Chapter 274
"His spirit card ability can allow people to go to the spirit world and come back!"

Lin Zhongchen judged the ability of this spirit card, and immediately wanted to get this spirit card even more.

Ignoring the three guys who looked exhausted, Lin Zhongchen quickly flew towards Wang Qi's gourd, ready to grab the gourd in his hands.

As long as Wang Qi is under control, other things are easy to talk about.

Wang Qi saw Lin Zhongchen chasing up from the butterfly eyes in the void, nodded his head, and immediately got out of the gourd. When Lin Zhongchen was about to touch the gourd, he waved to him, regardless of his own image. Seeing what it looked like to do this action, he directly switched the clone and teleported away.

"Damn it, it's invisible again!"

Lin Zhongchen, who had been emptied, activated the space confinement again to find Wang Qilai, but he hadn't directly fought with the clone just now and was attacked by the clone, so he couldn't touch the clone.So after a few random hits, Lin Zhongchen could only quietly suspend in the air, waiting for Wang Qi to appear again.

At this moment, he and the three people on the flying carpet realized that something was wrong.

The dark fish shoal under the sea finally got closer and closer to the water surface, so much so that they can be clearly seen from the air with the naked eye.

"Is this why Wang Qi ran away?"

Thinking of this, Lin Zhongchen loudly reminded the people on the boat to pay attention to the sea below the boat.

Mrs. Rose's flower bud was close to regrowing into a rose flower. The wand man and Duan Kong, who had reappeared, listened to Lin Zhongchen's words, stood by and looked down.

Then, several people saw a scene that they will never forget.

On the surface of the sea, there are countless densely packed fish heads, looking straight up to the sky.

No matter how many people on the boat, or Lin Zhongchen in the air, and the three people on the flying carpet, the images at this moment are completely unaffected by the fog, and are reflected in the eyes of the fish school with their most primitive true colors.

"Human many...delicious...I want to eat!"

Countless mixed voices were introduced into the minds of everyone present through mental fluctuations.This voice suddenly changed the faces of several people.

"How could it be it? Doesn't it never leave its old nest?"

The little fish, who had been watching the battlefield from a distance, suddenly frowned anthropomorphically. It was also very strange to see the school of fish appearing.After thinking for a while, it flicked its tail, and then headed in the direction of the singer.

It wants to report everything it sees to Lord Diva and Lord Fathead Fish, because the appearance of that guy at this moment has made things less controllable.

Moreover, that guy is not welcomed by any living beings in the sea, and even the Diva would find it very annoying.

Xiaoyu left, and Lin Zhongchen and the others were also preparing to escape.

The strange scene of densely packed fish heads covering the sea is the mental shock of looking up at the starry sky. Normal people would lose their sanity when they see this scene. Although the spirit card master is powerful, it doesn't feel good to see it.

What's more, the strange appearance of the fish head, Wang Qi's reckless escape before, and the aggressive declaration later made everyone's heart pounding.

However, it is not easy to escape.Because Mrs. Rose has not yet recovered, her rose bud that is about to bloom is only rooted on the deck, and no one can move it.

Xu Wen tried everything just now, she is invincible in this state, and her companions naturally know this characteristic, facing the school of fish at this moment, she is indeed a little dumbfounded.

After the fish heads densely covered the sea made a sound of mental fluctuations, they began to undergo new changes.Each fish had a huge wound in a different position, blood overflowed from the wound, and then it was torn apart suddenly, revealing a strange eyeball.

After some of the fish grew eyeballs, they rushed straight out of sleep, collided with each other, and immediately smashed into a cloud of blood mist in the air.The blood mist gathered and fused quickly, and in the blink of an eye, a strange fish covered in eyeballs flapped slightly its two side fins that could be used as wings, floating in the air.

This kind of scene kept happening, and within a short while, there were thousands of strange fish covered in eyes.

The countless eyeballs on their bodies stared at Lin Zhongchen and the others neatly, making their scalps tingle involuntarily.

"How long will it be, Madame Rose!"

