Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 281 It's time for the lottery draw again

Chapter 281 It's time for the lottery draw again
Heh~ Intuit!
The defensive barrier disappeared without a trace.

Fifth Wangxian and Xu Wen were immediately impressed. They felt that Wang Qi was a treasured boy. Even though he was not very strong, he still had special abilities.

The three of them rushed to the island quickly, and rushed towards the only man-made building on the island.

The remaining five light spheres flew towards Liu Hengyu and Fat Head Fish, and soon reached the battlefield.

The two fighting naturally don't care about the five light spheres that seem to be slow, but Liu Hengyu still has some doubts in his heart. He also felt that the protective shield of his island was gone, but it was not broken, but the connection changed. Some are looming, and I don't know what's going on.

Seeing the flying ball of light, Liu Hengyu rolled his eyes, and immediately slashed down fiercely, sending the fat head fish flying, and then he fitted himself together to catch up again, and slashed dozens of knives like thunderbolts one after another.

Fat-headed fish is naturally not easy to bully, his body covered in water is not afraid of any injuries at all, no matter how powerful Ren Liu Hengyu's knife is, if he chops it up, there will be a little splash and then disappear silently.But the force will still be force, so it can be cut and flew out.It roared furiously, and the raindrops floating around swept towards Liu Hengyu like money.

At this moment, Liu Hengyu calculated the arrival of the five light spheres, and suddenly disappeared in front of it with a teleportation, and slashed dozens of knives from behind it, slashing the fat head fish back again and again, and just retreated to the five light spheres. above the path of the light sphere.

Fathead fish is in the realm of water, and the endless sea water is his eyes and ears.It also saw that Liu Hengyu wanted to force himself to catch the five light spheres. Although his body was chopped back and he retreated, he still quickly arranged several layers of water films to block in front of him.

When the ball of light exiled by the spirit world collided with the water film, a ball of light and the water film disappeared without a sound, which startled the fat-headed fish, and Liu Hengyu's expression froze slightly.

However, the fat-headed fish reacted extremely quickly, and quickly arranged several layers of water film, immediately blocking all five light spheres without damage.

Slightly relieved, Fathead Yu fought with Liu Hengyu again angrily, but both of them began to pay attention to the situation below.

Here, Wang Qi and the others went to the island, and soon found Shi Xiaozhu who was locked in a room from the only building there.

"Xiao Zhu, we are here to save you!"


The three of them stared at Shi Xiaozhu, who was gnawing happily with a big pig's trotter, and were stunned for a moment.

"Ahem, you are here, I'm fine, let's go then."

He quickly put down the pig's trotters, wiped his hands, and showed a bright smile.

"Heh, I have been attacking outside for so many days, but you are living quite well inside?"

Fifth Wangxian said angrily.

"Don't tell me, I just want to eat something. He wants my Lord of History, but he has nothing to do with me for the time being, and he doesn't dare to kill me. He can't starve me to death."

Shi Xiaozhu pouted.

"Okay, okay, let's leave first and then talk."

Xu Wen quickly reminded.

"Yes, you all go into my gourd, I don't think it's safe to go out directly."

Wang Qi also said.

"Is it safe inside your gourd?" Fifth Wangxian was a little skeptical.

"Don't worry, after you go in, I will sneak away with the gourd in stealth, they can't catch me."

"That's fine."

After a few people discussed it, Wang Qi took them all in with the Qiankun gourd. In a blink of an eye, he saw that there was nothing good in the room. He switched to his avatar in an instant, and the main body disappeared with the gourd.

He secretly remembered what Shi Xiaozhu said just now, so he had the spirit card of the Lord of History in his hand.

It's not surprising when you think about it. After all, the two tricks he used before, "historical torrent" and "historical retrogression", actually explained the problem, and he actually made Liu Hengyu interested. This is no ordinary ability for him.

Wang Qi himself has the master of data, and he has heard Lin Zhongchen talk about the master of the game before, and he has seen the master of gluttony before, so it is easy to think of this.

Forget it, don't make any plans for your own spirit card.Well, it is possible to make an idea of ​​Liu Hengyu and Fat Head Fish outside.

The switched avatar, Zhenling Jitian Cauldron also has a refined Cauldron Spirit, if you don't go out now and set off a wave of "sacrifice to heaven" to search for two fat sheep, then you are really sorry for this opportunity.

