Chapter 287

Different from the countries on the mainland, Xianshan Country has always mixed with ordinary people and there is no concealment. People here know the existence of Spirit Card Masters, and Spirit Card Masters are also a very common profession.

In all walks of life in this country, spirit card masters can be seen active in different positions.

Although the Spirit Card Association on the mainland will not stop or oppose this different national policy, it also requires Xianshan Kingdom to keep the existence of Spirit Card Masters secret from ordinary humans outside, so the information of Xianshan Kingdom has always been relatively secretive. , Through the special spirit card ability, the information here has been blocked in a fixed range, and it is only circulated among some people who specialize in contact with Xianshan Kingdom.This is why Fifth Wangxian and Xu Wen have never heard of this country.

But, although it is kept secret, it is very convenient to communicate with the outside world now. The teleportation array leading to the outside world has been working well for thousands of years. As long as you pass through the teleportation array, you can easily return to the mainland and leave the range of the East China Sea.

If a few people could really know that this fairy mountain country is so convenient to come to, they would never use the most stupid way to go to sea by boat.Chairman Wu and Daoist Honglu must have known about this, but they didn't say anything, obviously it was all due to the special spirit card ability.

Having said that, Xu Wen spread out a bought map on the table.

"Look, Wang Qi, this is the sea chart of the sea area where the five fairy mountains of the Fairy Mountain Kingdom are located."

Wang Qi took a closer look, and sure enough, the five fairy mountains presented a perfect five-pointed star shape, distributed on five points.And within such a large area of ​​this chart, besides the five fairy islands, there are many other large and small islands, some of which are marked with names, and some of which are not.According to the map, those also belong to the territory of Xianshan Kingdom.

"So the Guixu we're looking for now is actually very clear, it's right in the middle, right?"

Wang Qi pointed to the very center of the five-pointed star. There was nothing marked on that piece on the map, but a swirl-like shape was drawn in dark colors.

"That's right, the location of Guixu is easy to find. It's the location of the great whirlpool."

Fifth Wangxian nodded, agreeing with Wang Qi's words.

"Then what are we waiting for? Go directly." Wang Qi shrugged.

"It would be nice if it was that easy."

Shi Xiaozhu smiled wryly.

"Do you think that the Xianshan Kingdom has occupied all the islands in this sea area for thousands of years, so there is no exploration of the Guogui Ruins? They have explored, countless times, but found nothing."

"From the history of Xianshan Kingdom found in the bookstore here, we can see that for thousands of years, at least thousands of spirit card masters have tried to explore Guixu. However, that location is fundamentally different from ordinary sea areas."

"Ordinary spirit card masters who are weaker can't even reach that sea area at all, even from underwater. Whenever they try to get close, they will encounter the 'ghost hitting the wall' in the folk legend. In the end, it circled back to the distance, inexplicably."

"There are also quite a few powerful spirit card masters. Using all kinds of strange spirit card abilities, many of them have crossed the maze of ghosts hitting the wall, and then entered the location where the maelstrom is drawn on the map."

"Then, some of them disappeared and never came back. Some of them came back, insane, talking nonsense about what was going on, saying there was an undersea continent, saying it was a lost civilization, saying It’s a starry sky, and it’s all there.”

"In short, the people who went in and came out didn't bring any useful news back. People outside still don't know anything about the situation in the ruins."

Shi Xiaozhu said the information he got in one breath, and then gave a wry smile.

"That's it... so we don't even know if we can go in now."

Wang Qi rubbed his chin and thought for a while.

"But no matter what, we still have to go, because Shi Xiaozhu has a reason to go."

Fifth Wangxian smiled slightly.

"I don't think there is any need to worry about the ghost hitting the wall. With the strength of the four of us, I believe it should be easy to crack. The problem now is whether the road ahead is dangerous or not, we don't know anything."

"Therefore, I am here to solemnly request you, Wang Qi, to act together with us. Because your ability diversity is the strongest among the four of us. We all know that your purpose of coming to Donghai has actually been achieved. No If you need to follow us to take risks again, but just treat it as a favor for the three of us, do you think it’s okay?"

