Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 276 The Purpose of the Salvation Society

Chapter 276 The Purpose of the Salvation Society
After fighting for a long time, the two sides were at a stalemate.

Wang Qi didn't make any moves himself, so he was always invisible and would not be attacked.He only uses summoned beasts to launch raids from various angles, such as the Dragonfly Death Squad, which has not been used for a long time, and the Howling Moon Shadow Wolf, and the Diamond Flying Dragon. Personal harassment is outrageous.

And Xu Wen was like a hedgehog covered in thorns, making it impossible for Lin Zhongchen and the others to attack.The blue mirage bottle has been continuously absorbing the surrounding mist, and the phantom ability has been increasing at a weak speed, which also makes them very uncomfortable.

Seeing that the two sides have been fighting for so long, Mrs. Rose lost her patience at first.

"Okay, Mr. No. 7, stop."

With a wave of his hand, the man with the wand and Duan Kong stepped back and stood with her, firmly blocking Xu Wen's attack.

Seeing this, Lin Zhongchen had no choice but to back away, standing with a few people on his side, and looked at Mrs. Rose.

"Ma'am, what do you mean?"

Over there, when Xu Wen saw that the four people on the opposite side had all retreated and stopped, he kept his sword still and just looked at them coldly.

"Obviously, we can't kill them in a short time now, and your purpose is not to kill them, but to get the spirit card in the hands of that invisible guy. Since neither of the two sides can do anything to each other, why can't the two sides talk about it, use Another way to solve the problem?"

Mrs. Rose talked slowly, intending to let both parties stop and stop tossing.

With her personality and previous bad reputation, it is obvious that she can say this here, and she really doesn't want to fight.

This time, he agreed to Lin Zhongchen's condition to help, but the benefits have not yet been seen, and the three generals were lost after walking halfway.You must know that in the future, there will be only sunny in the combination of clear skies, which is as simple and direct as weather forecasting.

Although I found these two guys again after listening to Lin Zhongchen just now, I didn't expect that these two guys were not as soft as I imagined. Now, if you are prepared and still get this kind of result, then there is no need to waste time.

So Mrs. Rose simply stopped, and then became a peacemaker, trying to prevent the two parties from continuing to fight to the death.

"Well... what you said makes sense."

It's not that Lin Zhongchen doesn't understand what she means. In fact, after fighting for a long time, he also discovered that Wang Qi's invisibility ability is really buggy, and he can't touch the shadow at all. Even if the entire space is sealed off, there is no trace of existence. , can only continue to be passively beaten, it is a bit difficult to deal with.

So now that Mrs. Rose gave such a step, he went down the slope without moving.

"I don't know, the invisible one, Wang Qi, right? Did you hear that? Why don't you come out first, let's talk."

Madam Rose yelled into the air, wanting Wang Qi to show up.

Wang Qi naturally heard what they said. In fact, he was right next to these people. He originally wanted to take advantage of them not moving and try his luck with another black hole annihilation bomb.But now that the other person shouted that, after thinking about it for a while, he retreated to Xu Wen's side, found something to cover his face, and then cut back to the main body.

"I don't think there is anything to talk about. You are the ones who want to grab things, and you are the ones who do it. If you want to stop now, you can stop. It's a bit simple, right?"

Wang Qi said loudly.

"Hehe, Master No. 7 is really in a hurry. He needs your spirit card very much. In this way, let him tell you by himself, and see if there is any possibility. It would be best if you can reach an agreement."

Madam Rose folded her arms and smiled charmingly, but no one cared about her winking eyes.

"That's right, little friend Wang Qi, let me apologize to you first. I really need that spirit card that can be teleported to the spirit world very much. See if you can give it to me. You can also exchange it with a mythical spirit card. "

Lin Zhongchen connected.

He never mentioned that he was a member of the Salvation Society, he just wanted to fool the two of them into giving him the Spirit Card.

"Hehe, you must be aware of the preciousness of the spirit card that can go to the spirit world." Wang Qi chuckled, "Since this is the case, why do you think I would be willing to give up this spirit card?"