Lin Zhongchen yelled and asked the wand man.Although he is still affected by hallucinations, everyone's voice cannot be understood by others, but Lin Zhongchen's spatial ability has clearly broken through this limitation, at least he can correctly send his own voice to others' ears up.

The wand man was shocked when he heard the question, but looked at these strange fish, and gave another wry smile.

"At least one more minute."

"Then let's go!"

Lin Zhongchen shouted violently, the huge avatar was summoned again, and the two animal claws appeared again, rushing down together.

After a few people on the flying carpet breathed a sigh of relief, they also saw the situation in the arena clearly.They knew the ability of Madam Rose's rebirth, so they could only smile wryly like the man with the wand, and then rushed down one after another.

Madam Rose's rebirth ability is far less convenient than Duan Kong's scarecrow stand-in, but in fact, it has a strong effect in other aspects.

When Lady Rose is fatally injured, this ability will be activated, and her body will enter a special rose world, leaving a rose flower in the outside world. After the petals are scattered, it will re-grow into a flower bud and gradually grow towards a new rose. roses over.

In this process, the rose is completely invincible, at least so far they have not seen the ability to break the rose.

When the rose blooms again, Lady Rose's body will return from that special world, all injuries will be recovered, the state will be full, and the upper limit of spiritual power will be permanently increased by 1%, and all attributes will be permanently increased by 1%.

Because of this huge promotion buff, the process from dying to regrowing into roses and blooming is quite long.Also, it can only be used once a day.

Originally, in conjunction with Rose's invincible special effects, this ability was the only choice for Mrs. Rose to save her life and improve herself. This is how her strength slowly developed.

However, during the process of growing into a rose, it cannot move at all.In the current situation, it has become a complete disadvantage.

If other people leave Mrs. Rose and escape by themselves, when Mrs. Rose wakes up and faces this strange school of fish, it is basically a scene where Mrs. Rose has no misfortune.

Lin Zhongchen could do this, but the man with the wand and Wanli in the clear sky were her most loyal subordinates, so it was naturally impossible to escape like this.The only choice is to fight the other party first, and when Mrs. Rose is done, everyone runs away together.

However, Lin Zhongchen needed the help of a few people to come to the East China Sea, so he hesitated for a while, and did not choose to escape by himself, but chose to face it with a few people.

So, everyone launched an attack on the strange fish on the sea.

After this round of attacks, the few people who didn't dare to keep their hands found that the little fish looking up at the starry sky on the sea is not difficult to fight, and can be killed with casual attacks.

However, after these small fish died, they all exploded into blood mist, and then continued to form a multi-eyed strange fish floating in the air.

Those flying multi-eyed strange fish are not as easy to fight as small fish. After they are attacked, their eyeballs stare, and rays of light shoot out from the eyeballs, neutralizing the attacks one after another.

With a flick of their tails, these strange fish surrounded several people in all directions.

Immediately, the wand man and Duan Kong on the deck felt great pressure. The wand man once again summoned the vine jungle that had just been canceled to resist the attack, while Duan Kong tried to kill the approaching monster fish with melee.

The six people finally got together on the deck, and tried their best to resist the strange impact of the strange fish wave after wave.

The counterattacks of several people are not completely ineffective, at least those eyeballs will burst and disappear after eliminating a certain number of attacks, leaving only a big bloody hole on the strange fish, which looks very tragic, but also It made the strange fish look even weirder.

This group of strange fishes rushed towards several people like a wave without fear of death. While rushing, they kept making the sound of "Human...I want to eat...a lot...delicious..." The attack made a few people miserable.

Xiaoyu, who just left, has returned to the front of Lord Diva at this moment.

"You said, that disgusting thing is here too?"

The mermaid stopped humming beautifully, her beautiful face was full of displeasure.And the fat head fish on the side was interrupted to enjoy the music again, and became even more irritable.

"Yes, Mrs. Diva, I can see very clearly that the guy with the eyeballs has actually come to your mirage, and he is attacking those uninvited guests."

The little fish lowered his head and said respectfully to the mermaid.

"These guys are damned! Let me drive them all out for you!"

