Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 296 Studying Jinpan Again

Chapter 296 Studying Jinpan Again
"Finally, we finally came to the spirit world."

When the three people finally surfaced from the sea and stayed in the air, Lin Zhongchen couldn't help sighing.

"Let's go, find the mainland first. It's not easy to find the master of the game, we have to have enough patience."

No. 12 said lightly.

The three of them didn't say much anymore, they just found a direction and flew out in a straight line.

Wang Qi arranged for each of the three of them to have a Void Butterfly to follow them. When they disappeared, he looked at the surrounding scene and then came to the sky and switched to the main body.

The barrier between the two worlds can't make the main body and the avatar lose contact, so for Wang Qi, he is not afraid of coming to the spirit world at all.

As soon as the main body came over, he released the other three people from the gourd.

The four of them used the flying swords to stay in the air together, looking around in admiration.

This is really a place that is completely different from the real world.

Although the real world is magnificent and colorful, there are countless magnificent scenes in nature.But if compared with the spirit world...then it's really hundreds of times worse.

The air of the spirit world, when I breathe, I can occasionally feel the spiritual power flowing in the body.It may also be because of the abundance of spiritual power, the types of creatures here are very rich, whether it is the sky, the earth or the sea, there are all kinds of creatures everywhere, beyond your imagination, flying freely.

However, the four of them just sighed for a few seconds, and then began to suffer from this extraordinary number of creatures.

Because the curse they carry is still valid here.

These creatures are not as weak as the creatures in the East China Sea in the real world. Every creature here is very powerful.Although compared with the current few people, there is still a gap between cutting melons and delivering vegetables, but there are too many people who can't stand it.

If it keeps cutting like this, it will inevitably attract more powerful species, so the four of them had no choice but to go back to Wang Qi's gourd again, to isolate the breath of the curse, and then sent Sha Wudao to advance in the sea with the gourd.

"Huh, the monsters here are really enthusiastic."

Shi Xiaozhu sighed, picked up the drink on the table and took a big sip.

"After all, this is the spirit world. You know, the monsters refreshed in our domain are all creatures from the spirit world."

Xu Wen said in agreement.

"By the way, Xiaozhu, you asked Wang Qi to bring us to the spirit world. Now that we're here, do you have any new clues?"

Fifth Wangxian looked at Shi Xiaozhu.

"Uh, it's strange to say that this time, apart from the super clear message just now, there is nothing left. There is only one feeling... that is to follow Brother Wang Qi."

Shi Xiaozhu looked at everyone, and then at Wang Qi.

"Halo... Actually, I want to go back now..."

Wang Qi was also a little speechless.

"Since Xiao Zhu said so, what do you think, Wang Qi? We are all listening to you now."

Fifth Wangxian smiled.

"Let me think about it... How about this? I have a friend who came to the spirit world by accident before. Now that we have come here in a serious manner, why don't we go find my friend and go back together."

Wang Qi thought for a while, and then told about Zhang Yuxiang.

"Oh? Your friend is really lucky."

After hearing what happened to Zhang Yuxiang, everyone felt that this guy was indeed the Emperor of Europe.

"Let me contact him first."

As Wang Qi said, he summoned the Heart-to-Heart Writing Set and contacted Zhang Yuxiang.

Write down his current location and situation on the paper, and then let Zhang Yuxiang find a way to find a map of the spirit world, so that everyone can find him.

Soon, Zhang Yuxiang's reply came.

"Wang Qiwu'er: You actually came to the spirit world, you are so awesome! But I have been here for a long time for things like maps, and I haven't found a comprehensive one for the time being. I only saw one in an ancient book. A sketch covering the entire spiritual world, but you know my drawing ability, please contact me in an hour, and I will find someone who can draw for help. Your father Zhang Yuxiang."

This guy still did not forget to take advantage of Wang Qi in his reply, but what he said was quite reasonable.

