Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 285 Analytical Exercises

Chapter 285 Analytical Exercises
"Well, let me tell you something. Before, Vice President Lin Zhongchen, oh, the predecessor, left with his accomplices. I don't know what they came to the East China Sea for. He told me and Wang Qi the purpose of their Salvation Society and some so-called truths , although I don’t know if it’s true.”

Xu Wen glanced at Wang Qi, and added to Fifth Wangxian's words.

"Apart from their plans for Wang Qi, they must have other purposes in coming to the East China Sea. When we investigate, it's best to find out if there are any special people here in the East China Sea. In short, There is nothing wrong with being wary of the Salvationists."

Wang Qi nodded, agreeing to Xu Wen's words.

The four agreed, and Wang Qi released everyone from the gourd and returned to the hotel.

There is nothing unusual outside, everyone decided to rest first, and then start to split up tomorrow as agreed.

After Wang Qi returned to the room, he switched his avatars as usual, and scattered hundreds of Void Butterflies out again, and began to spread to the whole island.

No matter what, Void Butterfly, the best detection method, has no other way except the depths of the sea, and the ground is always his best eyes.

The Void Butterflies spread, and Wang Qi rested there, without saying a word all night.

Early the next morning, after having breakfast at the hotel, Wang Qi bid farewell to the three of them and went out by himself.

No matter what, he must go to the center of the island to take a look at the spiritual spring that Master said, and the other three will also go out to collect information, so it's better for everyone to split up.

"If you have anything to do, remember to contact us, just use your method."

Xu Wen warned Wang Qi before leaving.

"Well, I understand. You also pay attention to yourself."

Wang Qi nodded, knowing that Xu Wen was talking about the writing set.

After waving goodbye, both parties took a taxi and left.

Wang Qi was going to the center of the island, so the car drove towards the interior of the big island.While the others were looking for news, they naturally drove towards the center of the city, and soon the two cars parted ways.

After the car sent Wang Qi to the edge of the city, Wang Qi got out of the car and walked instead.After finding a place that no one was paying attention to, he threw the flying sword directly, and rushed towards the island with the flying sword.

The city is located in a relatively gentle area on the side of Yuanqiao Island. It was built after destroying some stone forests. In fact, it only occupies a very small part of the entire island, so it can be seen how big the island is.

When leaving the scope of the city and quickly crossing an obvious boundary, Wang Qi had the most intuitive feeling.

The wind, the strong wind.

Getting closer and closer to the tall stone forest, the ubiquitous wind seemed to appear out of nowhere, blowing from all directions, blowing Wang Qi's sword light a little bit shaky.

This is still the outer area of ​​the island.Judging from the whistling wind, the deeper you go into the stone forest, the stronger the wind will become.If it reaches the most central position, the strength of the wind cannot even be measured by the wind classification of ordinary people.

Because of the current wind force at the edge, Wang Qi estimates that it is about to be around level eight.

There is no need to let himself suffer, Wang Qi equipped the Lord of the Wind, and immediately felt the wind around him become docile.

Controlling a layer of wind to form a streamlined structure around his flying sword so that he would not be affected by any wind, Wang Qi directly drove the flying sword into the stone forest maze in front of him.

The Void Butterfly has already thoroughly understood this maze created by nature.Because the Void Butterfly summoned by the avatar itself is not affected by the wind, it is an advantage to be able to reach any place on the island.

Relying on the perspective of God in the stone forest, Wang Qi didn't slow down the flying sword at all, and went forward for a long distance again after turning around and turning around.

But even with the help of the Wind Lord's ability, he can still feel that the wind outside has almost turned into a real knife.

It was an intensity that could tear you to the bone and blow you apart.

The consumption of spiritual power increased suddenly. Fortunately, his spiritual power has increased tenfold now, and tens of millions of spiritual power are not afraid of consumption at all.

Completely turning the sword light into a thin piece, under the blessing of the Lord of Wind's ability, Feijian took Wang Qi who fit into it, and cut it almost like a piece of paper in the wind, and every time it cut a strand In the gap between the strong wind and turbulent flow, you can take advantage of the trend to advance for a certain distance.

In this situation, it is impossible to walk in a straight line.

