Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 269 It's Lin Zhongchen Again

Chapter 269 It's Lin Zhongchen Again

The current shark is not strong, but he has a heart-to-heart with Sha Wudao, and he instantly sensed the direction of the swordfish's attack.The huge body made him unable to react quickly to the swordfish which was much smaller than himself, but Flowing Water and Flame didn't need to turn around.

With a thought, a layer of blue flames attached to the side facing the swordfish, and then the swordfish bumped straight into it.

After Swordfish left a gash on its body again, it found something was wrong when it left to a safe position.A layer of faint blue flames had already begun to burn on its body.This blue flame is not scorching hot, and what it burns is not life, it burns the target's spiritual power and the marking function.

"It's marked, Xiaosan will leave it to you."

Just when Jianyu was in doubt, Sha Wudao's voice reached Gui Xiaosan's ears.

Gui Xiaosan didn't make a sound after hearing the sound, and silently activated his ability to cooperate with Sha Wudao recently.

"Game in the Pavilion".

The pavilion that it has been carrying on its back is not for looking good.Of course, if it is on the sea, Wang Qi can also use this as an ordinary pavilion to sit and enjoy the shade.But in fact, this is indeed a very useful restriction skill.

When a marking condition set in advance successfully marks the target, activate this ability to pull the opponent into the pavilion on Gui Xiaosan's back, and play a game of Go with a virtual opponent.

Only by defeating that virtual opponent, or you have to have a priority spirit card ability that exceeds the level of this spirit card, can you escape from the pavilion.Otherwise, you can just play chess honestly.

We all know how a fish can play chess.

Therefore, for these spirit beasts, this ability is a perfect limit capture skill.

After this ability was first fused, Wang Qi found that it was especially suitable for Gui Xiaosan.The activation condition is that the pavilion must be carried on the back every day, for example, a marking ability must be identified first, and the target that has been successfully marked must be seen.

Cooperating with Sha Wudao's water flow and burning flames, it happens that Gui Xiaosan can perfectly satisfy these three points, and then activate his ability to successfully capture the opponent.

One is in charge of marking, and the other is invoking skills, which is a perfect match in Wang Qi's mind.

"Good job."

Wang Qi, who had long been paying attention to the outside world through the Void Butterfly, leisurely got out of the gourd, and then directly received the extremely irritable person in the pavilion into the gourd.

Complimenting the two animals with satisfaction, Wang Qi looked at the dozen or so spirit beasts that he liked that had been taken into the gourd these days, then nodded in satisfaction, and re-entered the gourd.

Before going in, he didn't forget to heal Sha Wudao's wounds with Sharkman Beads, so that Shark Wudao returned to normal state.

"Hehehe, it turned out to be a human...a human...I really want to eat..."

In a seabed cave very far away from here, a huge black shadow crawling in it opened countless eyes all over its body.In one of the eyes, what is reflected is exactly what happened just now.

Under its gaze, you can have a panoramic view of everything in the nearby hundreds of thousands of kilometers of sea area, without any blind spots.

However, what it is most interested in now is Wang Qi and his party of three that it has just discovered.

Watching Wang Qi get into the tiny gourd again, the black shadow with eyes all over suddenly opened his mouth.

A small fish swam out of its mouth without a sound.With a flick of the tail, it disappeared.

When it reappeared, this little fish had already mixed in an ordinary school of fish not too far away from Sha Wudao, watching it and Gui Xiaosan quietly.It has to wait for Wang Qi to come out.

At this moment, somewhere in the East China Sea.

"Master No. 7, how far is the place you mentioned?"

A lazy but seductive voice came from the side.

This is a large ship that far exceeds the size of the treasure ship that Wang Qi summoned that day. It sails steadily and fast on the sea surface without any bumps.

On the bow deck, there is a sun umbrella.There are two white lounge chairs under the umbrella, and a beautiful coffee table in the middle.

At the moment, there were two people lying on the reclining chair, a man and a woman.Both of them were wearing swimsuits, the man was handsome, half of his face was covered by a big sunglasses, he was leaning on the recliner at the moment, watching a funny movie with a pad in his hand, and chuckled a few times from time to time.

