Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 298 Overflying Machine Emperor Kingdom

Chapter 298 Overflying Machine Emperor Kingdom
"Tsk, it's a little annoying."

Wang Qi smashed a robot with his sword, and then a small robot came out of it as expected, and rushed over again.

Robots of all sizes flew all over the sky, attacking the three of them methodically. The ships below were still providing continuous artillery support, which made the three of them a little tired of coping.

The thing is like this, because the three people escaped from the first wave of capturing light curtain just now, and did not escape quickly, the fifth Wangxian commanded the flying sword very arrogantly, and directly cut one of the ships in half, and then Just fried the pot.

Countless robots flew out of more than a dozen ships. Wang Qi saw that it was the one he had seen before. He flew towards the three of them, intending to capture them.

Of course, their understanding of capture may be the same as crippling and recapturing, so the aura is very fierce.

To make matters worse, the previous fleet had only a dozen ships coming over, but this time one was destroyed, and after a while, all the remaining ships that had already left all turned back.Immediately, the sea below was covered with an entire fleet. Wang Qi's data lord swept it, and there were a total of 134 ships. This number is really scary.

That's not enough, it's probably because catching a spirit card master is a "first-level task", the level is very high, and the fifth Wangxian is acting too cruel, the electronic voice is not at ease for the arrival of the entire fleet, so he directly drives the car. Fang shouted for support.

It is foreseeable that after a while, more mechanical armed forces will definitely come here and join the army besieging the three of them.

"Hurry up and finish cutting these, let's hurry up and leave!"

Xu Wen yelled at the two of them.

"it is good!"

Wang Qi didn't care what the other two did. He simply took out the book of spirit cards and summoned the Howling Moon Shadow Wolf and Diamond Flying Dragon to attack freely, as well as the endless supply of Dragonfly Death Squads to fight against the sky. Collide with little robots that fly like flies.

The more enemies around the Howling Moon Shadow Wolf, the faster the effect of devouring the spirit will be exerted. In the blink of an eye, its spiritual power has collected enough [-] points of spiritual power, and split into clones.

Not to mention, it is also very interesting that each of these robots has spiritual power. They seem to use spiritual power as a power source, which is not exactly the same as the technology of humans in the real world.

After a while, 27 shadow wolves jumped up and down in the air, forming Wang Qi's favorite army of summoned beasts, biting every robot to death.

Diamond Flying Dragon's current strength is enough to play side drums, but he can often activate Diamond Imprisonment to help when there is no time, which can be regarded as a very good support.

As for Wang Qi himself, the Master of Data's ability is fully activated, taking into account the entire battlefield in front of him for analysis, manipulating the summoned beasts to launch attacks while distractingly summoning the Dragonfly Death Squad to self-destruct, and the Feijian's attack does not stop , also summoned a water curtain to protect himself, and then used the two newly obtained spirit card abilities by the way.

The reward that Narcissus gave to the four people at the beginning was not only the first water spirit enlightenment, but also another spirit card.

It was only because he was coerced by Liu Hengyu at that time, and Wang Qi was in the mood to study it after he passed through the East Sea Gate.

The second spirit card is like this.

"God Descends: The Gift of the Asylum: Ability Card, mythical level. The first activation requires 8000000 spiritual power. Consuming 500000 points of spiritual power, you can summon the will of a "Guardian" camp to descend, and carry out activities according to the user's wishes , lasts 10 minutes. Cooldown time is 30 minutes. '—Look, that person has received the gift of the patron, what an honor that is!'"

The effect of this spirit card is very interesting. The will of the gods summoned after each use is different.Because in his attribute description, it has been clearly stated that he summons the will of a god in the "protector" camp. In this camp, Wang Qi took advantage of the recent period of time to try out at least thirteen gods. Some abilities are very strong, and they can do a lot of things after they come out, and some are only biased towards the auxiliary side, so it is impossible to say whether they are strong or not.

However, Wang Qi naturally mainly used the spirit card of Shui Ling enlightenment here.

The ability of water spirit enlightenment, except for creating a body for the half-soul who claimed to be the Lord of Nothingness, has never been used again.However, he had already deduced it many times in his mind, planning how he would use this card.

