Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 338 Galaxy Wanhua Sword Art

Chapter 338 Galaxy Wanhua Sword Art
Xinghe means that the starlight is endless and brilliant like a river of stars; Wanhua means ever-changing without a fixed shape.

Breaking apart and kneading all the basic elements of the sword formula, through countless attempts and deduction, and using virtual opponents to test moves, Wang Qi finally got a set with a full 13 The sword formula of six swords.

So the name of this set of sword tactics is really worthy of the name.

There are many moves in this set of swordsmanship, but there are seven different usages. All the swordsmanships are disassembled and used. It is a set of swordsmanship that only Wang Qi can use in this world. It is named Xingdou alone.And through the combination of different moves, there are six sets of swordsmanship with different styles.One is Zhou Guang, two is Mountains and Rivers, three is Liushui, four is Gangfeng, five is Yanhuang, and six is ​​Anmang.

The sword intent styles of these six sets of sword techniques are all related to their names. Zhouguang refers to the ultimate speed and endless artistic conception, mountains and rivers refer to thick defenses, flowing water refers to myriad transformations and amorphous shapes, Gangfeng refers to the ultimate wind, and Yanhuang refers to it. It is the majestic flame, while the dark light is the death hidden in the darkness.

"Very good, the sword formula has been completed, and the next step is to make the spirit card."

Wang Qi is very confident that this spirit card must be the top mythical spirit card.

From Reya, Luoxing Lake to the Alliance of Heaven, Wang Qi has taken the time to read all the books on spirit card making that he has collected.The production methods of the three different regions have their own advantages, and some small production skills can be used for reference.

At this moment, Wang Qi activated the Master of Data again, and began to analyze what kind of materials should be used for this set of swordsmanship, and how to match and make them, in order to get what he wanted.

Wang Qi used his ability to control the gourd space to pile up the hills of materials in the warehouse, so he didn't go through them. He just looked through them from the air, and quickly went through all the materials he had.Then, Wang Qi had a bottom line in his heart.

With a simple move, several different materials were transferred from the pile of materials to his hands, and Wang Qi began to watch them carefully.

The bottom material of the spirit card is generally made of special plant skin or animal skin of powerful monsters.Here, Wang Qi chose a piece of soft belly skin from a star bird.

This kind of bird is born in the high mountains and only appears at night. It is good at cultivating starlight, and can use the power of starlight to protect itself, so its body is full of star-attribute spiritual power.Using the skin of this kind of bird as the base of the spirit card has more suitable attributes.

After taking the other three auxiliary materials, which were mainly used to deal with the bottom of the card, he raised his hand to condense a ball of Zhouguang True Water, then blended the three materials into it, and began to use his spiritual power to melt these materials.

Among the seven true waters, Zhouguang True Water represents the way of time, which has no beginning and no end, and usually Wang Qi doesn't use it much.But when he comprehended the Xinghe Wanhua Sword Art, he had some special insights into the way of time, and even one of the combined sword arts was named Zhou Guang. At this moment, using Zhou Guang Zhenshui as the main material is It couldn't be more appropriate.

Then, Wang Qi activated a spirit card that he didn't use very often, which was obtained from the "Mystery of the Starry Sky" from the ghost.

This spirit card opened a star power slot for Wang Qi alone. Currently, more than 100 projections of stars have been refined. The reserve of star power has reached the same level as spiritual power. It is also very useful for fighting .

But now the main use is one of the attributes: "Stardust, consume 10% star power, can manifest a real stardust, which can be used to assist in the production of any item, each stardust has different characteristics."

Although the consumed star power still needs to be supplemented by refining the star projection, but this thing is accumulated for use, and it is meaningless to save it all the time.

Therefore, Wang Qi directly invested 10% of his star power and summoned a stardust.

The moment this stardust appeared, Wang Qi learned of its inherent attributes, "An extra star attribute attack will be added, and the damage will be 10% of the original damage."

"Hey, this attribute is not bad. As long as you use this thing as a material, the things you make will automatically have this attribute. It's really easy to use."

It was also the first time to see this stardust. Wang Qi observed it for a long time before throwing the very crystal clear small stone with its own glare into the water of Zhouguang true water just now.

As soon as the stardust entered it, it was immediately wrapped in the liquid that had been transformed from the materials just now. After a while, Wang Qi felt that the stardust had also melted into it, becoming one with other materials.

