cauldron spirit. By the way, I will look for other domains."

By the time the Zhenling Sacrifice to Heaven Cauldron has been refreshed, the new Cauldron Spirit can already be subdued.But because the monsters or spirit beasts he has encountered all the time are not spirit world monsters or spirit beasts, and ordinary creatures cannot be subdued because they have no level, so Wang Qi had to keep it empty.

Now that he has encountered so many spirit beasts in the sea, he has to tame two of them, and give Sha Wudao a companion.

"Okay, master."

Sha Wudao responded in a low voice, then scanned the surroundings with fierce eyes, and soon focused on a sea turtle that also looked quite big.

The turtle moved alone, swimming slowly and fast, and seemed to be preparing to leave the city.Sha Wudao chased after him slowly, ensuring that it would not leave his field of vision.

After a while, a turtle and a shark came back and forth to the sea area where there were no more spirit beasts, only ordinary creatures left.

Seeing that there were no other fish around, Sha Wudao speeded up quickly and overtook the paddling sea turtle in the blink of an eye.

Wang Qi saw it clearly, and immediately gave Sha Wudao a signal, and then the main body came out of the gourd.


This trick of restricting skills is really easy to use. Before the big turtle understood what was going on, it turned over in an instant, and the turtle turned its head down, showing an inexplicable expression.

Wang Qi doesn't care about these.This sea turtle will never be protected by a big boss like a golden carp. After the effect of the suspension takes effect, the condition of the Qiankun gourd has been met.Then with a whoosh, the sea turtle was put into the gourd with some sea water on its back.

"You move on to your next target."

After giving Sha Wudao an idea, Wang Qi also got in.

The sea turtle spirit beast was still turning over, but at least it knew that it was imprisoned somewhere.

Struggling slightly, the time limit for "hanging" has passed, so it quickly turned over and let Gui Nahan face upwards.


He made a series of calls to the surroundings, wanting to communicate with the guy who locked him up.

"I don't understand turtle language."

Keeping the turtle unable to see him, Wang Qi summoned the Zhenling Sacrificial Cauldron, and then directly used "Zhenling" on the turtle.

Fortunately, the level of this turtle is not much higher than Wang Qi, even just a little higher than Wang Qi.

【Real name: Gui Xiaosan】

[Race: Sea Race]

[Level: Level 124]

【Physical Strength: 32489】

【Strength: 1235】

【Speed: 1573】

【Spirit: 23385】

【Spiritual Power: 1642643】

[Equipment Spirit Card: Omit]

[Free spirit card slot: omitted]

When Wang Qi saw this name, he wanted to complain from the bottom of his heart.

You said that Sha Wudao can have such a mighty and domineering name, why do you have to be called Xiao San when you are a sea turtle?
Fortunately, the stats of this little turtle are really good. His physical strength and spirit are far beyond the level of Sha Wudao, and his spiritual power is even higher. The growth rate should be higher.

At level 124, 1240 million spiritual power is needed to refine it into a cauldron spirit.Now it's finally time to do something.Wang Qi thought for a while, and the main body also got a broken plug out, and then sent out a gourd, which was inserted into Sha Wudao's body.

As a cauldron spirit, one must have the awareness to sacrifice for the master at any time, let alone share one-tenth of the consumption of spiritual power.

Poor and dignified Shark Wudao, a majestic giant shark, firstly, a butterfly bubble was stuck on the top, bottom, left, and right, and it looked a little happy.Now there is another broken plug on the back, and the broken line is very conspicuous in the water.This also made Sha Wudao lose his murderous look in an instant, and instead looked a little cute.

Although Sha Wudao was also a little reluctant in his heart, it was impossible for Cauldron Spirit to resist, so he had to accept it silently with his eyes closed, as if he didn't have it.

It turned around again and swam in the other direction.After traveling quite a distance, they finally discovered a new seabed domain.

The rules of the world announcement also apply to the world of spirit beasts. Where there are a large number of spirit beasts, it is easier to generate new spirit card domains.

So without Wang Qi's instructions, he got into this field straight away.

Most of the monsters that can appear in the sea have the ability to survive underwater, and they are even creatures in the sea.

