Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 343 I Don't Know What I'm Writing

Chapter 343 I Don't Know What I'm Writing

"Hey, look, what's in front of you?"

When the group of people flew for a long time and finally came to a new giant town, facing the group of people who suddenly appeared in front of them, Duan Shuiliu exclaimed.

There were two groups of people, an old man in the front was leading a giant girl to flee in embarrassment, while seven or eight giants in the shape of grown men were chasing behind.

It seems that this is the most common scene in novels where a girl in distress is hunted down by her enemies.

"Why, do you want a hero to save the beauty?"

Everyone stopped together, Fifth Wangxian took a look at Duan Shuiliu and joked.

"It's not bad. Although this girl is a bit big, I don't mind having a love affair that crosses races."

Duan Shuiliu was thick-skinned enough, he didn't care about Fifth Wangxian's teasing at all.

"Let's go, what are you waiting for?"

"Wait for a chance to play."

As soon as the two of them finished speaking, the giant girl in front of them, even though the old man was pulling her, still tripped over a rock under her feet, then grabbed the old man's hand and fell to the ground, causing the old man to stop.

"Now let's see where you go!"

The men who were chasing behind said with a smirk, while quickly approaching, trying to surround the girl who the old man fell down.

"Ahem, hello everyone!"

Duan Shuiliu appeared in due course.

He hovered quietly above the girl's head, and coughed twice to show his presence.Sure enough, even though he was small enough, he was still noticed by all the giants.

"Little man, may I ask if you are..."

Unexpectedly, as soon as Duan Shuiliu opened his mouth to attract attention, the pursuers were taken aback. After seeing his appearance, their faces were full of panic, as if they were very afraid of Duan Shuiliu.

"You don't need to know who I am, with me here, you don't want to bully her anymore!"

Although Duan Shuiliu didn't know what was going on, it didn't prevent him from putting on a great look, pointing to the girl below him, and said arrogantly.

"Yes, little man, let's leave now!"

Those few people didn't even dare to fart at all, as soon as Duan Shuiliu's voice fell, they all ran away in a hurry, as if they were afraid of what he would do, which made everyone a little stunned.

And the giant old man next to him and the giant girl who just struggled to get up below also stood there with terrified expressions, looking at Duan Shuiliu's figure, making a look of shrinking.

"Okay, don't be so scared. Tell me, what's the situation, why are they chasing you?"

Duan Huiliu put on a very calm look, and asked the two giants calmly.

"I tell you, this is my granddaughter Alice. Both her parents were killed with poisoned apples by the mistress of the Baixue family. , so I had to run away with her, preparing to flee to her grandmother for asylum."

"Wait, there are too many slots, let me sort it out..."

Before Duan Shuiliu could speak, Wang Qi and the others who were watching felt like vomiting, but they didn't know where to start.

However, because Duan Shuiliu was brought to the spirit world since he was a child, he was not influenced by these common fairy tales, and he didn't know what other people wanted to complain about, so his expression was the calmest.

"Really? That's really a pity. You are safe now, with me here, they dare not mess around."

Duan Shuiliu put on the appearance of an expert, pretending to be aggressive.

"Thank you, little man, for supporting us! But... look, little man, can we leave now? I still want to take my granddaughter to her grandmother's place as soon as possible. Although the servant sent by the mistress of the Baixue family may be concerned about your identity Temporarily retreat, but it is better for us to leave as soon as possible.”

After thanking the old man, he wanted to say goodbye and leave here quickly.

"Okay, let's go."

Duan Shuiliu thinks about it, it seems that there is no point in keeping them, and he is purely a momentary mind meddling, so he can just let them go by themselves.

So after the two bowed to Duan Shuiliu, they left in a hurry and entered the forest in front of them, and their figures disappeared.

"Let's go? What are you waiting for, let's move on."

Duan Shuiliu turned around to look at everyone's strange expressions, as if he was very puzzled.

"Ahem, it's okay, let's go."

After experiencing this little episode, the group arrived in a new town of giants not long after.

The scope of the giant kingdom within the entire city wall is very huge, so after flying for so long, in fact, they still haven't left the original place too far, they just reached the next giant town.

After taking a few glances above the town, everyone unanimously decided to choose the most luxurious-looking giant house. Presumably, the town of ordinary people inside should be better.

After flying for a while, everyone came to the giant house and entered the small town directly through the small door.

"Let's find a hotel and rest first. Are we in a hurry? There's no need to keep going."

Wang Qi said to everyone, no one objected.

Soon, through Void Butterfly King Qi, he confirmed the best hotel in the city, and then took his family to go there.

Unexpectedly, after entering this hotel, he was told by the hotel owner that no foreign guests were accepted today.

"What's the situation? Is there any special reason?"

Just when everyone was about to leave, Fifth Wangxian asked a lot.

"Our place was hired by a wizard today, so I'm really sorry."

"Hey, what did you say? Wizard?"

Suddenly, everyone became interested.

A group of them went to the center of the giant city, Radish Ding, just to see what happened to the legendary wizard here.

Although it is not surprising, this group of wizards is probably just a group of guys with spirit card abilities.After all, the spirit card ability doesn't seem to be a special secret in this giant country.

"Yes, a passing wizard is resting in our hotel, so we must provide him with the best service, and I can only say sorry to everyone."

The boss was very polite, he repeatedly apologized to everyone, and asked a few people to tell him that it was all right.

"Is that master wizard resting now? Do you know when he will come out?"

The fifth Wangxian asked the boss.

"It's hard to say. But Mr. Wizard is very punctual for dinner every day. He will definitely show up on time at six o'clock in the evening, come here to eat, and then go for a walk and come back."

The boss pointed to the tables in front of him.