And the woman, with a pretty face, was wearing a seductive high-cut bikini, fully showing her beautiful figure.Holding a glass of distinctive tropical fruit drink in her hand, she looked at Lin Zhongchen not far from the parasol, facing the sea breeze, who was wrapped tightly in black, with a half-smile.

This woman is exactly the one who sent Ruoqing to Shui'an City to make trouble.

"Don't worry, there's still half the way."

Lin Zhongchen's faint voice came.He didn't turn his head to look at the alluring woman, as if the two people beside him didn't exist.

"That's all right. Life on the ship is a bit boring, and I don't want to stay like this for too long."

There was a bright smile on the woman's face, which set off that beautiful face even more vividly.

But it was obvious that the two men beside her had no interest in her, completely ignoring the alluring beauty, one continued to blow the sea breeze, and the other was still watching the movie and laughing.

In Lin Zhongchen's heart at the moment, he was actually a little depressed.

He didn't know when he started, but he found himself a bit unlucky.

Whether it was the sudden exposure of his identity, bad luck with the outside organizations, or the organization of people to attack the Spirit Card Association, and then barely harvested a piece of news that has not been heard until now, almost including himself, he felt that there was nothing he did recently. too smooth.

Still, the action has to go on.The Salvation Society is short of people.

No. 0 and No. 12 are still looking for a way to enter the spirit world. Now they have gone to the kingdom of spirit beasts, trying to use the portal left by the ancient civilization.

No. 9 is still investigating the affairs of the Qingmu Research Institute, and because of this, he is being targeted by the Spirit Card Association, and it is currently difficult to escape.

As for No. 5, he entered the silent mountain among the four great secret realms, but he never came out, and he didn't know what the situation was like.

Only myself is still on the run, and this time I got a message from the 12th, he asked me to come to the East China Sea to find someone, it is said that that person may have a way to go to the spirit world.

Alas, really, why is the guy who is the master of the game in the spirit world? It made us desperately try to find a way to go to the spirit world.

Thinking of this, Lin Zhongchen sighed slightly, and then began to think about the two people behind him.

This beautiful woman was actually a member of the original Salvation Council.Only after the world announcement came out, she and her husband, another member of the Salvation Church council, quit together.

The two originally joined the Salvation Society because they like to kill people, especially the feeling of killing Spirit Card Masters. Anyway, the main purpose of the Salvation Society is to reduce the number of Spirit Card Masters, which coincides with their ideas.

After the world announced that the two would withdraw willfully, they have been using the guise of the Salvation Society to kill people and make trouble everywhere, so Lin Zhongchen will continue to cooperate with them. For example, in the attack on the Spirit Card Association last time, there was this couple The two forces participated in the shot.

This time when he went to sea to find someone, Lin Zhongchen still didn't know what to do by himself, so after deliberation, he simply went to find the couple again.Unexpectedly, this time, the lady brought her confidants to help.

That's right, this beauty, whose real name is unknown, is nicknamed Mrs. Rose.

She is like a rose with thorns, she looks so delicate and charming that people can't help but covet her, but in fact she is covered with thorns, piercing the heads of all the guys who make up their minds.

And his husband is the king of Songta Kingdom who ranks second on the Spirit Card Association's internal reward list.

Songta Country is a country that is far away overseas, and it is an island in the real world. Because the area of ​​the island is large enough, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a smaller continent.

The king appeared to be a very benevolent monarch, but in fact he was a complete tyrant.Ever since he killed all his brothers and sisters, stabbed his biological father to death with the last sword, and won the throne, the people of Songta Kingdom have been in dire straits.

Under his tyranny, the Songta Kingdom implemented very strict laws, and any crime, or any violation of some nonsensical clauses formulated by him, would be directly punished with decapitation.

What scares his people the most is that the king of Songta likes to execute executions himself.Every person who needs to be executed will be cut off by his own hands, and then decorated outside his palace.

