Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 294 Under Coercion

Chapter 294 Under Coercion
Under the action of the array pattern, the soul arresting ball began to gradually brighten, and then gradually disappeared.

The eight drops of soul water gradually flowed along the groove and started to flow towards the mass of soul fire in the middle.The speed of the flow is so slow that the naked eye can't even distinguish it.

However, Narcissus has already breathed a sigh of relief. Obviously, it has basically succeeded so far, and the rest is to wait.

Naturally, he wouldn't let everyone wait here together. He waved his hand, and suddenly everyone felt involuntary, and flew towards the door that came in together.

Soon, eight people reappeared on the ground of the island together.

"Okay, what you promised me has been done, now it's time to talk about the reward."

He looked at the seven people and spoke.

"Let's talk about the four of you first."

He looked at Wang Qi and the others.

"You should have heard what I promised the old turtle just now. After I give you the reward now, we will not owe each other, and each will go our own way. You must leave my island first, and I will not care what happens afterwards. , as you please."

"Understood, we will not embarrass the seniors."

Fifth Wangxian agreed on behalf of the four.

Narcissus nodded, summoned the book of spirit cards, and threw out four spirit cards again to the fifth Wangxian.Fifth Wangxian reached out to take it, and cupped his hands again.

He looked at the three of Lin Zhongchen again.

"As for the three of you, I promise to send your people to the spirit world, and then I will do what I say. But let me say first, I am going through the gate of the East China Sea. After passing through the gate of the East China Sea, no matter what you do It has nothing to do with me."

When Lin Zhongchen heard this, he immediately had a bitter face, but he still agreed.

At least for now, their purpose is basically achieved.It's just a trip like this, and there are a lot of enemies, which is quite uncomfortable.

"Okay, you can go. As for the three of you, stay here first, and take you out after I finish my work."

He waved his hand, as if telling Fifth Wangxian and the others to leave quickly.

"Senior, let's take our leave."

The four bowed their hands together, then turned around and drove the flying swords together, and flew out of the island.

While flying, they discussed what to do.

"Remember, after you go outside, I will quickly put you in a gourd. Don't resist. I will find a way to escape by myself."

Wang Qi proposed the safest way.

"Okay, that's it. But Wang Qi, you must be careful."

After discussing it, the four of them directly crossed the water curtain.

However, the moment they appeared outside the water curtain, a voice that penetrated the soul appeared in the minds of the four of them.


It was the voice of Old Haigui, King of Negative Monument, gentle and irresistible.

The four of them immediately felt that the air outside their bodies became solid, and everything in the world was frozen. They couldn't even move a finger, and they couldn't even blink their eyelids. It became difficult to breathe.

At this moment, Wang Qi switched directly to the clone and escaped successfully, which made the old turtle let out a sigh.

He raised the avatar's Qiankun gourd, and sucked it towards the three companions. The three who couldn't resist immediately were gently sucked into the gourd.

Seeing that the four of them disappeared in less than a second, the old turtle became angry immediately.

But this is obviously their own ability, it can't be blamed on the head of the Narcissus, it will not vent its anger, it just let out a soft roar, and firmly locked all the space around the island and within a thousand kilometers away from the water curtain. Die, trying to find out the figure of the four.

But this is naturally invalid for Wang Qi's clone.

Heaving a sigh of relief, the avatar did not dare to stay here anymore, and quickly left with the flying sword.

Not going anywhere else, Wang Qi went straight to Yuanqiao Xiandao.He left a Void Butterfly there, but he was able to tell the direction.

After sealing off the space, he searched carefully for a long time but couldn't find the shadows of the four people. The old turtle suddenly felt that he couldn't hold back his face. It roared again, and in the lush forest of the island on its back, seabirds suddenly flew up everywhere. Spread out in all directions.

After failing to catch the four, Fathead Yu didn't dare to say anything, and Linglong Zuo didn't say anything.

The avatar controlled the flying sword much faster than the main body, and it didn't take long to fly directly to the sky above Yuanqiao Island, randomly chose the top of a tall building in the city, and fell down.

He breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, then released the three of them from the gourd, and switched to the main body in an instant.

They looked around vigilantly, and after discovering Wang Qi, they saw the familiar roof structure next to them, and the three breathed a sigh of relief.

