Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 344 This chapter is too watery, subscribe carefully

Chapter 344 This chapter is too watery, subscribe carefully
"Respect, respected wizard villain... I, I was just joking."

When the giant woman saw the ant-sized wizard on the table, her expression suddenly changed and she stuttered.

Wang Qi noticed that what is very interesting is that these giants all call ordinary people villains.And the respectful title among ordinary people is normal adults.This cultural characteristic is really interesting.

"I do not think so."

The wizard looked very serious.

The giant woman's complexion became very ugly, but she didn't say anything more, but walked forward, took the mirror off the wall, and held it regardless of the English words that were still coming out of the mirror, Sent to the wizard.

The sorcerer raised the long stick in his hand, and with a light touch, the giant woman couldn't hold the mirror, let it fall out of her hand, and then flew towards the sorcerer.

During the flight, the mirror became smaller and smaller, and when it finally flew in front of the wizard, it just turned into a palm-sized mirror, and he held it in his hand.

"Okay, I forgive you for disturbing my rest, but from now on, you must keep absolutely quiet."

The wizard looked up at the woman with a very ugly complexion. After saying this calmly, he turned around and walked towards the town.And after the woman heard this sentence, she didn't even dare to breathe. She waited until the wizard disappeared in the town, and then hurried into the bedroom, covering her head and shivering.

Wang Qi looked at these with great interest. He has been hiding in the dark to observe the strange relationship between the wizard and the giant.The giant's fear and respect for wizards seems to be engraved in their bones, regardless of their huge size difference.

Seeing that there was no more excitement to watch, Wang Qi turned around and flew towards the town.But when he flew to the entrance, he found that the wizard was standing in the middle of the street, as if waiting for his arrival.

"Your breath is very strange, it seems that you are not from our place."

The wizard cut straight to the point, and before Wang Qi could speak, he took the initiative to speak.

"Hey, are you sharp? That's right, I'm a passing traveler, and I'm quite interested in you, so I came in and walked around."

"Traveler, no wonder, I can't find the breath of witchcraft in you."

The wizard nodded and approved Wang Qi's explanation.

"So, what do you want to do to me? Kill me, or expel me?"

Wang Qi stared into his eyes.

"You think too much, I'm just curious. Where you want to go is your freedom, and I have no right to interfere."

With that said, the wizard turned around and was about to leave and go back to the hotel where he was staying.

"Eh? Then wait a minute, I want to ask you some information about your wizards."

Walking a few steps quickly to keep up, Wang Qi walked side by side with him, asking questions as he walked.

"Your witchcraft seems to be different from the spirit card? Can you tell me what kind of cultivation system this is?"

Guessing that this wizard seems to be the type who likes to go straight to the point, Wang Qi didn't make any detours, and asked the key questions directly.

"Sorry, I don't seem to have an obligation to answer you."

This time he directly refused.

"Don't be like this, look, it's rare for you to meet outsiders like us, and you must be very curious about the outside world, right? Have you ever been outside? Do you know what the real world looks like?"

Wang Qi didn't hide anything, and directly said the key words.

Sure enough, upon hearing this, Ignore stopped immediately, then turned to look at Wang Qi.

"You guys are from the real world too? That's interesting."


Wang Qi was taken aback for a moment, and then realized.

"You mean, have you met other people who claim to be from the real world? Where are they now?"

"Well, it doesn't matter if I tell you. Three travelers came to Brobdennaig, the gathering place of our wizards, more than a month ago to meet the Witch King. They called themselves the Salvation Society and wanted the Witch King to help them We found a person. However, the Witch Emperor has been wandering in the sky and ignored them at all, so they have stayed until now and go to see them once a day."

"In addition to meeting the Witch Emperor, these three people are also promoting their ideas of salvation everywhere, trying to get some people to help, but they haven't listened to them yet."

The wizard explained patiently this time.

"Huh? The Salvation Society? No way, old acquaintance!"

