Chapter 273

Duan Kong's scarecrow stand-in skill is naturally not unlimited. Every time he uses a stand-in, he has to consume a special energy bar that he has worked so hard to accumulate.It's similar to the body of the starry sky that Wang Qi got from the ghost.

So after being resurrected on the boat, Duan Kong's face was very ugly, without any hesitation, he directly entered the invisible state.

"It's too damn unlucky, this time I can't do it at will, let others beat me to death."

He quietly hid, never leaving a trace.

Xu Wen ignored him.It's only been the second second, and everyone's reaction is not unpleasant. In the blink of an eye, Duan Kong was resurrected once, leaving him no chance to speak.

After Lin Zhongchen and the man with the wand saw the scarecrow stand-in, they were also very annoyed.It's not a big deal, the two companions were forced to use the resurrection skills, how can they play!
The man with the wand didn't hold back this time, he grabbed the huge wand with both hands, and slammed it on the deck. With a bang, countless vines shot up into the sky, and even the sea outside the deck grew out of thin air. With boundless vines, he created a forest of vines in the blink of an eye.

Xu Wen and Wang Qi had no choice but to fly up from the boat again, just at this time Lin Zhongchen's attack arrived again, and it was the familiar space imprisonment again.

Both he and the wand man used a wide range of restricted skills. Although there was no communication, they also played an invisible cooperation.

Lin Zhongchen's purpose is to catch Wang Qi and obtain the spirit card that he can send to the spirit world.But the man with the wand didn't think so. Mrs. Rose had an accident, and he fell into a very angry state, and he was bound to kill the enemy.

So when the confinement was formed, he raised his wand with both hands and chanted the spell in his mouth. Thirteen very bright magic arrays appeared behind him, and a dragon head of a different color appeared in each of them.

"Dragon group!"

Following the completion of the spell in his mouth, these faucets protruded their long necks and half of their bodies from the magic circle, and rushed towards Xu Wen with all their teeth and claws.

Duan Kong and Wang Qi are invisible, Madame Rose has turned into a flower bone, and only Xu Wen is on the deck with a clear goal.

The thirteen dragon heads breathed out dragon breaths of various colors, and Xu Wen's flying sword won without showing any weakness.

boom!There was a huge collision sound, the dragon head and the flying sword group collided together, the violent energy explosion made the scene colorful, the dragon heads were wiped out one after another, and the number of the flying sword group was also reduced by at least one tenth Half.

The wand held high in the wand man's hand has not been put down. After thirteen faucets disappeared, thirteen new ones came out, and the speed of replenishment was very fast.

Life and death dry up, life reincarnates!
At this moment, Wang Qi finally saw the opportunity to make a move.

Under his control, the sword energy of 24 solar terms was completed in one go, and it was completed by the Pofeng Sword flying in the air, directly hitting the seemingly defenseless man with the wand in the face.

To hit someone is to hit someone in the face, Wang Qi thought so.

Even though Wang Qi's level and attributes were much lower than the man with the wand, if this powerful sword energy hit him directly without his knowledge, he would have to kneel directly.

However, the man with the wand had been prepared for a long time. At the moment when the sword energy hit his face, behind him, besides the thirteen magic formations that summoned the dragon head, a new magic formation appeared instantly. .


Different from other magic array diagrams, an hourglass shape is drawn on this array diagram.I saw the hourglass turned slightly, turned upside down, and the majestic sword energy attacking his face disappeared for a moment, and then reappeared the next moment. The difference was that it directly reflected the original Lu returned and shot straight at Wang Qi's flying sword.

Wang Qi didn't expect this kind of operation at all, and the Pofeng Sword was not far away, and the long sword was directly destroyed by the sword energy he sent out, leaving no trace.

Not only did his wave of attacks not take advantage of the wand man, but because of this shot, he broke the untouchable state, and the wand man instantly grabbed the position of his figure.

The hourglass magic circle image did not disappear behind him, and the hourglass moved slightly again, this time directly across, and immediately in front of the wand man, the sword energy that had just returned to destroy Wang Qifei's sword appeared out of thin air again, facing Wang Qi's avatar attacked from the position.

The most astonishing thing is that there is not only one sword energy, there are thirteen ones, which is equivalent to thirteen attacks with Wang Qi's 24 solar energy swordsmanship.

