Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 292 Lord of Nothingness

Chapter 292 Lord of Nothingness
Can't explain the principle, can't see the process, an existence that originally appeared in the form of flames, slowly turned into a drop of clear water.

The breath of this drop of water is exactly the same as that of the river outside the soul-holding ball, but because of the barrier of the soul-holding ball, it did not go out and fall into the embrace of the river.

Wang Qi knew that the collection of soul water was successful.

"Very good, just take back the soul arresting ball slowly."

The Narcissus couldn't hold back the joy in his tone, and reminded everyone not to make mistakes in the last step.

At this moment, Shi Xiaozhu suddenly yelled "Ah", and everyone quickly looked, in the river of soul not far from him, a black shadow like a ghost was suddenly rushing towards him!
Fifth Wangxian has been guarding Shi Xiaozhu's side all the time, when he heard the sound, he immediately held the retracted soul-holding ball in his hand, and then flew to Shi Xiaozhu's side with one long step.At the moment when the black shadow reached his body, a sword suddenly slashed out, splitting the black shadow in half.

"Be careful with my soul arresting ball!"

The Narcissus snorted coldly, reminding Shi Xiaozhu not to let go of the soul-holding ball carelessly, but seeing that Shi Xiaozhu had already firmly grasped the soul-holding ball, he looked better.

The black shadow that was split by Fifth Wangxian's sword split into two halves, but it didn't seem to have died, but gently floated back into the river, and then merged into one.

Only then did everyone see clearly what this black shadow looked like.

At that time, there was a shadow of a human figure, the face was not clear, the limbs were all distorted and dissipated like smoke, only the torso was relatively complete, but there were no sexual characteristics, and the male and female could not be distinguished.

"This is a half-soul, a non-human non-soul existence that was accidentally lost in the river when it came in before."

The Narcissus didn't show off this time, and explained directly.

"But it's a little strange, why does this guy attack you?"

He stroked his beard lightly, and looked at Shi Xiaozhu strangely.

Shi Xiaozhu's complexion was a bit ugly, he looked at Fifth Wangxian, and made a mouth shape.


The three people who came with Shi Xiaozhu all saw this mouth shape, and they were shocked in their hearts, but their expressions did not change, they just thought secretly in their hearts, what should they do next.

Several other people, including Narcissus, saw Shi Xiaozhu's mouth shape, but they didn't know the word Beacon, so they didn't understand the meaning.

"What should I do? I remember Shi Xiaozhu said that the Lord of History needs to find the Beacon and maintain the correct track of the Beacon."

Wang Qi began to think, while looking at the half-soul that was wandering in the river, still staring at everyone, he also nodded.

"But why did this Beacon attack Shi Xiaozhu? Or, it didn't specifically want to attack Shi Xiaozhu, but... it just chose a random person to attack? Yes, his target is not Shi Xiaozhu!"

The Lord of Data began to deduce quickly in his mind, staring at the half-soul shadow, Wang Qi finally calculated that he did not just want to attack Shi Xiaozhu alone, but wanted to...

"I've heard a saying that although the half-soul has turned into a state of neither life nor death, neither human nor soul, and feeds on memory fragments, if it has been living in the river of souls for long enough, the combination of memory fragments will make it It can recombine a new mind, and this half-soul has the opportunity to leave the river of souls. As long as it can get a body, it can walk in the world again, and become one of the most peculiar existences in the world, immortal, infinite. feared."

The Narcissus was not in a hurry, and said a new message.

That's it!

Everyone immediately felt that this was the truth of the matter.

It's just that Wang Qi and the others are still thinking about why this half-soul is the beacon that Shi Xiaozhu is looking for?

Shi Xiaozhu's search for historical markers was a task given to him by the Lord of History.Maintaining the original trajectory of the beacon and keeping history from being deflected is the most important purpose of the Lord of History.

Keep things from going astray...

Is it necessary for this half-soul to become the special existence in the mouth of the Narcissus?
In that case, if this half-soul is a "good guy", that's fine, but if it's a "bad guy", doesn't it mean that we have to personally guarantee the birth of this bad guy?

Really tangled...

The four of them were struggling with the alarm clocks, but after Narcissus finished speaking, she was about to turn around and leave.

"My goal has been achieved, now I just need to go out with me and take these soul arresting balls for me outside."

Narcissus was leaving, and the others had no reason to stay.Shi Xiaozhu was anxious all of a sudden, and looked around for help.