The fat-headed fish didn't wait for the mermaid to speak, and a violent voice came out of his mouth like a thunderbolt, making the little fish tremble with fright.

"No need for the time being, Mr. Fathead Fish. Even with my approval, Xiaoli can only mobilize one-thousandth of the power of Mirage Huanhai, so she can't drive them away. Since it is in my territory, then I will come Do it yourself."

The mermaid said softly, closing her eyes again.

"Forget it, since you've said that, then I'll just be a spectator. If there is any accident, I won't be too late to act."

The thunderous voice of the fathead fish softened a little, and agreed with the mermaid.

The mermaid didn't answer anymore, her eyes were tightly closed, and she had already put all her energy into the vast mist around her.

Once the master of this mirage and fantasy sea manipulated it with all his strength, the vast white mist that shrouded this sea area finally changed a little differently.

The endless white mist seemed to have become alive, which was the result of being manipulated by the singer's consciousness.They gradually began to gather towards the place where they were fighting, and the fog became thicker and thicker.

Wang Qi's avatar hiding in the sky to watch the battle, was surprised to find that the battlefield in his field of vision suddenly began to change endlessly.Every second, everything in front of my eyes is a different scene: the sea world below, for a while, a sunflower field, Lin Zhongchen and the others are hard-working farmers, and those fish heads are slippery voles; It became a desert full of bones, a blood-red full moon hung in the sky, Lin Zhongchen and the others below turned into bone soldiers again, and those fish heads were bone monsters.

This kind of scene is constantly switching and changing every moment. People watching are dazzled and mentally exhausted. Wang Qi can only close his eyes and look at the real world through the void.

Wang Qi, who was watching the battle, felt this way, and Lin Zhongchen and the others in the battle naturally felt even more miserable.

They also found that all their senses were telling themselves that no matter what they saw or heard, everything was true and false, and the companions around them could no longer tell whether they were companions or not. The enemy can't tell whether it is an enemy or not.

After the mist changed, it not only made the illusion more powerful, but also a lot of mist condensed together, turning into a warrior in the shape of a mermaid.Together, they launched all kinds of fictitious attacks on the few people in the field from the thick fog, making everyone miserable.

Those multi-eyed strange fish were also affected by this infinite illusion.But the difference is that it received direct damage. The eyeballs on the strange fish exploded one by one quickly. Can't get up.

"Phantom... interferes with me... human beings... want to eat... get out!"

The strange fishes died one by one, and finally it couldn't bear it anymore, and roared in spirit, roaring at the surrounding fog.

Countless thin rays of light shot out from the eyeballs of the still surviving monster fish, not at Lin Zhongchen and the others who were already in chaos, but at the thick fog around them.

It seems that using a laser to hit the fog is an attack that I don't want to do, and it should not be able to attack.But the light seemed to be very effective. When the fog was pierced by the light, the phantom singer far away in the center of the mirage sea, the mermaid, couldn't help snorting, and her face became very ugly.

"How are you, are you okay?"

Fathead Fish hurriedly asked with concern.

"It's okay. I didn't expect that disgusting guy, just a few avatars, to be so powerful."

The mermaid said lightly.

"It has trained itself to be crazy, but it is really powerful. It's just that it never wanders in the sea. I heard that it dares to ignore the orders of the Lord of the East Sea. It really has two brushes."

Fathead Fish thought for a while, and then affirmed the "disgusting guy" he and the mermaid said.

"It doesn't matter, this is my territory. No matter how powerful it is, it's just a different division. I'll see how many times he can use this kind of attack."

Saying that, the mermaid once again devoted herself to the mist.

Those strange fish were consuming their eyeballs to emit light. Although they caused some slight damage to Phantom Diva, after all, the clones were too different from this level, and the clones were all rootless water, so they disappeared after consumption.Therefore, the light from the eyeballs is getting less and less, and gradually, only a small part of the strange fish on the sea surface can be seen with the naked eye.

"Phantom... Damn... Humans... want to eat..."

The strange fish was still roaring mentally, but it also seemed to know that it couldn't do it.

(End of this chapter)

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