Wang Qi couldn't stop this attack. He only had one thought in his mind at the moment, which was to "hide".

Hey, he went straight into his Qiankun gourd, leaving only one gourd that no one could see, which landed lightly, and then thirteen sword qi crackled, and the gourd was unharmed. .

The universe gourd is indestructible. If it is used as a means of defense, it is the strongest defense ability in Wang Qi's hands. As long as it is operated properly, he can block all attacks with the gourd.

Of course, it is also a disadvantage that you can no longer operate after retracting the gourd.But before the enemy figured it out, this disadvantage was basically nothing.

The man with the magic wand used one against two to lure Wang Qi's attack, and Lin Zhongchen finally spotted Wang Qi's position.

"The Claw of Imprisonment!"

Beside Lin Zhongchen, two huge broken claws of giant beasts appeared out of thin air. Countless fine chains were wrapped around the claws, but they still couldn't cover the deep purple scales and raging demonic flames of the claws.

The two animal claws were caught in the air, Xu Wen's flying sword was still fighting against the wand man's dragon group, and he couldn't take care of it for a while, so the animal claws slapped Wang Qi's gourd, but the gourd didn't move at all.

"Huh, disappeared again?"

The huge beast claw was completely out of proportion to the invisible gourd. Lin Zhongchen didn't feel anything caught by the beast claw at all. Wang Qi was still in a state of nowhere in his sense, so he thought the beast claw It didn't work at all, so with a thought, the beast's claws slapped Xu Wen sideways.

Claws of Confinement, as the name suggests, as long as it is caught by the claws of these giant beasts, all equipment spirit cards in the whole body, except the life card, will be blocked for a full 30 seconds and cannot exert any effect.

It's just that this ability is slow to activate and can be easily dodged. If it wasn't for the cooperation of the man with the wand just now, he wouldn't have easily summoned this attacking Wang Qi.

In desperation, Xu Wen had no choice but to separate a part of the flying sword again, which could withstand the side attack of the two beast claws, and he was a little helpless when he was attacked for a while.

In the gourd, Wang Qi saw the outside clearly with the help of the Void Butterfly's vision. He found that these opponents were very difficult to deal with. In addition, there was another Duan Kong who was invisible again, watching secretly, and Xu Wen was alone outside. It is not optimistic to hold on.Don't look at Mrs. Rose being beaten into a flower bone when she was caught off guard, but based on the continuous growth of the flower bone, it is only a matter of time before Mrs. Rose returns to her original state.

"Must retreat!"

Thinking of this, seeing that he had avoided the attack of the beast claws, the clone quickly jumped out of the gourd, picked up the gourd, turned over and entered the sea.

Once in the sea water, the avatar is directly exchanged with the main body.After the main body came back, he directly summoned Sha Wudao and Gui Xiaosan, and attacked the boat from the water.

Sharks rushing out of the water in the unfathomable current, facing the wand man sideways and biting him.As a serious creature in the sea, it was not targeted by the little fish in advance, and it didn't have any weird appearance blessed by the fog, so several people on the deck saw its appearance.

Countless transparent sharks charged at the man with a fierce attack. The man with the wand was not sure about the intensity of these attacks, so he had to split half of the dragon's head to meet these water sharks.After the hourglass had just used two consecutive moves against Wang Qi, it had obviously entered a cooling state, and it was spinning non-stop, just like the icon being read on the computer.

Taking advantage of Sha Wudao's trouble, Wang Qi quickly wrote another letter to Xu Wen, telling him to prepare to go down to the sea and not to resist.

Xu Wen hesitated for a moment, and knew that this form was indeed not good. He was a little tired of dealing with Lin Zhongchen's beast claws and the wand man's dragon group, as well as the various attacks interspersed by the two of them. Since Wang Qi proposed to retreat , then retreat.

Seeing the opportunity for the water shark to attack the man with the wand, Xu Wen suddenly gave a soft drink, and with a light shake of his body, he broke Lin Zhongchen's spatial confinement. The animal claws swung a little, and he turned around and drove the flying sword into the water.

When Xu asked about Hai, Wang Qi could see it clearly. He quickly swam up to him and grabbed his arm with his hand.

Xu Wen knew that this was Wang Qi, and remembered his advice not to resist, so he made up his mind and relaxed his body.Suddenly, he felt a change in vision, and he came to a strange space.In front of him was Wang Qi who was looking at him with a smile.

