Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 279 The Hunting of the Fathead Fish

Chapter 279 The Hunting of the Fathead Fish
The man with the wand was pierced by a blow, and his life and death were unknown. Mrs. Rose and Ruoqing turned pale with shock, and Lin Zhongchen turned the doorknob again with his backhand.

"You... hurt me!"

The man with the wand leaned on the huge wand in his hand, half kneeling in the air, covering his wound with one hand, and said while gnashing his teeth.

Seeing that he was not dead, the other people breathed a sigh of relief, but then became nervous because the fat head fish was in front of Ruoqing again.

"Forget it... Anyway, the three clones can't be taken back... If this is the case, let's take back all the strength!"

He looked at the figure of Fathead Fish that turned into a blue line, and said through gritted teeth.

Ruoqing's incarnation of smoke has no obvious weaknesses, but she is not afraid of the physical attack of the fat-headed fish.But he didn't dare to get out of the way, because there was Madam Rose behind him, so he could only transform himself into a smoke screen to cover the positions of Madam Rose and Lin Zhongchen. With his special spirit card ability, he paid a huge price and used absolute defense. Resisted several attacks from the fat head fish.

At this moment, the wand in the wand man's hand stopped again, and landed on the void magic circle at his feet.

"In the name of my Cangshi, lift the triple restriction!"

Three crisp sounds came from nowhere, and then he saw three small portals in front of him, and then three light balls of different colors passed through the portals and fell into his body .

With the investment of these three light spheres, the void portal was instantly closed, and there was a faint angry roar from the other side of the portal, but no one would care.

After these three balls of light merged into the body of the man with the wand, his aura suddenly rose steadily. If you can see his book of spirit cards, the spiritual power and level on it are all increasing at an extremely fast pace. speed up.

In the blink of an eye, he was close to level 300, but he brazenly broke through the 300 mark, and continued to rise at a not slow speed.

It's slow, but it's fast.Just when Ruoqing endured a few attacks, Lin Zhongchen dragged Mrs. Rose by half a foot and had already crossed the threshold. Finally, the level and spiritual power of the man with the wand finally stabilized, staying at level 332 .

Moreover, because of the great price of this secret method, Cangshi also obtained the buff of doubling all attributes of the triple layer, and his attributes were doubled by a total of eight times.

At this moment, not only the wounds on his body have healed, but also a faint golden light is emitting from the whole body, and the hair on the top of his head is windless and automatic, showing a texture like amber.

And behind Cangshi, there is a huge magic circle levitating and rotating, accompanied by thirteen small circular magic circles constantly walking in different trajectories, just like some krypton gold mobile games The colorful skin is also very cool and cool, it is estimated that it can be sold for at least 648 in the game.

Now that he has entered the state of full strength, his confidence has greatly increased. With a wave of the wand in his hand, thirteen complete transparent flying dragons suddenly flew out of the pattern behind him. The flying dragons have different shapes. Only the dragon head is obviously much stronger when it comes out.

As soon as these flying dragons appeared, Cangshi waved his magic wand again and again, bless countless buffs on them, and then they all turned into lights of different colors, and slammed into the fat-headed fish.

"court death!"

Fathead Fish originally changed into a small state, just wanting to deal with these guys in the fastest way and rush to Xu Wen's side.But I didn't expect that each of these humans was more difficult to deal with than the other, and each of them could not be killed, and they would become stronger at every turn.The guy he passed through his chest just now seemed to be about to die, but now not only is he not dead, but he has also become stronger, which is simply unreasonable.


The fat-headed fish stopped suddenly, revealing his small body wrapped in blue fluorescent light. As it shouted loudly, the sea area below exploded, and countless water droplets appeared from below, creating a spectacular upside-down scene. Rain, coming from the sea.

The rainwater was not as ordinary as it looked. None of Ren Lin Zhongchen and the others believed that they could catch it.Lin Zhongchen had already pulled Mrs. Rose into the door, Ruoqing was protecting the door frame with a stern look, while Cang Shi frowned, and immediately waved his wand again, the trick he used before was absolutely frozen, It was used directly by canceling the chant.

