Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 278 Catch the Phantom Diva

Chapter 278 Catch the Phantom Diva
Xu Wen looked at the endless fog in front of him, and his heart fluctuated slightly.

These dense fogs that can block everyone's sight and movement, because he took the opportunity to absorb and break through, can no longer block his sight and spiritual awareness at this moment.

In his eyes, the world around him was just like an ordinary sea surface, with clear sky, clear sea water and rippling blue waves.The range of sight can even extend infinitely in this fog.

Huh, what is that?
Xu Wen suddenly saw a lone rock protruding from the sea obliquely in front of him. A mermaid, like a mermaid in a fairy tale, was sitting quietly on it, playing a delicate harp in his hand.

Phantom Diva is very calm at the moment.From her point of view, Fathead Fish has gone out on his own, and no human can escape. At most, they will resist two or three times, just to make fun of Fathead Fish.

So she and the little carp beside her were quietly waiting for the return of the fat head fish.

Xu Wen's slight surprise didn't hide it from Wang Qi, and Wang Qi hurriedly asked him what he found.

"Over there, I saw a mermaid playing the piano on a lone rock in the sea. And there is no fog around her."

Xu Wen had nothing to hide, so he just said it.

"Really? Why don't we go over and have a look. There must be something special about such a different place and creatures appearing in this thick fog."

Wang Qi proposed.

"Let's go then."

Nodding, the two each released their own flying swords, Wang Qi put away the sun chariot, and followed Xu Wen's guidance to fly towards the mermaid.After all, the sun chariot is too conspicuous, and it is easy to be spotted near the mermaid.

The phantom clone wrapped in the water film had been thrown into the sea by Xu Wen casually, and the phantom would disappear after a while, he didn't care about it at all.

The speed of the two people's escaping light was very fast, and within half an hour, they came to the vicinity of the mermaid.

Xu Wen and Wang Qi didn't discuss what to do at all. At this moment, he broke through the 300-level barrier and entered the realm of life. His ability has been greatly improved, so he directly shot Thunder and appeared in front of the mermaid in an instant. Showing a shocked expression, he tapped her forehead with a sword, making her dare not move.

"She can't resist anymore, you put her away."

Xu Wen said to Wang Qi who was following him, not to give Phantom Diva a chance to speak.

"it is good."

Wang Qi didn't hesitate, and moved the Qiankun gourd, directly locking the whole body firmly, and the restrained phantom singer was put into the gourd.

As soon as the Phantom Diva disappeared, the little carp hiding in the water next to her couldn't help but let out a soft exclamation, and then dived into the water without thinking.

But it had already been discovered, how could the two of them ignore such an obvious movement, and Xu Wen immediately handed out a phantom flying sword, and was about to chop off the little carp.

"and many more!"

Wang Qi's gaze was fixed, and he quickly stopped it.

"Give it to me too!"

He had already recognized it at this time, this little carp was exactly the one he released at the seaside back then, and had lived in the cover of his spirit card book for a while.

You know, this little carp contributed several good spirit cards to Wang Qi at the beginning, and some of them are still in use today, which is really a huge contribution.

Xu Wen was noncommittal, the little carp was entangled by the changing rope of the flying sword, and flew directly out of the water, flying in front of Wang Qi.

Wang Qi was also polite, and put them into the gourd together.

After apologizing to Xu Wen, he turned around and got into the gourd.Xu Wen took the gourd, pinned it gently around his waist, and then turned his head to look at the sea behind.

There, the phantom avatar that he had just casually discarded was already surrounded by several completely transparent small fishes whose whole body was made of water.

Wang Qi got into the gourd, he didn't care about the little carp, but came directly to the mermaid.

The CD of Zhenling Jitianding has just passed the CD period, and now a new cauldron can be added.So he didn't ask the phantom singer, he directly called out the small cauldron, and then directly put the phantom singer who was looking around blankly into the cauldron to start refining.

【Real name: Sylvia】

[Race: Phantom Diva, Deep Sea Mermaid]

[Level: Level 203]

【Physical Strength: 5391】

【Strength: 3209】

【Speed: 32108】

【Spirit: 78120938】

【Spiritual Power: 237504943】

[Equipment Spirit Card: Omit]

[Free spirit card slot: omitted]

Wang Qi breathed a sigh of relief as soon as she was accepted into the cauldron. Fortunately, her level met the requirements for her income from the cauldron, otherwise she really wouldn't be able to succeed.

