Chapter 277
Wang Qi's avatar also tried to make the summoned beasts attack the water polo, but no matter which summoned beast pounced on it, tearing and biting at the thin water curtain, it couldn't cause any damage.

The flexible water curtain is like a layer of indestructible cloth, no matter how crazy you attack, it changes shape continuously with the attack, but it will not waver at all.

This scene fully embodies the words "overcoming rigidity with softness".

Even if he took the risk of using Xuanming True Water to try to control the water that made up the water curtain and shake it fundamentally, Wang Qi found that the water was as motionless as mountains and rivers, without any reaction at all.That is a more powerful ability to lock them firmly and control them in their hands.

After experimenting a bit, Wang Qi gave up, because the more powerful force must belong to the fat-headed fish in front of him. If he directly shakes it, it will definitely be judged as an attack and let him discover his clone.

But if this is the case, what about the five people inside?Others don't care, Xu Wen is always his own, and he still has to find a way to help, otherwise leaving him alone and running away alone will not be conscience-stricken.

Because we are in mid-air now, and everyone is not down to earth, even if Wang Qi wants to exchange domains, or the effect of the city of freedom with unbreakable barriers, there is no way.These two abilities must be supported by the physical objects under their feet to be effective, and there is no way to activate them at this time.

Wang Qi's avatar was desperately trying to find a way outside, and the people inside were also trying to save themselves.

The fat-headed fish looked at these people leisurely. Its small eyes stared at their movements with interest, wanting to see how far they could go.As for Wang Qi, he was also looking for it secretly, but he hadn't found it yet.This also makes it quite surprising.

The water polo is still shrinking slowly and firmly, and the people inside are still using various attacks to try to break the water curtain.Even Lin Zhongchen and the others summoned the Book of Spirit Cards, and experimented with various effects of the Spirit Cards.

At this time, it can be seen that everyone has accumulated.

Lin Zhongchen turned out to be the vice president of the Spirit Card Association. It would not be too convenient to use his power to collect powerful Spirit Cards. He has hidden so many Spirit Cards with various abilities that he can't count, so his actions are also the most powerful. quick.

As the princess of a country, Mrs. Rose is also a very powerful and powerful Spirit Card Master. Naturally, her accumulation is not bad, and she is not inferior to Lin Zhongchen.

Xu Wen was a little worse in comparison.As a man from an aristocratic family, he enjoys the benefits of the family and devotes himself to improving himself, but the extra spirit cards are usually given to the family to make full use of, so the abilities of the spirit cards that can be used are really relatively single.

The unknown man with the wand did not summon the book of spirit cards at all, but raised his wand and recited a very lengthy incantation, presumably some powerful killing move.

As for Ruoqing, there is one thing to say here—he is the weakest, and he can only use his limited ability to attack in vain, so as not to make himself seem useless.

Suddenly, the wand in the wand man's hand thumped heavily in the void, and an invisible wave spread in the void formation under his feet, causing the surrounding water curtain to stir up.

I saw those water curtains that were deformed by the ripples, and their swaying movements gradually became stiff and slow.At a speed visible to the naked eye, white flowers bloomed one after another.

"Absolutely frozen!"

That's right, it is the ability to freeze.

To deal with this kind of water curtain, it is natural that this direction should be thought of at the first time.It's just that after several other people tried it just now, they found that the ordinary freezing ability was not effective, so they tried other methods.

But the man with the wand is very confident in his absolutely freezing move. Although this move has a very long read and there is no chance to use it at ordinary times, once it is successfully used, the mythical level of authority is enough for this ability to freeze anything. He even felt that it was overkill to crack this mere water curtain.

The freezing effect was extremely fast, and the entire water curtain was frozen in the blink of an eye, leaving no time for anyone to think.

But someone still reacted, and that was Xu Wen.

His flying swords have been lingering around his body, when he saw the ice flower appear, several flying swords bumped into it without hesitation.

Ding.There was a crisp sound.

Like diamond dust falling, the water polo shattered and could no longer trap anyone.

Xu Wen saw that although those flying swords smashed into the frozen water curtain, they were also frozen one by one, and then melted into pieces together.