"By the way, if you want to ask for something from the wizard, I advise you to forget it. This wizard doesn't like to communicate with people very much, and any of your goals will come back in vain."

"It's okay, we're just curious to meet this wizard lord, there will be no offense."

Wang Qi patiently explained.

"It's better for you to give up, don't anger the wizard, and bring my shop along with it."

The boss seemed to be a little impatient, so he stopped talking to them and signaled them to leave quickly.

Wang Qi and Fifth Wangxian exchanged glances, motioning for everyone to leave together.It's just that Wang Qi threw some void butterflies out casually, but the boss didn't pay attention at all, and these void butterflies flew to every corner of the hotel.When everyone came to the street together, Wang Qi had already found his target.

Inside a tightly closed door, there was a young man in a long robe with a long stick in his hand, reading a book carefully.

What Wang Qi summoned was a thumping void butterfly. Although it was not easy to be found, there were still some traces when it moved.So as soon as he entered the house, a Void Butterfly was discovered by the man.He frowned, grabbed the long stick at hand and waved it lightly, a ray flew out from the gemstone at the top of the long stick, and accurately shot the void butterfly that had stopped and was invisible in place. It hit without leaving a trace.

"Hey, interesting."

Wang Qi felt the destruction of the Void Butterfly most intuitively.Even if he didn't use the Master of Data to watch it with his own eyes, Wang Qi can be sure that this guy is not weak.

The man didn't seem to care about the Void Butterfly. After putting down the long staff, he continued to concentrate on reading without even moving his buttocks.

But Wang Qi didn't intend to continue testing with the Void Butterfly this time.He just let the Void Butterflies outside stare at this room, and then left together.

"How is it? What's the gain?"

Fifth Wangxian asked.

"It's a bit powerful, I can't figure out the reality."

Wang Qi replied simply.

"Hey, it's interesting... how do we do it? Go face to face with this wizard, or rest for a night and leave?"

"It's better not to provoke him. Anyway, after reaching Radish Ding, there should be a lot of wizards there, and there will always be someone who is willing to communicate."

Xu Wen opened his mouth and persuaded a few people.

"That's right, then we won't have extra problems."

So everyone found a new hotel together, checked in smoothly this time, and each went to the room to rest.

But, that night, it was not quiet.

"You bastards! Why didn't you bring back what I wanted!"

A sharp female voice came from the outside to the small town. Suddenly, the already dark town with only street lights was lit up again.

Wang Qi didn't cultivate in samadhi, he just slept normally.So... he was woken up.

After yawning, Wang Qi sent a group of Void Butterflies out to check what was going on.After a while, the Void Butterfly returned the result.

A very ferocious-looking giant woman was standing in the center of the hall of the house, pointing at several dejected giants and yelling curses.

"No way, it's just such a coincidence? Is this the Mistress of the Bai Xue family who is full of flaws?"

Hearing the movement of her shouting there, it seems to be saying that the long-nosed puppet boy that the old man mentioned was not found by her subordinates and was brought to her.

Immediately, Wang Qi became interested, directly opened the window, flew out from the house, and flew straight to where the giant was.

Ordinary people's houses are inside the giant's house, and they are all built inside the walls, tables and chairs, and they must fly out to reach the giant's living space.And I don’t know how the strange rules are stipulated. Just like the rule that giant creatures will not step on ordinary creatures, there is also a rule in the house here, that is, ordinary people will never interfere with the life of giants, and vice versa.

So although the woman's shriek woke up Wang Qi and many town residents, no one would enter the giant's house to check like Wang Qi did.

Wang Qi didn't care about these, he flew to the table in the giant's house, and then saw with his own eyes the scene of the giant scolding a group of giant loafers.

"...Don't let me continue searching! I must get that puppet!"


After the subordinates answered feebly, they walked out together.

When Wang Qi looked at Ka, a woman in a black mourning gown with heavy makeup, her eyes hurt a little.

Just when he was about to leave, he saw this woman walking to a mirror by the wall.

"Mirror, mirror, follow my will, quickly manifest!"

Her sharp voice hurt people's ears, but the mirror in front of her really changed.

"Hey, is it a special spiritual item? Interesting."

Wang Qi became a little interested and secretly observed what this woman wanted to do.

"Yes, madam. What are your orders?"

A magnetic bass came out of nowhere.

Pfft... Wang Qi almost spit out.

What did I just hear?This magic mirror is dragging English?In this weird spirit world where Chinese is spoken and written everywhere?It spoke English?
"Mirror, tell me quickly! Where is that puppet boy?"

The woman yelled again.

"Okay, wait a moment."

The magic mirror continued to spit out mixed words, and then the picture on it began to change.

I saw the pictures kept passing by the various houses in this giant town, the pictures kept flickering, and after a while, they finally stopped in front of a house that seemed to have been damaged.

"I'm very sure, that devil boy is in this room."

Another burst of very listening bass.

"But my men have already searched through the inside!"

The woman had an expression of wanting to go crazy, she tightly grasped the frames on both sides, the mirror kept shouting "slow down! slow down!", which made Wang Qi a little funny.

"That's your problem. My answer is absolutely accurate, don't question it!"

"I don't believe you now! If I still can't find it, I will destroy you!"

The woman cried out hysterically.

"In this case, why not give me this mirror, I like it very much."

Suddenly, a voice appeared in the air.

The woman looked back quickly, but saw nothing.Although the lights in the house are bright at night, it is unavoidable that there are still shadows, and the sight is not as clear as it is during the day.

"Don't look for it, I'm right here."

After the voice finished speaking, a light appeared from the table.

Both the woman and Wang Qi took a closer look, and it was the wizard who booked a hotel by himself before.

(End of this chapter)

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