Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 286 Great progress in skill, breaking through level 200

Chapter 286 Great progress in skill, breaking through level 200

It is in a saturated state because at this moment, the absorption speed of my kung fu is far behind the speed of the influx of water attribute spiritual power.

Even if this is a clone, Wang Qi is also afraid that the clone will explode if it is directly propped up all at once, and it will be a heavy loss.

"In this case, then speed up the cultivation technique!"

Isn't it just spinning, Wang Qi thought so, while using his mind to mobilize the nine virtual and real spiritual light clusters representing the front of the car, imagining that they would start to accelerate.

The Lord of Data provided Wang Qi with an absolute calm state. Under the control of his thoughts, the group of spiritual power really began to slowly accelerate.

These nine spiritual power light clusters rotate faster and faster, and finally form a state of balance with the influx of spiritual power from the outside world. Wang Qi suddenly felt that the integration of spiritual power became smoother, and the meridians no longer felt pain. feeling.

A large amount of external water-attribute spiritual power poured in, like a propeller, pushing the external spiritual power in. As a result, the spiritual power was like water flow, too much came in at once, and the rushing propeller couldn't keep up with the rotation. , now the speed of the propeller has also increased, keeping up with the speed of the inflow outside, the two have formed a balance, the propeller has entered a new operating state, and the water flow from the outside has also maintained a high-speed influx.

The transformed spiritual power will completely become Wang Qi's own spiritual power and will not affect him.If Wang Qi glanced at the attribute column of the Book of Spirit Cards now, he could see that his spiritual power was increasing at an extraordinary speed, and his level was also slowly increasing accordingly.

While manipulating Wanshui Zhiyu to send in water attribute spiritual power with his mind, while manipulating the kung fu with his mind to speed up the operation, the two cooperated well, and Wang Qi began to gradually increase the speed of both sides simultaneously.

Sure enough, as long as the balance is maintained, the speed can continue to rise.Soon, Wang Qi reached the limit state of this speed.

Because the master of data told Wang Qi that the movement of the kung fu has reached its limit, and it can no longer be accelerated. If it accelerates, it will collapse, and it will really explode like a balloon in an instant.

Since the exercises can no longer be accelerated, the influx of spiritual power can't increase naturally.The speed of Wanshui Zhiyu also remained at a constant state.

"Wait, I haven't tried Lord of the Wind yet?"

When the exercises are in operation, the spiritual power of the water attribute and the spiritual power of the wind attribute will enter into one's own spiritual power along the front of the car.But at this moment, the spiritual power of the water attribute occupies an absolute numerical advantage, and the spiritual power of the wind attribute seems to be squeezed out.

But no, Wang Qi saw it, and there were still some scattered wind attribute spiritual power, mixed in the wave of water attribute spiritual power, and rushed in together.

The two kinds of spiritual power will not interfere with each other, because the basic spiritual power attributes formed by one's own exercises are that the two attributes are interdependent and there will be no conflict.

In this case, why not try it again, and at the same time use the ability of the wind lord to manipulate the wind attribute spiritual power to come in?

Do whatever comes to mind.The attempt this time is very simple. The structure of the node represented by the Lord of Wind in the meridians is far less complicated than that of the Control of Ten Thousand Waters. It is just a relatively simple structure of spiritual power.

Wang Qi, who is familiar with the way, does not study how this structure works. He only knows that he can use this spirit card to manipulate the wind attribute spiritual power to throw himself into the trap.

Sure enough, it went well, and he felt that the idea was successful.

Although it is not as powerful as Wanshuizhiyu, the external environment is already full of wind attribute spiritual power, so it doesn't need to be poor in water attribute energy.Under such circumstances, a large amount of wind attribute spiritual power began to pour into the meridians.

The cyan light group of spiritual power is mixed in the transparent group of spiritual power. The two are clearly separated and do not interfere with each other, but they both rush towards the light group of spiritual power of Wang Qi's practice, and they all invest in it, and together they transform into the spiritual body of Wang Qi. force.

Immediately, Wang Qi felt that the speed of spiritual power improvement accelerated a lot again.Moreover, the improvement at this time did not cause any signs of collapse in the operation of the exercises.

"So cool! I'm such a genius!"

