Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 270 Mysterious Fog

Chapter 270 Mysterious Fog
Xiaoyu's wide open mouth suddenly closed.Incarnated into the existence of this little fish, he was already imagining how delicious it would be after the human being in front of him swallowed it.

Suddenly, Wang Qi's body lit up.

An attribute of an item that Wang Qi had completely forgotten and almost never used was triggered.

That was an effect of the "War Horn·Magic Valkyrie Dress" that he always wore for handsomeness, not for defense.

"Whenever attacked by the attributes of darkness, undead, Styx, or abyss, it will automatically trigger a "Baptism of Holy Light", the attack received will be nullified, and half the damage value of the Holy Light will be reflected back to the attacker. The cooling time is 3 minutes. "

This little fish may seem ordinary, but in fact, the ability to incarnate its existence is the Styx attribute.

The condition was judged successfully and the attribute was directly triggered. Wang Qi was surprised to find that a warm light suddenly appeared on his body, sweeping from the top of his head to his feet, making him feel warm all over.

He turned his head suddenly, just in time to see half of the damage reflected by the effect of "Baptism of Holy Light", and the giant mouth that could swallow the whole person had a bloody tearing mark, and it was retreating rapidly.

"Hate...Holy Light...human...I want to eat you!"

Juzui will not give up the delicious food in front of him.

Half of its own damage is actually not that serious to it.

After reorganizing his figure, the giant mouth formed by Xiaoyu didn't hide it this time, and directly covered Wang Qi who was already facing him.

Wang Qi, who came to his senses, would never make the careless mistake just now again.He was already in a cold sweat after being attacked just now. If the passive effect of the equipment hadn't been triggered, it's really hard to say if he has died now.

At this moment, Wang Qi, who was startled and angry, summoned a huge shield wall in an instant, which just happened to be stuffed into that huge mouth, so that it couldn't bite down at all.

A gleam of brilliance flashed in his eyes.

"go to hell!"

Blast out countless bullets with the elemental tyranny in one hand, and control the flying sword with the other to make countless sword tactics.Wang Qi annulled the existence of the shield wall in an instant, and then that big mouth that couldn't react just happened to swallow all these attacks.

The damage from the bullet and the sword energy erupted in Xiaoyu's body together, although the existence behind it does not know how powerful it is, but at this moment this little fish is just an incarnation.In an instant, the little fish was torn to pieces, so dead that it couldn't die any more.

"Damn... human... I want to eat you..."

The black shadow in the unknown cave opened the densely packed eyes all over its body, emitting an angry light.The surrounding sea water also became turbulent with its anger, and all the creatures in the sea who were not too far away felt this strong breath of anger and quickly fled away.

But in the end, the figure only swayed a few times, and then fell silent again.

"Can't...move...cost...not enough..."

Gently uttering some ravings, the countless eyes on the black shadow began to close gradually, and it fell into the endless darkness again.

However, more small fish quietly swam out of its body, looking in that direction, it was exactly where Wang Qi was.

Not knowing that he had provoked such a strange guy unintentionally, Wang Qi was calming down the slight panic in his heart at the moment, and then ran to Sha Wudao's side with the wooden head without looking back, and directly burrowed into the gourd.

"Careless, or too careless."

Having entered the gourd, Wang Qi breathed a sigh of relief.Then he directly began to reflect on himself, whether he underestimated the vast sea.

These days, Sha Wudao and Gui Xiaosan moved smoothly, which seemed to confuse his eyes, making him think that the world in the East China Sea was nothing more than that, and even dared to come out to surf casually.

Unexpectedly, it was just such a waste once, and I was almost slapped in the face and sent my head directly.

If not, it just so happens that the clothes on his body have that restrained attribute, and it might really be gone today.

Once Wang Qi died, all the spirit cards would disappear automatically, and Sha Wudao and Gui Xiaosan, who had already become cauldron spirits, could not escape and would disappear together.No one would know that he was buried in the vast East Sea, even if Xiao Bai was with her master, there was no trace of him left.