It's just pity for the ghost in the distance. I don't know if he will be wronged if he is not given this opportunity.

Ghost: I have wronged you!

Just do what you say, the clone directly stepped on the flying sword, and quietly approached Fathead Yu and Liu Hengyu.

Every move of the two is now extremely powerful and powerful, so it is easy to get hurt if they get too close.The current avatar is not afraid, because it is immune.But once you use the sacrifice to the sky, it will be noticed by the two, so you still have to operate it from a safe distance.

After looking at it for a long time, the master of data calculated back and forth, and finally Wang Qi found the right time, cut into a position in the water area, and then launched the "sacrifice to the sky".

Immediately, an invisible force made both Liu Hengyu and Fathead Yu fall into a state of silence during the battle. They found that they could not use any attack ability, nor could they attack each other, so they were forced to stop all actions. Embarrassedly posing in their respective poses, they froze and couldn't move.

The two were terrified and inexplicable, not knowing what happened.

But in Wang Qi's feeling, that invisible big hand picked and picked, gestured back and forth between the two, and finally chose a spirit card of Fathead Fish, squeezed it out, and flew back to Wang Qi's hand.This made him feel a little sorry.

The Cauldron Spirit sacrificed this time was specially selected with the highest physical strength, because only in this way, the spirit card with the highest level will be drawn from the three card slots of "Life", "Spirit" and "Body".

As we all know, every time a spirit card master passes a 100-level level, one of the three spirit card slots will be lit up. Finally, after all three are lit up, these three slots will receive ten times the spirit card equipped in it. ability to effect.So no matter which spirit card master, especially in battle, he would put his most frequently used and best spirit cards into these three spirit card slots.

Therefore, when Wang Qi selected Cauldron Spirit, he would specifically select the attribute corresponding to the three card slots, that is, the one with the highest physical strength value, so that the probability of getting a good card would be the highest.

But for the two guys in front of him at the moment, Liu Hengyu's ability must be more suitable for him, after all, everyone is human.What about Fathead Fish's ability... Maybe it will only be cheaper than Sha Wudao or Gui Xiaosan.

As soon as the spirit card was in hand, the avatar didn't even look at it, and instantly retracted into the avatar's Qiankun gourd, allowing the Void Butterfly to grab it and fly away.

And Liu Hengyu and Pangtouyu, who had already returned to normal, separated tens of meters together, staring at the surroundings with covetous eyes, and Pangtouyu wiped the screen with countless raindrops, trying to force out the guy hiding in the dark.

Especially the fat-headed fish suddenly found something wrong. It summoned its own spirit card book and turned to the page of equipment. The state of rage is the same.

"Who is it! Who is it! How dare you put your hand on me!"

The endless roars were deafening, and even Liu Hengyu squinted his eyes with the soaring anger that could be seen.

"Give me back my things now! Otherwise, I promise, you will die in this sea without a place to die!"

But as it shouted, the countless real waters that made up its huge body began to gradually collapse.Even the domain of water that overwhelmed the world and the surroundings it manipulated gradually began to disintegrate.

It's a pity that both of them didn't have access to the ability of the avatar, and it was useless for him to growl loudly, and the threats were deafening, so Wang Qi's avatar escaped easily, and flew out in the distance in a blink of an eye.

After leaving for a certain distance, Wang Qi disliked the butterfly flying too slowly in the void, so his avatar got out of the gourd, then controlled the flying sword, and went straight into the sea.

Drilling into the sea and flying for at least half an hour, relying on Xingbo Jian's ability to accelerate in the water, I don't know how far he ran, and he was already far away from Liu Hengyu's sight.

The avatar just got out of the water, then thought for a while, and switched to the main body.

After returning to the sea, the main body first summoned a Solomon's treasure ship for everyone to settle down, and then released the three of them from the gourd.

"How is it, are you done?"

As soon as he came out, Fifth Wangxian released the flying sword beside him to be on guard, and asked.

"Don't worry, this place is already a hundred and eight thousand miles away from those two guys."

Wang Qi returned.

Seeing that they were already on a small boat again, and the vast sea around them was calm, the three of them were relieved.

