Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 297 Prepare to Dock

Chapter 297 Prepare to Dock
The location of the East Sea Gate is not marked on the map.But calculated from the real world side based on the relative positions of Xianshan Kingdom and Guixu, Wang Qi still marked the position of a representative of the East Sea Gate on the spiritual side.

Then, using this point as the starting point, it connected the points at Zhang Yuxiang's location to form a straight line.

On this straight line, it basically traverses the entire continent in the spirit world, and the distance it needs to travel is probably tens of thousands of times longer than that of going to the west to learn scriptures.

"It's been a long road."

Taking a huge piece of paper and a pen, Wang Qi began to restore the map on the paper, and directly marked the route on it.

After a while, a large map was created.Wang Qi took the map and came to the living room.

The other three were practicing in their own room at the moment, and Wang Qi didn't care. He put the map on the coffee table in the living room, and then returned to his room again.

At this moment, the real world is near the gate of the East China Sea.

"Liu Hengyu! Don't be shameless!"

The angry sound of the humpback whale resounded through the sky, and beside its huge body, the skeleton-only undead fish burning with various flames was fighting against the thunder that was constantly falling from the sky.

"Hahahaha! What nonsense! Today, let's fight to the death!"

Liu Hengyu's insolent laughter even overwhelmed the humpback whale king's roar, accompanied by thunderstorms, making all the creatures in the surrounding sea area tremble.

"This damn madman!"

Fathead Fish kept swimming around, and with the Humpback Whale King, he just needed to cooperate, and he had no intention of going up to be the main output at all.

The three of them fought inseparably, Negable Monument King and Linglong Zuo, who were watching from the distant sea area, were also hesitating at this moment.

"Master Negative Monument King, the Narcissus must have brought the remaining humans through the gate of the East Sea. Should we pursue them, or help Lord Humpback Whale King to get rid of the scourge of Liu Hengyu?"

Linglong asked the Negative Monument King on the left.

"Naturally someone from the spiritual world will take over. This Liu Hengyu has always been defiant in my East China Sea area and has repeatedly provoked us. Now that we have such an opportunity, let's join forces and cut him off."

King Negative Monument thought about it, and made a decisive decision.

The Thunder Beast Linglong nodded left, and slowly flapped the three pairs of blade-like wings on her back, and disappeared in place with the Negative Monument King.

When it reappeared, it was already in front of Liu Hengyu's battle group, without saying hello, Linglong Zuo directly joined in, and laid a ruthless hand on Liu Hengyu.

"Haha! Good time!"

Liu Hengyu glimpsed the appearance of Linglong Zuo and Negative Monument King, but he was already at the top of his game, so he didn't have any fear at all, only endless fighting spirit burning.

Seeing the four strong men in the East China Sea besieging and besieging the Demon King Liu Hengyu together, a rare battle began.

The returning Narcissus sensed the battle from afar, and didn't want to stay at all, speeding back to her island.He was still thinking about the magic circle that was running on his island, so how could he go crazy with these guys.

In the spiritual world East China Sea.

A figure with a very large body, more than 300 meters long, passed quietly in the dark sea water.It moved very nimbly, without making any sound of water, and in the blink of an eye, it came to a cave in the deep sea.Without hesitation, it plunged into the cave.

There is actually a cave in this cave. After entering it, gradually, some glowing deep-sea plants appeared on the walls of the cave, bringing light to the surroundings.The deeper you dive, the more and more these glowing deep-sea plants of various colors become, and finally it becomes a very bright cave world.

Finally, after diving for an unknown amount of time, the line of sight suddenly opened up, and a cave with an indeterminate size suddenly appeared in the deepest part of the cave.

The colorful seabed plants and clusters of crystals scattered around reflect the beauty of this huge cave. If you let an ordinary person look at it, you will definitely think that you have come to the legendary Crystal Palace.

At this time, this dark shadow that kept diving finally showed its own appearance, it was a mythical creature that Huabang people were very familiar with from ancient times to the present—a green dragon.

However, at the moment it came to the Crystal Palace, its expression was full of awe.Because in front of it is also a dragon.In front of this dragon, its more than 300-meter-long body is like embroidery needles compared with steel bars, which are not in the same order at all.