Fifth Immortal Wang looked at Wang Qi with burning eyes.

Wang Qi did not agree immediately, but began to think.

Reasonably speaking, in theory, what he should do most is to stay on Yuanqiao Island and hide in the Lingquan to practice.

Or simply go back to the mainland directly through the teleportation array, and then start cultivating while working hard to earn merit points by killing monsters, and strive to improve your level.


Neither option makes sense!

Although Wang Qi has always been a bit of a happy-go-lucky personality, he is still very adventurous.Otherwise, he wouldn't be wandering around by himself, running here and there, and Feng Zimo could summon him to the Anduin ruins with a single phone call.

Therefore, Wang Qi nodded to the three of them.

"I'll go with you."


Shi Xiaozhu cried out happily.Fifth Wangxian and Xu Wen also nodded approvingly.

"In this case, let's take a rest here to prepare, and then go straight away."

"Well, yes. By the way, how did you inquire about the other things? What's the situation with Liu Hengyu? And have you inquired about Lin Zhongchen and the others?"

"We have inquired about Liu Hengyu's information. In fact, he is originally from Xianshan Country and has been living here. It's just because the outside world doesn't know Xianshan Country, so no one has found him."

Fifth Wangxian said briefly.

"I have already contacted the president through the Internet. He also talked about the situation here, and then asked us to pay attention not to provoke Liu Hengyu. Although the Spirit Card Association has offered a reward to the 'devil king' Liu Hengyu from the outside world, in fact , The Spirit Card Association has always known his location, that small island is his permanent residence, he seldom leaves, and no one has ever taken the initiative to disturb him, the Spirit Card Association dare not act rashly."

"Probably this is the capricious capital possessed by those who are strong enough."

"Well, it seems that it was a coincidence that we met him before. Just pay attention to avoiding him in the future, anyway, we can't find him when we hide. And now..."

Wang Qi glanced at the butterfly through the void, and a surprised expression appeared on his face.

"...he is still fighting the fathead fish, and the Thunder Beast we first encountered fighting him also joined the battle group, and now he is fighting one-on-two with great enjoyment."

The surprise on Wang Qi's face and the words he said made the three of them look at each other in dismay.

"Hey, is he so strong? Can one hit two without losing the wind?"

"Yes, I have special investigative means, and I can see the scene of their battle. Now... Liu Hengyu seems to be suppressing the two opponents! He is really strong!"

Eyes watching the battlefield through the distant void, Wang Qi's pupils reflected the peerless battlefield where Liu Hengyu fought alone against the two great opponents, Fathead Yu and Linglong Zuo, among thousands of thunderbolts.

Even if he couldn't hear the sound, Wang Qi could still feel the rolling thunder.Liu Hengyu's maniacal laughing expression, accompanied by the dazzling long knife in his hand, frantically fought with two opponents.

Every time the three confront each other, the surrounding thunderclouds, air, and sea water tremble together, and it even seems that the space has begun to tremble slightly.

"It's really...too strong..."

Wang Qi really couldn't look away, he muttered to himself while looking at it, which made the three people next to him feel itchy, but they couldn't do anything about it.

"Ahem, Wang Qi is ready, don't look at it, let's not speculate on that kind of master, we may not be stronger than them in the future, let's be optimistic about the present."

Fifth Wangxian coughed lightly and patted Wang Qi on the shoulder.

"Huh? Oh, okay."

Withdrawing most of his attention from the Void Butterfly, leaving only a little consciousness to pay attention to the battle situation, Wang Qi came back to his senses.

"I didn't finish what I just said. We haven't found the traces of Lin Zhongchen and the other two. Maybe they haven't come to Xianshan Country at this moment, or we can't detect them when they come. We don't have any eyeliners here, so we can't track them." information on both."

"It's okay. Anyway, they probably wouldn't dare to mess with the four of us. It's fine if they don't meet us. Don't be afraid if they meet us."

Wang Qi nodded to express his understanding.

"In this case, let's rest for another day, and we will start tomorrow."

