Chapter 275
In the end, these strange fish no longer used their eyeballs to fight against the mist, but turned their heads and pointed at Lin Zhongchen and the others again.

All of a sudden, many strange fish rushed together and flew in front of several people.

Both Lin Zhongchen and the man with the wand were not easy to mess with. Even though their perception was chaotic, their basic strength was still there, and their defenses were impeccable.

But the four of Qingkong Wanli were not so good, Duan Kong used up his doubles several times, and the other three had fought intensively on the battlefield for a few minutes, and they were relieved after returning, and now they have weakened again. It's all fighting with a strong spirit.

Deep in the illusion, they had to deal with every blow with all their strength in the face of those attacks that couldn't be distinguished from the real ones, but how could they last too long with all their strength, which made the four of them very tired of coping.

So at the moment when the strange fish pounced on them, they couldn't tell the truth from reality at all, and the strange fish took advantage of it in an instant.

Duan Kong triggered the scarecrow stand-in again, Ruoqing turned into a cloud of black smoke, and escaped the monster fish's mouth together.

But the unlucky Wanjun and Rina were swallowed by a strange fish respectively, and then several strange fish joined together and jumped on them. In the blink of an eye, they were wrapped into a meat ball full of eyes, and they were directly pulled into the sea and disappeared.

The strange fish was not reconciled to eating only two people, and when Duan Kong and Ruoqing had just landed, several strange fish rushed up together again.Ruoqing continued to escape with black smoke, but Duan Kong was not so lucky this time. The scarecrow was swallowed by a strange fish without being triggered, and turned into the same meat ball full of eyes as before, and fell into the region.

In the blink of an eye, there is only one Ruoqing left in the clear sky, still lingering, and the remaining three have been swallowed by the strange fish, it is not known whether they are dead or alive.

The saddest thing is that several other people haven't discovered all this yet, they can't even figure out who is a companion, and they can only instinctively protect themselves.

At this moment, the flower bud of Mrs. Rose finally moved.

A gorgeous rose blooms among thousands of illusions, and everyone sees a different scene.

However, Mrs. Rose finally came out, and became a little stronger again.But that doesn't help the situation now.

As soon as Mrs. Rose came out, the man with the wand had a special connection with Mrs. Rose, so he immediately felt a connection.

Several people were forced to fight here for a long time, isn't it because they didn't want to give up on Mrs. Rose.Now that she has recovered, she can leave.

The man with the wand suddenly summoned a fighter jet, which seemed to be full of science fiction, even more high-end than the latest model of a certain country in the world of ordinary people.

The fighter jet hovered in front of him as soon as it appeared, and then Kua Kua Kua turned into a tall robot.

As soon as the robot's electronic eyes scanned, a burst of electronic sound came from its body.

"The target has been confirmed, the mission has been confirmed, and it is ensured that all personnel present leave the battlefield."

As soon as the sound fell, a beam of light suddenly shot out from the chest that was originally the cockpit after it transformed, and fell directly on Mrs. Rose, and then several beams of light hit the wand man, Lin Zhongchen, and Ruoqing respectively. body.

As soon as the light beam enveloped them, the four of them immediately felt that they were being pulled by the light beam and were about to be taken away from their original positions.

Except for the man with the wand, Mrs. Rose and Ruoqing knew what was going on, so they didn't refuse.Lin Zhongchen was startled at first when he felt this force, but then he remembered that the man with the wand had hinted to himself that there was a way to escape, and Mrs. Rose should have come out after some time, so he didn't struggle.

The four of them entered the space of the cockpit on the chest of the robot together, and then the robot transformed into a fighter jet again.

In addition to attacking each other, the participating strange fish and the fighters transformed from the surrounding fog also set their attack targets on this fighter because of the disappearance of several people.

But I saw that the magazines on both sides of the fighter suddenly opened, and countless rocket missiles were shot out directly, bursting into clouds of fire around them, and the strange fish and fog warriors were thrown off their feet.Taking advantage of this opportunity, the fighter plane suddenly picked up its speed and left here with a whoosh.

