Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 337 New Journey, New Sword Art

Chapter 337 New Journey, New Sword Art
With the addition of Duan Shuiliu, the journey in the area of ​​the Celestial Alliance will be smooth and there will be no more waves.

Everyone had a great time at the middle stops.Duan Shuiliu calls himself a novelist, but in fact he is quite famous here.Because he often collects stories from everywhere, he is very familiar with the historical stories and humanistic allusions of each of the 27 regions under the jurisdiction of the Celestial Alliance.

For the six areas Wang Qi chose, Yanshan has already gone. Everyone who likes to train animals and play summoning stream has watched a lot of fun, but everyone doesn’t like the style of animal taming here because it needs to be implanted in the body. Things only work, so the harvest is mediocre.

As for Nanfu where high-end sword cultivators gather, Duan Shuiliu said that many of his juniors and juniors are there, so it's better to avoid it.Of course, he also bluntly said that there are indeed many powerful sword cultivators in that place, and there are really many famous sword formulas, and a few people are still very excited.

In the final voting, Wang Qi, Xu Wen and Wu Wangxian all voted in favor of going to Nanfu, Shi Xiaozhu and Vivian abstained, so everyone embarked on a journey to Nanfu.

There is not much to say here.In short, relying on the invincible invisibility of the avatar, Wang Qi stole into many sword cultivating sects in Nanfu, not only learned the special method of making spirit cards here, but also directly learned many kinds of sword art.

After transcribing all the sword formulas for everyone's reference, Wang Qi suppressed the urge to use the master of data to analyze and integrate these numerous sword formulas, and then everyone continued on the journey.

The fourth area, Suhai, is completely a holy place for organ spirit beasts.Here, the mechanical beasts have been developed to the extreme. They can use the mechanical beasts to do anything they need, and the unique technological lines make everyone amazed.In line with the principle that thieves don't leave empty space, Wang Qi still went to steal the central library here, taking away countless precious knowledge.Of course, this time he didn't catch them all, and only took what he needed, which was a bit of comfort for him.

As for the fifth region, Yinfeng, the literary sanctuary that literati most yearn for, this is strongly recommended by Duan Shuiliu, but after going there, I found out that he is very famous here, and he is treated like an idol wherever he goes, is it special... ...The literati here are all special. It should be considered.

"Okay, okay, don't dawdle anymore, let's not spoil the children, shall we?"

Wang Qi looked contemptuously at Fifth Wangxian and Duan Shuiliu who came out of a, uh, huh, the rest of them were waiting in a very delicious restaurant, these two guys insisted on going to see this The oiran inside finally went in by themselves, and it took a long time to come out with a full book, obviously a lot of money.

"What do you know, this is the life of literati and poets!"

Duan Shuiliu shook the paper fan that he didn't know where it came from, and replied in a very lazy tone.

"Yes, yes, I just found out today that Brother Duan is also a man of temperament. We almost missed a good partner!"

Yep, Fifth Wangxian has been bought.

After all, everyone persuaded the two of them and ended Yinfeng's journey.

In addition to the five places selected by Wang Qi, Duan Shuiliu recommended a few more areas.Some are particularly good at refining weapons, some are particularly good at making magic weapons, and some have very unique scenery, all of which make them reap a lot.

After this trip, nearly a month and a half passed.Finally, they came to the last stop: the Tiantai area, the headquarters of the Celestial Realm.

Originally, Wang Qi just wanted to visit and see. After all, it must have a unique scenery to become the headquarters of such a huge alliance.

But when Duan Shuiliu, the inner ghost, said something, everyone's purpose changed.

"My master is very good at making cards. The spirit cards used by our disciples are all made by the master himself."

"The old man is good at seventeen kinds of swordsmanship in total, and he made ten spirit cards for inheritance for each of them. Except for one or two favorites chosen by our brothers, the rest are all kept in the headquarters among."

"Well, including some of his old man's card-making experience and swordsmanship experience, they are also kept in the headquarters of the heaven, which is our mountain gate."

"So if you want to ask me what is the most valuable thing on the rooftop, it must be these things."

Duan Shuiliu sold his house clean.But anyway, he was leaving, and he had seen Wang Qi's fame as the Shadowless Three Thieves, so he simply explained clearly to Wang Qi.

