Chapter 272
The cloth of these four people is in charge of defense, Rina's hair is in charge of attacking, Ruoqing's smoke is in charge of filling the gaps and looking for opportunities, and Duan Kong is in charge of hiding his figure and waiting for an opportunity when the three of them attract attention.

I don't know what the new three-person attack looks like in Xu Wen's eyes, but Wang Qi thinks it looks really weird anyway.He didn't want to try what the cooperation of several people would look like, so he simply switched to the clone again and disappeared in the eyes of the four.

Anyway, Xu Wen is strong enough to fight four in one fight.Wang Qi naturally wanted to use his avatar to do it once and for all.

He quietly touched the flying carpet, and then activated his favorite "field exchange" used by Yinren.

As long as there is one point that allows him to draw a spiritual power line, the domain exchange can meet the conditions for activation.All three of them stood still on the flying carpet, so it just happened to include them together.

The spiritual power line was drawn in a few seconds. Wang Qi glanced left and right. Duan Kong didn't know where he went in stealth, so he didn't wait and activated his ability directly.

Swish, the three people on the flying carpet disappeared in an instant.

The top of the flying carpet suddenly turned into a piece of land, along with the native creatures of the spirit world standing on it, a group of creatures that looked like goblins, and a group of creatures that looked like half-orcs, I brought it here.

The two groups of monsters were probably fighting, holding up sticks and branches and screaming, but they were suddenly switched over, and they didn't realize that they were in the wrong position, and they continued to fight each other.

However, Xu Wen and Lin Zhongchen and the others on the boat below found a problem. These goblins did not make them look like monsters.

Xu Wen understood in an instant that this was done by Wang Qi who had just disappeared from sight. He didn't care about these goblins, but continued to fight against Duan Kong, who was also invisible, and suppressed Duan Kong firmly.

Lin Zhongchen couldn't be sure. After seeing this scene, combined with what he saw with his own eyes and the reports of his subordinates, his mind turned quickly.

"I've seen this! This is the ability of that person named Wang Qi! Those are creatures from the spirit world! The monster just now was not a monster, but Wang Qi!"

Lin Zhongchen came to a conclusion instantly.

"Why is Wang Qi here!"

Regardless of the two people beside them whose faces became very ugly, Lin Zhongchen teleported to the side of the flying carpet.

He wants to use his own means to force Wang Qi to show up, and then catch Wang Qi!

"Space confinement!"

Lin Zhongchen directly used a large-scale move around the flying carpet.

Everyone has the same idea, to deal with invisibility, just use a wide range of moves to force it out.

But, embarrassing, only Duan Kong showed up.

Speechlessly, he was forced out of shape by the confinement of space, and then watched Xu Wen's flying sword pierced into his brain.

boom!Another scarecrow.

Duan Kong's figure appeared on the boat again, with a very ugly expression on his face.

What the hell is this!Why did this No. 7 adult suddenly make a move and help the other party!
Lin Zhongchen didn't care so much, he casually moved the flying sword that Xu Wen attacked and returned it to Xu Wen, and then carefully felt in the confined space around him, except for the goblins on the flying carpet, what else existed? .

But Wang Qi's doppelgänger can be found.As long as he doesn't shoot, no one can touch him at all.

Quietly returned to Xu Wen's side, Wang Qi then switched back to the main body.

Xu Wen felt a breath appearing behind him, and found that it was Wang Qi's transformed monster, so he was slightly relieved.He continued to use the flying sword to try to attack Lin Zhongchen, but failed to achieve very good results.

"It runs pretty fast."

Lin Zhongchen naturally also noticed Wang Qi appearing next to Xu Wen, and without thinking, he teleported to the two of them again, and used another Space Imprisonment, and then directly summoned the avatar of Pazinit, Turned around and got in by himself.

Pfft, seeing the spirit card he sold against him, Wang Qi was in a very complicated mood, and couldn't help wanting to puff it out.

He remembers the effect of this spirit card very clearly. The effect of dancing with me is very troublesome, so he must not give Lin Zhongchen a chance to activate the effect.

Without even thinking about it, Wang Qi cut into the clone again and disappeared, then the clone grabbed Xu Wen and fell towards the deck of the ship below.

Then there are three other companions of Lin Zhongchen, why would he not let his companions dance with him?