In the more than ten years since he succeeded, there have been many bones outside his palace, and it is really a palace made of bones.

Faced with this situation, the Link Card Association, as the real manager of this world, would naturally want to take action against him.This is an era of peace, and there should not be such a brutal ruler of a country.

However, something happened that surprised the spirit card masters all over the world.All the people sent by the Spirit Card Association to the Songta Kingdom, once they enter the palace full of skulls, they will never be able to come out again.

Later, news spread that as long as the king of Songta Kingdom was in that palace, he would be invincible.No one can kill him in the palace, except outside the palace.

In the end, the Spirit Card Association had no choice but to win the king of Songta Kingdom, and could only place him second on the reward list.

All these things about Mrs. Rose and her husband turned in Lin Zhongchen's mind, but it was just a single thought.

He stared at the sea, holding a very simple compass in his hand.

This compass is not quite the same style as Wang Qi's Miracle Compass, this one is more simple, full of traces of use, it looks like an old thing.

The pointer of the compass is pointing to a fixed direction, and this direction is exactly the goal of the ship under his feet.

"There is still half..."

Sha Wudao and Gui Xiaosan encountered a wild spirit card field again.

This time, the spirit card domain was suddenly refreshed, and there was no third spirit beast around besides the two of them, so Wang Qi got out of the gourd directly after seeing it through the Void Butterfly.

However, what he didn't know was that behind Sha Wudao, a very small fish sneaked into the field, staring at Wang Qi's back and drooling.

"Hehe...human...delicious human..."

Xiao Yu, the incarnation of that huge black shadow, suppressed the impulse in his heart and stared at Wang Qi's back.It wanted to find the best time to devour Wang Qi with one blow, absolutely not giving the opponent a chance to struggle and counterattack.

Because void butterflies are not easy to use in the underwater world, except for the four void butterflies clinging to Sha Wudao, Wang Qi does not let void butterflies spread all over his surroundings like outside the ocean.This made the appearance of this little fish completely undetectable by Wang Qi.

This new wild field is not that big, it only has a radius of seven or eight kilometers, and it is only a medium-sized field.

In the underwater world, such a realm appears completely spherical, and this time it is suspended in the water.This also means that the natural spirit card object that generates this domain is floating in the water.

Summoning the Breaking Wind Sword casually, the Xuanyin Guishui Sword Art is very effective in such an environment full of water.Wang Qi waved his hand and signaled Sha Wudao to fight the monsters on their own. He took out the miracle compass by himself, and was going to find the natural spirit card now.

The monster in the field is not strong, it is a kind of jellyfish-like monster that looks pretty good and emits light green light.Wang Qi himself was not interested in fighting monsters, he just cut off a few that blocked his path, and went straight to the Natural Spirit Card.

And behind him, the little fish used jellyfish monsters to hide from time to time, and quietly followed behind Wang Qi without anyone noticing.

"It's close, hehehe, it's close... soon... I'll eat it..."

As the little fish moved, it let out bursts of raving in its mind.

Finally, with the help of the miraculous compass, Wang Qi found a piece of wood floating in the sea.It seems that this is the natural spirit card of this field.

The forearm of the piece of wood is long and short, and it is as wide as a glance. There are some unidentified patterns engraved on it, which turned out to be the creation of some kind of civilization.

It is impossible for spirit beasts to make such things, and there is no wood under the sea.Could it be... is this something floating from a certain island or continent?
Holding the piece of wood in his hand, Wang Qi couldn't help but fell into deep thought, thinking about the origin of this piece of wood.

"Hehe...opportunity...I eat..."

Whispering, Xiaoyu suddenly appeared from a blind spot behind Wang Qi.

The figure itself is only as thick as his finger, and the figure is almost dissolved in the sea water. It is impossible to see the figure unless you look carefully. At this moment, facing Wang Qi, whose back is turned to it, suddenly the fish's mouth opens to an incredible size. Just to swallow Wang Qi in one gulp.

At this time, Wang Qi was still looking at the wooden board, completely unaware of the silent danger behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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