Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 271 The Mermaid and the Mirage Sea

Chapter 271 The Mermaid and the Mirage Sea
And the guy she called Master Fathead Fish finally let people see its whole picture clearly at this moment.Well, it really is a fat head fish.

"Okay, since you've said that, I'll stay here with you for the time being."

The soft voice came from the mouth of the fat head fish, which seriously didn't match its appearance.But the mermaid didn't seem to care, nodded slightly, and then lightly plucked the strings of the harp in her hand.

"Xiaomei, go and lead them to attack each other."

"Yes, my lord Diva."

A small fish slightly poked its head out of the water, uttered words, and nodded in agreement.

After the little fish led away, the mermaid closed her eyes again, then lightly opened her voice, and started humming the indistinct song again.

And the fat-headed fish on the side didn't sink into the water this time, but just floated on the surface of the water, and closed its fish eyes, intoxicated by the beautiful singing.

The little fish took the lead and swam far away with a light flick of its tail under the water surface, and soon left the reef where the mermaid was.

Beside the mermaid, there is a clear sky and calm sea.When they left her side, a faint mist began to appear. The farther the distance was, the thicker the mist became, and it finally turned into the thick and strange white mist in Wang Qi's eyes.

But the little fish was apparently not affected by the mist.With the approval of the mermaid, she has the limited ability to manipulate the mist that she calls "Mirage Sea".

"Let me see... two flying in the air, and a group swimming in a boat. Well, it's amazing to be able to fly! Then I'll let you fight the group of people on the boat."

Xiaoyu muttered, while using mysterious methods to manipulate the surrounding fog.

As soon as she moved, the dense fog around Xu Wen and Lin Zhongchen began to change slightly.

These changes are so insignificant as to be imperceptible.But if Wang Qi is on the side, you can see that the travel routes of the two sides have begun to take some arcs, and they are no longer the original straight line.

Yes, Wang Qi was completely unaffected by the surrounding fog because he had the true vision of the Void Butterfly.However, he also felt something was wrong, but his body had been following the instructions of the master of data, and was always subconsciously fine-tuning the direction, so he didn't notice it too much.

"Hey, it's strange, that person doesn't seem to be affected?"

Xiaoyu found that Wang Qi's traveling route was still a perfect straight line, showing no sign of changing at all.

"It's annoying, and it's the type that is not affected by the fog. Then let the other two groups find you."

After muttering, the mist changed again, Xu Wen's flying sword and Lin Zhongchen's boat walked out in a wider arc.

If there is a God's perspective to look down on everyone from the sky at this time, you can find that after drawing a big arc, the two parties will meet Wang Qi at a certain point.

The speed of the three parties is very fast. In Xiaoyu's eyes, the time for this meeting did not take long, and it came in the blink of an eye.

Xu Wen, who was flying with Yujian, suddenly found that the vast fog suddenly dispersed, and finally some monsters appeared.

"Is it the monster that came because of the curse again?"

Before entering the mist, this kind of monster killed a lot, Xu Wen didn't want to think hard about it, and immediately slashed at the somewhat rare monster flying in the air with a flying sword.For the big fish below and those disgusting things above, just let them live for a few more seconds.

"what is that?"

Lin Zhongchen had been standing on the deck at the bow of the ship. At this time, the man and woman had already stood up from the deck chairs and stood behind him. The four people who had been in the cabin before also appeared together in Overtime.One of them, if Wang Qi saw it, he would definitely find it strange and inexplicable.That figure was exactly Ruoqing who he saw killed by the Ice Queen before, and later heard from Lingyi that he was killed by Heyu again.Is this person immortal?How can it appear again and again?

Seeing the thick fog that suddenly dispersed, and two strange monsters suddenly appearing from above, Lin Zhongchen felt that something was wrong and asked a question.

"Never mind him, no matter how you look at it, he won't be a friendly guy, why don't I take the shot for Master No. 7."

Among the four people behind him, a teenager answered.

"Okay, don't be careless, little brother Duan Kong, it's not good to lose face in front of Lord No. 7."

The man next to Mrs. Rose responded directly without waiting for Lin Zhongchen to speak.

