Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 284 Overseas Fairy Mountain: Yuan Qiao

Chapter 284 Overseas Fairy Mountain: Yuan Qiao

The small island mentioned by the Fairy in the Wind to Wang Qi has a unique geographical environment, with abundant wind and water.

There is a spiritual spring on the island. Ordinary creatures would like to stay here. Spirit card masters with spiritual power will get twice the result with half the effort here, so this spiritual spring is very popular.

However, due to unknown reasons on the island, the strong wind howls all the year round, and the part of the island on the ground is blown by strange rocks that look like knives. Ordinary creatures cannot enter at all, so not many creatures will come here, and the Lingquan can be preserved. .

The Fairy in the Wind wandered here back then, and because she was not afraid of the power of the strong wind, she discovered this wonderful place after entering the island.

In his opinion, the environment of this place is suitable for Wang Qi to practice.

At this moment, Sha Wudao and Gui Xiaosan finally came to this island with Wang Qi's gourd by constantly inquiring about the spirit beasts in the past.

It's just... It seems that there are some things that are not the same as what Feng Zhongxian said.

"Wang Qi, are you sure this is the place you're looking for?"

Xu Wen looked ahead curiously, and then asked Wang Qi.

"Uh... I don't seem to be very sure..."

The four of them stood on the boat, staring blankly at the island that was not too far away in front of them.

The surface characteristics of the entire island are very consistent with Wang Qi's description, and the strange rocks are jagged like knives.The uncanny workmanship of nature has already created a strange stone forest on the ground.

But... on the outside of the island, what the hell is that modern-looking port city...

"Probably... when my master came, there was no one here? After so long, it doesn't seem strange that this place was occupied by people to build a city..."

Looking at the city built on the side of the island from afar, Wang Qi forcefully gave himself an explanation.

"Well, since Liu Hengyu, the devil king, can live on an isolated island and have such a modern house, it's not surprising that there is a modern city here."

Fifth Wangxian agreed.

The treasure ship under their feet quickly sent them to the city's dock.There were several people standing on the pier, all dressed as sailors by the sea.When one of them saw the boat of Wang Qi and the others approaching the shore, he very attentively came up to them.

When the four got off the boat, Wang Qi took back the treasure boat, and the man hurried to the four.

"Welcome! Guests from afar, are you passing by, or are you here to do business with Yuanqiao?"

After saluting respectfully, the person in front of him asked.

"Huh? This is Yuan Qiao?"

Before anyone could speak, Shi Xiaozhu hurriedly asked.

"That's right, this is the famous Yuanqiao Island in the East China Sea. How many of you can come here, don't you know where this is?"

The man glanced at Shi Xiaozhu curiously, and then sized them up.

"Then do you know where the four islands of Penglai, Fangzhang, Yingzhou, and Daiyu are?"

Shi Xiaozhu continued to question.Judging from his appearance, it seemed that the names he asked had something to do with his destination.

Moreover, when these four names came out of his mouth, the three of Wang Qi all reacted immediately.

In myths and stories, there are five fairy mountains in the East China Sea, one is called Daiyu, the other is called Yuanqiao, the third is called Abbot, the fourth is called Yingzhou, and the fifth is called Penglai.Later, due to unknown reasons, the two islands of Yuanqiao and Daiyu disappeared in the legend, and only existed in the records in the book. Only the other three fairy mountains were passed down and known by people.

But in the world of ordinary people, whether it is the five fairy mountains or the three fairy mountains, they are just things that exist in fairy tales. There is no corresponding island in the real world. Even if many scholars and experts want to study it clearly, in reality The world finds the corresponding positions of these fairy mountains and restores the truth of the myth, but it is always specious and forced to explain it.

By the way, Wang Qi also has an item card, which has been used very little recently. It is called "Spirit Spear-Penglai". Maybe it has something to do with it here.

Unexpectedly, the island that the four people walked on so casually today has a very modern-looking city built on it, which is actually Yuanqiao, one of the five legendary mountains.This is really surprising.