The extremely cold breath was pressed down from top to bottom against the raindrops, and all the raindrops touched turned into sharp ice needles, but they were not blocked as Cangshi expected, and even fell back down. Fly upwards at a faster speed.

Cangshi saw that something was wrong, and immediately tapped his foot, teleported to the door frame, pushed Ruoqing into the door, and then simply used the energy shield that protected the four of them before, and directly pushed Ruoqing into the door. He shielded it with the door frame.

At this moment, all the raindrops that had just turned into ice needles hit on them.

It was really a crisp ticking sound, which was very pleasant to the ears.Cang Shi's face changed, because his energy shield suddenly had dense cracks, and it was about to shatter.

As he retreated quickly and wanted to retreat into the door, he kept waving magic patterns one after another with his wand and threw them on the shield, resisting the attack so that the shield would not be broken.

"I really thought you could leave!"

Fathead Yu yelled again, behind the door that was still not closed, Lin Zhongchen and the others suddenly felt uncomfortable, as if their whole bodies were boiling.

"Oops, it's controlling the water in our body!"

Before he could speak, Lin Zhongchen grabbed one arm of the wand man, trying to pull him over from the door, grabbed the door handle, and wanted to close the door.

As long as the door is closed, there will be a distance between the two sides, and it is easy to escape.After all, the more times the door handle is turned, the farther the teleportation distance will be.I was in a hurry just now, and it opened after only two turns, not far from here.

Seeing that his action was about to succeed, several people even breathed a sigh of relief, at this moment, countless raindrops suddenly hit from their backs.

"Heh, I found your location."

It turned out that the fat head fish knew that several people had the ability to teleport, and if they were slightly blocked, they would easily run away.This group of human beings is not like most of the creatures in the sea, they are very cunning, if they can't beat them and run away, the fish are often at a loss.

When it just teleported along with it, relying on its control over this sea area, it instantly estimated the distance of its own teleportation, and made sure that even if they teleported, it was within their own ability.So Fathead Fish simply used his tricks, and when he couldn't take down the four of them in an instant, he simply used this ability again than them.As long as the door remains open, this ability cannot be activated again.At that time, they could be killed with a certain degree of certainty, but unexpectedly they escaped.

In fact, Lin Zhongchen and the others did not expect that Fathead Fish could completely control this huge sea area, and even the ability to control water could be activated from such a long distance.The four of them were all facing the fat-headed fish on the other side of the door, and they never thought that there would be an attack like backflowing raindrops behind them.

Immediately, Mrs. Rose and Ruoqing, who had no time to defend, were smashed into a sieve by the raindrops. Lin Zhongchen avoided part of it by virtue of his superb spatial ability, but he was also seriously injured.But Cang Shi was basically not injured, because he happened to be protected by three people behind him, so he only received a little attack from the water droplets that slipped through the net.


Cang Shi let out a roar, and his magic wand moved extremely quickly, and instantly touched on Madame Rose's body, and an ice coffin appeared out of thin air, firmly protecting Madame Rose inside.

The Lady Rose in the ice coffin was so lifelike that she stayed at the last moment before she was pierced by water droplets and died, which was considered to be her life.

As for Ruoqing, it was miserable. He had been seriously injured before he entered the door, but now he received a sneak attack and had no time to react.This water drop is not an ordinary water drop, each drop has the super power of the fat head fish, Cang Shi didn't have time to control him, and he was smashed into fragments all over the ground, so dead that he couldn't die anymore.

Speaking of which, this is the third time that Ruoqing has died, and she doesn't know if he will be able to come back to life in the future.

In the blink of an eye, the four people died, one lay down, the other was seriously injured and the other was slightly injured, on the verge of extinction.

Fathead Fish didn't give them any room to breathe. In the eyes of several people, the very difficult water polo suddenly appeared around their bodies again, sealing the space they were in firmly.

But this time, Cang Shi reacted very quickly, and Absolute Freeze was used again without singing. The price was that a small magic pattern on the back was extinguished directly, but the water polo was easily frozen into ice chips, and failed to surround it.

The fat head fish saw this situation, and immediately the water polo appeared out of thin air again, and the layers were interlocked.It still doesn't believe it, how many layers the man with the wand can freeze, anyway, he doesn't need money to use this ability, let's see how long he can last.