Its speed is getting faster and faster. Looking at Wang Qi's avatar here from a distance, the master of data in the field of vision quickly gave its speed. In just 3 seconds, this fighter jet reached twice the speed of sound The level of the huge sound barrier was deafening, and the fighter jets disappeared far away.

The strange fish had captured three people, and seeing that all the rest had run away, knowing that there was nothing to be done, the remaining strange fish with eyeballs blew themselves up in the mist.As for the strange fish that carried the three of them into the sea, they had already escaped from the water.

The only thing left on the scene was the boat that Lin Zhongchen and the others took.But this ship was obviously also summoned by Lingka. When the fighter jet disappeared a few seconds later, it also disappeared on the sea.

Suddenly, the lively battle scene just now became deserted in the blink of an eye.

The final result was that Wang Qi and Xu Wen retreated, and Lin Zhongchen lost three people.The phantom singer who didn't show up fought with the unknown eyeball monster fish, and no one took advantage of it.

Phantom Diva saw that all the enemies had run away to death, and cleaned up, she snorted coldly, withdrew her consciousness, and returned to her body.

"Not bad, these guys are really not your opponents."

Fathead Fish's loud voice rang in Diva's ears.

"Well, it's just a little troublesome. Master Fathead Fish, let me continue playing for you."

So the mermaid started playing again.The fat-headed fish closed his eyes when he heard the music, and was immersed in the beautiful music.

"How's it going outside now?"

In Wang Qi's universe gourd, Xu Wen drank his drink in boredom, and asked Wang Qi.He knew that Wang Qi could see the scene outside.

"Three of Lin Zhongchen's group were captured by the fish monster. It's probably a bad luck. But the rest of them all ran away in a fighter jet. The fish monster has all died, and the fog has returned to normal."

"Oh? So can we go out?"

Xu Wen was refreshed.He still likes to stay outside freely, and it always feels a bit awkward to stay inside Wang Qi's treasure.

"Yes, yes, but my gourd is not out of the range of this fog. If it goes out, the two of us will have to go back to the state where we can't communicate."

Wang Qi reminded.

"It's okay, I have a solution. The main reason is that when I tried my green mirage bottle just now, I found that my baby can absorb the surrounding mist and eliminate the influence of a certain range, and absorbing more is also good for my baby."

Xu Wen explained his purpose of going out.

"Alright then, if that's the case, let's go out now."

Said, Wang Qi got out first, switched places with the clone, returned to the mist, and released Xu Wen from the gourd.

Sure enough, as soon as he came out, Xu Wen still looked like a monster in his eyes, and after trying to say a few words, he still roared and couldn't communicate.

But through the vision of the Void Butterfly, Wang Qi saw that Xu Wen summoned his small bottle, and then the bottle mouth began to absorb the surrounding mist at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The two of them stopped here patiently. Gradually, the surrounding mist became thinner and thinner, and the figure of Xu Wen in Wang Qi's eyes also gradually changed from the appearance of a monster to his original appearance.

"It really works!"

Wang Qi shouted at Xu Wen in surprise.This bottle can also play a special role in a specific environment, and it can play such a strong effect before, it must be a top mythical spirit card.

Xu Wen nodded and was about to speak when his expression suddenly changed.

Wang Qi reacted quickly, turned around and looked back in an instant, and saw a jet fighter coming out of the slightly thinner fog silently behind him.

This fighter plane is quietly suspended in the air. In front of the nose is a luminous little person who looks like an elf during a call. She is wearing a beautiful princess dress, with a pair of transparent wings behind her, and holding a small fairy wand in her hand. At the top of the fairy wand, there is a little thread-like energy light, pointing directly at Wang Qi's position.

Obviously, they found Wang Qi's location by relying on this elf-like thing.

"Wang Qi, you make it easier for me to find you!"

Lin Zhongchen's voice suddenly came, and his figure instantly appeared on the side of the fighter jet, apparently teleported from inside.

"Who are you? What do you want me for?"

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Zhongchen should think that Wang Qi didn't know him yet, so Wang Qi pretended not to know him and questioned him.

"Why, don't you know each other just now? That's fine, I don't want to talk nonsense, hand over the spirit card in your hand that can go to the spirit world, and I will spare you."

Lin Zhongchen didn't intend to explain, and directly put forward his request.