Cut the soft skin of the star bird to the size of a spirit card. This piece of skin is still soft piapia, but when Wang Qi spread the liquid suspended in front of him evenly on it, the soft skin gradually began to change. .Not only did it slowly become very hard and smooth, but it also changed from a light yellow leather texture to a card with a metallic luster and a starry sky pattern.

When the liquid is applied evenly and covers the entire soft skin perfectly, the base of a spirit card is completed.

The next step is to use a special formula to manipulate the spiritual power to draw spiritual runes in it.

Wang Qi had already deduced the spiritual power runes of the Xinghe Wanhua Sword Jue when he deduced the Sword Jue.Rather, the 13 six sword moves are different spiritual power runes.

As long as these runes are perfectly engraved on it, and the runes are connected according to specific rules, a spirit card will be made.

"Well, it's surprisingly difficult..."

At this time, Wang Qi's greedy punishment came.More than [-] runes must be accommodated inside this small card, arranged in a specific array, and then connected with spiritual power.When this job is done, it feels like carving a Winbond map on the rice grains, and Wang Qi feels a little overwhelmed when he thinks about it.

However, the nuanced ability brought by the data vision of the data master is not covered.And the data master's extreme control over Wang Qi's body also made even the slightest movement without a trace of deformation.

Therefore, for him, this is really a test of patience.

Concentrate with all your strength, and use the Lingshui Lake under your body to supplement your spiritual power. Finally, after persisting for three full days, the rune structure inside the entire spirit card is completely drawn.

Then use the master of data to observe this spirit card that still has no picture, and at this moment, you can already see the runes inside the spirit card like a brilliant galaxy.

13 runes composed of six spiritual powers, in this tiny card space, each one shines brightly, shining like a real star, and follows different orbits, each rotating and moving differently. stop.

After taking a short breath and taking a rest, after admiring the beautiful scenery inside the Lingka, Wang Qi prepared to go all out and complete the remaining two steps.

The spirit card here has a picture on the front and an effect on the back, because people here do not have a book of spirit cards.

Although Wang Qi also wanted not to make card pictures and effects, but according to the card making method of the same context in the three regions, card pictures and effects are actually a special kind of spiritual power rune, which is related to the fundamental rune inside the spirit card. Without this step, the spirit card must not be completed and cannot be put into use.It's like a computer's main board, CPU, graphics card, memory and other key things are all there, and the case is all assembled, but at least one monitor and one input device are required to be considered a complete computer.

Therefore, using the needle tip made of spiritual power again, Wang Qi began to draw a special card picture on the front of the spirit card.

He was already a superb painter, so the Katu he used for himself was naturally the result of careful design.Soon, a figure composed of illusory starlight formed the main body. Seven flying swords of different colors were suspended beside him, and behind him was a brilliant galaxy flowing slowly.The whole card picture has a strong three-dimensional effect, as if jumping off the surface of the spirit card.

Wang Qi wrote the description of the effect behind it very casually.The card making technology here does not talk about too many effect descriptions, and often only writes simple superficial effects. More specific usages need to be dug deeper by yourself, and he naturally follows suit.Anyway, I know the sword formula I created.

Soon, the drawing of the front and back of this spirit card was completed, and it was just the last step, which was to activate it with spiritual power.

This step is very simple, as long as you input spiritual power to drive the key nodes of the runes to start normal operation, so Wang Qi activated it at will without too many disturbances.

After the completion, a brand new spirit card appeared in Wang Qi's hands.

The level of the spirit card is automatically generated and filled in the effect after the production and activation is completed, so Wang Qi immediately looked at the effect bar on the back, and it was as expected, level 20, which is the corresponding myth level.

"Huh, it's finally done."

Heaving a sigh of relief, Wang Qi began to appreciate this mythical spirit card made by himself, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.Unable to bear it, he summoned the Book of Spirit Cards and put this Spirit Card into it.Immediately, information about the Xinghe Wanhua Sword Art poured into his heart. Although he created this sword art himself, it feels quite strange to revisit it now.

He summoned a flying sword, and the method of using the sword art flowed through his mind. Immediately, the flying sword responded to his envoy, constantly changing new postures in the air, like a dream, unpredictable.

"Very well, it's time for the next step."

Making a spirit card is just the beginning.Wang Qi's plan is to make as many sheets as he can with all the materials in his hand.Then, the last step is to fuse all these spirit cards together.

