Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 280 Meet Again

Chapter 280 Meet Again
The three of them met in one place, Xu Wen shook the blue mirage bottle, and suddenly two clouds of thick fog enveloped the two of them.

They gritted their teeth and did not resist, allowing the mist to cover their entire bodies. As expected, Xu Wen did not do anything.

With this cloud of mist, the raindrops were no longer a threat, and the two of them immediately felt a lot more relaxed.


After getting help, the two immediately cooperated with Xu Wen tacitly.Xu Wen didn't say much, and immediately joined Jianguang again, and the two behind him followed closely. The three of them formed a line formation, and Xu Wen took the lead and flew outside.

Fathead Fish's attacks became stronger and stronger, and he also created a field for himself when he attacked, so these attacks gradually took on the power of heaven and earth, which made people feel terrified.

"Want to run? It's not that easy!"

Thunderous roars rolled from this water world, deafening.

Xu Wen took the two tails behind him and just ran away wholeheartedly, he didn't think about unnecessary things at all.

And the two people behind were not just tails, they were counting on Xu Wen's speed to take them to escape.So Lin Zhongchen put his space teleportation ability on Xu Wen, and Cang Shi desperately superimposed the speed buff on Xu Wen, making Xu Wen's speed faster and faster.

Finally, with the joint efforts of the three, Xu Wen's speed has become very fast, leading the two of them into a streamer, and before the surrounding water domain is completely closed, he got out of it without any time.There is no direction, just run in one direction.

After leaving this field, the senses of the three people instantly returned to the normal up-down relationship. Although they were dizzy for a while, they were all masters and did not become dull for half a second, and Xu Wen was not affected at all.

Wang Qi's Void Butterfly has been watching the situation outside, but he can't help with this kind of thing. With Lin Zhongchen and others around, he can't use the ability of Qiankun Gourd. dead.

Seeing that Xu Wen and the others had escaped, Wang Qi heaved a sigh of relief, and then concentrated on continuing to practice spiritual power, striving to refine the mermaid as soon as possible.

After Xu Wen led the two of them out of this water domain, they soared into the sky.He didn't choose any direction, he only looked for a straight line and headed forward.

Lin Zhongchen and Cang Shi didn't say anything, they were not out of danger yet, and they didn't feel how fast they could run on their own, so it was better to follow Xu Wen.

After being escaped by several people, the fat head fish became even more angry, and chased after him with this water domain.Although this is a very large body of water, but because it is connected to the sea, the speed is also extremely fast, so it was not pulled down too much by Xu Wen.

After chasing and fleeing, three days passed in the blink of an eye.

When a Spirit Card Master reaches level 300, he is no longer the domain of ordinary people, and neither eating nor sleeping is necessary.Even though they didn't close their eyes for 3 days and flew with their swords at full strength, the three of Xu Wen were still full of energy and never looked tired.

The fathead fish in the rear stopped roaring as early as the first day after roaring, and followed behind with all its strength.Anyway, the sea is its domain, and its spiritual power supply is endless, even if it runs like this forever, it will not be tired.

On the way, I also encountered some other creatures in the sea, but when they saw it was the famous fat-headed fish general in the East China Sea, it seemed that it was chasing someone full of anger, not to mention that it was carrying such a large piece of water. Domain, no one dared to touch its bad luck, so the journey was very safe.

On this day, the two sides were still flying in tandem. Suddenly, Xu Wen found something different appeared on the horizon ahead.

Because the flying speed was extremely fast, in the blink of an eye, several people saw the outline of an island appearing in front of them, and they couldn't help but feel refreshed.

No matter what, if you can reach the island in front, it is also possible to have a down-to-earth battle with the fat head fish.

Soon, the three of them arrived near the island with the fathead fish chasing after them.

As a result, before he got close to this seemingly large and lush island, Xu Wen saw a familiar sword light above the island, constantly bombarding the small island.And there is obviously an invisible protective shield above the island, which blocks all attacks without making a sound.

"Forget Immortal!"

Xu Wen appeared in his avatar, and immediately shouted in surprise.

The Feijian was naturally the Fifth Wangxian's, so Xu Wen was not mistaken.At the beginning, he chased Liu Hengyu and Shi Xiaozhu away, but he chased after him for a long time but failed to catch up.Of course, if it is changed to a strength that is already above level 300, it should not be much inferior.