The monsters in the field this time are simple and clear, just a group of ordinary-looking fish, but these fish have sharp teeth.

There are already some sea spirit beasts fighting in the domain.Wang Qi didn't intend to show up this time, but just switched his avatar, went out to catch a monster and refined it to be the cauldron spirit, for the ghost of Quyin to use, and then quietly watched Sha Wudao's mixed domain.

For the next few days, Wang Qi stayed in the gourd. Sha Wudao wandered around the field, and occasionally found a single spirit beast. Wang Qi looked at the appearance, and it looked good. He received it as a cauldron spirit in the gourd. As an alternative, let's forget about the ugly ones, and don't provoke them.

Finally, after a lot of time, Wang Qi refined Gui Xiaosan and became the No. [-] Cauldron Spirit on the main body side.

After refining, Wang Qi asked Sha Wudao to find a hiding place, and then released Gui Xiaosan.


As soon as Gui Xiaosan came out, he saluted Wang Qi respectfully.

"Okay, Gui Xiaosan, take out all your spirit cards. Sha Wudao, you too."

Both are completely loyal to Wang Qi, so naturally they will not object.Each summoned the book of spirit cards, took out all the spirit cards, and handed them to Wang Qi.

Wang Qi's idea was that since he didn't intend to sacrifice these two subdued subordinates, and they wouldn't betray him, he might as well use fusion to strengthen their spirit cards and make them stronger. In this East China Sea, I can also get along more comfortably.

The spirit cards of spirit beasts are not quite the same as those of humans, but the basic types are still the same.The data lord turned it on for a while, and quickly scanned and modeled the spirit cards on the two of them, and then began to deduce the fusion plan.

These two guys were able to rise to more than 100 levels, and they didn't have a lot of mythical level spirit cards on them like Wang Qi thought.Sha Wudao is pretty good, and he only has one mythical spirit card, and only a few legendary spirit cards left.Gui Xiaosan was even worse. It seemed that he had spent time to get up. He didn't have a mythical-level spirit card, and only a few legendary-level spirit cards.

The spirit cards of the two were fused together by Wang Qi and then exchanged with each other. He himself added some spirit cards that had been idle in his hand. After the fusion, their spirit cards immediately improved greatly.

Because of the addition of some human spirit card factors, the obtained spirit card also has some characteristics different from the spirit beast itself.

After assigning Sha Wudao and Gui Xiaosan the spirit cards in their equipment bar respectively, their strengths improved a bit, and after summoning the equipment, their appearance also changed a little.

On Gui Xiaosan's back, there is an extra pavilion. Inside the pavilion is a Go board, which can be vaguely seen and an endgame is placed on it, which looks very elegant.I just hope that there is no one on both sides to play chess, which seems very lonely.

The shark has no way to become a sci-fi style, with two huge jet propulsion devices on both sides of the body, and the whole body is covered with gears, mechanical shafts and various accessories, which is very cyberpunk.

In fact, the most fundamental improvement lies in their several core spirit cards, which have improved a lot compared to the original ones.

"Okay, let's do this first, the two of you act together, and continue to find more areas to brush. Of course, remember to call me if there are lonely spirit beasts. Then go up in the general direction and continue to search for the small island I mentioned. Sharks have no way of knowing."

After Wang Qi finished his orders, he got into the gourd again and hid himself.

"It's a little troublesome."

Xu Wen chopped off a toothed fish jumping out from under the water with a single sword. Standing firmly on the water with both feet, he looked at the empty sea all around him, feeling helpless in his heart .

Fifth Wangxian and Demon King Liu Hengyu's speed was too fast, he never expected that he would not catch up with them with all his strength, and even lost Wang Qi behind him because of it.

Five days have passed, and the storm caused by the fierce battle between Liu Hengyu and Linglong Zuo has stopped.But there are still dark clouds rolling in the sky, which makes people feel very depressed.

Being in the vast sea is the same feeling as being in the great desert. It is the same loneliness, the same loss, the same depressing feeling, and one cannot help fantasizing.