Lin Zhongchen had nothing to do, and then several people watched together. This young man named Duan Kong jumped lightly and flew up to meet the shadows of the two monsters.

"Eh? Xu Wen? And Lin Zhongchen? Who are those? Eh, Ruoqing?"

Wang Qi was also taken aback by the sudden appearance of the two parties in front of him, and then looked at Ruoqing with doubts in his mind.

However, although what he saw in his eyes was also a ferocious monster flying in the air, a huge strange fish on the sea surface, and some distorted little monsters standing on his body, but with the real vision of the void butterfly, these The true face of the monster was directly reflected in his mind.

"They... shot me! Is it because they are the same as what I saw?"

Before he had time to think, Wang Qi dodged Xu Wen's flying sword in an instant, and then slashed at the guy flying up from below with his sword.

"Xu Wen, it's me!"

Wang Qi shouted loudly, but it stopped in the ears of the others, only the monster let out a roar.

"Trouble! How can I wake them up!"

It doesn't matter to Lin Zhongchen and his party below, it doesn't matter if they are hit, it's okay to kill, anyway, the one with him must be a guy from the Salvation Society, death is not a pity.

But Xu Wen is not easy to deal with, the two of them are companions, and it is not good for anyone to hurt anyone else.What's more, I might not be able to beat Xu Wen at all.

Xu Wen was also a little surprised that the monster that appeared suddenly escaped his first blow.This IQ is higher than most monsters in the sea.Immediately, he also became interested, and his shots became a little heavier.

And Duan Kong, who flew up from the boat, didn't have the ability to fly with Yujian, he seemed to be able to fly directly.He summoned a pair of short daggers, one black and one red, and leapt towards the flying swords of Wang Qi and Xu Wen.

So, the three of them were in the air, and there were monsters on the other two sides in their respective visions, and they immediately fought hard.

Both Wang Qi and Xu Wen used the sword control method. A flying sword was flexible and changeable in the air. Standing on the flying sword and hiding behind, it was very safe.And Duankong rushed into the flying sword's battle group, swinging the two daggers vigorously, knocking the flying sword away from time to time, it seemed that it didn't lose the wind at all.

Even after fighting for a while, Wang Qi discovered that the double daggers in the hands of the unknown boy were not mortals. They hit the flying sword at the same point many times in a row. After a while, the steam breaking wind sword that Wang Qi used to fight turned out to be A hole broke.

The Steam Breaking Wind Sword is a legendary spirit card. It seems that the pair of double daggers are at least a legendary item card, or have some special attributes.

"Tsk, why not cooperate with Xu Wen first and get rid of this guy."

Thinking of this, Wang Qi directly summoned the Diamond Flying Dragon, and threw a Diamond Imprisonment over.

In the eyes of others, this monster actually summoned a new monster, which made several people more cautious, and they were most afraid of this kind of monster that was fighting more and more.

As soon as the diamond was imprisoned, the empty figure stopped instantly.Although he reacted quickly and used unknown means to lift the restraint, Xu Wen's flying sword was about to fall.

boom!The moment he fell, a scarecrow appeared at Duan Kong's position, and he himself returned to the boat.

Xu Wen saw that after Feijian killed the monster, a scarecrow appeared on the spot, and the monster returned to the strange fish below, so he immediately became cautious.This monster actually has the ability to take the place of death, it's not easy to do!
"Well, it's a bit troublesome! It seems that I can only find a way to contact Xu Wen first! Uh... By the way, the heart-to-heart writing set!"

Wang Qi slapped his head suddenly, almost remorseful and wanted to slap himself.Why did you forget this spirit card used to contact Zhang Yuxiang?
Ignoring Xu Wen's attacking Feijian again and Duan Kong flying up again, Wang Qi directly switched clones and disappeared from their sight in an instant.

"What, ran away? Or invisible?"

The most surprising thing was the little fish who secretly led the three parties to meet and even fought.The expression on its small fish face was actually very rich, fully expressing her surprise.

It's a pity that it doesn't recognize Wang Qi, but if Wang Qi sees him, he will definitely recognize it. This little fish is exactly the little carp that he released and blackmailed several spirit cards back then.

But now Wang Qi can't care about these things.After the main body came to the outside world, he directly summoned the paper and pen of the "Heart-to-Heart Writing Set", and quickly wrote a sentence on it.