Wang Qi, who was distracted countless times and still had enough energy, began to use the ability of the Ten Thousand Waters to condense the Tianyi True Water in the Seven Great True Waters in front of him.

Tianyi Zhenshui is known as the mother of all waters, and it can dissolve and harmonize all things. The sword energy condensed by Tianyi Zhenshui also has the effect of corroding everything. No matter what is in this Tianyizhenshui, it will gradually disappear. What aqua regia is more powerful, I don't know how many times.

Now Wang Qi possesses more than 9000 million spiritual powers, and he no longer has to worry about using spiritual powers.A total of twelve huge Tianyizhen water polos were gathered directly, and they were all shaped into the appearance of mobile suits in the animation with full of wickedness. Huashu generously invested 300 million spiritual power to turn these twelve mobile suits made entirely of water into water spirits.

"let's go!"

As soon as Wang Qi waved his hand, twelve newly born water spirit warriors rushed towards those colleagues in front of them.

The body made of Tianyi's true water itself has the characteristic of corrosive to everything, not to mention that the water spirit enlightenment will randomly awaken one or more skills according to the different water used.

The awakened skills of these twelve water spirit mobile suits are quite different, but in general, they all have the ability to display the characteristics of Tianyi Zhenshui itself, so the fight is very exciting. 300 million spiritual power is enough for these water spirits to squander for a long time.

With the addition of this new force, Wang Qi's lineup of summoned beasts suddenly expanded again, and he immediately took over a large area of ​​the sky by himself, making Fifth Wangxian and Xu Wen very jealous.

Fifth Wangxian mainly handed over the robot army in the sky to Wang Qi and Xu Wen, while he himself focused on cutting battleships.Probably warships are men's romance. Fifth Wangxian really likes the feeling that the ship is divided into two halves when he goes down with a sword. Every ship he splits like this is not even the same position, which is very amazing.

Hundreds of battleships were wiped out by the Fifth Wangxian before they could shoot too many beams, and they sank slowly into the sea.But because the ship was cut open and sunk, all the robots and some units similar to small drones all flew up, and there were more flies in the sky.

Seeing that Fifth Wangxian and Wang Qi were so fierce, Xu Wen was not to be outdone, and used his famous Wanjianjue again. After fitting into the flying sword, he flew east and west with tens of thousands of flying swords. To the west, there is no grass growing where it passes, just like an eraser wiping the sky, it looks quite interesting.

The three of them had a clear division of labor, and within half an hour, they killed all the mechanical soldiers flying out of the entire fleet, which was really cool.

It's just that Wang Qi found that all the robots in the entire fleet did not burst out with the same coin as the one in his hand. It seems that something like that coin is really special.

Silent for the time being, Wang Qi waved his hands and put the remaining twelve water spirits and Xiaoyue shadow wolves into the gourd, finally saving so many of them.The Diamond Flying Dragon was directly unsummoned by him.

The three of them gathered together to discuss what to do next.

"Obviously, the land area we will go to next should belong to the Machine Emperor Kingdom. It seems that their sphere of influence is very large, and they are full of hostility towards us. This journey will not be easy."

Fifth Wangxian spoke first.

The road map drawn by Wang Qi according to the map provided by Zhang Yuxiang did not indicate that there is still a Machine Emperor Kingdom here. Obviously, the accuracy of the map can be imagined, and it only has basic reference significance.

"How about we continue to hide in my gourd, and then I let the summoned beast fly over?"

Wang Qi suggested.

"Farewell, it's safe to stay in your gourd, but then it would be too boring for us to come here. We have been walking like this all the way, and I always feel that we have come to the spirit world for nothing."

Xu Wen hastily stopped Wang Qi.He is also a militant, and it is not his style to stay bored in the gourd.

"In that case, let's fly with the sword together."

Seeing that the two of them had no intention of entering the gourd again, Wang Qi simply let Shi Xiaozhu out, and then spoke.

"Okay, anyway, these robots don't look strong. Let's be careful along the way. You can control the general direction and pass quickly."

After the four people agreed, they joined their flying swords again and flew towards the mainland.

Soon, before they flew far, they saw reinforcements called by the fleet that had just been wiped out.