"Wang Qi, thanks to you!"

Fifth Wangxian was about to pat Wang Qi on the shoulder, when at this moment, a beam of thunder fell in front of the four of them.

"I did not guess wrong, you will come here."

The thunder light disappeared, and it was the devil Liu Hengyu who appeared.

The four were horrified, and Wu Wangxian, who reacted very quickly, slashed out with a sword, trying to delay Wang Qi's time and let him put them away again.

Gently lifting the thunder knife that appeared on the right hand at some point, Liu Hengyu's voice came to several people's ears.

"If you run away now, or if that kid goes invisible, I will kill everyone on this island."


The four of them broke out in a cold sweat.

Wang Qi, who was about to switch his avatar, stopped thinking immediately.

Even if he was able to kill without changing his face when facing the enemy, it was a clear-cut approach, and Wang Qi would not feel guilty about it.

He thinks that he has always been a good person.

But if at this moment, because he switched his avatar to hide his body and let everyone in the city under his feet die together, Wang Qi felt...he couldn't accept it.

Demon King Liu Hengyu has that legendary precedent, no one dares not to take his words seriously.

The four of them might really be able to escape, but according to what Liu Hengyu said, if he directly slaughtered the whole city, they would not only bear heavy sins, but also regret it for the rest of their lives.

After all, being a good person with scruples is so easy to be blackmailed...

"Very well, it seems that I have figured it out. I like people like you."

Liu Hengyu chuckled, his handsome face didn't look murderous at all, but no one dared to believe that he was as harmless as his appearance.

"What do you want us to do?"

Fifth Wangxian asked through gritted teeth.

"Oh, I'm just interested in that kid."

He put away the thunder knife and looked at Shi Xiaozhu.

"Last time, I asked you to secretly rescue him. That didn't embarrass me. This time, you don't want to run away casually, or I will do what I say. Come with me."

With that said, he walked straight out of the roof and flew down.

The four gritted their teeth and glanced at each other, then followed without saying a word.

Fighting is really unbeatable.Even if the four of them work hard together, it's really hard to say how many tricks they can get past Liu Hengyu's hands.

The higher the strength, the clearer the gap between oneself and the strong.Yes to Liu Hengyu, yes to Fathead Fish, yes to Narcissus, and yes to Old Turtle.

These existences that are rarely seen at ordinary times, when facing them, the huge gap that lies between the two sides, if it is not a guy with enough tenacity, he will be desperate at all.

Fifth Wangxian believed that if he allowed himself to practice for the same amount of time, he would be no worse than any of them.This is also the same in the minds of Xu Wen and Wang Qi. They are all the most shining genius-like figures among the spirit card masters, and their confidence is not so easily broken.

As for Shi Xiaozhu, he didn't care about it at all.The path of the Lord of History is different from that of ordinary spirit card masters. After reaching a certain level, there is no comparison between the two sides.

But no matter what, at this moment, the four of them could only obediently be threatened by Liu Hengyu with the lives of tens of thousands of people in the city under their feet, and followed him aggrievedly.

Liu Hengyu led the four of them, after a few detours, they came to a small villa and landed gently.

Pushing open the door casually, he walked in familiarly, and then sat on the sofa in the living room.

Four people followed in, their faces were not good-looking, but they didn't say anything.

"You're welcome, sit down."

Raising their hands as an invitation gesture, the four had no choice but to sit down.

"I don't know what the devil wants to do..."

The fifth Wangxian is safe when he comes, and asks directly.

"Hehe, as I said, I'm interested in that little guy. Then, although I had a good time fighting with that fish and that flying insect these days, I didn't get any results. I just want to catch you now." Use you to create another chance to fight. That old turtle is too much of a hindrance there, he doesn't fight me every time, as long as he is around, I won't bother to fight."

Maniac, what a fighting maniac.

The four people's foreheads were sweating, and they were kidnapped for another fight.

Isn't this a brain problem?
"Okay, tell me, which is your spirit card? I asked you this question many times before, and if you didn't tell me then, I didn't kill you. Now I'll ask you again, if you don't tell me, the four of you all dead."

Liu Hengyu looked at Shi Xiaozhu with a smile, but what he said was not funny at all.