Facing this giant dragon that is covered in golden light, which is more dazzling than everything around it, even with its eyes closed tightly, it can feel a majestic aura like the sea, this little green dragon, lowered its own The head crawled in front of it.

"Dragon King."

After calling out in a low voice, it didn't dare to vent its anger any more, quietly waiting for the Dragon King's reply.

The giant dragon didn't respond quickly. After a while, its huge dragon's mouth moved slightly, and a strong current of water swirled in the cave immediately.Qinglong grabbed the ground tightly, and then saw the golden dragon's eyes open leisurely.

Being stared at by the golden longan, Qinglong immediately felt great pressure.

"what's up?"

A faint voice echoed in its mind.

"Reporting to the Dragon King, the Negative Monument King on the other side of the East China Sea Gate has sent news that a group of humans who suspected of killing the Lord of the East China Sea's favorite phantom singer and the golden carp came to the spirit world from the other side of the gate. Find this group of humans and kill them. I can't make a decision, after all, it's a request from the two kings."

"Heh, do you really think of me as the Lord of the East China Sea's subordinate? They also assigned me to give orders?"

The indifferent voice of the golden dragon carried a hint of sarcasm.

"Go on, don't bother me about this kind of thing in the future, tell the Dragon Clan, and ignore them."

As he spoke, the Dragon King's eyes slowly closed again.


Qinglong nodded respectfully, waited for the Dragon King to close his eyes completely, then turned and left the underwater crystal palace cave.

After the green dragon disappeared completely, although the Dragon King's eyes were still closed, a voice echoed faintly in the cave.

"Hehe, the Lord of the East China Sea is just a guy with an extra card."

The three members of the Salvation Society and the four members of Wang Qi would never have imagined that they would be let off so easily by the strongest force in the East China Sea in the spiritual world, saving a lot of trouble.

In fact, in addition to the Dragon King, there were also the last four kings of the East China Sea who were responsible for the stele king's letter.It's just that that person has been away for a long time, just like the Lord of the East China Sea, he has completely disappeared, and he has not left a single hand to do things.The sea area on this side of the spirit world has always been the territory of the Dragon King. The old turtles and humpback whales will not cross the boundary, and their generals and pioneers will not be sent here.

In a blink of an eye, Sha Wudao took Wang Qi's gourd and walked for more than a month, and finally came to the edge of the mainland of the spirit world.

For more than a month on the sea route, Sha Wudao has been advancing underwater, which saved a lot of trouble.Although it has also encountered dangerous situations several times, there are too many powerful creatures in the sea here, and there are always some with strange abilities that are not easy to avoid. Passed through without any danger.

The sea area on this side of the spirit world is similar to that of the real world. There is a dividing line between the real East China Sea and the sea area on the edge of the continent.When Sha Wudao finally crossed the very obvious dividing line, several people who had been trapped in the gourd for a whole month finally got Wang Qi to release them, and changed boats to move forward.

The sky and sea in the spirit world are not much different from the real world except that there are monsters everywhere and abundant spiritual power.

"Huh, I didn't expect the spirit world to be like this."

Shi Xiaozhu let out a long breath, breathed in the fresh sea breeze, and sighed involuntarily.

"Yeah, we should be considered rare humans who can come to the spirit world."

Fifth Wangxian also stretched his waist and expressed his feelings.

"It doesn't count...Actually, there are many people who can come to the spirit world."

Wang Qi thought for a while, sweating a lot... There are quite a few people who have been sent here by exile from the spirit world. Even if some of them may have encountered powerful monsters, there are always stronger ones, and they should all be here Live well.After all, even that guy Zhang Yuxiang can do well.

"Okay. Hey, what's that?"

At this moment, Xu Wen pointed to the direction of the ship.

The four of them looked together, and were suddenly speechless in surprise.

What appeared on the horizon ahead turned out to be a fleet...

As the ships below moved forward rapidly, the appearance of this fleet became clearer.

The sci-fi hull is completely different from the shape of human ships, with various square lines all over the body, and countless turrets of various calibers densely covering the whole body.Regardless of the fact that they are all floating in the water at the moment, the four of them will not hesitate to believe that this is a fleet of space battleships.Because the appearance of this fleet, no matter how you look at it, you can only see it in science fiction movies.