It's really careless.

After resolutely reflecting for a while, Wang Qi began to think about the little fish.

The little fish just now didn't look like a monster in this field, because when it hit it, it didn't feed back the level information that the monster should have.But it doesn't look like a spirit beast either.Because it dies so easily, there is absolutely no extra ability to use and counterattack.

In that case... the summoned object, or the avatar?
Wang Qi himself is the guy who likes to use avatars the most. It is not surprising that other spirit card masters have this ability.

Uh, if that's the case, will this one be slapped and come in a horde?

Thinking of this, Wang Qi immediately felt something was wrong, and quickly ordered Sha Wudao and Gui Xiaosan to kill the boss with all their strength, get the settlement and leave as soon as possible.

Sha Wudao and Gui Xiaosan immediately worked hard.This area is not as disturbed by so many buildings on land, there is nothing in the water, and the boss is very easy to find in the center.

As soon as the two little animals worked hard, the progress immediately skyrocketed, and they came to the boss in a blink of an eye, and defeated the boss in two or three hits. Wang Qi and the three of them got the settlement together.

But after the settlement, Wang Qi found that the template could not be transformed into a spirit card when he was in the gourd in his hand, he had to stretch out his hand to do it.

This is a bit interesting, Qiankun gourd can even isolate the transformation power of the natural spirit card, presumably there are some hidden settings.

Naturally, both the spirit card and the settlement have been obtained. This time, Wang Qi did not let Sha Wudao and Gui Xiaosan swim slowly. They were both put away. Then Wang Qi summoned a long sword and hung up the gourd. , looking for the direction determined by Sha Wudao, shot out with a swish, and escaped.

Just as Wang Qi's flying sword left here, a group of fish, which looked dark in the deep sea, swam over there.

This is exactly the fish shoal transformed by the existence with eyes all over the body just now. Wherever it passes by, it is like locusts passing through the territory, devouring all living beings, and scaring all the living beings that stand in its way to scatter in all directions.

But when it came here, it didn't find anything, obviously Wang Qi had gone far away.

The school of fish stirred for a while, as if confirming something.One of the small fish suddenly had an eye.

The eyes opened suddenly, and after scanning around for a while, they found the weak current that stirred the bottom of the sea when Wang Qifeijian just left.Through the trajectories of these water flows, the eyes instantly calculated the direction of Wang Qi's departure.

The eyes suddenly screamed like a monster, and then the little fish collapsed into blood foam.

But the direction was already there, and the school of fish chased it in this direction without hesitation.

Wang Qi controls the flying sword and runs very fast.In the blink of an eye, he covered a considerable distance in the water.

When he got to the middle, he thought about it and still felt that it was not safe, so he just climbed directly to the water surface and continued to move close to the water surface.Because it is necessary to maintain the characteristics of Jianjue's acceleration in water, it cannot leave the water.

A silent thick fog suddenly spread over the sea.

It appeared quietly without a trace, and no living beings noticed that something was wrong, and it had already entered the fog.

If you look down from a very high place, this fog-shrouded sea area is very vast.What's interesting is that whether it's Xu Wen who was lost before, or Lin Zhongchen and his party in the boat, including Wang Qi and the school of fish who are now chasing and fleeing, they have all entered the scope of this fog.

"Huh? Where did the fog come from? Not good!" Xu Wen found that he had unknowingly entered into a fog, and suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"What's going on? Why can't I see anything around?" Standing at the bow of the boat, Lin Zhongchen's heart sank. He turned his head and reminded the two who were still drinking on the deck chairs, "Stop messing around, it's a bit wrong."

As the fog became thicker, even below the sea surface, the water gradually became cloudy.

Wang Qi flew with the gourd with the flying sword, and the Void Butterfly didn't have time to release it, so he just relied on his feeling and mental connection to control the flying sword and ran forward without seeing the fog at all.The school of fish chasing behind didn't care about the fog at all, and just chased in.