Wang Qi, who was watching the battle next to him, didn't think about this, his spirit was lifted, and he came to Xu Wen's side in an instant, and switched back to his body.

"Don't resist!"

Xu Wen listened to Wang Qi's voice, this time he won't miss the chance again.He wasn't stupid enough to stay and fight to the death with that fat-headed fish who had no choice but to trap everyone with just a water polo, but didn't make a move and had been watching the show by the side.

With a whoosh, Xu Wen entered Wang Qi's gourd in response.

After scanning the eyes of all the people present and the fish one by one, Wang Qi switched back to the clone again and disappeared from their eyes.

Regardless of where Wang Qi breathed a sigh of relief, Lin Zhongchen and the others felt a little distressed.

This kid Wang Qi is extremely slippery, and every time he takes his teammates to hide and disappear like this, leaving them here to fight with people, no, to fight recklessly with fish, it is simply miserable.

"Not bad, it can actually destroy my water prison. But, I don't know the one on you, can you solve it?"

The fat-headed fish leisurely admired everyone, and it didn't stop Wang Qi from disappearing with Xu Wen, but said these words in a leisurely manner.

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed drastically, and they looked at their body together.Wang Qi also hurriedly entered the calabash, and began to observe Xu Wen.

Sure enough, this fish did not lie. On everyone's wrists and ankles, at some point, there was a faint water curtain, like a bracelet, which seemed to be close to the skin, but it was not touched. to the slightest.Because it is completely transparent, if you don't look carefully, you won't notice it at all.

"When did you catch it!"

When they discovered the water ring, the water ring also activated automatically, and began to extend towards their bodies, covering their respective hands in the blink of an eye, and even covering the weapons in their hands.

Several people complained in their hearts, and for a while, they used the same method to deal with the water shackles before, trying to use the same operation to get rid of the water ring, which is obviously not a good thing.

But this time the same method didn't work. This thin layer of water film was just like the water polo that enveloped everyone just now. We all dealt with it together just now, and they could only be broken by the wand man's ultimate move.Now everyone is wrapped up in himself, and there is no way to work together.Even the man with the wand was ashamed.Because of Absolute Freeze, even if he used it again, he would not dare to use it on the water film next to his body.That would freeze even himself into ice slag.

Wang Qi watched Xu Wen's body gradually appear a layer of water film, suddenly a little helpless.But because Xu Wen was brought into the gourd by him, and he was far away from the fat head fish, the speed of spreading was not so fast.

"Xu asked, what should we do?"

"It's a little troublesome."

Xu Wen frowned into the word Chuan, and he couldn't imagine when the water ring appeared.

Looking at the slowly spreading water film, Wang Qi's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Let me try it."

As he spoke, he summoned an unbreakable barrier on all sides.

The four shield walls formed a closed space, automatically connected together, and then triggered the effect of "City of Liberty".Immediately, the movement of the water film became even slower.

The "City of Freedom" effect of the Unbreakable Barrier can make everything in it be blessed by the City of Freedom, so that it will not be affected by the abilities of imprisonment.But because this card is only at the legendary level, and the ability of the water ring is obviously a mythical level spirit card, so the relationship of authority suppression is only to make the spread of this water film become as slow as an old turtle.

"Yes, so I have time. Since there is no good way to deal with him now, I have only one choice now."

As he said that, Xu Wen sat down cross-legged and assumed a meditation posture.

"You are this?"

Wang Qi asked curiously.

"That's right, I just collected some mirage from outside. With the blessing of this mirage, I want to take the opportunity to break through the 300-level mark! As long as I can break through to 300, I believe that the moment I break through, I will be able to get rid of it." Such confinement!"

Xu Wen briefly explained.

"So that's it. Do you need me to take you to a safer place in the dense fog? This way you can absorb the dense fog outside to your heart's content."

"That's troublesome!"

As soon as the main body made a decision, the avatar immediately turned around and left without hesitation, leaving a few Void Butterflies to monitor the place. He wanted to find a safe place, let Xu Wen come out to absorb the dense fog, and use the geographical advantage to break through the 300-level barrier.

None of the people present noticed the departure of Wang Qi's avatar, and he easily slipped into the thick fog again.

Flying at full strength for more than ten seconds with the fastest sun chariot, it was more than ten kilometers away in a blink of an eye.