At this moment in his mind, the Lord of History is desperately reminding that the beacons are beginning to show signs of shifting, and history is about to be overturned.

Although he didn't understand that things were about to happen that hadn't happened yet, the Lord of History would remind himself that history was going to be overturned?

But this didn't affect him, he winked desperately at his companions, hoping they would help.

The three of Wang Qi were also thinking about what to do in the current situation, but they were clueless and at a loss.

Seeing that the Narcissus had turned and left, and the half-soul was still wandering around in the river looking for opportunities, the Narcissus ignored it at all, and the four of them had no choice.

Hey, this half soul only needs a body?

Suddenly, Wang Qi had an idea and thought of something.

That's right, he thought of the spirit card given to him by the water fairy just now as a reward, and the water spirit enlightened him.

The effect of this spirit card is precisely to create a creature whose body is made of water.

No...just a coincidence...

In Wang Qi's mind, the prophecy of "there is a strange person to help" that Shi Xiaozhu said, suddenly felt that things were a little weird.

It seems that in an invisible place, there are hands manipulating one's own destiny.

It happened to meet Shi Xiaozhu and the three of them, they happened to travel together, they happened to come to this place, and they happened to get such a spirit card again.

The trajectory of all this is really too coincidental... Especially when Shi Xiaozhu prophesied, Wang Qi felt his scalp tingling.

There are thousands of thoughts in my mind, but they are just a moment of reality.

Wang Qi finally decided to help Shi Xiaozhu according to his own ideas.

If this is the arrangement of fate, you must use your own hands to push the normal trajectory of the beacon. Since you don't have the ability to manipulate fate at will, you should follow the trajectory of fate first.

Although Shi Xiaozhu didn't say what would happen if he failed to maintain the original track of the historical beacon and caused the history to shift, but thinking about it, that would be a very serious consequence.

Thinking of this, Wang Qi didn't hesitate any longer. Taking advantage of Narcissus turning around, he simply stretched out a hand, and a ball of spiritual water automatically flew out of the gourd, quickly forming a humanoid body in the air.

He didn't want the half-soul's body to be anything else, and the human form was the best choice.

With the help of Wanshui Zhiyu's ability, this completely transparent body made of water continuously outlines various details. In the blink of an eye, a vivid human figure with correct facial features appeared in front of everyone.It's just that this body has no gender characteristics at all, and is consistent with the black shadow half-soul.

The Narcissus naturally sensed Wang Qi's movements. He turned his head to look, and when he saw this human figure made of water, he showed some appreciation.

However, he still warned Wang Qi.

"Don't delay my business, go quickly!"

"Senior, I'll be fine soon!"

Without explaining, Wang Qi speeded up and finally completed the construction of this body, and then pointed out with a finger in the air, using the water spirit enlightenment technique, a light spot lit up on the head of the body, and opened his eyes.

Without looking at the first water spirit he created, Wang Qi didn't input much spiritual power, so he directly pushed the water spirit to the river where the half-soul was.

Sure enough, when this half-soul saw Shui Ling's body floating towards him, it immediately jumped on it.For him, as long as it is a living body, no matter what kind of body it is, it can be possessed by him.

Immediately, everyone stopped together, attracted by the movement of the half-soul, even the Narcissus stared at the scene, occasionally glancing at Wang Qi, wondering what he was thinking.

Once the half-soul's black body was integrated, Shui Ling's completely transparent water body began to be completely blackened as if ink had been dripped into it.

After a while, the figures of the two overlapped completely, and Shuiling's eyes, which were originally opened, closed again.

"Interesting, it turns out that the half-soul can still possess this water spirit, I really didn't expect it."

The water spirit attunement is a spirit card given by the water fairy. He naturally knows the effect of the water spirit. Once Wang Qi used it, he realized what kind of ability it was.

At this moment, the possessed water spirit, or half soul, opened his eyes again.

"My name is the Lord of Nothingness."

A faint voice echoed in everyone's ears, which immediately surprised everyone.

At this moment, this half soul can actually speak!
Moreover, Wang Qi and Shi Xiaozhu were surprised when he said his own name.Narcissus' brow also moved imperceptibly.

"I will remember this favor. You help me escape today, and I will help you in the future."

The Void Lord said another sentence, which was obviously aimed at Wang Qi.Everyone immediately looked at Wang Qi.