Relying on this way of walking, Wang Qi finally reached the center of Yuanqiao Immortal Island with difficulty after more than four hours.

In the very center of the island, surrounded by stone forests, there is a place that looks like a patio.Right in the middle is the destination of Wang Qi's trip, that glimpse of the spiritual spring in the mouth of the fairy in the wind.

Upon entering this patio, all wind suddenly disappears.As if there is an invisible enchantment here, all the wind will go around here, and no trace will leak into it.

After Wang Qi confirmed it was safe, he broke away from the state where his body and sword were united, and stepped on the flying sword and landed on the water surface of this spiritual spring.

Immediately, Wang Qi could feel that his spiritual power was increasing crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye without using the exercises at all.

"Damn it, it's so cool!"

Hastily switched to the avatar, because the cultivation of the avatar has a bonus, which is three times the speed of Wang Qi's cultivation, plus the kung fu itself is in the corresponding environment and has a double bonus. The Tai Chi Yang fish in the attribute bar can increase the speed of spiritual power cultivation by 50 %, so the training bonus of the avatar is 3*2*1.5=9 times in total.If Wang Qi himself can practice here together, just like when he was promoted to level 100 before, that would be a terrifying increase of 12 times.

But even now, Wang Qi is already very satisfied.

Sitting quietly on the surface of the water leaning on the Xingbo sword, Wang Qi's avatar closed its eyes, and all its mind began to immerse itself in the operation of the Heaven and Earth Great Happiness and Freedom.

The kung fu that runs in the body at all times, and the well-known practice route, flowed in Wang Qi's heart one by one at this moment.

When he calmed down, with the help of the exercises, he began to internalize the small world in his body, and continued to go deep into it. Wang Qi found that the inside of his body had changed.

A long time ago, when Wang Qi's avatar fought against Ruoqing, he was able to see through the flow of Ruoqing's spiritual power and find out the key nodes in the operation of the spiritual card in his body when he was fully operating the data master.

But at this moment, Wang Qi does not need to rely on the master of data, only relying on internal vision, he can run all the spiritual power in his body, and can clearly see the light cluster representing each spirit card equipped in his body .

The more fully immersed you are, the clearer you can see.

The teachings of the fairy in the wind began to recall in his heart.Wang Qi began to think carefully about how the Heaven and Earth Da Xiaoyao Zi Fu flowed through each movement in his body and in his meridians.

At this moment, he couldn't help using the ability of the master of data.

The movement of spiritual power in the field of vision was enlarged again, and the width of the meridians was already like a huge tunnel, and the spiritual power flowing at nine times the speed was like a high-speed train traveling at high speed.

Wang Qi looked carefully, his eyes firmly grasping the front of the high-speed train.

He noticed that the front part of the car was actually just nine light spheres.The one in the middle, the ball of light is very solid and huge, showing a light cyan color, but has a hazy translucent texture; in contrast, the other eight are a little bit illusory.

It can be understood in an instant that the solid-looking one is Wang Qi's own spiritual power.And the other eight light spheres are actually multiplied by the addition.

These nine light spheres sometimes separate and sometimes merge into one.In the spacious tunnel of the meridian, it is constantly rotating and moving forward. This rotation seems to have a huge suction force, constantly attracting scattered and smaller light balls from the outside of the meridian to behind him, joining this high-speed train. among.

Some of the attracted light spheres are cyan, and some are transparent and colorless.Wang Qi guessed that the cyan color is probably the wind attribute spiritual power from the outside world, and the transparent and colorless one should be the water attribute spiritual power underneath.

"It turns out that the operation of my kung fu to absorb spiritual power is such a process."

Seeing the essence of the exercises clearly, Wang Qi finally understood the principle of his own exercises.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it means that under the blessing of the exercises, one's own spiritual power has the dual attributes of water and wind, and has the ability to attract the transparent and colorless spiritual power of the water attribute and the blue spiritual power of the wind attribute from the outside world.

When one's own spiritual power rotates in the meridians, the external spiritual power will be continuously injected into one's own meridians under this naturally generated suction, becoming a part of one's own high-speed rail of spiritual power, strengthening one's own spiritual power force limit.