So on this day, when no one in the Celestial Alliance knew about it, Wang Qi directly took four of the seventeen sets of sword formulas, except for Vivian, and each of them had one set.Duan Shuiliu himself definitely doesn't need it, he has it himself.

Moreover, Duan Shuiliu opened Li Changkong's secret treasure room with his highest authority. He swept out all the contents inside and threw all the books to Wang Qi. The painting that went wrong was put inside, and a letter was left inside.

In the end, they went to the warehouse of the heaven together again.

Having ruled 27 regions, it is conceivable how rich the heavenly treasury is.Things that are regarded as treasures in each region are just ordinary goods that can be seen everywhere here. A large number of high-end spirit cards, powerful props and top-quality materials are randomly placed on the shelves for people to choose.

"Well, Wang Qi, I have something to discuss with you, can you not take all of them, and leave some for my juniors and younger sisters."

Duan Shuiliu looked at Wang Qi and said seriously.

"Okay, let's just pick up what we need."

Wang Qi told everyone.

"Well, it's enough to leave them a one-year achievement, everyone can take whatever they want!"

Duan Shuiliu began to greet a few people, and enthusiastically gave everyone advice on which one is good and which one is great.


Everyone was speechless, but still listened to his suggestion and started to search the treasure house here.

All the production materials belonged to Wang Qi. Only he was interested in learning to make spirit cards and props, and no one else would compete for them.

For the rest, everyone tried their best to pick up what they liked, even Vivian was stuffed with a lot of spirit cards and equipment by Duan Shuiliu enthusiastically.

Wang Qi had already equipped everyone with a bunch of storage bells before, and now they don't have to worry about how to store things, so no one is polite, and they put a lot of bells.

After a few people cleaned up, Wang Qi picked up some of the remaining things and put them into the treasure house in his gourd, and went to keep company with those things before. Only then were the few people satisfied and let Wang Qi's avatar carry them quietly. Leaving the base camp of the heaven.

A few days later, someone finally opened the door because he was going to find something in the treasure house.Then, the entire Celestial Alliance shook, and all the people in the Celestial Realm looked crazy, looking for this nasty thief everywhere.

Only at this moment, there are now six people, and they have left the scope of the Celestial Alliance and embarked on a new journey.

This time it was Xu Wen who volunteered to fly outside with the gourd, so the others gathered inside the gourd, chatting and drinking tea casually.

"By the way, Brother Duan, I want to ask you one more thing." Wang Qi looked at Duan Shuiliu, "Is that merchant ship used by your Celestial Alliance an airship from the Emperor of Machines?"

"Hey, how do you know? Oh yes, you must have come to this place through the East Sea Gate, so you must have passed there."

Duan Shuiliu nodded.

"That's right, those are my master's spoils of war. Later, after being modified with the ability of a spirit card of his old man, they were put here as merchant ships of the Celestial Alliance. Of course, you can also use them as warships if you want, but no one here will Go, that's it."

"Senior Li is really amazing..."

After listening to it, everyone felt a little admiration.To be able to seize so many of those very stalking machines and transform them into their own things, this ability is also strong enough.

"Then do you know what the origin of the Machine Emperor Kingdom is?"

Wang Qi asked.

"I don't know about that. Master also thinks that empire is very strange, because it doesn't look like a naturally formed life and country at all. For example, these areas have their own lives multiplying. And the machine emperor kingdom, obviously It's man-made. It's just... whoever created it is a mystery."

"Well, I'm just curious."

Wang Qi wasn't surprised that he didn't get an answer.

Next, he took his leave and left, declaring that he would retreat for a period of time to integrate the benefits he had recently obtained, and then returned to his room.

After traveling so many places, Wang Qi's harvest can actually be described as terrible.

In the Qiankun Gourd, there are currently seven independent spaces divided by Wang Qi.One is for daily belongings, one is for everyone’s living space, one is a library, one is a treasure house, one is planted with many underwater plants, one is for storing the harvested spiritual water from Yuanqiao Island, and the other is for planting light bell vines and There are many characteristic plants in the Celestial Alliance.Other than that, there are some sporadic small spaces.

Among them, the most abundant collections are libraries and treasure houses.

Among the books in the library, the Reya region was the most stolen, followed by a part of Luoxing Lake and a part of the Celestial Alliance.The content inside is mainly about making spirit cards and spirit matter props.Wang Qi, the elixir, felt that it was not of much use after leaving the rich species in the spirit world, so he only took part of it selectively.Of course, there are still many.