"Well, then, let me tell you my reason."

When Lin Zhongchen thought about it, he might as well tell these people about his purpose.Maybe these people might join the Salvation Society after listening to what they said, just like the time when they told themselves the truth on the 12th.

"To tell you the truth, although our methods of the Salvation Society have always been extreme in the eyes of most people, in fact, we are sincerely working hard to save the world without regard to trivial matters."

"In addition to the set of theories we preached before, in fact, we believe that there are deeper reasons why the world is constantly collapsing."

"I believe that everyone present should already know that the existence of the spirit world and the real world are mutually positive and negative. The spirit world is actually behind the real world. Our complete world is just like this plane. It is separated into two halves by a barrier composed of matter and spiritual power."

"These two halves are like water and oil. They do not interfere with each other and exist in layers. There is no spiritual power in the real world, and all spiritual power is in the spiritual world."

"However, tens of thousands of years ago, some great powers, or the existence of gods, broke through this barrier after a great battle. Spiritual power penetrated towards the real world. Then , is a long process of spiritual penetration.”

"The original balance of the world was broken as the spiritual power in the spiritual world penetrated into the real world. This balance has been slowly tilting for tens of thousands of years."

"The world itself is a flat plate, just like a dam. The spiritual power is like a water flow. At first, it seeps slowly from a small gap, but as the water flow increases, the gap becomes bigger and bigger, and the water flow becomes faster and faster. There's more and more water and eventually the dam will break."

"After the real world gained more spiritual power, because the balance was broken, new changes began to take place. This change caused the foundation of the entire world, the flat world in this endless starry sky, to slowly collapse."

"As time slowly progressed, spiritual power brought the original spirit card masters, spirit beasts and spirit plants to the real world. No, they didn't have this name at that time. They had a unified name, immortal."

"After these immortals appeared, they took the initiative to let the spiritual power flow to reality faster and faster through cultivation. The immortals continued to improve themselves, while absorbing spiritual power, while plundering the foundation of the world. Especially after their accidental death, all Because the spiritual power in the body is no longer integrated into the natural spiritual power, it will dissipate outside the barriers of the world, reducing the total amount of spiritual power in the entire world."

"Finally, one day, the master of the game appeared. He created the Book of Spirit Cards and the corresponding rules, turning the spiritual power flowing into the world from the spirit world into a domain, allowing the immortals to act under the rules and fight each other. This approach, on the surface, greatly delayed the integration of the spiritual world and the real world, and delayed the collapse for a long time. But in fact, this is just a way of drinking poison to quench thirst."

"Each generation of game masters will create new rules for the book of spirit cards and the domain, and after only keeping it for one year, they will lose the spirit card of the game master, until this card chooses the right person to appear again. And The appearance of the world announcement not long ago proves that the master of the game of this generation has reappeared."

"But this game master doesn't know why. The changed rules actually accelerated the emergence of domains, breaking the phenomenon that domains appeared less frequently in the past. This undoubtedly accelerated the speed of the world's collapse again."

"Our Salvation Society has been committed to reducing the number of spirit card masters since ancient times, slowing down the speed at which spiritual power is absorbed from the spiritual world into the real world, and trying to find a way to prevent the world from collapsing."

"Right now, although there is no way to stop the crash, the emergence of the game master has given hope to delay the crash."

"Through a special method of investigation, we learned that this game master is in the spirit world. As long as we find him and find a way to get the spirit card of the game master from him, we can revise the book of the spirit card again. At least it can buy us a lot of time."

"So, Wang Qi, are you willing to join our Salvation Society and help us go to the spirit world to find the master of the game together?"

After listening to Lin Zhongchen's words, everyone immediately fell into deep thought.Wang Qi didn't answer either, but began to think about the truth of what he said.

"I see."

Just as Lin Zhongchen finished speaking, suddenly a voice quietly appeared from the side of the crowd.

Everyone was shocked and looked towards the source of the voice.The dense fog seemed to have been opened up, revealing a passage silently.In the middle of the passage, a huge fat-headed fish swims out seemingly quickly but slowly.