Cangshi's expression changed, and he immediately used Absolute Freeze again.However, his thoughts turned very fast, and he changed his strategy instantly. His freezing ability was made into an awl shape by him, and he slammed directly towards the outside. He held the ice coffin in one hand and put it somewhere. The latter two broke through the heavy water curtain in the blink of an eye and rushed outside.

The portal hadn't been closed, and the fat-headed fish came over again in a leisurely manner, and then swayed its tail at will, smashing the portal to pieces.

The upside-down rainwater was still continuously rising towards the sky. Cang Shi and Lin Zhongchen resisted very hard, but they managed to escape to the outside after all.

At this moment, a light hum came from the side.

"So you're not dead yet!"

Xu Wen held Jian Guang and stopped in a safe area not far from the two of them, looking at them in surprise, while looking at the fat head fish.

"It turned out to be you! I was going to find you, but I didn't expect you to come to my door by yourself!"

No matter how big the area of ​​Fathead Fish was, it did not cover the reef where Sylvia was staying before, so when his water body was killed by Xu Wen casually, he wanted to kill the few people in front of him quickly, and then Go kill Xu Wen.

Unexpectedly, after Xu Wen left, he happened to bump into the location where they teleported. It can only be said that it was a bit unlucky
"Since you are all here, let's die together!"

Fathead Fish roared, and his body changed again.The difference is that it didn't change back to the hill-like body, but from the small body, the layer of blue light expanded endlessly outwards, and in the blink of an eye, it became even bigger than the previous hill-like body .It's just that this form has only a blue transparent phantom, the core is its tiny body, and between the body and the exterior is filled with sea water generated by the void.

Immediately afterwards, it swung its giant tail, and everyone present felt their world spinning.They were horrified to find that they didn't know why, and turned their heads towards the sea and their feet towards the sky.But the strangest thing was that they didn't feel anything wrong, the force of gravity was just reversed for their bodies.

Taking advantage of the astonishment of several people, Fathead Yu opened his mouth wide, and shot a water cannon directly at Xu Wen first.

The power and speed of this water cannon can be seen to be smashed to pieces at first sight, and no one dares to take it hard.Although Xu Wen was surprised by the occurrence of the gravity reversal, his reaction was not slow. With a light dodge of Feijian, he avoided the water column.

The water jets flew far away, and when the big mouth of the fat-headed fish closed, those jets of water flew directly to the horizon and disappeared, without any sign of falling. It was obvious that they were under extremely strong pressure, and they would not fall at all.

The figures of several people turned upside down, and the rain that was falling from the sea became straight for them.The rain got bigger and bigger, and it covered all the sea surface in the surrounding field of vision in the blink of an eye, causing several people's expressions to change.

Those raindrops that flew into the sky did not fly all the way to the sky, but accumulated to a certain extent, and then continued to turn into normal raindrops before falling back to the sea surface.So except for Fathead Fish, who was not affected at all, the three of them were now pinched by raindrops from two directions.

It's nothing but raindrops, but after the fat-headed fish changed its form, it was obvious that it had completely entered a fighting state. He spewed water jets at the people on his head and feet from time to time to force them to move, and he was distracted by manipulating the raindrops Keep attacking the three of them.

They found that in this case, all the surrounding space is about to be filled with raindrops and water curtains before they know it.Once there is no room to hide, and you are completely trapped in the domain created by the fat head fish, you will definitely die on the spot.

Lin Zhongchen and Cang Shi were already injured, and now they were exhausted, so they had no choice but to join Xu Wen with all their strength.Xu Wen didn't stop him, and the three of them managed to get together in a short while.

"Xu Wen! Let's form an alliance! Let's escape together!"

Lin Zhongchen shouted.


There was mist around Xu Wen's body, and those water droplets would randomly fly out from the different mist on his body after being hit in, but they couldn't hurt him at all, so he could handle it with ease.

  If I don't say anything, who would have guessed that this is the dismal number of my subscriptions in the past ten chapters... Anyway, thanks to the dozens of friends who are still subscribing to my book, I have the obsession to finish this book, and I will insist on writing go down...

(End of this chapter)

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