Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 293 Negative Monument King

Chapter 293 Negative Monument King

Narcissus' angry voice resounded through the sky, and even Liu Hengyu paused for a while and looked in his direction.

When the fat head fish saw the people behind the water fairy, Chong Tian's anger suddenly became more violent.

"You damn humans! Go to hell!"

Countless formations emerged from the void behind it, and thick jets of water turned into unstoppable sharp arrows, very much like the logo of a shiny guy in a mobile game Wang Qi played before. Sexual big move.

Of course, if the fat head fish is replaced by the appearance of a golden carp, and the line "miscellaneous repair" is added, it will be more similar.

Get rid of the redundant thoughts in your mind, before everyone has time to run or block, the Narcissus has already taken the lead, and waving his hand is a water cover covering the sky and covering the sun, completely protecting the island.

"Who gave you the courage to challenge me!"

The angry questioning sound came into the ears of the fat head fish, and he was immediately pulled back from his anger, and he saw clearly the figure of the guy in the front below, which was Narcissus.

"Old man! Don't meddle in your own business! This is between me and them!"

The fat-headed fish roared angrily, showing no intention of backing down.

At this time, Liu Hengyu took the opportunity to retreat to the sky not far away to watch the show with a smile, as if he wanted to take the opportunity to take a rest.Linglong Zuo was also facing him far away, suspended in mid-air.It's just that the countless plasma surging spheres beside him obviously mean that he is not going to let Liu Hengyu retreat calmly.

"This is my territory! The Lord of the East China Sea has promised me! Any creature in the East China Sea who dares to invade my territory will be killed without mercy!"

Narcissus became even more angry, and his roar was like thunder rolling, resounding in all directions.

Accompanied by this roar, countless water dragons emerged out of the sea around the island, and each water dragon was vivid, no matter in size or momentum, it was far superior to the nine water dragons that Wang Qi had seen before. It reveals the light of spirituality, and obviously each has its own wisdom.

Thinking about it, he could trade the Shui Ling attunement, so naturally he would have a better spirit card of the same kind, which must be the one he is using now.

With the name of immortal, its strength is naturally unfathomable.As soon as the countless water dragons came out, they brazenly launched an impact of ten thousand dragons soaring into the sky. No matter whether it was Liu Hengyu or Linglongzuo, they each retreated a lot, and did not dare to fight it.

Like Fat-headed Fish, although both of them are masters at playing with water, but the person in front of not only famous in the East China Sea, but also well-known in the four seas, but he chose to settle in the East China Sea in the end.It's really what he said himself, this guy has friendship with the Lord of the East China Sea, and that kind of friendship was obtained through practical strength, and it doesn't have much value.

Therefore, Facing the numerous water dragons that were menacing, Fathead Fish finally chose to avoid them.Its tiny body was also surrounded by many streams of water with various colors, and it escaped the attack in a short time.

But the wisdom in the eyes of these water dragons is naturally not a display, the most violent blow missed, stopped the body and began to turn around and rush towards the fat-headed fish.

The fat-headed fish didn't dare to let these water dragons encircle it. After escaping the attack, it immediately retreated far away. The water dragon followed closely, and the two sides circled around.

"Shall we go now or stay?"

Shi Xiaozhu retreated, and asked a few people around him.

"It's not easy to leave. The Narcissus has not been given to him. If we run away, he must come and hunt us down with that fish?"

The Fifth Wangxian shook his head, swung the soul restraining ball in his hand, and vetoed this idea.

"Then what shall we do?"

Looking at the back of the Narcissus who was waving his hands again and again, concentrating his experiences in the sky above, none of them could do anything.

Compared to them, Lin Zhongchen and the others were a little more anxious.

They still asked for Narcissus, and they couldn't leave even if they wanted to, so they could only wait here obediently.But it is obvious that the fat head fish has found the position and is staring at it again. It is definitely not easy to get out. No one knows what to do.

The most important thing is... on this vast sea, the guys who were considered masters met each other with fiercer opponents, and it was... no one could beat them!
Narcissus manipulated countless water dragons to chase and intercept Fathead Fish, while the other two, Liu Hengyu and Linglong Zuo, who were actually accomplices in destroying the island, were selectively ignored by him.Because Narcissus thought that it would be a bit troublesome to fight three with one, and that would stretch the battlefield too much, so why not just press down on the fat-headed fish, the creature in the sea that he is best at dealing with, and let out a bad breath first.