Just looking at this mermaid, no, it should be called Sylvia, and Wang Qi suddenly felt a little awesome about her attributes.

Not to mention level 203, the level of entering the spiritual realm for the first time must be stronger than Sha Wudao and Gui Xiaosan, let alone Wang Qi himself.But in the face of a master like Xu Wen who has stepped into the realm of fate, he has no power to resist.

What the hell is that spiritual power and spirit!His spiritual power actually broke through the [-] million mark. If Wang Qi followed his own spiritual power upgrade curve, he might have already broken through the realm of fate and became a master of the generation.The spiritual attribute is even more ridiculously high, which is tens of thousands of times that of Wang Qi himself.It can only be said that the attributes of Spirit Card Masters are quite different for different races.

Level 203 requires 2030 million spiritual power to refine, so Wang Qi had no choice but to meditate and do this hard work.With Xu Wen outside and his Void Butterfly helping to watch, there shouldn't be any major problems.

Wang Qi did his best to refine Sylvia, the phantom singer.Xu Wen, who was outside, stood calmly on the lone rock at this moment, while using the blue mirage bottle to continue to swallow the surrounding mist, while watching a few small fish formed by the water flow, after swallowing the phantom clone, continued to swim towards him over here.

When Wang Qi started to refine the mermaid, the thick fog outside began to gradually dissipate.Because this thick fog is basically a building card of Phantom Diva, the master no longer maintains it, and naturally the effect of the spirit card will begin to disappear.

The mist dissipated quickly, and when these small fishes in the water swam to the isolated stone where Xu Wen was standing, all the mist just dissipated.

"How dare you do this! How dare you kill her!"

Several small fish in the water merged into one and transformed into a fat-headed fish. However, due to the lack of water, the body is very petite, but it looks full of cuteness.

But the roaring sound from its mouth, as well as the huge shocking sound from the distant original battlefield, all showed the monstrous anger in his heart.

"Cut it and cut it, so what about you."

Xu Wen pointed his middle finger at the small fat-headed fish in front of him, and then pierced it with a sword, and the sword intent in it instantly killed the consciousness contained in it.

General Fathead Yu's main body no longer treated Lin Zhongchen and the others in a playful manner. Now he wished he could teleport in front of Xu Wen and kill him, regardless of what they were talking about about the master of the game.

It was hard for the four of Lin Zhongchen who had been struggling to support them. They relied on a transparent polyhedron cover made by the man with the wand to protect the four of them. Mrs. Rose contributed a kind of plant to take root in those who were trapped in them. The water film on the limbs is desperately absorbed, and this has been supported without being coated with a film all over the body.

But now when Fathead Fish got angry, the calm sea suddenly created a monstrous wave in an unreasonable way, and shot the ball of light at the four of them.

boom!The four people were photographed in a daze and fell directly into the deep sea.Trying to hold the wand, the man with the wand who propped up the cover even spat out a mouthful of blood, almost letting the cover fall.

"No, we have to run! The fish is crazy!"

Lin Zhongchen cried out.

"You said lightly, how to run! Where to run!"

Mrs. Rose couldn't help but turn back.At this moment, she is not at all the calm and calm look. The sweat on her forehead has already glued her hair together, adding a bit of charm.

"Everyone, don't hide things at the bottom of the box! At this time, if you don't make a move, you won't have a chance to regret it!"

Lin Zhongchen became ruthless, said these words, then summoned the Book of Spirit Cards, and quickly flipped to one of the pages.

When the other three heard this, they thought they were right, and silently summoned the Book of Spirit Cards, and then looked for their own bottom cards.

"I'll come first! The abyss whispers!"

It was Ruoqing who spoke first.

He reached out and tapped a spirit card, then gave a low shout, and activated the ability of the spirit card.

The other four people all looked around, wanting to see what effect his spirit card had.

Suddenly, an incomparable feeling of heart palpitations emanated from the depths of the sea where they had fallen deeply but could not see the bottom.

The huge wave of Fathead Fish photographed the four of them, and it also plunged down in one fell swoop. It only took a few seconds before and after.As a result, before it came to this very conspicuous water bubble in the sea, there was an aura coming from below that even he had to treat with caution.

"At the cost of one-tenth of my spiritual power, attack that fish!"

Ruoqing muttered to herself, as if she wanted to listen to the indescribable existence below.