Except for Shi Xiaozhu, Xu Wen and Fifth Wangxian have not been idle these days, and they are also a little tired from running around one after another.

"Well, I think we have to discuss first, where shall we go next?" Wang Qi asked, "Now we have no goal, should we go to my target island together, or just separate again, the three of you Looking for Xiao Zhu's target?"

The three of them glanced at each other, Fifth Wangxian thought for a while, and spoke up.

"I think the four of us should continue to act together. Xiaozhu's target is still unknown. Before he came, the real Honglu had calculated it for him, saying, 'There is no need to rush this trip. When the opportunity comes, I will do it myself Will move forward.'In this case, we might as well follow you, maybe our goals are together."

"Brother Wangxian is right. If it wasn't for Wang Qi's help, there would be some danger this time. I think it's better for us to act together. We will all follow you, and go wherever you say."

Shi Xiaozhu hastily expressed his opinion.

Xu Wen naturally had no objection, he was originally brought in to help, and it was fine for the two of them to make the decision.However, he naturally tends to act together with Wang Qi, after all, the previous cooperation between the two of them gave him a deep impression.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's go together to find the island I'm targeting. But I have to suggest that we have to move forward in another way."

As Wang Qi spoke, he pursed his lips, and everyone looked in the direction he was looking at. Sure enough, it came again, and a group of sea creatures appeared around the hull again, desperate to attack them.

"Don't forget, we still have that curse on us, which is very likely to help that fish find us. Therefore, I suggest that we stay in my gourd and let my summons move forward in the sea , so as to avoid any further troubles.”

As he said that, Wang Qi released Sha Wudao and Gui Xiaosan, and let them swallow the creatures around the hull in a few mouthfuls, just like adding a meal.

"Good idea, I agree with this method. You are very comfortable inside the gourd, you can get what you want, it's much better than the sea breeze blowing outside!"

Immediately, Shi Xiaozhu raised his hands in agreement.

Fifth Wangxian and Xu Wen also nodded in agreement, so everyone reached an agreement and entered Wang Qi's gourd again.

After Sha Wudao and Gui Xiaosan were explained by Wang Qi, they already knew the location of Wang Qi's target island, but because of this random running, they had to find the direction again, so they had to rely on the two of them and the seabed to find the location. The spirit beasts communicate more.

After explaining, Wang Qi also entered the gourd and joined the three people.

The space in the gourd is at the mercy of Wang Qi. He made a hall for everyone and four small rooms, but only the hall has furniture, and there are at most two futons in the small rooms.But everyone meditates instead of sleeping, so it doesn't matter if you don't need a bed.

As soon as the three came in, they had already sat back on the sofa. Shi Xiaozhu continued to eat with half a pack of snacks. Fifth Wangxian also took up his flying sword and gestured left and right, while Xu Wen was waiting for Wang Qi came in, greeted him and went back to his room.

Wang Qi greeted, and replenished a lot of snacks and drinks in the hall, then walked up to Xu Wen, and patted him on the shoulder.

"Xu Wen, let's talk inside, I have something to tell you."

Fifth Wangxian and Shi Xiaozhu were just curious about the two of them wanting to whisper, but they were not dissatisfied.The relationship between everyone is not good enough to share their secrets. If people want to say something in private, let them say it.

Xu Wen nodded, and followed Wang Qi to one of the rooms. Seeing Wang Qi closing the door casually, the space was actually cut off from that hall.

"Xu Wen, we caught that mermaid together earlier, and I think you should share part of the spoils."

Wang Qi picked up the topic directly.

"No need, the two of us were helping each other at the time. If you can get the spoils from her, that's your own ability."

When Xu Wen heard this, he gave Wang Qi a high evaluation in his heart, but on the surface he shook his head and rejected his proposal.

"Are you sure? The reason I say this is because I think there is a spirit card that is very suitable for you in the spoils of war?"

As Wang Qi said, he summoned his book of spirit cards, then took out a spirit card and threw it to Xu Wen.

"What spirit card?"

After Xu Wen caught it, he was very curious and couldn't hold it back. After summoning the Book of Spirit Cards, he checked the attributes of this Spirit Card.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but blurted out "Fuck".

"No, it's too precious, I can't accept it!" Xu Wen hesitated for a while after lying in the hole, and quickly threw the card back.

(End of this chapter)

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