Without waiting for Wang Qi to say anything, the Void Lord suddenly retreated again, gently retreating into the river of souls, and then his figure began to dim, gradually disappearing.

"Don't look at me, I also had a whim, probably influenced by his spirit?"

Wang Qi frowned and explained that the acting skills are very good.

The fifth Wangxian and the three secretly admired each other. Shi Xiaozhu had already heaved a sigh of relief. The Lord of History had just reminded him to complete the task of maintaining the road sign.

This also made him suddenly feel a little more explicit, as if he had realized something crucial.

Narcissus looked at Wang Qi, pondered for a while, and finally said nothing.He knew that this was Feng Zhongxian's apprentice, so he was really hesitant to do it.And now that the water of soul is not in hand, if he really wants to do something here, it will be the worst for him.

Thinking of this, he didn't speak, nodded, turned his head and continued to fly out. Behind him, Lin Zhongchen took a deep look at Wang Qi, and then turned to follow.

Nodding to Fifth Wangxian and others, Wang Qi greeted them, and everyone carefully dragged the soul-holding ball in their hands, and followed the footsteps of the Narcissus.

Out of the River of Soul, we don't need to travel long distances this time, Lin Zhongchen is specifically for this.He drew in the air with both hands, and a portal appeared directly in front of him.

One of the reasons Narcissus agreed to him was that this guy had more teleportation abilities and it was easier to travel.

Everyone didn't speak, and stepped into the portal one by one.

Just as Wang Qi stepped into the door with half of his foot still behind, he suddenly seemed to hear a long sigh in his mind.

"The Master of Data took action... This time it finally became..."

The voice was so ethereal that there was no trace to trace it. Wang Qi paused for a moment, and even felt that he had an auditory hallucination.

But the Lord of Data kept him awake all the time, so he was sure that the voice did exist.

He paused and looked back at the huge river of souls behind him, but found nothing.Countless soul fires are still continuously thrown into the river, and countless tributaries hang upside down in the sky and converge towards the middle. All these are beautiful, but not so real.

After hesitating for a while, Wang Qi still stepped into the door, and the portal disappeared.

Just after he stepped into the portal, Lin Zhongchen canceled the portal, and the portal disappeared naturally.

What they don't know is that in the sky, the star's position is always constant, like a black hole, but also like a pupil, which was called the God's Eye by Narcissus, and suddenly blinked.

But this scene, in the ruins without any living beings, no one saw it.

Don't think about the void lord who disappeared by himself, and don't think about that elusive sigh. After passing through the portal, Wang Qi found that everyone had arrived outside the ruins, above the maelstrom.

It was completely different from the trip back to the ruins as originally imagined, but it was also rewarding. Shi Xiaozhu fulfilled his wish and made extra money along the way, without encountering any danger. Everyone had no complaints and was quite satisfied.

Moreover, Wang Qi's field exchange has already recorded the world of Guixu, and if he wants to come back in the future, he can come anytime.Of course, he wouldn't casually step into this world of souls if he had nothing to do.

Seeing that Wang Qi had come out, the eight of them had arrived, Narcissus flew forward first, and soon flew to the edge of the maelstrom barrier.Lin Zhongchen couldn't pass through this barrier, so he had to rely on him to make a move, and Wang Qi and the others naturally followed along happily.

After the Narcissus opened the exit and everyone filed out, Lin Zhongchen opened the door again, this time the target was naturally the island where the Narcissus lived.

Unexpectedly, the Narcissus who walked over first saw a scene that made his eyes tear apart as soon as he stepped out of the portal.As for the seven people who followed, their expressions became very strange as soon as they came here, but generally speaking, they were not very good.

That's right, Narcissus, the unlucky one, happened to be above the small island at this moment, Liu Hengyu, Fathead Yu and Linglong Zuo, who were still fighting non-stop.

Ever since Linglong Zuo joined the battle group, Liu Hengyu used one to fight two, but his fight became more and more courageous. The range of battle between the three also expanded accordingly, constantly moving over various sea areas, accidentally injuring countless creatures big and small, making the East China Sea Zhong is now terrified.

At this moment, they happened to be above the small island where the Narcissus lived in seclusion. They were playing happily, and the small island below was not noticed at all.

So at this moment, this small island has been hit by countless lightning strikes and countless water currents. All the vegetation and buildings on the ground have been turned into scorched earth.

"Do not!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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