Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 299 The Strange Unfolding After Crossing Mountains and Mountains

Chapter 299 The Strange Unfolding After Crossing Mountains and Mountains
The territory occupied by the Machine Emperor Empire is not insignificant, but flying at super high speed, there will always be a day when the flight will come to an end.

Because this is the Spirit World Continent, the Ji Emperor Kingdom is just a small landowner in a remote corner.

Finally, after turning over a towering mountain, the ground is no longer all metal, and there are no mechanical life forms that disturb people, and finally can see the ordinary land, and the fifth Wangxian stopped. After falling down and gently falling to the ground, he threw the gourd on the ground.

After Wang Qi saw it, he led Xu Wen and Shi Xiaozhu out of the gourd.

"Thank you for your hard work, Brother Wangxian."

Several people expressed condolences to Fifth Wangxian.

"We are far away from the Emperor Ji Kingdom now, let's start from here, and move forward slowly as a tour of mountains and rivers."

Fifth Wangxian chuckled and suggested.

"It's ok. Anyway, my friend is not in a hurry. It's rare for us to come to the spirit world. It's really a pity to fly over in such a hurry."

Wang Qi nodded in agreement first.

The other two had nothing to do, so the four of them started to move forward slowly with flying swords.

This generation has already crossed the border of the Machine Emperor Kingdom. Although they can occasionally see their patrol spaceships from a long distance, as long as they avoid them, there is nothing in the way.

As soon as I relaxed, I began to pay attention to the surrounding scenery.

Today's weather is fine, quite windy and sunny.The time difference between the spiritual world and the real world is not the standard twelve hours, but what you see is the same sun and the same moon, which is a miracle.

The green mountains and green waters under the feet look pleasant. Several large rivers run through the valleys, and occasionally they converge to form huge lakes, which look refreshing.

The four of them flying with their swords like this felt very comfortable, and Wang Qi couldn't help but sigh with emotion. This is the real person among the immortals who "enters and exits the blue clouds and soars to the nine heavens".

Speaking of it, it seems that I was playing long guns?

Sure enough, it is because Yujianshu is so easy to use...

"Hey, look, what is that?"

Suddenly, Xu Wen pointed down, and everyone looked together, and found that on the edge of a certain mountain lake, there was a group of people who looked like humans, fighting some monsters in the water.

"Go and see what's going on?"

I asked other people with my eyes, and seeing that everyone was very interested, the four of them fell down with their swords together.

This group of humans seems to be dressed in a very fantasy style, the typical costume of adventurers in the world of swords and magic. There are men and women, and they look very young. They either hold long swords, hold wands, or hold knives. Shield, obviously has a clear division of labor, and there is a chance to be organized.

And their target opponent is a half body in the lake, which looks a bit like a crocodile, but has two upper and lower mouths, seven eyes on its forehead, and a mouth full of sharp teeth, which looks very vicious .

I don't know how they lured this monster to the shore and didn't leave. Even though they kept launching various attacks on the shore, they fought back and forth for a while, and it seemed very lively.

However, in the eyes of the four people in the sky, this monster is really...too weak.

Even Shi Xiaozhu, the weakest, was sure to kill this monster with a single blow, to ensure that it died clearly, and he didn't even have a chance to say his last words, let alone the remaining three.

"Want to help?"

Shi Xiaozhu's tone was very eager to try. As the one who was taken flying all the way, he actually wanted to show off.

"Damn it! Don't forget that you are a Taoist priest! Don't be so impetuous."

Fifth Wangxian took a look at him, as if he had completely seen through his petty thoughts.

But at this moment, the four of them are superior, and they have seen this group of young people clearly, and then they also discovered...the girls among them are quite good-looking.

"Why are they fighting this monster?"

Xu Wen felt a little strange, why did people on the land go to fight the monster in the water when they had nothing to do, it was obvious that this group of young people didn't have the ability to fight underwater, and they only kept the monster from leaving by some unknown means.

"I don't know, let's watch for a while, and if they are in danger, shoot."

Wang Qi found it quite interesting.

Seeing that this group of young people used ordinary swordsmanship and magic to hit monsters in a decent manner, just like when they just got the spirit card key, they output cautiously, overcoming fear and fighting monsters.