There is a need to wait here, Sha Wudao is working hard outside, and everyone has nothing clear for a while, so they can only continue to stay in their rooms and do their own things.Anyway, they got used to staying in Wang Qi's gourd for so many days, and they felt that it would be good to stay there forever.

When Wang Qi returned to his room, the first thing he thought of was to test whether exile from the spirit world and domain exchange could still be used.

But this experiment is not easy to do in the gourd, so he quietly left the gourd by himself and came to the outside world.

Just right, there are all kinds of monsters around, just use them for experiments.

The first is exile from the spiritual world.After brewing for a while, six light spheres appeared in Wang Qi's hands, and threw them towards the several monsters that rushed up.

"Very well, it turns out that exile can be used even in the spirit world."

Seeing the six monsters being taken away by the light ball one after another, Wang Qi nodded in satisfaction.

Next is domain exchange, which requires a fixed plane.It's very simple, Wang Qi just had a thought, and a solid platform made of water appeared on the sea level. There is no problem to step on it directly. Except for the transparency, it is exactly the same as the hardest floor.

A small circle was drawn with spiritual power, and the ability was activated smoothly without any hindrance.Wang Qi's experiment was to exchange with the real world. After the ability was activated, a piece of yellow sand appeared under his feet, and there was nothing on it.

Seeing this result, Wang Qi was very pleased. At least now he can take everyone back to the real world anytime he wants.

After testing these two abilities, Wang Qi was sure that they could be used normally, so he returned to the gourd again.

Soon, an hour later, Wang Qi contacted Zhang Yuxiang as scheduled.It took about half an hour over there, and finally the reply was delivered.On the letter paper, a map that looks very rough is drawn. The main place names on the map are only marked with approximate directions. If you rely on this map to find the target, you may not be able to find the exact place.

But this map still gave Wang Qi a lot of inspiration.

After keeping this map firmly in his mind, Wang Qi wrote to Zhang Yuxiang again, asking him to describe in detail where he was on the map.Soon, Zhang Yuxiang wrote back again, this time the map was drawn more simply, but there was a clear dot on it, indicating his location.

"Okay, please contact me later, I will try my best to reach you."

After Wang Qi replied to the letter for the last time, he began to study the map.

When Wang Qi saw this map just now, he thought of one thing, that golden disc.

From the abyss under the Moon Spring, Sha Wudao found this golden disc for him, with two simple maps engraved on the front and back.At that time, he guessed whether these two maps were maps of two worlds, representing the whole picture of the real world and the spiritual world?But because no matter which side is incompatible with the real world, Wang Qi temporarily put the gold plate on hold.

Unexpectedly, the map that Zhang Yuxiang sent today roughly matched the map on one side of the gold plate.This also made Wang Qi think of Jinpan again.

After taking out the gold plate, Wang Qi began to carefully study the patterns on it.

After confirming which side matches the map of the spirit world, Wang Qi turned to the other side and began to study it carefully.

On the side representing the real world, the map drawn is very interesting. The world is divided into three parts, the outer sea, the ring-shaped continent, and a huge ocean in the center.

It was the ocean in the center that made Wang Qi completely unbelievable that this was a map of the real world.But now put aside the factors of this ocean, you can study other parts first.

Wang Qi looked at Donghai.

Above the East China Sea, apart from other targets, Guixu, which everyone just visited, is the most conspicuous target.Sure enough, after searching carefully in the Donghai generation, Wang Qi finally saw a very tiny five-pointed star symbol very close to the edge of the continent.

I already know the existence of the five fairy islands in Xianshan Kingdom. From the five-pointed star symbol, I can think of these five fairy islands at once.

Fully activate the ability of the Lord of Data, and stare at the tiny five-pointed star symbol for careful observation. In Wang Qi's eyes, this symbol is continuously enlarged in his eyes, and finally occupies Wang Qi's entire field of vision.

The seemingly simple and rough lines on the gold plate are very rigorous and regular in Wang Qi's eyes.Because, the huge five-pointed star that has been placed in his eyes has suddenly turned into a plan map of the sea area within the Xianshan Kingdom.

