Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 291 Collecting Soul Water

Chapter 291 Collecting Soul Water
While going down, Fifth Wangxian read the names and attributes of the four spirit cards to everyone, and then asked everyone to choose a spirit card that they like.

After the other three listened, they didn't speak, and gave Wang Qi the chance to choose first.After all, this is based on his master's name, so he should be allowed to choose first.

Wang Qi was not too polite, and after a little thought, he chose one of the spirit cards that had the best compatibility with him.

"Water spirit enlightenment: external power card, mythical level. The first activation requires 10000000 spiritual power. After activation, the water spirit enlightenment technique can be obtained automatically. Any form composed of pure water in the user's concept can become Water spirit. The ability of water spirit depends on the shape given and the input of spiritual power at the time of enlightenment. The basic attributes [physical strength: 1000000] [strength: 1000000] [speed: 1000000] [spiritual power: (amount of spiritual power invested)]. In addition to the ability to use , when the water spirit exists, it consumes 10 points of spiritual power per second. When the water spirit power is exhausted, it will automatically lose its spirituality and return to its original state. There is no limit to the number of water spirits that can be enchanted."

This spirit card is quite good among the four spirit cards given by Narcissus, although I don't know why Narcissus didn't keep this spirit card, after all, his name is Narcissus, he must be manipulating water expert.But since he was willing to take it out, Wang Qi would naturally not let it go.

As an external power card, the default basic condition of this card is the ability to control water, otherwise you can't even shape the basic water spirit.

This is naturally nothing to Wang Qi, with the Master of Ten Thousand Waters, he dares to say that he is an expert in playing with water.

Coupled with the assistance of the Master of Data, he can easily manipulate the water flow to make even very delicate things. What kind of hand-made and plastic dolls suddenly appeared in his mind one by one.

The lower limit of this card's ability is fixed, and the upper limit is very high. As long as the water you use is good enough, the water spirit you tap will be strong enough.The ability of Wanshui Zhiyu to condense the seven true waters just makes Wang Qi have seven kinds of super special spiritual waters in his hands, which is a perfect match.

Entering spiritual power at random to activate this spirit card, after thinking for a while, Wang Qi replaced the starry sky arrow that he had never used for the time being, and equipped this card in the card slot of his limbs.

Immediately, he felt that he had gained a new ability. All kinds of information about the spirit card flowed from the bottom of his heart, and the specific operation method of the enlightenment technique came to his mind.

Let's not try it for now, because the four people have come to the land of Guixu at this moment, standing in the ocean of soul fire.

"Everyone, hurry up and find a suitable soul fire."

The Narcissus above was still staring at it, and the four of them separated without any delay, and began to sense the appropriate soul fire with the soul arresting ball.

The soul fires on this ground are endless, and Wang Qi thinks that each of them should represent a lost soul.Although it was a bit unbearable, the matter in front of him was still important at this moment. Wang Qi quickly found the sensed soul fire, and then gently put it away with the soul arresting ball.

After a while, all four of them found a suitable target. After putting away all the soul-holding balls, they converged to one place, dragged the soul-holding balls together and flew into the sky, facing each other far away in front of the Narcissus.

"Very good, from now on, use your spirit power to slowly accumulate this soul-holding ball. When the time comes, just enter the river of souls with me, and then I will tell you to use the soul fire in the soul-holding ball to obtain The method of soul water."

Seeing that the four people did not break their promise, Narcissus said something with a flat face.

"Senior, there is still more time now, can I ask a question? Isn't the soul fire itself going to be integrated into the river, why not go directly to the river to obtain the soul water instead of entering the river to operate it? "

The Fifth Wangxian asked curiously while holding the soul restraining ball.

"Hehe, since you asked, I'll tell you about it. I'll tell you the method by the way."

"This soul fire is thrown into the river, it is the law of heaven and earth, and it works naturally. As long as every soul fire is thrown into the river, it will automatically become a drop of soul water, which is no longer different from the whole river. If you don't believe it, you can Go to the river and try it out to see if you can shake a drop of soul water from it. If you can do it, everything I said before will be invalidated, and I am willing to exchange it from you with a higher reward."