And the sentence written in the attribute of the skill, "When practicing in an environment of wind attribute or water attribute, the effect of cultivation will be doubled", because, in these two environments, the amount of spiritual power corresponding to the attribute of the outside world will be very large. The change of direction increased the speed at which he absorbed these two kinds of spiritual power.

After understanding the principle, Wang Qi began to try, according to what Master Feng Zhongxian said, to increase his own initiative in the operation of the exercises.

The first thing that came to his mind were his two spirit cards, the Master of Ten Thousand Waters and the Lord of the Wind.

Although the levels of the two spirit cards are different, they are actually similar in ability. They both control the corresponding water and wind energy in the world.

Before meditating, Wang Qi had already equipped both cards on his body.So when the two spirit cards are activated at this moment, and they are still in the state of looking inside the small universe, they can clearly see that two nodes in the body that represent the spirit cards begin to emit bright lights of different colors.

First of all, it is the spirit card of the Master of Ten Thousand Waters.

Inside the body, near the head, there is a dot of light representing "fate". At first glance, it looks like a transparent ball. If you look closely, it is actually dazzling, and the structure is very complicated. If you use the ability of the data master If you continue to observe, you can even enlarge the structure of spiritual power infinitely, which is basically endless and endless.

When using the master of data to deduce the fusion phase of the spirit card, the spirit card of Yu Wanshui has already been analyzed.When Wang Qi saw this scene, he was almost lost in it. Relying on the powerful almost mechanized mental ability of the data master, he retained his consciousness and did not fall into it.

In the end, as a matter of course, the master of data came to the conclusion that the fusion of Wanshuizhiyu and all other spirit cards would fail.

Because it is already a perfect structure, just like its most macroscopic appearance, it is a flawless sphere of mixed elements.

At this moment, following the moment when the inner vision spiritual power is running, Wang Qi once again observed the perfect sphere of the Wanshuizhiyu. Wang Qi did not dare to go deep into it. He just used its ability to control the water attribute energy around the body. , while observing the operation of the Wanshui Yu.

When its effect was activated, although the perfect sphere structure did not dare to observe carefully, it could still be roughly seen that the complex layer-by-layer spiritual power structure began to undergo wonderful structural changes and position changes.

Soon, around this transparent sphere, countless transparent clusters of spiritual power appeared, all of which were condensed projections of external water-attribute spiritual power under the control of Wanshui Zhiyu.

Wang Qi knew that as long as his consciousness gave orders to the ball, that is, thinking about what he wanted the water to do, the ball would undergo corresponding changes, and then the water attribute energy would automatically generate corresponding energy according to his own wishes. change and react to the outside world.

"It turns out that the control of ten thousand waters works like this!"

Wang Qicai realized that he hadn't noticed before that this spirit card actually works like this.

Although the structure in the sphere cannot be clearly defined, and the principle of operation cannot be deduced at all, but at least I know what kind of process it is.

"Since this is the case, can I help the external water attribute spiritual power enter the meridians with the help of the Ten Thousand Waters Control, and actively integrate into the spiritual power 'high-speed rail' to speed up the speed of my absorption of water attribute spiritual power?"

When this idea came into being, the next second was to try without hesitation.

Having restored the effective process of the ability of the Ten Thousand Waters Control, Wang Qi now has only one thought for it, "Send the purest water-attribute spiritual power into my body's meridians."

As soon as this idea came out, the spherical structure representing the control of water suddenly flickered, and after an extremely dazzling structural transformation, countless transparent and colorless water-attribute spiritual power clusters began to frantically rush towards Wang Qi's meridians .

crazy!Wang Qi felt completely crazy!
Unexpectedly, this idea is really useful!
The combination of the abilities of the two spirit cards directly changed one's own cultivation from passively absorbing it to actively sending it into the body!
The front of the "high-speed rail" used to rely on the power of its own rotation to attract spiritual power from the outside world. If this speed is compared to 1, then now, this speed has become 100!Moreover, this value is still climbing!

"Slow down! Slow down!"

In just an instant, Wang Qi felt that his body was a little swollen, which was a sign that his spiritual power was about to overflow and was in a state of saturation.

(End of this chapter)

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