On this plan, not only the positions of the five large fairy islands are clearly marked, but also the same as the modern map I saw on Yuanqiao Island before, all the islands, large and small, in the nearby sea area are all displayed in pinpoint-sized small The dots are marked on it, which is very clear.

When the two maps were superimposed in Wang Qi's mind, it was a miracle that they could match up perfectly.Wang Qi couldn't help but become more serious, and paid more and more attention to the gold plate.

And in the center of the five-pointed star is the mysterious Guixu.A large swirl pattern composed of lines lies quietly in the center of the five-pointed star, representing the existence of Guixu.

At this moment, Wang Qi was finally convinced that what was drawn on the gold plate was indeed a map of the real world.

It is very possible that the painting on this gold plate is the real world in ancient times.Although I don't know why the huge ocean in the center no longer exists, but there is no doubt that the other parts have not changed much. As long as you compare carefully, you can always find the same position.

The data analysis ability of the data master, as long as you stare at any target for more than 3 seconds, you will get the detailed information of the target. The longer you stare at it, the more information you will get.

In fact, Wang Qi seldom used this ability except to look at the spirit card, because the master of data did not need to observe the usual things at all.This is not an urban treasure-picking novel, and Wang Qi doesn't need to use data analysis ability to make a fortune by gambling with stones, so naturally he doesn't use this ability much.

But he never expected to use this ability to observe Jinpan today, and there would be such a huge harvest. Immediately, Wang Qi became interested, and began to turn his attention to other positions of Jinpan.

Looking across the mountains, rivers and seas, Wang Qi quickly began to search on the edge of the mainland.I used to memorize the map of Huabang's entire territory in my mind when I had nothing to do, so it is very convenient to compare it now.Not long after, Wang Qi compared the lines on the gold plate with the map in Huabang. Except for some differences in shape, the relative positions were exactly the same.

But it's easy to understand. Satellite maps and plane maps have such a difference in shape. The world seen from space must be different from the map.

The most amazing thing about this gold plate is that the lines on it are nothing to look at directly, but the more you zoom in, the more content is drawn inside. When the master of data zooms in on the lines to a certain extent, you can even see the map Even the landforms of mountains and rivers have been drawn, and there are differences in ups and downs.

In other words, this gold plate Wang Qi thought it was a low-resolution 2D flat map, but unexpectedly it turned out to be an ultra-high-definition 3D three-dimensional sand table!

After confirming the accuracy of the map in the real world, Wang Qi finally turned his target to the map of the spirit world.

Recalling the map that Zhang Yuxiang just sent over in his mind, he began to compare it with the graphics on the gold plate one by one.

The plane of the spiritual world drawn on the gold plate is roughly the same as the real world.

This side is also divided into three parts: the central sea area, the ring-shaped continent, and the outer sea area.

It's just that the big shape is not bad, but the details are very different.

The most typical thing is that the continent here is at the position corresponding to the back of the gold plate, and the size and terrain on the map are very different.Where there are mountains and rivers, this side may be a plain, that side is the coastline, and this side may be the desert in the hinterland of the mainland.

In short, the maps on both sides are completely incomparable.

The East China Sea in the real world, when it comes to this side, logically becomes the west side, but what is marked on Zhang Yuxiang's map is still the East China Sea, which is completely different from what Wang Qi imagined.But that's nothing, it's just a matter of names.

In contrast, the corresponding Guixu on the spiritual world side was not found in the East China Sea, but a similar sign was found in the West Sea.Instead of a pentagram over there, it was replaced by a hexagram.

The same problem as the map of the real world, the central sea area disappeared on the map provided by Zhang Yuxiang.

What exactly is going on?Why is there a huge unknown ocean on both sides of the world, and it will completely disappear?
This is probably an unsolved mystery.Wang Qi buried this question deeply in his heart, and began to look for where they were at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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