"My method is to use this soul arresting ball to accumulate the fire of the soul through my own spiritual power, and then plunge into the river of soul, use a special method to associate my own breath with the river of soul, so that the fire of soul It will follow your breath to connect with the river of souls, and directly turn into the water of souls in the soul-holding ball, but it will not merge into the river. In this case, as long as you take the soul-holding ball out of the river of souls, you will You can get a drop of soul water. Moreover, this soul water is not easy to preserve, it only has a shelf life of one day, and each person can only carry one drop at a time, so there is no way to accumulate it by several times."

"So, do you understand?"

Nahuixian explained the principle clearly in a few words, and everyone understood it.But it's useless to understand it, this soul-holding ball is something only his Narcissus has, and others can't do the same operation if they know it.

"Then why didn't senior bring some more people to the ruins to obtain a large amount of soul water at once?"

Fifth Wangxian thought for a while, and asked another question.

"Hehe, young man, do you think this Guixu is a place where ordinary people come whenever they want? If you don't have enough strength, the moment you enter Guixu, you will be caught by the eyes of the supervising god, and your whole body's spiritual power will flow directly. The Book of Cards burns automatically, turning into a crippled man who is insane, and after a period of time, he becomes one of the countless flames below."

Narcissus seems to find this question very funny.

"Isn't there any magic when the soul of this world returns home?"

When the four of them heard this, some cold sweat broke out immediately.There is such a hidden setting in Guixu, which was never mentioned in the strategy guide!It seems that those who do strategy are very unreliable.

The four of them, if you want to say the strength of Fifth Wangxian and Xu Wen, they must be strong enough.The other three people don't know Wang Qi's strength, but Wang Qi knows it himself. It can be said that it is strong, but what is strong is that there are many kinds of spirit cards. In terms of real level, it is only a middle-level master.

Anyway, when it comes to fighting, it doesn’t count as the ability of avatars. Wang Qi thinks that facing Xu Wen is just relying on being invincible for a few seconds, and then being killed in an instant. The Fifth Wangxian even let Wang Qi fight with one hand. However.

And Shi Xiaozhu, whose strength is even worse than Wang Qi.

In this way... there is only one reason.

Because both of them were equipped with chaos-level spirit cards, a master of data, and a master of history, they were recognized as strong by the supervising god's eyes and let them go lightly.

Thinking of this, Wang Qi was really afraid. If it weren't for the master of data, he really couldn't say whether he would be treated as a balloon and burst.

But this also reminded Wang Qi, don't run around if you have nothing to do in the future, who knows what weird forbidden areas will be in some places.

These thoughts were all guessed by Wang Qi alone. Others didn't know about it and would only think that Wang Qi was strong enough.But the three of them were well aware of Shi Xiaozhu's strength, and they also guessed that it might be the reason for the Lord of History.

After the Fifth Immortal Wang finished asking the questions, he bowed to the Narcissus, and then we divided into two places, suspended in the air quietly, waiting for the time that Narcissus said.

In a blink of an eye, everyone meditated and practiced, and it was time for the river of souls to enter once every ten days.

There is no need to be reminded by Narcissus, because all the scenes in front of me have already let everyone know that the river of souls has undergone tremendous changes.

Originally a beam of light that pierced the heaven and earth, submerged in the distant part of the sky above the head, suddenly began to disperse into countless smaller beams of light, just like a telegraph pole suddenly turned into an upside-down brush, the bristles on it were full of brilliance , continuously converging towards the trunk below.

"Let's go, this scene will last a whole day, we have plenty of time."

Narcissus stood up first, and took the lead to fly towards the river of souls that had been split into countless small beams of light.

Everyone glanced at each other and followed in silence.It's just that the two groups of people will never fly together, they hold each other together.

"Remember my master's words, you must protect your whole body with spiritual power."

Wang Qi did not forget to remind everyone while flying.


Everyone nods together.

The closer you are to the River of Soul, the more you can feel its majesty. Even if you look at the small beams of light splitting from a distance, it is still terrifying when you get close to it.