Feng Zhongxian didn't say this name to Wang Qi.Others hadn't heard of these things at all either.Only Shi Xiaozhu seemed to know something, but he obviously didn't expect that this island was related to his goal.

"The four islands are naturally the same as Yuanqiao. They are located in specific locations in the East China Sea. If you want to go, you can go to the islands to buy a chart, or you can take regular airlines. It's easy to get there."

This man answered Shi Xiaozhu's question straightforwardly, and the result surprised several people.

"Xiao Zhu, let's go to the island to rest for a while before we talk, don't worry."

Fifth Wangxian stopped Shi Xiaozhu who wanted to continue asking, and then spoke politely to the man.

"The few of us are also introduced by someone. We have something to do here, and we may have to stay here for a while. The person didn't tell us the name of this place before, so please don't be offended."

The man nodded in understanding, and then he explained his purpose.It turned out that he was a tourist at the pier for the hotel, and Wang Qi and the others naturally had no objections, so they agreed to stay in the hotel he mentioned.

Xu Wen was more careful, and asked what currency was accepted here, and was surprised to learn that this place was the same as the currency in the outside world, with no expression on his face.

I called a car for them, and the car was still the same new style as the one on the mainland, which made several people have the illusion that they had left the East China Sea and returned to the modern city on the mainland.

Soon, the four of them followed the solicitor to a small hotel that looked pretty good.

This city doesn't look big from the sea, but it's actually not small. There are many buildings inside and it's very prosperous. It's almost bigger than an ordinary third-tier city.

So when the four of them got out of the car and stood in front of the hotel, the sound of the waves in their ears was already faintly visible, and they all felt like traveling through time and space.

A few days ago, everyone was still fighting life and death in several battles in the East China Sea. They never expected to come to an unknown modern city in the East China Sea at this moment. It really feels like a world away.

After a simple check-in procedure, the four of them opened the room. The guide task had been completed, and they left after getting their tips.

Everyone was not in a hurry to go to their rooms to rest, but gathered in one of the rooms and started to discuss.

"What do you think?"

Fifth Wangxian asked.

"It's very strange. I have never seen such a place in the East China Sea in the information of the association. According to what we saw just now, this place is completely connected with the outside world, and the connection is very close. It shouldn't be."

Xu Wen thought for a while, and spoke first.

"That's right. I just connected to the hotel's wifi, and found that this place is actually connected to the outside world, which is a bit unbelievable."

Wang Qi fiddled with his mobile phone to check if there was any new news after being away for so many days, and at the same time told his discovery.

"It seems that this is a world of unknown spirit card masters hidden away from ordinary spirit card masters. These islands can maintain close contact with the land at such a distance from the mainland. There must be a special teleportation means."

Fifth Wangxian nodded, then looked at Shi Xiaozhu.

"Xiaozhu, it's time to talk about your goal. Since you asked so hard just now, it seems that your goal is not far away."

Shi Xiaozhu looked at Fifth Wangxian and nodded.

But when he was about to speak, Wang Qi interrupted him at the right time.

"It's true that walls have ears, let's go into my gourd and talk about it."

The other three naturally agreed, so they all entered his gourd together.

When they came to the gourd, it was still the familiar living room where they had stayed for many days. The four of them sat down one after another, and then looked at Shi Xiaozhu.

"That's right, I'm actually not afraid to say my goal now. The three big brothers should already know that I have the spirit card of the Lord of History."

After Shi Xiaozhu said this, he looked at the other three people, and sure enough, no one said anything.Fifth Wangxian already knew that he was sent to protect Shi Xiaozhu, so he naturally knew everything.But Xu Wen was trusted by the Fifth Wangxian, and he was drawn to help, and he also had some guesses on the way.Not to mention Wang Qi, he also guessed the answer from Shi Xiaozhu's attack and the strange attitude of the Demon King in the previous few times.

So the three of them showed no expression, just waiting for Shi Xiaozhu to continue.

"The Lord of History has a very special ability, or it should be called a task. It is that every spirit card master who holds the Lord of History needs to find the Beacon of History when the world changes, and then ensure that the Beacon of History There will be no deviation, and there will be no problems with the movement of the world line."