It didn't take long, and I had already become a fairy-like figure of Gao Lai Gao Qu, thinking about it, the world is really impermanent.

The four people watched from the sky, Xu Wen had already used a little illusion, so they were not discovered by the people below.

After watching it with interest for a while, suddenly, there seemed to be a problem with the cooperation of the group of teenagers.

Originally, there were two shields in the front row carrying the damage, but one of them was a little unstable when he moved his footwork. With a slight sway of his body, he just released a water polo spit out by the monster. It went over and hit a young girl who was using magic to output not far behind him.

The water polo looked like it was the size of a fist, but it was so powerful that it immediately smashed the girl to the point where the boss spat out a mouthful of blood, and screamed out in pain, making everyone around him into a mess.

This chaos, everyone's rhythm is completely chaotic.

A girl holding a wand of a different color, held the wand high, and the top of the wand emitted a dazzling light. It seemed to be some kind of healing magic, and she wanted to heal the injured quickly.But when the rhythm of everyone's attacks was out of order, more attacks from the monsters would be missed.

As the so-called house leak happened to be raining overnight, this girl who seemed to be the only nanny was also hit on the face by the water polo duang, Wang Qi felt pain in the flesh watching it, and she fell to the ground with a thud, Big bumps swelled up on his face, half of his face was considered disfigured, and the healing magic was naturally not released.

Seeing that the nanny and long-distance in the back row were constantly being cut, C and Tan in the front row were both self-blame and impatient, and the long swordsman in C's output did not retreat rationally, but rushed forward aggressively, wanting to explode Dou Kaida, play against Warcraft.

It's a pity that he didn't have the power of the dragon to protect his body, and he didn't yell, "There's a gay guy pulling my trouser chain". When he was "slapped" by the monster, he flew out like a fly, and hit several trees heavily. , Spit out an unknown amount of blood, and then died.

Now the formation is messed up, and several people are about to be taken advantage of by the monster to make up for it. Seeing this, Shi Xiaozhu couldn't help but speak.

"I'll save them!"

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you."

The other three didn't object either, allowing Shi Xiaozhu to fly out with his sword and fall from the sky, and then the flying sword circled around the monster's body, the huge head slanted down, and the dead couldn't die anymore.

Just when these boys and girls thought that they were about to be wiped out, and fell into confusion and despair about life, a young boy who looked very young descended from the sky and used an unknown spell very coolly, and the monster was killed immediately. Head off.The impact was so strong that they stared blankly at Shi Xiaozhu, who had fallen in front of him, and Wang Qi who followed him, and didn't know what to say.

Wang Qi took a glance, and he could see the number of people. Even the one who flew out, there were seven men, four women and eleven people.He didn't say much, and casually summoned the "spiritual gun-Penglai" that hadn't been used for 800 years, and then biubiubiu gave a healing talisman alone, and immediately eleven talismans with healing effects appeared above their heads for a moment, All their wounds were healed.

"Okay, the wounds have been healed for you, and you can't get up and clean up."

Put away the spirit gun, he casually said to everyone, so that they came back to their senses.

"Ah, thank you! Thank you, my lord!"

Only then did the group of teenagers react, and seemed to realize that the pain on their bodies had completely disappeared. While being shocked by Wang Qi's miraculous healing method, they hurriedly crowded over to express their thanks.

But... at this moment, the four of Wang Qi wanted to complain.

God, is it true that the whole world is speaking Chinese?

Desperately suppressing the energy that could blow up the planet, the four of them coughed twice, and then it was Wang Qi who spoke.

"Who are you? Why did you come here to fight this demon?"

Hey, the teenagers glanced at each other, as if it was strange that this expert would ask such a question.But after a little hesitation, the girl who was the first to be hit by the water polo stood up and explained to a few people.

"We are all students of the Royal Academy of Magic and Martial Arts. During the holidays, we went out to practice in the Warcraft Mountains. This seven-eyed crocodile is a bounty task we selected from the task bar of the Adventurer's Guild."

ha?The Royal Academy of Magic and Martial Arts?Warcraft Mountains?Adventurers Guild?Bounty mission?