After this dozen, another few hours passed.The fathead fish roared, roared, and threatened, but the water fairy was determined to vent his anger, and no one could do anything about it.

Finally, three hours later, things changed again.

An overwhelming power suddenly swept from the east, and the clouds all over the sky, the waves of the sea and the strong wind all came together, showing the momentum of thousands of troops.

"Old friend Narcissus, listen to me and let it go for now?"

A gentle voice came from an unknown place, the voice was not loud, but it was very clear, and everyone present could hear it clearly.

Before everyone could find the source of the sound, a figure appeared from the incoming waves.It was a huge sea turtle, and it carried a lush island on its back, with countless exotic flowers and plants planted on it, interspersed with many pavilions, it looked very elegant.

And in the center of the small island on the back, a white stone tablet that looks like it is made of jade stands there.It seems that there are many unknown words on it, but they can't be seen clearly, it is very mysterious.

"The King of Negative Tablets!"

No matter whether it was Fathead Fish or Linglong Zuo, they were overjoyed when they saw the appearance of this sea turtle, and Liu Hengyu's face became calmer a little, and he changed from sitting cross-legged in the air to standing still.

Narcissus fought for a whole day, but he didn't actually kill him, he just wanted to vent his anger, so Linglong Zuo never helped Fathead Fish, and Fathead Fish didn't really turn his back on him, they all saw this.As for what Liu Hengyu thought, everyone didn't know, it was very strange that he could hold back his hand.

Seeing the Negative Monument King appear, Fathead Fish heaved a sigh of relief, flicked his tail in the air, flew in front of the Negative Monument King, nodded in salute, and no longer cared about the countless water dragons behind him.

Linglong Zuo also saluted thousands of times, and the local creatures in the East China Sea immediately gathered together.

The Narcissus snorted coldly, gave the Negative Monument King a face, took back countless water dragons, stood proudly in the air with his hands behind his back, and began to question the Negative Monument King.

"King Negative Monument, I will save face for you by not taking the life of this little fish. But shouldn't you also give me an explanation, how can my small island compensate?"

The old turtle looked up at the Narcissus in the sky, then at Liu Hengyu beside him, and smiled.

"Old friend Narcissus, this matter is our little guy's fault, I will apologize to you. I promise, I will restore your island to its original appearance, absolutely not bad. You see, this matter has been exposed how?"

King Negative Monument proposed a solution, but Narcissus snorted again, as if acquiescing.

In fact, when he was cleaning up the fat-headed fish all day to vent his anger, he had already been distracted to look at it. The things he had hidden were not damaged, and his anger was relieved a lot.The things on the ground are not worth anything, as long as the important things are okay, then it will be fine.

What's more, the guys I brought back have been holding the water of soul in their hands all the time, and now they don't have much time to keep it. If it expires, it will waste a lot of time.

"In that case, I'll show you some face."

With another cold snort, the Narcissus turned around and was about to float back to the island to deal with the matter of the water of the soul.

"Wait a minute, old friend Narcissus, we have already solved the mistakes made by our little fish, so shouldn't you also hand over those little fellows who made mistakes to us?"

The gentle voice of the old sea turtle sounded again and reached everyone's ears. Wang Qi and the others broke out in a sweat. Wang Qi was ready to run away at any time.

When the fat head fish appeared, Wang Qi secretly sent a letter saying that Wang Qi and others were under the curse of the Lord of the East China Sea and killed the phantom singer. Heart.

"They are still useful to me, it is impossible to give them to you!"

With the water of the soul in mind, Narcissus would naturally not agree.

"Old friend, I will give you face, and I hope you will also give me face."

When the old turtle heard Narcissus' answer, his tone became a little colder, and his words became harder.

"If you don't agree to such a small request, then even if I am an old guy, I can't beat you. If there is one more humpback whale, I believe you will not be able to keep this small island."

"Oh, are you threatening me?"

The Narcissus laughed out of anger.