"What is the road sign? Are you here to find the road sign this time?"

Wang Qi asked.

"I don't know what a beacon is. It's just a concept. It could be a person, it could be a thing, it could be a place, it could even be a piece of rock. Anything is possible."

"When the World Announcement appeared last time, and the Master of History was handed over to me by Master, I began to vaguely feel that the Historical Beacon has appeared, just to the east."

"After a long induction, I went down the mountain step by step according to the feeling, and gradually sensed some information."

"Finally, before going to sea this time, I clearly sensed a name - Guixu. I can feel that the landmark of this history is there."

"This word is believed to be familiar to anyone who has studied myths and legends. The most famous ones related to Guixu are naturally the East China Sea and the five fairy mountains."

"From some ancient books, I found out that these five fairy mountains just formed a pentagram shape on the sea, and the location of Guixu should be in the middle of this pentagram."

"That's why Yuan Qiao, who just came here and heard that this island is one of the five fairy mountains, was so excited."

Shi Xiaozhu told everyone what he was looking for and why he came here in one breath, and then looked at everyone.

"So that's how it is. That being said, we've hit the ground running. I didn't expect that what Wang Qi was looking for happened to be the clue that Xiao Zhu was looking for."

Fifth Wangxian nodded.He knew something, but not much.Shi Xiaozhu hadn't stated his goal clearly before, because Shi Xiaozhu's status in the Spirit Card Association was also very special, so he didn't ask much.Now that I understood his explanation, I understood the reason.

Wang Qi and Xu Wen looked at each other and were very surprised.Unexpectedly, Shi Xiaozhu had such a high-sounding mission, and both of them immediately admired it.

Listen, historical landmarks, world lines, pretty awesome vocabulary.It seems that I have only seen this kind of words in novels before, right?
Wait, isn't our life now as mysterious as in the novel?

Nodding to Fifth Wangxian, agreeing with him, Shi Xiaozhu turned to look at Wang Qi.

"Actually, I didn't tell Brother Wangxian before. Before coming here, besides the hexagram that he gave us on the surface, Master Honglu also quietly told me, 'The hexagram also shows that this trip is beneficial to the east, and there are strange people to help. ’. I didn’t think much about it at first, but just now, I finally understood that this “strange person helping each other” was referring to Brother Wang Qi.”

"Uh... this is a bit embarrassing."

Wang Qi scratched his head, felt the eyes of the three people, and blushed a little.

"Hahaha, this is really true. Since we went to sea, if Wang Qi hadn't been on this journey, things really wouldn't have gone so smoothly."

Fifth Wangxian laughed, expressing that Wang Qi is really a strange person.

"That's right. After thinking about it carefully, Wang Qi can always provide you with the best help at critical times. We were separated before and reunited because of Wang Qicai. This really cannot be denied."

Xu Wen also nodded in agreement.

"Hey, I'll be shy to say it again!"

Wang Qi hurriedly raised his hand to beg for mercy.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Everyone laughed together.

"Then, our goal is simple. Now we only need to do a few things."

The fifth Wangxian finished laughing and began to summarize.

"First, Wang Qi's own purpose must not be forgotten. He found Yuan Qiao here with his own purpose, so Wang Qi will act on his own first."

"Second, Xu Wen, Xiao Zhu and I will stay on this island while Wang Qi is doing his own business, and collect all the information about it. Including figuring out what's going on here. , get the sea chart here, find out the location of several other islands, and find clues to return to the ruins."

"Third, let's not forget about the matter of the devil Liu Hengyu and that fat-headed fish. We also need to investigate carefully. Liu Hengyu's deeds in the East China Sea. Beware of this guy."

"Only these three points for the time being, see if there is anything to add."

 Thanks for listening to the wind and rain to go to Wushan for the reward!I can’t even count how many rewards you gave, big brother... I’m so touched... My little book doesn’t feel worth it... By the way, there’s also the big guy who donated before... guarding for you... like me I have been forgetting to thank, very panic...

(End of this chapter)

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