"Wang Qi, you still have this ability."

Seeing that the surroundings were already safe, Xu Wen felt relieved.He saw the rest area with sofas and tables next to him, so he went to sit down without being polite.

"That's right, but this method must be so that you can't resist. I yelled at you for a long time before and you couldn't hear it. This time it finally succeeded."

Wang Qi also walked over, took a bottle of drink and threw it to Xu Wen, and then sat down with a bottle himself.

"Can you see the outside from here?"

Xu Wen asked while drinking a drink.

"I can see it through the summoned beast."

After Void Butterfly took Xu Wen into the sea, the few people who stayed on the boat with a confused face had a panoramic view. Sha Wudao was still harassing several people with various attacks in the water, making them very irritable.But they didn't dare to go into the sea. Who knew what arrangements and ambushes were there below, so they could only attack the water one after another helplessly on the boat.

The Qiankun gourd is now in the pavilion on Gui Xiaosan's back, and after giving it a command, Gui Xiaosan took the gourd and began to dive.

Anyway, Wang Qi planned to avoid this place, and it was meaningless to conflict with them.

Moreover, in a few minutes, the black hole annihilation bomb is about to explode, and it is also necessary to leave the explosion range.

However, at this moment, Sha Wudao and Gui Xiaosan, who were about to dive according to Wang Qi's order, suddenly shuddered.

The two of them ignored the boat above, and looked into the deep sea below in horror.Suddenly, a scalp-numbing scene came into the eyes of the two of them.

It was like a dark cloud in the sky, a large group of densely packed fish.

The school of fish that dares to run rampant in the East China Sea like this must not be an ordinary school of fish, and it is also known that such an ordinary school of fish has been swallowed by many big fish as rations.

That's right, it was the school of fish that came out of the clone of the giant deep-sea beast that followed Wang Qi.

Wherever these schools of fish passed, it was like a walking natural disaster, with no grass growing.All the creatures standing in front of them were devoured until there was not even a scum left.

However, it is not satisfied, it must eat human beings' obsession, prompting him to continue to use his special ability to follow in Wang Qi's footsteps.

Finally, at this moment, it caught up.

Sha Wudao and Gui Xiaosan are special cauldron spirits, unlike summoned beasts that can be fully sensed by Wang Qi.So the two completely violated Wang Qi's order at this moment, and rushed out towards the water in the opposite direction. Suddenly, they rushed out of the water with a big jump, and landed heavily on the sea not far from the boat.

"Another one came out!"

When Lin Zhongchen and the others saw that there was another Gui Xiaosan, they immediately became a little nervous again.However, the appearance of this sea turtle coming out of the water is a bit strange. I have never seen a sea turtle jumping out of the water like a carp.

Before they had any reaction, Void Butterfly County discovered the abnormality of the two, combined with the sudden black sea below, Wang Qi knew that something was wrong.

He quickly stretched out the gourd with the hand holding Zhenling Sacrifice to Heaven Cauldron, and immediately put Sha Wudao and Gui Xiaosan into the cauldron, and when the gourd was about to fall into the sea, Void Butterfly grabbed it tightly. Caught it, took the gourd and flew into the sky.

Lin Zhongchen and the others had very sharp eyes. Wang Qi's operation fell into their eyes, and they immediately knew that the shark and the turtle were Wang Qi's summons, and he was hiding in the little gourd.But this little gourd can fly is also very powerful.

The attacks of the three people on the deck immediately hit the gourd, and the gourd remained motionless during the attack, flying higher and higher.

Lin Zhongchen was about to catch up, when he suddenly saw the piece of Wanjun summoned in mid-air beside him, and Wang Qi performed domain exchange, and a group of goblins were slowed down by the flying carpet that had been there all this time. Then all three people who were teleported away returned to reality.

The luck of these three people can't be said to be good or bad. After they were teleported to the spirit world, there was a huge battlefield over there. Just a few people fell into it, and then they were dazed by the soaring screams around them.

Seeing countless various creatures rushing towards him shouting and killing, the three of them immediately stayed in place and formed a defensive formation, defending desperately.

It was also thanks to the fact that they didn't move where they were, and didn't leave the area marked by Wang Qi at all, so when the time came, the three of them were teleported back.

When they appeared, Lin Zhongchen's spirit immediately lifted.

(End of this chapter)

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