"Huh, asked Xu?"

The flying sword stopped attacking and appeared, it was the Fifth Wangxian.

"Why are you here? Shi Xiaozhu and Liu Hengyu are on this island?"

As Xu Wen asked, he quickly guessed the truth.

"That's right, you... what's going on?"

The Fifth Wangxian nodded, and then looked at Lin Zhongchen and Cang Shi who also stopped in mid-air behind Xu Wen, and the fat-headed fish with a field of water following them.

"It's a long story. Now is not the time to explain. There is an enemy behind us, and it is a very powerful fish. These two guys can be regarded as partners for the time being."

Xu Wen winked at him.

"That's just right, lure it to attack this island, this is Liu Hengyu's lair!"

Fifth Wangxian said bitterly.

"He abducted Xiaozhu here and didn't show up. I can't get in anyway. I have been attacking since I came here, and I can't do anything until now. Just in time, you can attract that guy and use it!"

"good idea!"

Lin Zhongchen and Cang Shi were secretly surprised when they heard Liu Hengyu's name, but they didn't have any objections.Now the fastest runners here are the two sword fairies in front of them. If they turn their faces, they will definitely be left behind to block the monsters, so just listen to the arrangement in a muffled voice.

None of the four had any objections, and they immediately flew down together. The fifth Wangxian took the lead, and Xu Wen and the other three flew over after sticking to the protective shield on the island, and then watched the fat-headed fish take the huge piece of water. The field hit over.

Countless raindrops and water crashed into the protective cover of the island, and there was an indescribable crisp sound of glass and metal colliding. this wave of attack.

But it seems that the situation of this protective cover is not very optimistic, and the people on the island must have seen the situation outside.Because several people noticed that Liu Hengyu quietly appeared outside the protective shield, looking at the water area and the fat-headed fish with great interest.

"Who am I? It turns out to be General Fathead Fish. Why are you interested in visiting me today? Tell me earlier, and I will definitely make arrangements to welcome you in advance."

He spoke politely, but while he was speaking, he slashed straight to the head with a thunderbolt.The huge thunder and lightning knife directly broke through everything in front of him, and hit the fat head fish head-on.

No one could have imagined that the devil Liu Hengyu was really moody when he greeted him with a smiling face one second, and then shot directly the next.

Of course, the fat head fish would not be hacked to death with such a knife. Although the water area was split open, a water curtain directly blocked the front. .

He didn't care much about Liu Hengyu's random stabbing without meritorious deeds. He ignored the Fifth Wangxian and the others who were watching from a distance, and rushed forward directly after fitting in, and immediately fought with General Fathead Fish.

"Wangxian, your method is too easy to use..."

Xu Wen was a little surprised by Liu Hengyu's cooperation.

"I didn't expect..."

Fifth Wangxian shook his head, he proposed.

"We'd better hurry up and find a way to get into this protective cover, find Xiaozhu and rescue him. I don't know why Liu Hengyu wants to arrest him."

Xu Wen had nothing to do with it, Lin Zhongchen and Cang Shi looked at each other and exchanged winks.

"You two, since we are out of danger now, we'd better go our separate ways."

Lin Zhongchen said to the two, his eyes were fixed on the fifth Wangxian, after all, the shadow of a famous tree, not to mention that he was the vice president of the Spirit Card Association, and the fifth Wangxian Although he is not familiar with him, he has worked with him before, and he knows the combat power of Fifth Wangxian very well.Anyway, he definitely can't beat it.

Fifth Wangxian took a look at Lin Zhongchen, he didn't mind beheading the traitor with a single sword, and by the way, he could claim the reward from the association.But there is another guy next to him who can't see the depth clearly, and the most urgent task now is to rescue Shi Xiaozhu quickly while Liu Hengyu is distracted.So he glanced sideways, then turned his head and ignored him.

Seeing his attitude, Xu Wen probably understood the meaning.

"Okay, then you go, don't let us meet again next time."

Lin Zhongchen and Cang Shi didn't say hello either, they retreated a little cautiously, and then Lin Zhongchen used his arbitrary door.The teleportation method he used in the past required an anchor node. The distance here was too far from the mainland, and the nodes didn't work, so that couldn't be used, only this arbitrary door could be used.