The direction of the fleet is perpendicular to the direction of Wang Qi's boat. They are sailing from the right to the left of everyone. It seems that they are not fighting, but just ordinary sea cruise.

Wang Qi quickly stopped the boat and sent Void Butterfly to investigate.

However, it's already a bit late.

Just when the four of them saw the fleet with their naked eyes, the fleet had already spotted them.

They watched helplessly as the fleet split into more than a dozen huge ships, heading towards their direction.

"This...why do you feel that the visitor is not kind?"

Shi Xiaozhu called out first.

"Let's wait and see what happens, and see the situation."

The fifth Wangxian didn't think it was a big deal, anyway, no matter how strong he could be.

So the boat stayed in place, and soon saw these dozen huge ships approaching.

A fan-shaped light suddenly shot out from one of the ships, and the four of them were swept up and down by the fan-shaped light before they could be on guard.

"This is the territorial waters of the Jihuang Kingdom. Please identify yourself if you come, otherwise we will regard you as invaders! Repeat, this is..."

An electronic sound suddenly came from above the ship.

"Machine Emperor Kingdom? What is that?"

Fifth Wangxian asked curiously.Surrounded by these dozens of ships, countless cannon barrels were pointed at them, but the four were brave and brave, and did not panic.

The voice didn't answer at all, it just kept repeating what it said just now.

After looking at each other, Fifth Wangxian simply answered directly.

"We are the ambassadors of the Huabang Link Card Association."

"Unable to identify the identity of the envoy of the Huabang Spirit Card Association, searching the imperial database...applying for the third-level decryption authority, continue to search...applying for the second-level decryption authority..."

The electronic voice seemed to have doubts about what the Fifth Wangxian said, and began to search for information. Seeing this, the four of them immediately understood that this was obviously not a living person, and it seemed to be nothing more than mechanical intelligence.

"...Enquiry completed! Conforms to the corresponding item in the first-level decryption authority! The target identity is confirmed! The target is the real world spirit card master! Didi! Trigger the keyword "real world"! Start the first-level built-in task: capture the real world named Ling Card master's creature, bring it back to the empire!"

Suddenly, the electronic sound became high-pitched, and there was a beeping warning sound.And what Wang Qi said, no matter how he heard it, he felt a little familiar.

"Hey, I seem to have heard this before..."

Wang Qi thought for a while, then suddenly remembered, isn't this what the special robot monster said in the formation field of Zhenling Jitianding?
By the way, it seems to have left something for itself!

Wang Qi rummaged in the gourd for a while, and found the coin-like thing that the little robot blew up and left behind.

However, the other three were not as leisurely as he was, and the words spoken by the electronic voice from the ship clearly classified them as enemies.It is impossible to sit still.

The densely packed turrets of these dozens of ships sailed deep, and all the muzzles began to light up with lights of different colors. A very dangerous feeling made the four of them stand on end.


Fifth Wangxian yelled, Wang Qi immediately withdrew his thoughts, and took Shi Xiaozhu back to the gourd. He didn't care about the coin, and directly controlled the flying sword, following Fifth Wangxian and Xu Wen, soaring into the sky.

Obviously, the ship would not simply let a few people go. Those turrets immediately shot out beams of different colors immediately after the few people, and immediately interweaved a huge light network in the sky.

"Didi! Start the capture program!"

This first wave of attack is obviously not for killing purposes. The optical network woven by countless light beams has become an impenetrable light curtain in the blink of an eye, and fell to the head of the three flying into the sky. down.

Fifth Wangxian let out a loud shout, and a sharp sword qi tore apart the light curtain in an instant, and three beams of sword light came out of the gap with a whimper, and flew into the sky.

"Capture failed! Continue standard procedure!"

The electronic voice on the ship is not discouraged, and there are obviously follow-up plans in the words.

 The change of maps in these chapters is really a bit blunt, and my head hurts from writing... Besides, you really make me panic... My bad writing is not good, and you always reward me like this. I panic ...

(End of this chapter)

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