Wang Qi was really surprised, what kind of fate is this, that in the incomparably vast spiritual world, two groups of people can meet in the same place again.Although they haven't met each other yet, as long as they get to Radish Ding, they will definitely meet.

"Do you really know each other? That's a coincidence."

"Well, these people can be regarded as our enemies. After all, they like to wreak havoc in the real world the most, and then they came to the spirit world to find the master of the game. We still came here together along the way."

Wang Qi shrugged.

"So you should understand that what you want to say, I have actually heard a lot this month. I came out to do something, so let's leave now."

Having said that, the two of them had already reached the door of the hotel, and the wizard turned and said his goodbyes. He didn't want to say anything more to Wang Qi.

This time he didn't question or persuade him to stay. After seeing the wizard go in, he went back to the hotel where he was staying.

None of the other people seemed to come out, so Wang Qi turned around and went into the room, and continued to sleep.

Early the next morning, after waking up and washing up, Wang Qi came to the restaurant and saw that most of his companions were already here.

"Hey! Wang Qi, did you hear any movement outside last night?"

Duan Shuiliu took the initiative to wave and say hello.

"Morning. Not only did I hear it, but I went out to see it."

Wang Qi ordered breakfast to the waiter, then pulled out his chair and sat down.Then tell a few people what they saw and heard last night.

Hearing that people from the Salvation Society appeared again, except for Duan Shuiliu, the others were a little surprised.

"Are these people really standard villains? You can meet them everywhere you go. Is there a protagonist among us?"

Fifth Wangxian couldn't help complaining.

"Well, anyway, let's go and have a look, and we don't necessarily have to beat them to death, it depends on the situation."

A few people just took it as a joke, and no one cared.

To be honest, although the two guys from the Salvation Society who appeared later looked like bosses, they were obviously not easy to mess with.But according to the strength of Wang Qi's current teammates... he really doesn't necessarily have to be afraid of them.

Duan Shuiliu is a new teammate with strong thighs. Fifth Wangxian and Xu Wen have also improved in the past two months.As for Wang Qi, who has improved the most, if someone really wants to fight him... he will definitely be surprised and frightened.

Soon everyone arrived, and after a leisurely breakfast, we set off together again.

Everyone speeded up intentionally along the way. Shi Xiaozhu and Vivian felt that it was not interesting to go outside, so they took the initiative to enter Wang Qi's gourd, and the speed of the remaining four people immediately increased a lot.

Among them, Xu Wen noticed that there seemed to be new changes in Wang Qi's sword formula.

He originally exchanged the Dayin Xisheng sword formula with Wang Qi. Wang Qi has been using this sword formula since then, and he is also very clear about the upper limit of flying speed.But at this moment, it is obvious that Wang Qi has easily broken through the upper limit with ease, and there is a brilliant star river around the flying sword, it seems that he has improved again.

"Wang Qi, have you changed your sword formula?"

Xu Wen thought for a while, and asked while flying.

"Well, I have made some gains in card making. I integrated all the sword formulas I got before, and then created a new sword formula spirit card."

Wang Qi felt that there was nothing to hide, so he told the truth.


The three of them gave him a thumbs up.

It's nothing more than melding all the new sword formulas that have been obtained. The few people present are all swordsmanship geniuses, and they can do it all.But being able to make this sword formula into a spirit card seems to be at least at the mythical level, which is not something ordinary people can do.

"Ahem, Wang Qi, I'll give you a copy of my Yujian experience later, and you can help me make a spirit card too?"

Fifth Wangxian did his part and spoke directly with a cheeky face.


This is a good thing for Wang Qi. The fifth Wangxian must know that he is the number one guy in the ranking of the Spirit Card Association. Wang Qi has seen his swordsmanship before. Wang Qi felt that it was too early to compete with him.He was able to sort out his Yujian experience for himself, and he only had to make a spirit card for him, so it was Wang Qi who made a lot of money.

"Well, Wang Qi, can you make one for me too?" Seeing that the two of them had discussed it so quickly, Xu Wen asked along with him.