Unexpectedly, the reinforcements coming this time are the air fleet, which is obviously a higher grade than the sea fleet.This fleet happened to be flying at about the same height as the four of them, so it was considered a head-on collision.

However, the four people who fit the flying sword were not slow and did not show their figures. They passed the air fleet directly and did not meet them face to face. It can only be adorned far behind, unable to catch up.

Soon, the four of them flew with their swords and came to the edge of the continent.

When they saw this coastal city on the mainland like a future world, they couldn't help saying "Wuhu" together.

It was a jungle made entirely of steel, with countless spike-like towers of hundreds of meters standing in a forest, each of which emitted various colors of light.

And machines of all kinds, big and small, with different appearances, shuttle and fly among them, just like ants and bees, working non-stop.

This steel city extends infinitely along the coastline, whether it is towards the interior of the mainland, or the coastlines on the left and right sides, there is no end in sight.

"How big is this Machine Emperor Kingdom?"

The four couldn't help but stopped, and then looked at this unimaginable country together.

"No, the ones behind will catch up!"

Fifth Wangxian looked back suddenly, and immediately reminded him loudly.

"The following also found us!"

Xu Wen also pointed to the countless spaceships and robots that suddenly flew up densely below, reminding the three of them.

"You all enter Wang Qi's gourd, and I will take you flying!"

The fifth Wangxian didn't intend to fight at all, and directly expressed his opinion.Obviously, if four people fly separately, they must go through battle when they pass over the empire.As long as he flies the fastest, he can save a lot of trouble by flying with three people.

The three of them didn't hesitate after hearing this, Wang Qi quickly led them into the gourd, leaving only the Void Butterfly outside, and then the fifth Wangxian grabbed the gourd, put his flying sword on his body, and cut through the sky , flew towards the mainland.

He really couldn't believe it, how big could this machine empire be, would it cover all continents in the entire spiritual world?That is obviously impossible.

This flight took another 23 days.

Wang Qi was already sitting in the gourd with nothing to do, and he had accumulated up to the upper limit of ten cauldron spirits for the Zhenling Sacrifice to Heaven Cauldron.

If all these cauldron spirits were smashed down, they would probably be able to strip away all the spirit cards on that fellow You Ying.

But Wang Qi is not going to use it like this, because he saw the old sea turtle and the humpback whale king before, including the Narcissus and Liu Hengyu, the existence of so many powerful people made him feel that Jitian, the ability to grab the spirit card, It is best to benefit the most when there are more masters.

Otherwise, why did he get the spirit card of the Emperor of Wanshui last time? This is the reason.

Leaving aside Zhenling Sacrifice to Heaven Cauldron, Wang Qi has been watching the outside with Void Butterfly.

The fifth Wangxian was flying very steadily, Jian Guang's speed had already thrown off the pursuers, and he had no intention of stopping at all, and kept flying at super high speed.

Wang Qi kept sending out some Void Butterflies to observe what was going on in the Machine Emperor Kingdom.

This is a country completely composed of machinery, and everything within the entire land coverage is made of metal.It is filled with all kinds of mechanical creations and mechanical life forms, but these mechanical life forms do not have their own mind and can only perform fixed tasks.

The entire country seems to be operating under the control of an invisible hand, as if there is only one unified consciousness at all.

However, relying on Void Butterfly, it is impossible to find the hidden behind-the-scenes hand, and Wang Qi is not interested in really looking for it.

Then, Wang Qi was still spying on the traces of the three people from the Salvation Society on Lin Zhongchen's side.

The three of Lin Zhongchen and the others deserved to be said to be men with portals all over their bodies. Lin Zhongchen's teleportation ability is very powerful without fighting. The three of them have already crossed the Machine Emperor Kingdom and penetrated into the mainland .

The three of them were walking in a barren mountain at the moment, and they seemed to have some clear goal, and they were looking for a place by unknown means.

After the three of them left the Jihuang Kingdom, they also fought against many powerful monsters in the spirit world.Except for Lin Zhongchen and the two men in black robes, Wang Qi didn't see clearly how the two of them shot. All the monsters in front of them turned into dust, which surprised Wang Qi.

(End of this chapter)

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