Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 295 Crossing the Gate of the Eastern Sea

Chapter 295 Crossing the Gate of the Eastern Sea
Liu Hengyu came in again and left with four people.

"Let's go, that old tortoise has already left, they must be leaving."

As he said that, he grabbed it casually in the air, and the four of them involuntarily stuck their bodies together.

"Hehe, let me take you away so you can hurry up."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Qi and the others felt that their field of vision was changing rapidly, and they were flying at an extremely fast speed.

Thoughts only passed for a few seconds, and then suddenly stopped.

"This is the only place to go to the gate of the East China Sea. You guys just follow me and watch here. When the Narcissus arrives with someone, you can lure that fish."

Although I always felt that it was meaningless to do so, who made Liu Hengyu stronger than them all, and he even received threats.The four had no choice but to wait here with bitter faces.And Liu Hengyu himself disappeared.

Not long after, Narcissus and Lin Zhongchen passed by the sea below.The sharp-eyed Wang Qi saw that the fat-headed fish followed not far behind, but the Negative Monument King and Linglong Zuo were gone.

"Don't you think this development is a bit strange?"

Wang Qi asked Fifth Wangxian.

"Yeah, I always feel like this is the way it is now, why can't Liu Hengyu take action directly? Why do we need to make extra efforts?"

Fifth Wangxian also felt puzzled.

"Forget it, we just do what he said no matter what, and we'll leave as soon as that fat-headed fish gets out."

Xu Wen shook his head.

"Let's go."

Shi Xiaozhu's fighting power was worrying, Wang Qi still let him into the gourd first, and the three of them rushed down together without any disguise.

When the three people appeared from the sky, several people on the boat and the fat head fish behind them all saw it.Lin Zhongchen was very curious as to why these three guys appeared again, so he saw them flying towards the fat-headed fish and launched an attack.

Fathead Yu saw who was coming, and immediately let out a roar, soared into the air, and rushed up to face the three of them.

There was a thunder strike on both sides, and the strength of the fat head fish was much stronger, so the three of them were immediately shocked and flew in different directions.

"You didn't run away obediently! Then die!"

When Fathead Yu saw the three of them, especially Xu Wen who had appeared in front of him before, he couldn't help but burst out with 120% of his strength.

The three of them didn't answer at all, they just accepted the move silently with their heads covered.Soon, there were hundreds of rounds of fighting between you and me.

Wang Qi was wondering what Liu Hengyu was waiting for. He hadn't seen him make a move all this time, when he suddenly heard, from the direction Lin Zhongchen and the others were facing, a whale cry resounding through the sky.

A very familiar feeling rushed towards this side in a destructive manner from there.

"It's the humpback whale king!"

The three of them understood immediately.

Sure enough, this place was already very close to the gate of the East China Sea. After Wang Qi and the other three attacked, the Humpback Whale King felt the curse he planted, so he dared to come quickly.

"No, we have to run! This is not the same as what was said!"

Wang Qi shouted.


The two had a tacit understanding in their hearts, and immediately joined Wang Qi and Jianguang, and the three of them flew away in the direction they came from.

At this moment, the familiar voice of the Humpback Whale King also came over.

"Kill them!"

Immediately, just below the surface of the sea that Wang Qi and the others couldn't see, countless sea spirit beasts suddenly shot out of the sky, and followed the footsteps of the fat-headed fish to surround the three of them.

"Hehe, little whale, you are finally willing to come out!"

At this moment, Liu Hengyu's figure finally appeared, blocking the humpback whale king.

It turned out that he simply wanted to use this opportunity to attract the Humpback Whale King to fight.Fat head fish and so on are just an excuse.

Narcissus stood on the boat and looked coldly at the sky where Liu Hengyu blocked the humpback whale king. All the spirit beasts in the sea silently walked around where he was, and none of them dared to challenge his presence.

The strong don't talk nonsense when they fight, Liu Hengyu just chuckled and fought with the humpback whale.All of a sudden, there was lightning and thunder, and the two rolled and hit one place.

Fathead Fish didn't care about Liu Hengyu's affairs at all, it just wanted to catch up with the three people in front of it.Letting them escape from him many times in a row, and losing the important spirit card, has already made him lose face.Now that the three of them appeared to provoke him again, in front of so many subordinates, if they let them run away again, it would really go mad with anger.