Sure enough, what Master Feng Zhongxian said was right. If you don't dig deep into the skills and spirit card abilities, sometimes you don't even know how much of them you have used. It is very likely that you only used one skin.

If Wang Qi's state of running "Heaven and Earth Da Xiaoyao Zi Zi Fu" is converted into a text expression in the attribute column, the operation bonus may not be doubled, but become hundreds of times as much.

But this method, which he actively developed by coordinating multiple spirit cards by himself, will not appear in the attribute text of the spirit card.

So at this moment, Wang Qi has already broken through the attribute restriction of the spirit card for the first time.

Wang Qi, who had a big brain, manipulated the three spirit cards to continuously improve his spiritual power, and at the same time was distracted and began to think about whether his other spirit card abilities would have the same situation.

Maybe some spirit cards are not powerful, but if you dig deeper and cooperate with other spirit cards, it will produce completely different effects.

Of course, there is no way to try it now.The main body does not dare to sink into cultivation, and the avatar needs to cultivate with all its strength, so it is better to take care of the improvement in front of it first.

Immersed in cultivation, soon, a day and a night passed.

Finally, Wang Qi's body confirmed through the book of spirit cards that his Heaven and Earth Great Carefree Talent has been raised from the original one and a half layers to a full nine layers, and the body's spiritual power is as high as 900 million, which has already reached the 200th level.

"It's too fast..."

It hasn't been long since he reached level 100, as if it was just yesterday, and it hasn't been long before he has reached level 200.

To break through again, there is no need to hesitate too much, this time the breakthrough is already a matter of course.

Soon, Wang Qi consumed a mythical-level spirit card, allowing his physical fitness and spiritual power to leapfrog again, raising him to a new level.Then, he chose a new spirit card as his natal spirit card.

After thinking about it for a while, in the end Wang Qi did not choose the newly obtained Dao Seed Card of the Yu of Wanshui, but chose the clone that did not exist.

The avatar card can be said to be Wang Qi's greatest cheating ability. The last time he had to choose the master of data, the second chance had to be left to him no matter what.Only in this way can Wang Qi guarantee that this spirit card will be safe in the future, and there will be no problems again.

In the end, his "spirit" slot got a fixed ten-fold increase, which was the same as the "body" slot.From this moment on, Wang Qi officially became a spirit card master in the spirit realm.

【Real name: Wang Qi】

【Race: Human Race】


[Level: Level 201]

【Basic Physical Data】

【Physical Strength: 1635+2700】

[Strength: 1876+2700]

【Speed: 2234+2700+9000】

【Spirit: 6182】

【Spiritual Power: 9422874】

Other attributes are omitted.

Feeling a completely different self, Wang Qi decided to let the avatar suspend cultivation.

I have mastered the correct cultivation method, and I believe that even if I am not in this special environment in the future, my cultivation speed should not be too bad.Now I am not here alone, I have been out for a day and a night, the other three people don't know if there is any new progress, it is better to go out and have a look first.And since this Yuanqiao Island already knew what quick method could be used to get here, it would not be too late to come again.

The main reason is that after cultivating the kung fu to the ninth level, the spiritual power reached a high value of 942 million, and only then did he reach level 200, and the level-up experience of level 201 has already increased by an order of magnitude. The data lord estimated the spiritual power needed to cultivate to level 300, and the result was a bit desperate. It was definitely not a goal that he could achieve in a short period of time only by practicing.

What's more, after entering the spirit realm, the way of upgrading has also changed.

Below level 200, a spirit card master only needs to practice spiritual power to increase his level.But above level 200, there is a new condition for level up.

In addition to using special methods, such as the rewards that directly increase your level in the cave of gods and demons, or Xu Wen's promotion that relies on special spirit card abilities, the normal leveling up, every time you level up, you need to consume a certain amount of meritorious deeds .

This meritorious value is a new attribute that appeared in the attribute column. At this moment, Wang Qi's attribute is zero.

The way to obtain meritorious service is mainly to farm monsters in the field.Every time you kill a monster, you will get corresponding merits.

In other words, if you want to upgrade to level 300, in addition to your spiritual power, you also need to continuously obtain meritorious deeds.

"Isn't this just adding a new experience slot? It's still the kind that must spawn monsters. It can't be a setting that someone suddenly came up with to slow down my upgrade speed."