The two disappeared through the door frame, Xu Wen and Fifth Wangxian didn't say anything, and turned their heads to look at the island.Taking advantage of the fact that Fathead Yu and Liu Hengyu were beating their lives to death, they had to go in quickly.

At this moment, Wang Qi came out of the gourd.

In fact, he had already successfully refined Sylvia into the Cauldron Spirit, and Yousha Wudao shared part of the spiritual power consumption, so the refining speed was still very fast.

He had been looking at the situation outside through the Void Butterfly, just in time to see Lin Zhongchen leaving and Xu Wen and Fifth Wangxian meeting, so he simply came out to help.

"Hey, Wang Qi, you're here."

Fifth Wangxian was very surprised to see him get out of the gourd on Xu Wen's waist, and then take the gourd from Xu Wen's hand.

"Well, Brother Xu Wen and I met by chance before, and then a lot of things happened. I captured a prisoner, and I just subdued her. I came out when I saw that you need help outside."

"That's right, let's stay away first."

Fifth Wangxian waved his hand, and the three of them drove the flying sword together and flew towards the other side of the island after him.

Liu Hengyu didn't seem to be worried that they could break the protective shield on the island, and the fight with the fat head fish was very fierce, and it seemed that the battle between the two of them would not be over for a while.

The three of Wang Qi landed on the sea surface next to an island far away, and began to discuss how to deal with this protective shield that gave Fifth Wangxian a headache.

"I have tried all my spirit card abilities these days, and none of them can be broken. Now that you are here, try them all and see if there is any good way to deal with this shield."

Fifth Wangxian spread his hands to express that he was powerless.

"Why don't you try the three of us attacking together?"

Xu Wen proposed directly.

"I agree, let's try it first."

The Fifth Wangxian naturally wouldn't object, so the three of them each brewed the most powerful move.

Wang Qi thought for a while. He didn't use a gun. The effect of Senrog's Wrath combined with the elemental tyranny is more about penetrating defenses. It is obviously not good at destroying shields. In this case, it is better to use swordsmanship to cooperate with the two of them.

Holding the Steam Breaking Wind Sword in his hand, Wang Qi used a set of 24 solar terms swordsmanship like flowing clouds and flowing water. After the last move was released, the huge "life and death withered and prosperous, life cycle" sword energy was directly shot out.

Wu Wangxian and Xu Wen are both masters hundreds of floors higher in level, they instantly seized the timing of Wang Qi's move and hit their own attack.

Immediately, compared with Wang Qi's sword qi, two inconspicuous sword qi quietly appeared beside Wang Qi's sword qi, and the three sword qi almost merged into one, bombarding a point on the defensive barrier together.

However, the defensive barrier remained silent, and it seemed that ripples could be vaguely seen, but it still stayed there intact.

" a bit difficult."

Xu Wen shook his head, expressing his speechlessness.He summoned his Book of Spirit Cards and began to rummage through his inventory.

Wang Qi thought for a while, it seems that he has no particularly good way to destroy the barrier, such a strong attack will not work, unless...

So he took a few steps to the side, summoned the black hole annihilation sheet, and set it there.

It took 10 minutes for this thing to take effect, Wang Qi didn't hold out much hope, walked out of the range of the bomb, and began to think about what else he could do.

After checking the spirit card on his body, he thought about it, and then he could try exile from the spirit world...

The description of Spirit Banishment says that any target hit will be exiled.This protective barrier can also be hit, so it should be considered a target, right?

He was not in a hurry to speak out, waited for a while and asked Xu Wen, and found that he had no good solution, so Wang Qi offered to let himself have a try.

Under the watchful eyes of Xu Wen and Fifth Wangxian, Wang Qi began to condense a ball of light exiled from the spirit world.No one is disturbing him now, so the reading time is passed smoothly, and the ball of light is ready to go.

There are six light spheres at a time, if it can take effect, one is enough.But as long as it is thrown out, it cannot be taken back, and there is no way to store this thing. After thinking about it for a while, he simply found an angle, and aimed at the two people who were fighting vigorously in the sky from a distance.

(End of this chapter)

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