The body of this fish is very deformed, the whole body is the size of a hill, and three quarters of it is the huge fish head, but there are only two small eyes and a pair of small fins on it, which looks very funny ridiculous.

But even with such a ridiculous appearance, everyone present felt unable to laugh.

Because this fat-headed fish exudes a soaring aura and a strong sense of oppression all the time.If it weren't for the dense fog around them that could cover up this aura, I believe that even if they were separated by tens of thousands of miles, everyone would still be able to feel this powerful feeling.

Among them, Xu Wen and Wang Qi felt the deepest.

The two of them compared each other in their hearts, and they were shocked to find that this sense of oppression was no less than that of one of the four kings of the East China Sea who claimed to be the king of humpback whales in the field before going out to sea, through the pressure of the golden carp.

Even, because they faced the real body of the fat-headed fish, and the two of them bore the curse from the humpback whale king, the feeling of impacting the soul became more violent and unstoppable.

Without even thinking about it, Wang Qi slapped Xu Wen in an instant, wanting to put him in the gourd, but because Xu Wen was also nervous and subconsciously resisted Wang Qi, the action of putting him in the gourd failed.

Wang Qi was worried, and hurriedly shouted to Xu Wen, "Don't resist!"

Only then did Xu Wen react.

At this moment, Fathead Fish looked at the two of them curiously.

"Huh, the curse of the Lord of the East China Sea? You two are actually the cursed ones. It seems that we can't let you go."

It was just a light glance, and some very fine drops of water that appeared beside the two of them did not know when, and they were instantly connected together, turning into several transparent shackles, imprisoning the two of them.

Wang Qi didn't care about Xu Wen any longer. The moment he was imprisoned by the water shackles, he had already switched to a clone. Because the main body came to a place far away in the sky in an instant, the fat-headed fish lost control of the water. Ability to unravel the confinement.

Seeing that the target imprisoned by him can escape, Fathead Yu took a high look at this side.And Lin Zhongchen and the others over there were also imprisoned by the water shackles that suddenly appeared.

Except for Wang Qi who disappeared, several people used their own methods in horror, trying to break free from the water shackles.

Xu Wen took half a step back slightly, leaving behind a phantom in shackles, but his body was still free; Lin Zhongchen's figure also suddenly blurred a few times in situ, like that kind of high-frequency flickering, water The shackles seem to have lost their target; the part of Mrs. Rose that was imprisoned by the shackles immediately began to drop a little rose petals, and soon reorganized into herself next to her, leaving only one rose in place, held by the water shackles; The man with the wand was simpler, his whole body suddenly turned into water, and the shackles made of water melted into his body and disappeared; Ruoqing was even simpler, turned into smoke again, and escaped directly.

The five people used different methods, but they all easily avoided the fat head fish's ability.

"Huh? Interesting, it's not those weak humans."

Fathead Yu gave a light snort, but was a little surprised.

But it was just a little surprised.

Not seeing any new movements from it, the five of them suddenly discovered that the space around them had been surrounded by a thin layer of water curtain at some point.The water curtain formed a sphere, and it was still shrinking inward.

Lin Zhongchen, as a master of spatial ability, was already vigilant when he got out of the shackles of water. As soon as Fathead Yu finished speaking, he teleported outside.

But he found that the space was confined.

Within the spherical space formed by the water curtain, the outside world seems to have become two worlds at this time. His spatial movement ability is actually unable to break through the paper-thin water curtain.

Xu Wen raised his hand, and part of the tens of thousands of flying swords beside him split off and slammed directly towards the water curtain.

Reluctantly, the water curtain seemed to be a thin layer. When the sharp flying sword pierced it, the water curtain was like rubber. With the piercing of the flying sword, it was pierced into a sharp shape.But Feijian's power was completely wiped out not long after it advanced, and then bounced back gently, leaving the water curtain intact.

The attacks of tens of thousands of flying swords were easily dispelled in this way, which made the faces of five of them very ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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