Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 282 Dao Seed Card: Emperor of Ten Thousand Waters

Chapter 282 Dao Seed Card: Emperor of Ten Thousand Waters
"Mirage Phantom Sea: Building Card, mythical level. The first activation requires 1000 million points of spiritual power. After activation, there is no need to consume spiritual power again. It can summon a mirage phantom sea with a radius of 1000 kilometers. The summoner itself is not affected by the mirage. The first effect: mirage, all creatures entering it will be affected by the mirage mist, the field of vision is extremely compressed, no direction, no height. The second effect: phantom, which can be freely manipulated by the user, all creatures in it No sense is an illusion. The third effect: mirage sucks, every hundred creatures that die in it will increase the user's spiritual power by 1%. The fourth effect: dormant, as long as the user is in it, defense +300% , the injuries received will slowly recover until they are fully recovered."

When Wang Qi saw the attributes of this card, he knew why Sylvia's spiritual power was so high. Of course, he was also horrified by how many dead souls were wandering in this mirage sea.

Speaking of the other attributes, Wang Qi didn't really care much about them, only the third attribute "Mirage Breath", which is really strong.Wang Qi dared to say that if he used this card to sweep monsters and Kai Wushuang in the domain, it wouldn't mean his spiritual power would soar.

However, after much deliberation, Wang Qi decided to take out this spirit card and give it to Xu Wen.Because this card is really suitable for Xu Wen.As for its original owner, Silvia, Wang Qi never thought of asking her for advice.

Xu Wen just used the mirage bottle to absorb a little bit of mirage, and was able to break through the 300-level mark. If this card is in his hand, I believe his strength will also improve by leaps and bounds.

And I still have the harvest of other spirit cards in Sylvia, although they are not as good as this spirit card, but Sylvia herself has already surpassed this spirit card.

Compared with a spirit card, Wang Qi is more willing to stick to his principles and gain a reliable favor.

"I think this card is very suitable for you, so I gave it to you."

Wang Qi caught the spirit card and didn't put it away, but looked at Xu Wen and said.

"No, this is a matter of principle. Since you said this today, I cannot accept this spirit card."

Xu Wen shook his head firmly, put away the book of spirit cards, and looked into Wang Qi's eyes.

"Put this card away."

Wang Qi secretly admired, thought for a while, and then made a proposal.

"Okay, since that's the case, then I'm not hypocritical. What good spirit card do you have, I can exchange this spirit card with you."

Hearing this sentence, Xu Wen's heart was moved immediately.

After thinking for a long time, he still summoned the Book of Spirit Cards, carefully selected two Spirit Cards, and handed them to Wang Qi.

As I said before, as the heir of the Xu family, although he has the best Spirit Cards, the extra Spirit Cards are usually handed over to the family, and he does not have too many miscellaneous savings, only some spare ones. Ling card.

But the spirit card that he can keep as a backup and take out with great care is naturally not an ordinary spirit card.

"I see that you also use flying swords, but your sword art doesn't seem very strong. In this case, I will exchange these two spirit cards with you for the other one, but I may still take advantage of it, so I can only owe it to you first." You, I will replenish you later."

Wang Qi took the two spirit cards, looked at them slightly, and was very satisfied.He casually handed the "Mirage Sea" to Xu Wen, and then put away the two spirit cards.

"Only these two, don't need anything else, I feel very satisfied!"

Xu Wen breathed a sigh of relief, he really didn't have any other good cards left, and if Wang Qi wasn't satisfied with these two cards, he really didn't have any other good choices.

It's just that he also knows that after all, he has accepted Wang Qi's affection, and now he can only keep this favor in his heart.

After Wang Qi and Xu Wen finished exchanging spirit cards, the two were satisfied, and opened the door of this room. Wang Qi said goodbye and left, leaving excited Xu Wen to feel the effect of the newly acquired spirit card.

After greeting casually, Wang Qi entered an empty room and closed the door.

Only then did he take out the two spirit cards that Xu Wen had exchanged for him just now, and the spirit card he got from Pangtouyu, which made Pattouyu furious, and began to watch carefully.