There was so much information that Wang Qi and the others didn't know where to start complaining.

The girl saw that they didn't respond, so she continued to speak.

"Although this seven-eyed crocodile is an A-level mission in the Adventurer's Guild, we thought that with the strength of our elite students, we should be sure... Besides, we have a treasure that can attract monsters in the water, so we are not afraid of it. Run away. Who knows...we think too highly of ourselves..."

The girl seemed a little ashamed of their arrogance, and lowered her head as she spoke.Several people next to them also had fever on their faces, especially the long swordsman C who had been cured by Wang Qi and was rubbing his buttocks, and felt even more ashamed.

"Fortunately, with some of you adults taking action, we will never forget the grace of saving lives!"

The girl suddenly raised her head and looked at the four of them with stars in her eyes.

"My lords, can I ask you, are you all... Saint-level powerhouses? I just saw... You all fell from the sky?"

"Uh...this, let's just call it..."

Wang Qi was busy digesting the information revealed in her words, and vaguely agreed.

"Thank you again for your help! We will take care of the seven-eyed crocodile for you, please wait a moment!"

The other nurse girl also stood up at the right time. After expressing her gratitude, she signaled to her companions to quickly clean up the corpse of the seven-eyed crocodile.

"It doesn't matter, it's boring for us to take action. Since you have accepted the task, I will give it to you."

Wang Qi waved his hand to signal them not to be too polite.

"How can I do that, it's too embarrassing!"

The teenagers seemed to be very embarrassed. Hearing what Wang Qi said, they quickly gave way, which made Wang Qi sigh in his heart. They are really a group of simple and good children.

"How about it, the four of us came from afar, passed by this generation, you tell us a few things about this monster mountain range and you, and this monster will be your reward."

Fifth Wangxian chuckled, stopped a group of teenagers, and then expressed his opinion.

"Oh! So the four adults are pilgrims!"

When the group of teenagers heard him say that they came from afar, they immediately became more respectful, and directly gave the four of them a professional name.

"Ah, yes, we are pilgrims."

Fifth Wangxian quickly agreed.

"Since the adults have said so, then we should be respectful rather than obedient."

The boys and girls looked at each other, and then they stopped arguing and agreed respectfully.

The body of the seven-eyed crocodile was quickly dragged to the shore, and the blood was easily disposed of by a few magic spells to prevent more monsters from following the smell.

A few teenagers worked together to skin and cramp the giant monster's body, cutting its flesh and bones, doing it very skillfully.

And one of the teenagers took out a disc from his bosom and put it in front of the head of the seven-eyed crocodile. After murmuring a spell, a wave of spiritual power was transferred from the monster's head to the disc in his hand. Here, the four of Wang Qi couldn't help but look sideways.

Seeing that all the spiritual power had entered, the young man stopped incanting, looked at Yuanpan, and immediately exclaimed happily.

"Great, there are actually 30 units of ectoplasm!"

"As expected of an A-level reward task!"

When everyone heard his exclamation, they all immediately admired him.

But the temporary camp had already been set up, and a few trees were cut down to serve as stools. The people who were sitting around the campfire and talking, suddenly asked curiously like the girls sitting in front of them.

Just now everyone has informed each other of their names. The magic girl is named Liu Xiaoxia, the nanny girl is Yu Zilin, and the other two archer girls are Madeleine and Mayumi.

This combination of things and the naming style found everywhere made Wang Qi and the others very interesting, but they all thought to themselves and didn't show it.

After some simple conversations, Fifth Wangxian skillfully managed to get a lot out of the girls' tricks, probably because he had clarified some basic common sense.

The country where the boys live is called the Skaan Empire.This empire covers a very wide range, and it is listed as the Reya Highlands together with the Thorn Empire where the orcs are located, the Iron Furnace Mountain where the Dwarfs are, the Emerald Forest where the Elves are, the Dragon’s Tooth Valley where the dragons are, and the underground cave world. within the six spheres of influence.

What is hot subalpine?It is the towering mountains that surround the periphery and form a closed circular range.

People can't pass through this mountain range, birds can't fly, and all the creatures living in it unanimously believe that it is the forbidden place of the gods.

(End of this chapter)

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