Before Lin Zhongchen had time to activate his skills, he discovered that Wang Qi had disappeared again, and another monster who didn't know who it was, hid directly on his own boat, and he was a little speechless.After thinking about it, Mrs. Rose is not easy to mess with. He really dare not use the ability to dance with me to the people below.

If we really let everyone dance awkwardly together... It is estimated that these teammates will turn against each other by then.

In desperation, Lin Zhongchen had no choice but to release the combined state of Pazinit's avatar, he got out of it again, and then used the space confinement ability again.

But, this time, the few people on the boat didn't do that much and couldn't stand still.

Xu Wen was dragged onto the boat by Wang Qi, and Duan Kong had been beaten out of the scarecrow twice by him just now, so he rushed to take revenge.Madam Rose didn't move, she took a step back slightly, while the man who had been following her in only one piece of swimming trunks took a step forward.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Zhongchen in the air and the three people on board vaguely blocked Xu Wen and Wang Qi's four directions.

"Don't resist!"

Wang Qi yelled at Xu Wen, but he forgot that Xu Wen was in a state where he couldn't hear what he said, so Qian Kun Gourd naturally failed directly.Annoyed for how he forgot this, Wang Qi took the initiative to switch to the clone again.

Since you want to fight, use your avatar to fight.

As soon as the clone came out, a bunch of invisible shield walls were thrown out with the backhand.

Wang Qi discovered before that the shield wall is not only a sharp weapon for protecting himself, but also very useful for trapping people.Moreover, if the opponent is trapped, and the opponent attacks on the shield wall, in this case, it is not considered an attack by oneself. At most, the opponent will only be aware of the existence of the shield wall, and will not be aware of the existence of the avatar. The avatar still cannot fight back.

The three people on the boat were blocked by an invisible shield wall, and they were all taken aback immediately. A huge and gorgeous two-handed magic wand appeared in the hand of the man in swimming trunks, and an electric ball was thrown out, hitting the shield wall completely. No effect, this is the effect of triggering three attack immunity.

Duan Kong and Mrs. Rose were the same, each of them used their own weapons to attack the side, and found out where they were locked, and even one attack did not break the barrier, and their faces were not very good.

But Xu Wen's flying sword was the same, he found that the flying sword he was flying towards one of them was actually blocked by an invisible wall, and he knew in his heart that this was Wang Qi's method.

Xu Wen's thoughts turned very quickly. He saw the three monster-like guys in front of him blindly attacking the surroundings. It could be seen that they were all temporarily restrained by Wang Qi. He turned around and faced Lin Zhongchen who was flying in the air.

Wang Qi just used a shield wall to turn the scene of being besieged into a two-on-one.

Lin Zhongchen didn't have anything to panic about, he used the familiar space confinement in one move, and flung it over again, covering Xu Wen and the people below.He still doesn't believe it, Wang Qi's invisibility is so powerful, as long as he is diligent in attacking, he will definitely be able to beat him out.

Xu Wen had just experienced the difficulty of Lin Zhongchen's space ability, and without thinking about it, he finally used a new method that he had never shown before.

Through the eyes of Void Butterfly, Wang Qi clearly saw that a small porcelain bottle suddenly appeared in Xu Wen's hand.

"Blue Mirage Bottle!"

This is another spirit card ability that Xu Wen relies on very much.

As soon as the small celadon bottle appeared in his hand, it began to emit a faint mist.

However, this fog is different from the fog on the surrounding sea surface. This fog is thinner, but when looking through the fog, you will feel that things become a little blurry and not very clear.

The mist from the blue mirage bottle can not only block the line of sight, but also produce hallucinations.Moreover, this hallucination is much more powerful than this sea of ​​mist.

In just the blink of an eye, Lin Zhongchen felt his eyes dazzled. The monster image that Xu Wen transformed into still did nothing.However, his position seems to have changed slightly.

No, no, everyone's position has changed.

Not only that, but the image of the monster that everyone turns into is also different.

This made Lin Zhongchen feel very confused, and became hesitant to make a move.

Hey, why can't I remember clearly, how many companions do I have?

The same thing happened to Mrs. Rose and the others.

Unknowingly, except for the invisible Wang Qi, everyone's vision and memory began to become confused.