Randomly choosing a gap between the two beams of light, the Narcissus paused for a moment, and seeing everyone behind him followed, she immediately turned her head and flew in directly.

Although it entered through a gap, Wang Qi felt that the world suddenly became different as soon as he entered the river of souls.

Except for the few companions beside him, everything in the surrounding field of vision is full of brilliant radiance.Countless seven-color fragments loomed, looming in the uncertain river water.

Quietly used the ability of the control of ten thousand waters to try to control the omnipresent river of souls around him, but failed as expected.Thinking about it, although this river is called water, it is different from water in essence. It is a strange thing like the soul, so it cannot be manipulated by the master of ten thousand waters.

Otherwise, Narcissus can use such a complicated method to obtain this river water?It is estimated that his ability to control water is only stronger than the fat head fish, not weaker than the fat head fish.

Wang Qi scanned slightly, and his eyes accidentally focused on one of the fragments, which happened to become clear all of a sudden.Immediately, Wang Qi only felt a bang in his mind, and many scattered images appeared.

Fortunately, he has always kept in mind his master's advice, and the master of data suddenly broke through the confusion, and his sanity was only lost for a moment, before he woke up from countless fragmented pictures.This also made Wang Qidun feel terrified.

"Be careful, everyone, don't stare at those fragments!"

Wang Qi hurriedly reminded the surrounding people loudly.

Everyone's heart shuddered, and they paid a little more attention. They controlled their gaze not to stare at the surroundings, but only focused on the back of the Narcissus in front of them.

"That's right, I was able to discover the uniqueness of those soul fragments."

Narcissus didn't turn her head back, but came back with a compliment.

"Soul fragments?"

Everything in this river is related to the soul. After thinking about it for a while, everyone immediately understood what those things were.

Those are the only memory fragments left after the dead souls turned into the fire of the soul.

The fire of the soul burns everything, but there are always some memories deep in the soul, or love, or family affection, or friendship, or obsession, or hatred.The fire of these memories and souls will not burn clean on the way to the river of souls, and will follow them into the river of souls.

The river water of the river of souls will wash these memory fragments for a second time, eventually obliterating them gradually and dissipating in the world.The last trace of that soul will never be seen again.

The place where the few people came in was actually the upper reaches of the river of souls, and the stubborn memory fragments were still slowly being erased.So when Wang Qi watched it carelessly and devoted himself to it unintentionally, those memory fragments would be reflected in his mind.

If you can't wake up in time and take in too much of this memory fragment, it will be entangled with your own memory.It’s okay if it’s just some ordinary memory fragments, but the fragments that can enter the river of souls are all the most stubborn of obsessions. I become insane and will always be insane.

Narcissus didn't know what the purpose was, and didn't remind other people of this. If Wang Qi's data master was not strong enough, and it happened that he was the first to discover it, maybe someone would really be tricked.

In fact, speaking of it, what is collected in the soul-holding ball is pure soul fire without fragments.

The seven people filled their bodies with spiritual energy, carefully followed the Narcissus, and advanced a considerable distance, reckoning that they had reached the center of the river of souls.

"Okay, here it is. Everyone stop."

Narcissus stopped and turned to look at everyone.

"Follow me now. Use spiritual power to wrap the soul-holding ball, and then send it into the river through the air."

He demonstrated first by himself, and easily sent the soul arresting ball into the river of souls.Everyone followed suit and followed suit.

"Now read to me,..."

A difficult-to-pronounce spell came out of his mouth in a slow and unhurried manner.All of the seven people in front of them are top-notch elites among Spirit Card Masters. It is very easy to read a spell, and no one will read it wrong.

While chanting, Wang Qi was observing his soul arresting ball.

As the spell took effect slowly, Wang Qi felt that the part of himself wrapped in the soul-holding ball and extending out of the spiritual power began to slowly feel the existence of the river of souls.It was a very illusory feeling, just like a dream, in which there was a gurgling stream of water, without beginning or end.

When the breath of spiritual power and the river water gradually became indistinguishable from each other, the pure fire of the soul also began its own transformation process in the wrapped soul-holding ball.

(End of this chapter)

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