"Dayin Xisheng Sword Jue: External Skill Card, mythical level. The first activation requires 7000000 points of spiritual power. It needs to be equipped with sword props. After equipment, it will automatically learn the Dayin Xisheng Sword Jue. You can fly with a sword. The maximum flying speed in the air is 2000 kilometers / hour. When equipped with two or more swords, you can fly and attack with the sword at the same time. Dexterity +20%, strength +10%, spiritual power limit +10%. Effect: Tianle: Mysterious magic will be issued automatically during the process of using the sword The music reverberates in the mind of the attacking target, reducing the upper limit of the target's spiritual power by 5%, and reducing the speed of spiritual power recovery by 10%; Xi Sheng: After the target is attacked, the hearing loss lasts for 5 seconds and refreshes with the attack; Sound Barrier: The flying sword is running, Automatically generate sound barrier protection, the attack received is reduced by 60%; Dimness: the visibility of the flying sword is reduced by 50%.'——Dayin Xisheng, the elephant is invisible.'”

"Sword Light Differentiation: External Skill Card, legendary level. The first activation requires 700000 points of spiritual power. It needs to be equipped with sword props. When using sword weapons to attack, you can input spiritual power to differentiate sword light. Every time you input 1000 points of spiritual power, you can Differentiate into a sword light, which exists for 7 seconds. The sword light will automatically follow the main body, and produce the same effect as the main body, and the attribute is 70% of the main body use."

The two cards that Xu Wen handed over to Wang Qi can be said to be the top external skill cards of the Sword Immortal. A mythical sword formula has the effect of the Xuanyin Guishui sword formula that Wang Qi originally used. Double, a piece of sword light splits, turning a single swipe into a group attack, and it can directly copy Xu Wen's ten thousand sword tricks, which is simply praised.These two cards greatly increased Wang Qi's combat power.

Of course, you may think that these two cards are not as good as Mirage and Magic Sea, but in fact, the value of that card may indeed be much higher. After all, it is a rare building type spirit card, and it has such a strong domain effect, but anyway Wang Qi felt very satisfied, not to mention that Xu Wen also remembered his favor, which is priceless.

After reading these two cards, putting them aside, Wang Qi focused on the spirit card contributed by Pangtouyu.

Just based on the performance of Fathead Fish, Wang Qi knew that this spirit card would not disappoint him.Sure enough, after seeing the effect, Wang Qi suddenly felt his whole body became dry.

"Wan Shui Zhi +5: Dao seed card, mythical level. The first activation requires 10000 points of spiritual power, and it does not need to consume spiritual power after activation. All attributes +500%+500%. Spiritual power +300%+300%. Water: automatically acquire the ability to control water, and can develop corresponding skills by itself. Water escape: can be invisible in the water, and can be moved at will; Gathering water: can condense the seven true waters, and control it at will; Immortal: as long as there is water within a radius of 1000 meters Then you can borrow water to be reborn.'——To control all waters, to be omnipotent'"

(The second plus sign is the effect of +5, which means the additional attributes added after strengthening five times.)
This card is the first Dao Seed card that Wang Qi has seen.

What is the so-called Dao Seed Card? Wang Qi has never been able to find any information. He only knows from basic common sense that there is such a type of Spirit Card.

He also asked his master Feng Zhongxian before, and the master told him that this kind of spirit card is very special, and he will not get it until the time is right, so he should not think about it for now.It's just that Feng Zhongxian probably didn't expect that Wang Qi could get a dao seed card so easily.

The effect of the card is simple, but the simpler the effect, the more powerful the card is.

Wang Qi's master Feng Zhongxian also told him the so-called Taoism to Simplicity, the more powerful the spirit card, the simpler the description will be, and the more things you can do with this spirit card, as long as your imagination Enough, it is not surprising to develop the spirit card to any extent.

Looking at the abilities shown by General Fathead Fish before, and after Wang Qi got this spirit card, his body made of water and the scene of the collapse of the water domain all proved that it all relied on the ability of this spirit card.

One of the attributes is "can condense the seven true waters and manipulate them at will." Wang Qi's spirit card "Xuanming True Water" belongs to one of the seven true waters, and it has played miraculous effects at many critical moments.One of them is so easy to use, one can imagine how powerful it is to gather all the seven true waters.

Moreover, this spirit card has already been strengthened to +5 after getting it, which shows how important it is to General Fathead Fish, and even invested a lot of money to hit +5. That is 5 mythical spirit cards as materials.

What surprised Wang Qi the most was that this card was not bound as a natal spirit card by Fathead Fish. If it was a natal spirit card, it would be impossible for Wang Qi to get it.

There can only be two possibilities for this, one is that this spirit card is not as good as the card he binds as the natal spirit card, and the other is that this spirit card cannot be bound as the natal spirit card at all.