"Don't dare, the water fairy is famous all over the world, and I, the little Four Kings of the Eastern Sea, dare not threaten it. However, there will inevitably be omissions during the fight, so it's hard to say."

The attitude of the old turtle is very tough.

Although it didn't mention the Lord of the East China Sea, it is clear that the hint in the tone is very strong.

Hearing that the old turtle was so stubborn, Narcissus also hesitated.He glanced at Wang Qi and the others below, then turned to look at King Negative Monument.

"I also have a deal with them, and I promised to send three of them to the spirit world. When my deal is completed, they will have nothing to do with me, and then I have nothing to do with you."

After saying this, he didn't say another word, and landed directly on the island.

"Alright then, we'll just wait here for Narcissus to complete the deal with them."

Narcissus let go, and King Negative Monument gave him this face and stopped pressing.

Since he said that the transaction was completed and he didn't care, it was nothing more than waiting for a few days.Old sea turtles have a long lifespan, and they can wait for hundreds of years, but they can't wait for a few days.

Seeing that the two sides did not fight, Liu Hengyu who was still in the sky suddenly felt a little bored.The old turtle below was just floating there quietly, ignoring him at all, Fathead Yu and Linglong Zuo had also calmed down, and stayed beside the old turtle.

He thought for a while, turned his head and left without saying hello to anyone, and his figure disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

The seven people on the island below also breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Narcissus' words just now.At least Narcissus still gave them a buffer time, when the time comes, they can escape with their own ability.

"follow me."

The Narcissus fell in front of everyone, and without saying much, he took the lead and walked towards a place on the island that looked like his original residence.

There are broken walls and ruins everywhere, and it is obvious that this place was originally a good palace.The Narcissus' face twitched slightly, and followed the location to a corner of the palace.

Gently waving his hands, the sundries on the ground were pushed away to the sides as if being fiddled with by a pair of big hands, revealing the patterns on the ground.

After tapping the ground twice, the patterns lit up one after another, and a shining door rose from the ground.

"Come in."

The island is blocked by a water curtain, and the eyes of the outside world can't see it clearly.But the old turtle obviously believed in the words of the Narcissus, and he was not afraid that everyone would run away.

Filed into the door, everyone immediately noticed the signs of space transfer, and they entered a huge closed space.

There is a sunken altar in the middle of this space, and in the center of the altar is a mass of soul fire that everyone is very familiar with.The flame flickered slightly, burning quietly.

Thinking of what Master said, the Narcissus was to revive his sister, and Wang Qi realized that this should be the fire of his sister's soul.

However, Narcissus should not be too young. No one knows if it is an old monster that has lived for thousands of years. Her sister's soul fire has been burning for so long. It is estimated that the memory fragments have been burned out long ago. Resurrection, is that still his sister herself?

No one can explain these things clearly, and there is no need to ask them out.Everyone just needs to follow Narcissus and do what he says.

"Oh, I thought there were only four drops of soul water, but now there are four more drops, which is not bad."

When you come to the top of the altar, you can clearly see that under the fire of the soul, there are four grooves pointing to the center engraved on the altar, each of which has a hole reserved.

But now there are four more people, Wang Qi, that is, four more drops of soul water as Narcissus said, obviously these holes are not enough.

Just as he was thinking about it, Narcissus raised his sword finger again and waved it repeatedly on the altar. Suddenly, there were four more grooves on it, perfectly presenting an octagonal distribution.

No one knew what the meaning of the altar and formations meant, but the Narcissus must have fully understood it after many years of immersion. Naturally, there would be no problem if he changed it in this way.

"Now, everyone puts the stored soul arresting ball inside! I said to disconnect the spiritual power, and then you disconnect the spiritual power!"

After hearing the order, everyone dared not neglect, and quickly stood in a circle, allocated their corresponding holes, and then sent the soul arresting ball into it together.

Seeing that all the soul arresting balls had been put away, Narcissus' hands began to make gestures with unknown meanings.Soon, everyone discovered that, with the altar as the center, the formation patterns on the ground began to light up one after another, and spread to all directions of this huge space, and finally lit up into a very large formation pattern.


With a shout, everyone hastily disconnected their spiritual power supply.

(End of this chapter)

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