The dense fog already has the effect of soundproofing and sight-proofing. Wang Qi's avatar slowed down, then switched to the main body, and then released Xu Wen.

Xu Wen and the four shield walls surrounding him appeared on the sun chariot, and the chariot was crowded to the brim. Wang Qi couldn't help but narrowed the scope of the shield wall, only surrounding Xu Wen who was sitting in meditation.

The moment Xu Wen came out of the gourd, Fathead Fish's heart moved slightly, as if he felt Xu Wen's position.However, there was only a momentary gap between the invalidation and reactivation of the shield wall effect. It just sensed that Xu Wen was far away from here, and it didn't sense the specific location anymore.

So the fat-headed fish general stared at the four people in front of him, and dozens of small fish made of water sprang out from under his body submerged in the sea, swimming quickly towards the direction he had just sensed.

In fact, the abilities of the spirit beasts in the sea are similar to each other. The most common ones are the ability to control water, the ability to clone water, and so on.It is not surprising that Fathead Fish uses this ability similar to Sha Wudao at this moment.

Here Xu Wen sensed the dense fog surrounding him, and he immediately lifted his spirits.Regardless of the water film on his limbs, he sat cross-legged, held the green mirage bottle in his hands, closed his eyes and began to meditate.

After this meditation, Wang Qi, who was closest to him, felt the difference.

Because of the shield wall, only the top was open, Wang Qi saw that the surrounding dense fog was gradually being sucked in by Xu Wen from the top of the shield wall.

The speed of inhalation was not fast at first, but as the solar chariot advanced, the mist gradually flowed into the shield wall like a stream of water visible to the naked eye.

The fog became more and more turbulent and faster. A large amount of thick fog surrounded the sun chariot, and even Wang Qi was submerged in it. He couldn't help switching back to the clone again, asking for peace of mind.

With the help of the full exertion of the green mirage bottle, Xu Wen's internal strength was running very smoothly.He was already on the verge of breaking through level 300, and at this moment, with the help of this ubiquitous and endless mirage fog, he just broke through in one fell swoop.

The speed of the sun chariot is very fast.After about ten minutes, I don't know how much thick fog Xu Wen absorbed, and finally he opened his eyes suddenly.

Looking straight at the endless thick fog above with sharp eyes, Xu Wen changed from a sitting position to a standing position with a slight shake.After a flash again, it seemed that he was not very clear, and he came out from the middle surrounded by the shield wall.

"Wang Qi, thank you very much!"

Xu Wen didn't find Wang Qi's shadow, but when he saw the shield wall moving quickly and the chariot below was advancing silently, he knew that Wang Qi had hidden himself for the sake of caution.


Wang Qi switched his body, and congratulated Xu Wen.

At this moment, Xu Wen didn't look any different from head to toe.But if you stare carefully, you can find that his figure is occasionally a little blurred, and even some double images appear on the edges of his body.People with poor eyesight may rub their eyes, but Wang Qi has the master of data and knows that it is his shadow.

Xu Wen has completely combined his illusion ability with his own thoughts, and he doesn't know if it's the ability of the exercises or the mystery of the green mirage bottle.

This also made Wang Qi more determined to find the island the master mentioned as soon as possible, and devote himself to cultivating his internal strength.

"Have those water rings been resolved?"

Wang Qi asked, looking at his wrist.

"Well, it's settled."

When Xu Wen made a breakthrough, with the help of his exercises and the ability of the green mirage bottle, his body transformed hundreds of times between virtual and real in an instant, successfully replacing the main body with an illusion, and separated the water ring from the main body.

After coming out of the shield wall, the speed of the water ring returned to normal again, spreading across the phantom body in the blink of an eye, covering it tightly, and then began to shrink inward.

If an ordinary person faced this situation, he would have difficulty breathing and moving.

But both Xu Wen and Wang Qi just looked curiously at the phantom created by Xu Wen himself that was tightly wrapped by the water film, and after pretending to struggle a few times, they stopped moving.

The water film was sensed again by the fathead fish when it left the shield wall.The small liquid fish under the water immediately accelerated their speed, and chased after the sun chariot.

(End of this chapter)

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