Back in the room, after connecting to the Internet, Wang Qi tried to send messages to all his acquaintances to say hello, and everyone was fine.

Xiaobai got in touch by accident this time, and she happened to be not in the secret realm right now.

So Wang Qi connected to the video call with her.

"Xiaobai, are you okay?"

Wang Qi asked in front of the video.Tang Yibai in the picture is still dressed in the same way.The two haven't seen each other for a long time, and they miss each other very much.

"I'm fine, and you?"

The last time the two contacted each other was a long time ago, and because each of them entered some secret place or the like, they would always lose contact.

Wang Qi also thought that two people would be in touch with each other with a writing set, and it would be okay to be a pen pal, but because he didn't know if it was convenient or not, he never dared to use it directly.

"Very good. I'm in the East China Sea now. There is a hidden country here called Xianshan Country. We are on the legendary Yuanqiao Xiandao. Where are you?"

After introducing his current position, Wang Qi asked.

"Hey, is Yuanqiao Island? We've only been there before, I really didn't expect it. Now Xuanxuan and I followed the master to the north again. There is a special city called Uta here. The one that the master has been chasing Man, the last clue points here now, and we're still looking for him."

"Huh? Uta?"

When Wang Qi heard the name, he suddenly felt familiar.

After thinking for a while, I immediately remembered.Isn't this the place where I sent Void Butterfly to follow the existence behind Aoki through the portal from the Aoki Research Institute?

That wonderful place where human beings and spirit beasts coexist harmoniously does not exist on the world map, and I still have a few Void Butterflies there.

In that case, he can ask Void Butterfly to find Xiaobai and quietly follow the three of them away?
I don't know who Master Muying is looking for, whether it is her lover or her enemy, so he has been avoiding her, and his own Xiaobai has to run around all over the world.

Thinking of this, Wang Qi looked at Tang Yibai in the picture.

"Then you must pay attention to safety, Uta, I know something, there are many spirit beasts there, be careful that they are not good for you."

"Hey, Wang Qi, where did you know that this is also a hidden city outside the world."

Tang Yibai looked at him curiously, with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Hehe, this is my secret. I'll tell you when you come back later."

"Cut, it's fine if you don't say anything." Tang Yibai immediately stuck out his tongue, showing a disdainful expression.

The two of them talked on the phone for a long time, telling each other some interesting things.Wang Qi only felt that some words were not enough, but he heard Xuanxuan calling Xiaobai.

"Wang Qi, I'm sorry, we're going out now, let's talk next time."

Tang Yibai had no choice but to apologize to Wang Qi, and then Wang Qi saw Xuanxuan appearing in the screen and waved at him.

Helplessly smiling and beckoning, Wang Qi had a face of reluctance.

"Okay, let's talk next time. But it may have to wait a long time. Our side is going to explore Guixu again, and we will leave the place with the Internet again."

"Then you must pay attention to safety. If you can't do it, run away. Don't be a hero."

Tang Yibai looked worried.

"Hey, you bastard, can't you do something reassuring? Look at our Xiaobai's worries. If you should shrink back, if you want to be cowardly, you should be cowardly. Man, you can't always be so strong, don't let my Xiaobai Sad!"

What Xuanxuan said carelessly made people dumbfounded.

Wang Qi nodded quickly to assure himself that he would keep in mind the organization's instructions, and would never face difficulties when encountering difficulties. When the enemy advances, we will retreat, if the enemy retreats, we will fly, if the enemy is stationed, we will run, and if the enemy is tired, I will sleep. The central idea is to be as cowardly as possible.After talking for a long time, both of them laughed, and then hung up the video reluctantly.

After chatting with Xiaobai for a long time, some of the tiredness accumulated by Wang Qi after going out for so many days was also swept away.

In fact, this is the case. When there is someone who cares about each other, no matter how far away that person is, even just a phone call can make you feel comforted in your heart, relieve your tired emotions, and then move on.

At this moment, Wang Qi feels that he can go anywhere in the world.Even if it was the mysterious and profound Guixu, I didn't feel nervous anymore.

I've been talking for a long time, if it's a big deal, I'll run away.

(End of this chapter)

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