As long as the fusion doesn't fail, it will be able to produce results that surpass the original version. Wang Qi's idea is exactly this.Think about how the endowment of the world is free and unrestrained back then.

Next, it is to continuously take the materials, and then repeat the previous steps.

There is a whole warehouse of materials for the base, and the materials Wang Qi chooses are not rare. The real water and star dust in it are all made by himself, so this time, another full fifteen days have passed, and he Six brand new spirit cards that were exactly the same as before were produced again.

Why do this number?Because of Wang Qi's whim, he used different seven real waters as the base each time, and the attributes of Stardust would be different each time because it was summoned randomly, so even if the spirit cards produced seven times were exactly the same, in fact, the spirit cards that were made seven times were exactly the same. The seven spirit cards also differ in subtle attributes.

"The last step."

After making the seven spirit cards, Wang Qi used the master of data to deduce the result of their fusion with the Great Yin Xisheng Sword Art and the Xuanyin Guishui Sword Art on his body.Because this is the sword art deduced by myself, the result will be obtained very quickly, and the fusion will not fail.

There are a total of nine spirit cards that need to be fused. Of course, these seven spirit cards should be fused first.

After combining the seven created spirit cards into one on the page of the free card slot twice, Wang Qi was pleasantly surprised to find that the card map had undergone some changes.But this is not the end, don't worry about watching.This time, Wang Qi put the Dayin Xisheng Sword Art, Xuanyin Guishui Sword Art and this spirit card into the card slot together, and then activated the fusion.

There was a flash of brilliance unique to fusion, and a brand new spirit card was released.

On the card map, it has completely become a very deep and three-dimensional picture.The phantom of the human figure he drew with his own hands is even more immortal, and his body has been rising and falling slightly, as if breathing.

The surrounding seven flying swords of different colors have a more pure texture, as if the original 360p 8-bit machine pixel style has soared directly to Blu-ray 3D modeling, and the gap is not a little bit.

As for the background of this card picture, the brilliant star river is more colorful than before. Each star flickers on and off, and it is really easy to see with the unique border and special effects of the mythical spirit card. To a certain extent.

The card back is as expected, it has been tested before, as long as two kinds of spirit cards are used to fuse, you will definitely get the card back of the spirit card in the real world.

After appreciating the appearance of the spirit card, it finally came to the exciting link of looking at the attributes.Wang Qi didn't hesitate, and directly opened the attribute bar with his hand, and watched it carefully.

"Xinghe Wanhua Sword Art: External Skill Card, Mythical Level. The first activation requires 20000000 points of spiritual power or 10000000 points of star power. After being equipped, you will automatically learn the Galaxy Wanhua Sword Art. Everything can be a sword. You can fly with the sword. The flying speed is underwater The maximum speed is 7000 km/h, 10000 km/h in the air, unlimited acceleration in the starry sky. Up to 7 flying swords can be controlled at the same time. All attributes +100%, upper limit of spiritual power +100%. Effect: Xinghe, after launching the sword art, It can automatically generate a galaxy bodyguard, the galaxy is indestructible, and the defense is not broken; Wanshui can control Wanshui, and each attack has the effect of random seven real waters; Stardust, randomly summon a stardust at the time of attack to trigger a star attribute strike ; Wanhua, can simulate any sword formula that the user has seen before, and exert 90% of the original sword formula; Xingle: During the process of sword movement, the mysterious music in the starry sky is automatically emitted and echoes in the target's mind, interfering with the target's spiritual power. , reduce the upper limit of the target's spiritual power and recovery speed by 10%; Xi Sheng: When the target is attacked, lose hearing for 5 seconds, and refresh with the attack; Sound Barrier: When the body and sword are united, a sound barrier is automatically generated to protect against damage; Starburst: Fly The visibility of the sword is reduced by 100% during the day, and increased by 100% at night, invisible in the starry sky. Xingyuan: use star power to make the sword art, all attributes increase by 50%. Galaxy.'"

 I was really stupid in the afternoon. I opened the starting point and saw that the content of yesterday was not updated. I checked it in the background, but it was not saved to the draft box.After careful recollection, it was probably because I didn’t click Save and Publish after uploading last night, and then I went to check for typos, and then I forgot... I was uncomfortable, and I spent 1000 points on the street to buy a leave note... This month I've asked for leave twice, it's just killing my old life...

(End of this chapter)

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