"Xu Wen: I'm Wang Qi! It's the monster in the air opposite you! We all regard each other as monsters because of the fog. I have a special way to see the truth. Those people below are guys from the Salvation Society. Soft hands! You can write a reply on paper with a pen! Wang Qi."

After writing the signature quickly, the paper and pen disappeared into the distance, and then appeared in front of Xu Wen who was far away in the East China Sea.

Wang Qi switched the main body and the clone back, and while using the flying sword to block the attack that Duan Kong made again, he looked towards Xu Wen through the butterfly in the void.

Sure enough, when Xu Wen saw the paper and pen that suddenly appeared, he was startled at first, but he hesitated again when he saw the content on it clearly.He took the paper and pen, thought for a while, stepped back a little, left the battlefield to Duan Kong and Wang Qi, and started writing on it.

Seeing such a scene, Wang Qi was immediately relieved, and immediately focused on Duan Kong.Whether Xu Wen believes it or not, he will always doubt it, and then he will know if it is true or not after he tries it.

Xu Wen quickly wrote a few words, and the pen and paper disappeared from his face again and returned to Wang Qi.

Wang Qi quickly scanned the above words, and immediately understood what Xu Wen meant.

"Wave your hands in the order to prove that you are Wang Qi!"

This is a very simple verification method, Wang Qi followed it quickly, and sure enough, Xu Wen's expression relaxed instantly, and then looked directly at Duan Kong.

Although the two still see each other as monsters, but now they have proven their integrity, so it is naturally the time to deal with foreign enemies together.

So Duan Kong was playing with high spirits just now, but suddenly he felt the pressure increase.The two monsters in front of them joined forces for some reason, and the two weapons controlled by them started to cooperate.

Not to mention Wang Qi's strength, at most he can fight with Duan Kong, but to be honest, if both sides use all their means, they can really fight.

But Xu Wen's strength has been verified through battles, big and small, and he is famous on the ranking list.Now that he understands the identity of the enemy and the enemy, he can naturally let go of his hands and feet. He used up to three points of strength before, but now it has directly reached eight points.

With this added force, Xu Wen's flying sword showed a different posture.The flying sword was originally just a faint shadow, and it couldn't be seen clearly when the speed increased.At this moment, the flying sword shook slightly, and a lot of faint mist drifted out from above, forming the shadows of several flying swords in a daze.

In Duan Kong's eyes, the monster's weapons suddenly became more like clones, and each weapon was powerful and heavy, making him very embarrassed to deal with it left and right.

"No! I just used one as a stand-in, so I can't waste it!"

Judging that the situation was not good, Duan Kong didn't hesitate, turned around and rushed back towards his companion below.

"The idea sticks to your hand, shoulder to shoulder!"

He is not a fool, these two monsters are getting more and more difficult to deal with, it is too dangerous to fight alone, naturally it is better to fight in groups.

The three leaders on the boat didn't move, and the remaining three saw that Duan Kong couldn't beat the monster and escaped, and he asked for help again, so they didn't take the opportunity to ridicule Duan Kong, but rushed into the air one after another, and took the initiative to meet him. Xu Wen's flying sword.

Except for Ruoqing, whom Wang Qi knew, and Duan Kong, who just made a move, the other two were a middle-aged man named Wan Jun who looked very sinister, and a high school girl named Rina dressed in a sailor suit. , the four of them together have a well-known nickname, called "Clear Sky".

This combination is quite famous in the spirit card master world, and it belongs to the kind of fierce combination that ordinary spirit card masters will walk around when they see it.

Since it is a combination, even if they usually act separately, they will naturally have a cooperative fighting method when they get together.

After the three jumped up, except for Duan Kong, who was able to stay in the air and was holding two daggers, his body suddenly became unreal. The other three, Wan Jun flicked their sleeves, and a huge flying carpet appeared under the three of them.Then, Ruoqing directly transformed into a large cloud of smoke, and the sullen Wanjun had a lot of square cloth pieces of various colors in front of him, while the female high school student Rina had a black and beautiful hair behind her head. The hair began to grow infinitely and flew into the air.

(End of this chapter)

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