In the treasury, there are mainly three categories, the special spirit cards from the spirit world, various spiritual props, magic weapons, and a large number of raw materials used to make the above things.

These things were piled up randomly by him, and he had no time to tidy them up. At this moment, Wang Qi felt that it was time to tidy them up.

But at the moment, what he most wants to sort out first is the harvest of sword arts.

The Nanfu area and the sword art gained from the Tianjie Mountain Gate allowed Wang Qiduo to learn a total of hundreds of different strong and weak sword arts.

Among these sword formulas, the strongest can reach the height of the mythical level, which is comparable to his own Dayin Xisheng sword formula; the weakest is at least the level of the transcendent level, not inferior to the Xuanyin Guishui sword formula.

Wang Qi knew that Wu Wangxian and Xu Wen, who had also obtained these sword formulas, would definitely integrate these sword formulas in private, take the essence and discard the dross, and strengthen their own sword skills.

Then, it will be more convenient for Wang Qi, who owns the master of data, to do this matter.

The advantage of doing this is that after he has fused a sufficiently powerful sword art, he can use the spirit card making technology he learned here to refine this sword art into a spirit card, which can be used on equipment, and also To be able to hand it over to others, one would already be a transcendent powerhouse.

Of course, Wang Qi can also make all the sword arts into spirit cards first, and then use the fusion ability to fuse them all together, so that he can definitely get a powerful sword art spirit card.It's just that the result may not necessarily be the most suitable for you.

The current Wang Qi has reached the stage of actively choosing a spirit card that suits him.

He was once weak, every spirit card he harvested from the domain was incomparably precious, even ordinary spirit cards could be used very well.But with the gradual improvement of strength, new spirit cards are constantly being obtained by him, and there are more and more spirit cards to choose from, Wang Qi began to have his own preference.

The summoning stream, which was originally the most important, is now only used to clean up wild monsters.And the firearms that accompanied him since the beginning of the spirit card have been idle for a long time now, and can only be used as a souvenir.Even the well-understood 24 solar terms sword art, because it is not at the same level as Yujianshu, there are no more chances to appear on the stage.

Wang Qi's current fighting method has gradually become a real sword fairy.Except for the defense of Wanshui, I like to use the sword to solve most of the things I encounter, because the flying sword has too many advantages. The sword flies on the road, the combat range can be near or far, and the power of the sword formula is also unparalleled.

With so many advantages, it naturally made him gradually lean towards the style of the sword fairy.

Therefore, at this moment, Wang Qi will definitely choose the first method, deduce all the sword formulas in his mind, and integrate his own unique sword formulas.

This is not the first time that the data lord's power has been shown.Wang Qi's mental strength is getting stronger and stronger, and his calculation ability even far exceeds the most powerful supercomputer in the real world.

Hundreds of sets of sword formulas, including the Dayin Xisheng sword formula that he is currently using, all the moves, Yujian formulas, power lines, and spiritual power retraction techniques have been crushed and disassembled one by one in his mind into the simplest, most basic elements, and then begin to combine randomly.

It is said to be a random combination, but in fact there is a regularity. Some similar and identical things are summarized and fused together, and then the number of basic elements becomes less and less, and finally reduced to a very considerable level.

The next step is to continue to integrate and connect these essentially different elements.And this step, Wang Qi began to carry out through simulated battles.

Countless enemies, friends, or passers-by met in the past, they all have incarnations in Wang Qi's mind, helping him to try out this set of sword tactics that is just a prototype.

In a blink of an eye, ten days passed.Sitting cross-legged in the middle of the spirit water space in the gourd, Wang Qi suddenly opened his eyes.

In this pair of eyes, if someone looks carefully here, they can see the birth and death of countless brilliant sword lights, the endless rotation of the cosmic galaxy with bright stars, and the endless numbers appearing and disappearing.

But these scenes only existed for a moment, and Wang Qi returned to normal.

The new sword formula is done.

"Well, what name should I choose? If I have it, let's call it Xinghe Wanhua Sword Art."

 I was just stupid, I thought I finished writing and updating, but found out that there was no update?This is yesterday's chapter...Today's chapter will take a while...My full attendance...I can only buy fake slips with points

(End of this chapter)

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