But... Seeing that the matter had been completed, Wang Qi put Xu Wen and Xu Wen, who had just received the code, into the gourd, then switched directly to the avatar, and disappeared again.

Fathead Fish saw the enemy disappear, but he couldn't do anything, he could only roar impotently and furiously.But Wang Qi didn't care about him at all, after thinking for a while, he simply ran to the boat where the Narcissus was, followed Guan Kanqi in the battle between Liu Hengyu and the Humpback Whale King, and went to see the Gate of the East Sea by the way.

The boat under Narcissus' feet is very stable. Even if the sky ahead is dark, the boat is heading towards the target without any hassle. The turbulent waves, stormy waves and thunderstorms around will dissipate automatically and silently when they approach the boat.

The four people looked up to watch the battle between the two in the sky. After the fat-headed fish lost Wang Qi and the other three, he also followed and joined the battle group. At this moment, it turned into a battle among the three again.

No one can tell how strong Liu Hengyu is now.At first he singled out Linglong Zuo, then he singled out Fathead Fish, later he singled out these two, and now he singled out Humpback Whale King and Fathead Fish. He never lost the wind in every battle. Five open...

This battle was earth-shattering again, except for the few people on the boat and Wang Qi's avatar sneaking up on it, the rest of the creatures did not dare to approach and could only watch from afar.

Finally, the boat, which never stopped at all, arrived at the location of the Gate of the East China Sea.

But obviously the legendary Gate of the East China Sea is not on the sea.After arriving at an area with no special sea surface, the boat below stopped automatically, and then Narcissus waved his hand, and a water curtain completely enveloped the boat and began to descend.

Sitting on the boat that turned into an elevator, it didn't take a while for everyone to come to the dark deep sea world together, and they could no longer hear the deafening sounds above the sea.

This decline lasted for a long, long time, so long that everyone was a little tired.Because everything around is pitch black, like being in a completely empty space, you can't see anything different.If it is an ordinary person, they will probably already feel that there is a mental problem, and they may even become mentally disturbed if they stay for a long time.

Wang Qi silently recorded the depth of the descent with the Master of Data.

Just when he recorded a depth of [-] meters, finally, a different scene appeared in the seawater world below.

It was a tall building in the shape of a pyramid, and at the top of it stood a huge portal that continuously emitted infinite thunder, and there was chaos in the gate.

If Wang Qi releases Sha Wudao now, he can be sure that before Sha Wudao went deep into the Moon Spring, the mysterious pyramid building is almost exactly the same as the one in front of him.The only difference is that there is no such a portal there, only the unknown gold plate obtained by Wang Qi.

"Okay, this is the gate of the East China Sea."

The voice of the Narcissus finally broke the long-term depressive atmosphere, and the three of Lin Zhongchen, who was staring outside, came back to their senses.

"Anyway, the Humpback Whale King isn't here, and I'm here to take care of it, so you can just go there."

"Okay, senior, wait a moment, I want to call my companion over."

Obviously, Lin Zhongchen will not travel through the spirit world alone. His purpose is to come to the entrance, and then open the portal to pull the people who are really going. send away.

Ji Ligulu chanted the spell silently for more than 20 minutes, and finally he opened a portal that was different from what he had seen before.

The portal is red in color as a whole, exuding a strange aura that keeps changing.Apparently, this is another unique ultra-long-distance transmission method mastered by Lin Zhongchen.

Wang Qi is a little envious of this guy, how many different portals are there.

As soon as the door opened, within a few seconds, two figures came out from inside.Everyone took a closer look, and saw that the two men were completely wrapped in black robes, and they couldn't see their faces clearly.

But Lin Zhongchen knew that these two people split up with him and went to No. 0 and No. 12 in the Kingdom of Spiritual Beasts.

"Number 7, you're doing great."

No. 12's faint voice came from behind the mask. Although he said words of praise, his tone was very cold.

"Senior Narcissus, thank you for your help."

Immediately afterwards, he turned to Narcissus, nodded slightly, and his tone was not so cold this time.

"Everyone gets what they need."

Narcissus was noncommittal, and replied calmly.