The fog on the surrounding sea can make them see others as monsters and hear their voices as roars.And Xu Wen's blue mirage bottle, in addition to the same function, can also cause people to have serious illusions, taking A as B, B as C, and even C as air.

Of course, the effect of the green mirage bottle is more than that, just experience it slowly.

The already disordered field of vision became even more disordered, blinding a few people who didn't have a special way to deal with it.

At this time, the most correct judgment is to defend.

The people on Lin Zhongchen's side all did the same thing in an instant, that is, they put the thickest armor on themselves.

However, there is a saying that the thickest armor is the most vicious beating.

Xu Wen took out something like the green mirage bottle, of course it wasn't for running away.As soon as he pinched the sword formula, the originally illusory flying sword suddenly turned into ten, ten into hundreds, and hundreds into thousands. In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of the same flying swords surrounded him.

These flying swords are not decorations, they are all guys with the same attributes and power as the original flying swords, but they all use the ability of the blue mirage bottle to transform from virtual to real, differentiated from illusion, and only have the power of one blow That's all.

But the power of tens of thousands of flying swords cannot be underestimated by anyone.

Xu Wen didn't divide Feijian into teams, and distributed some to each of them.He directly commanded the flying sword, and charged towards Mrs. Rose, who was closest to him, roaring.

In the eyes of Mrs. Rose, the positions and appearances of everyone around her have changed, and she has no idea who is who.But her instinctive judgment of danger was still there, and the moment Feijian approached her, she felt an unparalleled killing intent.It was the chill that made all the hairs on her body stand on end, from the bottom of her feet to the top of her head.

In an instant, all the defensive layers that Mrs. Rose had overestimated Xu Wen's deployment were all shattered in an instant, and only hundreds of flying swords were consumed.Even so, Xu Wen took another look at her, admiring her.

However, when a flying sword pierced through Madame Rose's forehead, Madame Rose's body suddenly turned into a huge rose flower.Maybe that's where her name came from.

The flower was pierced by a sword, turned into petals and fell, and was no longer affected by the illusion. Everyone saw it.

"Oh no, it's Mrs. Rose!"

Lin Zhongchen, the staff man and Duan Kong were startled.

For the few of them, the importance of Mrs. Rose is self-evident.If something really happened to her, no matter who went back alive, it would not be easy.The king of Songta Kingdom is not easy to deal with.

Therefore, without hesitation, the three of them shot at the unknown monster who was closest to Mrs. Rose.At this time, you only need to attack, and you can tell who the enemy is from the fighting methods.

However, the illusion of the blue mirage bottle is completely upside down and misplaced.As soon as they made a move, all the movements that came into view were transformed, and it was not as easy to distinguish as they thought.

In the end, Lin Zhongchen's attack target was Duan Kong, the wand man's attack target was Duan Kong, and Duan Kong's attack target was the big flower bone left by Mrs. Rose after all the petals were gone.

Everyone knew that it was Madam Rose's life-saving substitute method, Xu Wen naturally would not let the opportunity go easily, Fei Jian continued to attack.

Naturally, Wang Qi didn't dare to be lonely, Xu Wen's series of sharp operations made him dumbfounded.As an invisible unit, this is also the best time to make a move.

In fact, he had already set up a "black hole annihilation bomb" on this ship just now, and prepared a letter to Xu Wen.No way, now the only way to communicate with each other is not affected by the fog.

Xu Wen naturally also saw Wang Qi's letter, and the countdown had already begun in his heart.But the process just now sounds long, but in fact it only took one sentence, not even a second.

——Ms. Rose was revived, and Lin Zhongchen and the three fell into the confusion of phantom targets and attacked each other. Xu Wen took the opportunity to make up the knife, and Wang Qi put a bomb.

The torrent of the flying sword hit the flower bone, but it didn't deal any damage. Obviously, this skill comes with the effect of double resurrection and invincibility. After losing a few flying swords, Xu Wen didn't waste any time at all, and immediately killed the flying sword The sword turned to Duan Kong.

Immediately, the miserable Duan Kong slashed Madame Rose's invincible flower bone with his dagger, and then was attacked by three people at the same time and got stuck on his face.

"I'm so miserable!"

With a cry, Duan Kong turned into a scarecrow again.

(End of this chapter)

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