The man with the wand, Duan Kong, and Mrs. Rose sent out from the fighter plane one after another. With a wave of the wand in the man's hand, a transparent magic circle appeared at the feet of the three of them, making them seem to be standing on the ground.

In his opinion, although he was at a disadvantage in dealing with Xu Wen and Wang Qi just now, it was because of the influence of the fog that everyone was restrained, and the opponent couldn't accurately judge what methods they used, so they made a move.Now that everyone can see each other clearly, with so many people on my side, if I can't take the two of them down, I really might as well go home.

"Heh, who do you think you are, if you want my spirit card, come get it if you have the ability."

Wang Qi naturally showed a look of disdain, but secretly made a gesture with Xu Wen, ready to make a move.

Seeing him like this, Lin Zhongchen naturally didn't want to talk nonsense anymore, this time he finally stopped keeping it, and immediately released his spatial confinement as soon as he came up.

And the man with the wand next to him, the wand in his hand stopped heavily beside him, and an invisible wave spread from the lower end of the wand to the surroundings.

"Cube space!"

A huge illusory cube suddenly appeared around everyone, firmly surrounding their area.He made up his mind to limit the range of activities of Xu Wen and Wang Qi so that they would not escape.

Moreover, Wang Qi's invisibility ability is too difficult to deal with. With this field space under his control, no matter how invisible he is, he will have nothing to hide.

But obviously, everyone miscalculated Wang Qi's ability and mistook the avatar for ordinary invisibility.

Wang Qi's heart moved, and he switched places with the clone again, and disappeared in the eyes of others in an instant.

And Xu Wen was dragging the green mirage bottle in his hand, and the flying swords beside him once again turned into tens of thousands, tens of thousands of flying swords were staring at each other, putting heavy pressure on the few people on the opposite side.

As soon as he moved his hand here, the Phantom Diva over there suddenly stopped singing.

She was a little out of anger.Anyone who is interrupted again and again will become irritable.

"what happened?"

Fathead Fish asked him.

"Those humans actually appeared again, and they fought together again."


Fathead Fish's voice suddenly exploded like thunder, obviously he was also a little angry.

"They didn't escape quietly, and dared to appear again. It seems that they must be kept today! Diva, don't stop me, I will deal with them this time!"

"Then... well, then I will trouble you, Mr. Fathead Fish."

The singer bowed slightly to salute, thanking Fathead Fish for her shot.

The fat-headed fish nodded slightly, then swung its tail, and its huge body like a hill disappeared suddenly.

As one of the two famous sea patrolling generals under the Humpback Whale King in the East China Sea, the strength of this fathead fish is not simple.

From a small ordinary fat-headed fish, it has obtained the opportunity to practice until now. After thousands of years, it has finally reached its current position. It relies on nothing else but its unfathomable strength, which is not even inferior to the four kings.

In Pangtouyu's view, the four kings just occupied a longer time of cultivation, and they were lucky enough to get the appreciation of the Lord of the East China Sea to occupy that position. He had no choice but to settle for the second best among them. The sea patrol officer under the Whale King.But it has always had a high opinion of itself in front of the humpback whale king. It has challenged the humpback whale king several times and all of them were tied, which can be regarded as playing its own prestigious name.

This time it wandered in the East China Sea and came to be a guest in the phantom singer's mirage sea, listening to the singing of one of the ten spirits of the East China Sea, the phantom singer. .

At this moment, Fathead Yu's mind is to wipe out all these disturbing human beings with the force of thunder, and then go back to continue listening to the song.

Here, Wang Qi's avatar is invisible, waiting for an opportunity to sneak attack. Xu Wen, relying on the phantom ability of the green mirage bottle and tens of thousands of flying swords, fights against the four opponents again, and the fight is also impressive.

While hitting Lin Zhongchen, he also got a little dizzy.This Xu Wen's ability complements the surrounding fog, and it is very troublesome to do it. If it weren't for the preparations made in advance this time, Mrs. Rose used her own ability to bring a special rose to each of her friends. Come to distinguish and connect with each other, otherwise you will really be confused by illusions again.

But even so, the tens of thousands of flying swords are not easy to deal with.

(End of this chapter)

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