However, Xu Wen's main ability is not only swordsmanship but also illusion. He is very good at cultivating the mind. He is not too anxious at the moment, but just finds it a bit troublesome.

In the vast ocean, if two people are separated, without special spirit card abilities or props, it is impossible to find each other easily. The difficulty is no different from finding a needle in a haystack.

Since there is no direction, let's go along with the fate.

Thinking of this, Xu Wen turned into a beam of sword light again, without flying high, and flew away at a high speed in one direction while sticking to the sea surface.

At this moment, Wang Qi still let the two spirit beasts Sha Wudao and Gui Xiaosan lead him around.

It's not that he hasn't thought about using the ability of "Your name" to pull Xu Wen or Fifth Wangxian to his side.But if the two were fighting, or otherwise, wouldn't doing it by themselves put them in danger?
So Wang Qi still gave up and went forward alone.

Sha Wudao and Gui Xiaosan swam all the way over, passing through several famous spirit beast cities on the bottom of the East China Sea.

There is communication between spirit beasts. They can exchange information by spitting bubbles, using inexplicable language, or directly resonating with spiritual power.

Sha Wudao and Gui Xiaosan, the combination of a turtle and a fish, is already very strange when they get together, and the spirit beasts they see will inevitably take a few extra glances.What makes spirit beasts even more rare is that both have abilities that are completely different from those in the sea world, but are more similar to those of human spirit card masters on land outside the sea, which makes many spirit beasts very interested.

Under Wang Qi's instruction, Sha Wudao revealed a little bit about what he had been in the human sea, and traded with his friend Gui Xiaosan to get some special spirit cards.

Most of the spirit beasts are only slightly interested, and they will leave after satisfying their curiosity.But there are also some, completely adhering to the way of beasts, and taking whatever they are interested in.

So, when the two of them left an underwater city made up of huge coral reefs again, in a sea area that was empty of fish, a swordfish that looked small and didn't even have half the body of Sha Wudao stopped. in front of both.

"Shark, give me the spirit card equipped on your body, and I will spare you!"

The billowing sound wave of mental power spread across the seabed, and after reflecting into his mind, Sha Wudao understood its meaning.


There is no nonsense at all, Sha Wudao also has a temper.

"Heh, since that's the case, then I'll convince you."

As he said that, there was a faint flash of lightning on the sharp long thorn in front of Jianyu's body.In just an instant, its shadow disappeared in front of Sha Wudao and Gui Xiaosan.

Both of them didn't even have a reaction, Sha Wudao felt that a huge hole had been made in the metal armor on one side of his body, and countless tiny parts were falling off continuously.

"Nice armor, I like it better."

Swordfish's voice came from behind the two of them, Sha Wudao suddenly turned his head, but he didn't see anything at all, and suddenly felt that there was a hole in the armor on the other side of his body.

Swordfish's speed is really too fast.

As the natural speed king in the sea, except for a few special beings born from heaven and earth, no sea creature can compete with it in speed in front of Swordfish.

Like an adult teasing a child, this swordfish played Sha Wudao and Gui Xiaosan around.

However, as a sea turtle, Gui Xiaosan's defense power is outstanding.After Wang Qi fused some new cards to it, these days' domain swipes kept updating it. On the surface of its body, there was always an invisible barrier of nothingness protecting its body.

Therefore, the swordfish's attack did not cause any harm to it, only Sha Wudao was brutally tortured.

Sha Wudao naturally won't always bear the attack without resisting.Its sharp teeth and dorsal fin blazed with blue flames, shining brightly in the dark depths of the sea, very conspicuous.Beside it, there appeared small sharks made entirely of water. The number of these sharks was increasing, and gradually began to cover the space around its body.

This is the most commonly used fighting method of Sha Wudao, the water flow shark group and the flow water burning flame.

Current Sharks have a huge natural advantage in the water, that is invisibility.There is nothing more difficult to find than water hidden in the water, not to mention that in this dark sea, the vision of all creatures is limited to the extreme.

When it summoned this large group of current sharks, Swordfish didn't notice anything wrong at all. When it rushed to it again, it was instantly hit by several current sharks on its only path.

(End of this chapter)

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