A murmuring sound came from everyone's ears, and even if they covered their ears, the sound would still echo in their minds.But everyone understood the meaning of the madness.

"Not enough... not enough..."

"One-ninth, no more!"

"Not enough... not enough..."

"One-eighth! Otherwise, I will revoke the ability!"

"Okay... ok... only... one blow..."

Ruoqing's transaction with this breath was completed in an instant, and he suddenly felt a sense of weakness all over his body. It was because one-eighth of the upper limit of spiritual power was stripped from his body and passed to an unknown existence.The loss of these spiritual powers is the upper limit, and if you want to recover, you can only practice again.

After the existence of the indescribable abyss deprived Ruoqing of her spiritual power, the whispers in the ears of the few people suddenly decreased.

Just when the fat head fish opened its mouth wide and was about to swallow the blister directly, a dark beam of light appeared in an instant in the deep sea below where it had been paying attention.

Putting these two words together is actually very contradictory, but it is indeed a kind of pitch-black pillar, which is exactly the opposite of the laser cannon.

This black beam of light is inconspicuous in the pitch-black sea, but as a creature in the sea, a general of the East China Sea, this light is as clear and eye-catching in the eyes of the fat-headed fish as it is in the sun.

It turned around in an instant, and the big mouth that was about to bite also passed the blisters, directly trying to avoid the beam of light.

But something unexpected happened.The pitch-black beam of light suddenly turned a corner with it, and then hit its abdomen heavily.

This bang was solid, and the fat-headed fish suddenly felt a crazy force unique to the abyss, and began to erode his body from the abdomen, and even wanted to erode its brain and transform his spirit.

"You pissed me off!"

The fat-headed fish was suddenly furious, and its huge body shrunk instead of growing, shrinking to the size of a normal small fish in a blink of an eye.

Although this small fish can still be seen to be a fat-headed fish, it is only about an inch long, and the blue light emanating from its body makes it even more eye-catching.

The four of them saw that the fat-headed fish was exuding blue light. The blue light on its body squeezed the dark mass in its abdomen together bit by bit at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then forced it out of the body, forcing out many ink-like spots. Things fall downwards.

However, Ruoqing has a transactional relationship with the summoned being below, and it is agreed that one eighth of the spiritual power will be exchanged for one blow, and then there will only be one blow.So when the fat-headed fish blocked the blow, the regretful murmur of existence below entered everyone's ears, and then gradually disappeared.

"Don't look at it! While it's busy, act quickly!"

Ruoqing yelled.

"Any door!"

Lin Zhongchen suddenly summoned a door-like item.In this narrow blister, the door pushed up to the upper and lower edges in one fell swoop.

He quickly grabbed the door handle, twisted it a few times, and then pushed it, and the door opened directly.

The other three people immediately saw together that on the other side of the door, what appeared was a scene on the sea.

"What are you still doing, hurry up!"

Lin Zhongchen yelled.

Mrs. Rose, Ruoqing, and the man with the wand couldn't help being overjoyed. Mrs. Rose pushed Ruoqing and pushed him over, and then Lin Zhongchen turned around and walked over.

"Organ Fortress!"

Madam Rose didn't follow, but turned around and threw a small wooden house outside.

After leaving her hands, the wooden house grew against the wind.After entering the sea water, it immediately absorbed the sea water and grew rapidly, completely enveloping the entire blister in the blink of an eye.

After throwing out the fortress to cover the blisters, Mrs. Rose pulled the man with the wand.


She immediately stepped over with one foot and entered the other side of the door.

The man with the wand saw that the shadow of the fat-headed fish could no longer be seen outside, and knew that Mrs. Rose's ability could resist it for at least a few seconds, so he removed the blisters that had been struggling so hard without hesitation.

The moment his feet crossed the threshold, the fortress outside suddenly exploded into sky, no, a sea of ​​wood dross, and a blue shadow pierced his vest directly like a sharp arrow.


The wand man flew out of the door frame while spitting blood.Lin Zhongchen, who had been waiting by the side for a long time, quickly closed the door firmly, and then looked nervously at the wand man.

As a result, when the other three saw it clearly, their mouths were filled with bitterness.

The sharp blue arrow of the man with the flying wand is the shrunken General Fathead Fish.


The fat-headed fish passed through the body of the man with the wand, pierced his heart, and then flew towards the three people below.

(End of this chapter)

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