In the first case, it can only show that the fat-headed fish is too good, and there are more powerful spirit cards than this spirit card. Wang Qi can think of it, unless it is the top mythical card, it may even be a chaos-level spirit card .In the second case, it can only be said that the type of card is really special, which needs to be verified.

But no matter what, this spirit card is now cheaper than Wang Qi.I can't blame General Fathead Fish for being so angry. This spirit card can be said to be the representative of his overall strength.

It is estimated that it is impossible to develop the effect of Wanshuizhiyu to the extent he has shown without a long period of practice and polishing.Anyway, it's stuck in Wang Qi's hands now, Wang Qi thinks he can't do the same thing as Fat Head Fish.

When these three powerful new cards came into the account, Wang Qi suddenly began to worry again, the regular spirit card he was equipped with.

With the Master of Ten Thousand Waters in hand, the upper limit of spiritual power has been raised to 900 million in an instant. It can be said that as long as this card is always available, Wang Qi basically has no shortage of daily spiritual power.Don't forget, the avatar has a 3 times bonus, that is to say, the spiritual power of the avatar has soared to a full 3000 million in one go, which can be said to be a step up to the sky.

All the spirit cards that have not been unlocked on him can already be unlocked directly by the avatar.Including the two sets of Starry Sky Puzzle and Starry Sky Arrow that I got from the ghost before, they can also be used now.

The only regret is that this kind of spiritual power added by the spirit card will not be used as the basis for calculating the level. Wang Qi's level is still less than 120, and his own spiritual power is only more than 130 million. Level 200 is still a long way off.

The Xuanxin Guishui Sword Art can basically be retired. Wang Qi originally wanted to fuse this card with the newly obtained Dayin Xisheng Sword Art, but who knew that the fusion would fail after being deduced by the Lord of Data. give up.

Wang Qi, the 24 solar term swordsman, has always liked it very much, and he didn't plan to merge it with any spirit card, so let's keep it for now.

By the way, the dao seed card of Wanshui Zhiyu will fail no matter which card it is fused with. It belongs to the existence of the lone star of Tiansha.

After tidying up, Wang Qi finally looked at the standing spirit card on his body with satisfaction, and then let out a sigh of happiness.

"Sigh, too many spirit cards that can be used is also troublesome."

For others to hear this, they would probably have to beat him severely.

Using the authority to the space inside the gourd, a large area of ​​space was directly opened up from the room, and Wang Qi was going to try out the newly acquired ability.

After equipping the Wanshui Yuyu, the spiritual power increased to nearly 7 times, and even the volume of the Qiankun Gourd directly increased to 7 times, greatly widening the internal space.This is a surprise, and there will be more things that can be stored in it in the future.

The gourd collected a piece of seawater before, which was used to raise sharks without a way, and now it is just right to use it to test the ability of the control of ten thousand waters.

Facing this vast expanse of sea water, Wang Qi first tested his ability to control water, and sure enough, what moves his heart, what moves him is what the water moves.This ability is very similar to the ability of Lord of the Wind, they can be manipulated at will, but the object of this manipulation is changed to water, and it is more commanding.

If you close your eyes, you can even feel the extension of your consciousness. All the water around you is like a part of your body, as natural as walking and breathing.Probably this is the difference between mythical dao seed cards and legendary ability cards.

In addition to the ability to control the water, Wang Qi, the water escaper, also tried it out, that is, as long as a part of his body touches the water, he can move freely within the area covered by the water, very quickly, conveniently, and silently. Information, with super concealment.

The ability to gather water made Wang Qi even more delighted.Using this ability alone will automatically obtain the information of the seven true waters between heaven and earth, and then invest in spiritual power to condense any one out of thin air.It's just that the efficiency of converting spiritual power into real water is high and low.

Each type of true water has a unique ability, which is equivalent to seven special skills.These seven kinds of true water are:
Xuanming Zhenshui: known as the commander of all waters, has the ability to use water to control water, and it is extremely cloudy and cold.

Tianyi True Water: Known as the mother of all waters, it can harmonize all things.

Invisible True Water: Known as the thief of all waters, it can erode into other people's mana and imitate the characteristics of other people's mana.

One-yuan heavy water: One drop weighs ten thousand catties and can be turned into a lake.

Wanhua Leishui: the source of life, giving birth to grass plants.

Blood River True Water: The most evil and most filthy water.

Zhouguang True Water: The water of time has no beginning and no end.

(The setting comes from "Fairy Gourd" and "Burning Heaven", written by my most admired author, Wandering Toad, I recommend reading it)
(End of this chapter)

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