Watching this new setting appear, Wang Qi couldn't help but want to complain, but he didn't know where to start.

Because there is no field to brush here, Wang Qi had no choice but to temporarily give up the idea of ​​upgrading, and prepared to go back to the hotel.

But before leaving, Wang Qi did not forget one thing, that is to use the Qiankun gourd to carry some water from the spiritual spring back.

The pool of water obtained in Taixu Wonderland back then had special effects, so there is no reason why the spring water in this spiritual spring would be ordinary.

Originally, I thought it would be enough to take a little bit, but who knew that after absorbing part of it, the spring water in the spiritual spring did not decrease at all. Wang Qi was overjoyed at this moment, boldly turned on his full strength, and absorbed it with the Qiankun Gourd Whale Swallowing the Sea. A lot of water from spiritual springs.

After Wang Qi's spiritual power improved, the space inside the Qiankun Gourd had already grown to a very spectacular level. The 9000 million spiritual power brought a volume of [-] million cubic meters.

A very small part of it was used by Wang Qi to hold captives, a part was used as an area for his leisure life, a part was used as a warehouse, and the rest was all the air he inhaled when he was free, so he only used it. Very small portion.

The gourd absorbed the spirit spring for more than an hour, and finally Wang Qi felt that at least one-third of the gourd was filled with water from the spirit spring, so he put away his hand contentedly.

Not to mention anything else, even if Wang Qi's family only used this spiritual spring water to make tea, it would still be enough to drink for the next life.This amount of water can even fill many ordinary-sized lakes.

With great improvement in skill, and a deeper understanding of several spiritual cards, and a lot of spiritual spring water, Wang Qi's way back is much easier than when he came.

When he drove the flying sword through the Gangfeng Domain with ease, he quickly returned to the edge of the small city on the island.

In order to keep a low profile, Wang Qi found an inconspicuous place and put away the flying sword. After landing on the ground, he found a taxi and returned to the hotel.

They sent a letter to Xu Wen, and soon Wang Qi got a response. The three of them were in the hotel room and did not go out, so Wang Qi went to find them.

"Wang Qi, how's it going? It looks like you've had a good harvest."

Fifth Wangxian asked with a smile.

"Well, according to my master's teachings, I have indeed gained a lot, and my strength has improved a lot."

The bonus of the spiritual realm lies in the skills. Although the skills will basically not be replaced, the ten-fold increase in effect will still increase the soft power by a large margin. There is no problem with this.

"That's good. We were worried that you would stay here for a long time. We planned to go to you in three days at most. We didn't expect you to come back in just over a day."

Xu Wen also said to Wang Qi.

"Brother Wang Qi, we have obtained quite a lot of information. Now that you are back, we just want to tell you about it, and then we can discuss the next step."

Shi Xiaozhu took over, he was also very anxious about his goal, so he brought it up right now.

"Okay, let's talk about it."

So Fifth Wangxian and the other three, while talking, supplemented each other, and described some information here to Wang Qi.

Yuanqiao Xiandao is indeed one of the legendary Five Immortals Mountains in the East China Sea.About 3000 years ago, a group of spirit card masters came to the East China Sea and found these five fairy mountains.

The most powerful among them reached an agreement with the Lord of the East China Sea without knowing how. All these five fairy mountains belong to this group of people. They can live freely on the five fairy mountains and travel on the sea. The Lord of the East China Sea will restrain all the creatures in the sea and not attack the humans living on the island.

These Spirit Card Masters started to build cities on the five islands. Using the ability of the teleportation array, they continuously transported a large number of people from the main road in the real world to migrate here. Finally, all five islands had humans. Traces of life.

When the cities on the five islands were all established, this group of people announced to everyone that they had established the Xianshan Kingdom on the East China Sea.And the existence who can have an equal dialogue with the lord of the East China Sea was elected as the first lord of the country.

After the founding of Xianshan Kingdom, instead of relocating a large number of people, the redundant teleportation arrays were closed, and only one was left on each island, which quietly communicated with the outside world. Gradually, these five fairy islands.

Thousands of years have passed in this way, the first head of the country has abdicated and disappeared, and the newest head of the country is active and has begun to resume formal contact with the outside world. He has established diplomatic relations generously and absorbed The technology and knowledge on the mainland have allowed Xianshan Kingdom to progress.

(End of this chapter)

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