And the mysterious No. 0 hasn't said a word since he came out, just quietly listening to No. 12's speech.

Lin Zhongchen motioned to Cang Shi and Mrs. Rose to let them enter the portal.

Obviously, what he promised to Mrs. Rose had already been paid in advance. At this moment, the two of them didn't hesitate at all. Without saying a word, they turned around and entered the portal.

This portal has no fixed destination at all, but as long as it is opened, it can go wherever Lin Zhongchen wants, and the portal can go as long as he wants.So there is no need to reopen the door for Mrs. Rose, just go in directly.

Seeing that the person who was supposed to go had already left, the three of them didn't say much. No. 12 waved his hand casually, and a layer of unknown energy built a protective shield to envelop them, and then went straight out of Narcissus' boat.

Narcissus saw them approaching the gate of the East Sea, and waved a blue light.The light touched the chaotic pattern in the center of the portal, and immediately the pattern began to rotate.

Even without the guardianship of the Humpback Whale King, special permission is required to pass through the East China Sea Gate, which is a power that only the Lord of the East China Sea can bestow.Of course, Narcissus naturally has this kind of permission.

Seeing that the door had been opened, the three of them rushed in without any fuss and disappeared.

At this moment, in the gourd on the side of Wang Qi's body, Shi Xiaozhu suddenly stood up.

"Brother Wang Qi, we have to go to the Gate of the East Sea!"

After Wang Qi switched the avatar, the main body also entered the gourd, while broadcasting the situation here to the three people live.When they heard that Wang Qi managed to sneak into Narcissus's boat, the three of them admired it very much.When they came to the Gate of the East Sea, the three of them were shocked by the wonderful scene described by Wang Qi, and wanted to come out and see it for themselves.

However, at the moment Narcissus opened the gate of the East China Sea, the Lord of History gave Shi Xiaozhu a very clear message, "Go through the gate of the East China Sea to the spirit world".

Wang Qi himself looked at Shi Xiaozhu curiously, not knowing why, so Shi Xiaozhu hurriedly explained.

"Uh, that's fine, then I'll take you there."

After thinking about it, it's not difficult anyway, even if you go to the spirit world, you can come back at any time.So Wang Qi's body gave the clone an idea, and the clone immediately understood, and rushed out of Narcissus' boat.

With the Lord of Ten Thousand Waters around, he didn't need any protective cover, and rushed in directly before the chaotic pattern at the Gate of the East Sea slowed down and stopped completely.

Without any feeling at all, Wang Qi's clone came to the other side of the East Sea Gate.Of course, this is already the spirit world.

As soon as he came over, the portal behind him was almost completely closed, and there was no chance to return directly.However, Wang Qi's eyes were all attracted by the scene in front of him at the moment, and he didn't pay attention to what was behind him at all.

Come here first, uh, the trio of the Salvation Society are being stared at by a huge deep-sea octopus at the moment.However, this octopus is not quite the same as ordinary octopuses. It has countless tentacles, all of which are covered with barbs, and its head has hundreds of densely packed eyes. Two huge ruby-like transparent crystals.

Although this octopus occupied all eyes, Wang Qi still noticed with sharp eyes that beside it, there were countless small octopuses similar in appearance, quietly floating in the water.The two huge ruby ​​crystals above their heads emitted a light red light, which dyed the surrounding sea area red.

The number 12 seemed to be negotiating with the octopus, so it didn't show any aggression.The mental fluctuations of the two were buzzing around, obviously neither was weak.

After a while, the two seemed to have finished their negotiation, the giant octopus stopped blocking them, and the three began to move upwards.Wang Qi naturally followed the three of them first.

So this journey along the way made Wang Qi see a completely different scene in the sea water of the spirit world.

The sea here is very lively, probably because of the abundance of spiritual power. From the deep sea position of the Gate of the East China Sea to the depth of [-] meters above the sea, there are countless various kinds of seas in each layer of the sea. Monsters live in it.

 To be honest, I am very dissatisfied with the writing of this chapter... But I have revised it many times, but I can't change the expression content I want, it is a bit uncomfortable... I have to post it like this first, and I will try again when the plot advances. Come back and modify it, I'm really sorry
  By the way, my collection has broken 6000... I'm really a little excited...

(End of this chapter)

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