Shi Xiaozhu's face was full of confusion, he looked at the other three people, bowed his head and thought for a long time, and finally he had no choice but to compromise.

"Lord of history."

He knew which spirit card Liu Hengyu was asking about, so he didn't waste any time.

"So it's this's boring. I thought it was the Lord of Time or the Lord of Reincarnation. Come on, it's none of your business."

When Liu Hengyu heard the name, he immediately looked bored, and waved his hand to indicate that there was nothing to do with Shi Xiaozhu.

Judging by his appearance, he was very aware of the information about the Lord of History and the other two spirit cards that he said, that's why he was so disappointed.

Several people breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this.At least for the time being nothing happened.

"Tell me again, what do the other three need Narcissus to do?"

he turned to ask.

"They want Narcissus to send them to the spirit world."

For telling this information, Fifth Wangxian didn't have any burden, and said it very frankly.

"Very well, it seems that they are going to the Gate of the East China Sea. Then there is a chance."

Liu Hengyu was very happy when he heard the news.

"Well, let's see, the old tortoise will definitely not go. The gate of the East China Sea is guarded by the whale, and it will definitely be handed over to it. So on their way to the gate of the East China Sea, the old tortoise will definitely not follow. Get those two guys under escort."

"I heard that the four of you killed the mermaid, and there are curses on it. If you are used as bait, the fish will definitely not be able to resist it again."

"Anyway, that's how you lured him to my island last time, didn't you?"

"As long as you lure the fish to do it, I don't care if you escape by yourself. How about it? I'm merciful."

In a few words, Liu Hengyu decided on the arrangement for the four people, that is, when Nahuixian took Lin Zhongchen and the three to the gate of the East Sea, when only Fathead Yu and Linglong Zuo followed, let the four appear again and provoke Fathead Fish, causing the four of them to appear again. After it was shot, Liu Hengyu took over as substitute hitter.

If Liu Hengyu provoked himself, the fat head fish who calmed down would definitely not fight him.This guy will definitely be dragged behind the gate of the East China Sea, and let the humpback whale king control the place.

The truth is that, when they heard that they didn't have to face the old tortoise directly, but with the humpback whale that they had seen once in the air, the four of them were both relieved and a little depressed.

Even if it is a fat head fish, I don't want to fight...

However, they had a lot of experience in escaping from it, and the four felt relieved a lot.

"Okay, the four of you will stay in this villa, and I will come and take you when you need to go."

After saying that, Liu Hengyu got up and left directly without talking nonsense.The four looked at each other, and none of them dared to propose to leave directly.

Because the threat of the demon king is still there, I am not afraid of them escaping at all.

"Oh, this trip is really unlucky. It always involves some unnecessary things."

Wang Qi sighed.Thinking back to the fact that I went to sea in the first place just to practice, I thought it was ordinary, but I didn’t expect it to be so twists and turns in the end.

"I'm sorry, it's really us who have troubled you." Fifth Wangxian took the initiative to apologize.If it wasn't for their pleading, Wang Qi would have gone back long ago.

"It's nothing, maybe it's destined, I have an illusion, it seems that when I went to Guixu before, I will definitely go back eventually, if I don't go, Xiaozhu's purpose will fail."

Wang Qi shook his head and said it was fine.

"Well, yes, I also have this feeling. When the half-soul who claimed to be the Lord of the Void appeared successfully, I realized more. It seems that it is a kind of destiny for Wang Qige to come with us this time." Arranged trajectory."

Shi Xiaozhu also confirmed Wang Qi's feeling.

"By the way, Xiaozhu, speaking of it, after you maintain this road sign, nothing will happen, right?"

Fifth Wangxian asked.

"How can I be so leisurely... A new road sign has appeared..."

Shi Xiaozhu's face was full of helplessness.

"Uh, where is the new road sign? Do you still need to continue searching?"

Xu Wen hurriedly asked.

"I can't say it... But this time I have a strange feeling... It seems that as long as I continue to follow Brother Wang Qi, the beacon will appear soon..."

Shi Xiaozhu shook his head, then looked at Wang Qi with a puzzled expression.

"Nani, can't you?"

Wang Qi was speechless for a moment.

 I haven't thanked the big guys who have given rewards recently, so I won't mention their names here, thank you very much...

(End of this chapter)

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