After continuing to walk for half an hour, Wang Qi felt that it was almost done, so he slowed down Feijian's speed, raised Feijian directly from the water surface into the air, and then got out from the gourd.

"Hiss...why is there such a thick fog!"

Seeing that the surroundings are completely white, I can't see anything except myself, and even after leaving the sea for a while, I can't even see the sea water.

Moreover, it is very quiet in this thick fog, without the sound of crashing waves or wind, just like a closed room that is completely silent, which makes people feel very penetrating involuntarily.

I tried to move a bit, and it was white, nothing changed, everything in my field of vision was the same, as if I was moving forward on a treadmill, and I didn't feel it at all.

"Void Butterfly!"

The Void Butterfly, as the eyes that Wang Qi has always relied on the most, is the best choice to face this endless fog at this moment.Because the Void Butterfly has an ability that is rarely used, which is to see through the fog.

After talking about the Void Butterfly summoning a lot, the avatar suddenly had a real vision, and the normal scenery around him returned to Wang Qi's eyes, and he felt much more at ease.

After looking around for a while, I didn't see anything special, it was still the ordinary sea and gloomy sky.This mist seemed to come out of nowhere, and there was no trace of it at all.

The master of data has been calculating the direction of travel, but Wang Qi is not afraid that he will get lost.As long as you walk in the predetermined direction, it will be the direction of the small island that Sha Wudao communicated with from other spirit beasts in the deep sea.

After summoning the flying sword, Wang Qi stepped on the flying sword and began to shuttle forward in the thick fog.

But what he didn't notice was that at some point, a school of fish quietly appeared in the sea below.Countless small fish with thick fingers had caught up with Wang Qi's shadow, just because he left the sea and flew in the air. These small fish did not chase out of the water, but followed him under the water.If you don't look carefully, you can't find it at all.

Wang Qi kept flying, and the more he flew, the more frightened he was.The world he sees from his own eyes has always been an endless fog, nothing.The scope of this fog is terrifying, and I don't know how long it will take to fly out of the fog.

"Hey, what's the sound?"

At this moment, beside his ears, in the extremely quiet mist, he heard a vague singing.

That singing voice was a woman's voice, very illusory and ethereal, as if it was coming from the distant sky.

Listening to this burst of singing, for some reason, Wang Qi suddenly felt that he wanted to find out who was singing.

In the very center of the mist, on a raised reef that is very rare in the East China Sea, sits a very beautiful figure.

She has long golden hair, but the end of her hair has a rainbow-like gradient. With the gentle blowing of the sea breeze, her hair flutters slightly, looking very smooth.A beautiful feather coat tightly covered that pretty figure, the only thing exposed was the conspicuous fishtail on the lower body.

With her eyes closed, she plucked a delicate little harp with her onion-like fingers, and hummed a melodious tune faintly with the crisp tinkling sound of the harp.

That's right, anyone who sees her will recognize her, this is a legendary mermaid.

The humming voice in her mouth was exactly the singing voice Wang Qi heard in the thick fog.

However, beside her, there was no fog at all, only the calm sea and the cloudless sky.

But at this moment, her brows frowned slightly, the singing stopped, and her closed eyes opened together.

"What's wrong, who disturbed your mood?"

As the sea water surged nearby, a huge figure emerged from the sea, and a soft voice came from the figure's mouth.

"It seems... I felt some people broke into my mirage sea. Moreover, I felt the deep malice of this sea from two of them."

The mermaid said softly, even though she didn't sing, her voice was still crisp and pleasant.

"How dare you interrupt your singing, no matter who it is, I will make him pay the price!"

This figure was finally fully revealed, and suddenly there was a hill beside the mermaid.

"Master Fathead Fish, you are a guest, how can I bother you to take action. Well... since they are all in my mirage sea, then I will guide them to meet and let them kill each other."

Beautiful appearance, but ruthless words.

(End of this chapter)

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