"Okay, whoever we are with whom."

Seeing that Wang Qi agreed to the two, Duan Shuiliu also rushed to him, saying that he also has very good experience in fencing swords, and also created a set of very powerful swordsmanship, hoping that Wang Qi can also give him Zhang Ling. card out.Of course, Wang Qi would not treat one person more favorably than another, as they were all partners, so he agreed directly.

So the four of them flew all the way, except for Wang Qi, the three of them were silent, thinking and summarizing their swordsmanship experience.When Wang Qi saw it, he simply let them all enter the gourd to transcribe and create, and flew outside by himself.

When he was the only one left, Wang Qi simply changed his clone, and then flew with all his strength at three times the speed of the main body.In this case, in less than two days, Wang Qi had already arrived at the periphery of Brobdinegger.

Looking down from the air, if you ignore the kingdom of giants below, it is an ordinary huge and prosperous city.

Different from the giant cities that I flew over before, there are obviously many tall buildings here, and the style of the buildings looks much more refined. The urban planning is very organized, and the giants live and work in it. It seems normal.

But when Wang Qifei came closer to observe carefully, he found that the ordinary people here are really powerful.

The giant's house became tall and exquisite, but compared with the ordinary people living in it, it was nothing.Every small town of ordinary people has a very gorgeous style, and it looks very high-grade. There are special passages between houses that can travel vertically and horizontally. There are means of transportation that fly in various ways in the air. In terms of the giant on the background board, this place is basically a super prosperous international metropolis.Anyway, Wang Qi only experienced this feeling in Shangning of Huabang.

Finding the most central location of the city easily from the air, Wang Qi found the Witch Emperor's Palace which was located among all the giant houses but occupied a place alone.

After thinking for a while, he didn't approach directly, but found a giant house that was relatively close and fell down, entering the ordinary town inside.

After registering in a hotel, Wang Qi sent out a lot of Void Butterflies to fly around. It has long been his habit to grasp the surrounding vision.Then, he returned to the room and got into the gourd.

"It looks like you've all sorted it out?"

Wang Qi saw that three people were sitting on the sofa in the hall and communicating with each other. He also sat down with great interest and listened to what they were talking about.

"We have all sorted out, but seeing that you haven't come back, so why not just share our experiences here first."

Xu Wen said to Wang Qi.

"Well, I didn't expect the three of us to have our own unique knowledge of Yujianshu, so we decided to organize it into one and forget it. At that time, you only need to make three identical spirit cards, which will save you a lot of trouble. Bar."

"Huh? Is that so? Then I'll join in, let's discuss together."

When Wang Qi heard this, he immediately became interested.He is not afraid to share the Xinghe Wanhua Sword Art that he has deduced with others. Instead, he hopes to listen to the opinions of these three people and see if there is anything that can be absorbed into it, so that he can make his Sword Art even stronger. .

With Wang Qi's joining, none of the four of them kept any secrets, they all gave each other their money, and the discussion became more heated.

This time it took another full day, and finally Wang Qi wrote down the results of everyone's discussions and compiled a new sword formula.

"How do you name this sword art?"

After Wang Qi finished writing, he asked the other three people.

"Well, how about we take one letter each for our names?"

Fifth Wangxian proposed.

"Let me think about it... If you take one word for each, Narcissus asks strange? It feels so weird..."

Duan Shuiliu scratched his head.

"Don't call it that, just keep it simple, just call it Wenxianjianjue. My name is not easy to add, so let's keep it simple."

Wang Qi shook his head, naming it like that was too ugly.

"Don't, your contribution is not small, and you can't be justified without you in your name."

The three of them quickly vetoed it, especially Wu Wangxian and Xu Wen, who always felt that it was a bit generous to only put the words of two people.

"You guys don't have so many words in a name, don't be wordy, just call it Qishui Asking the Immortal Sword Art!"

Shi Xiaozhu couldn't bear to look at it anymore, so he interrupted quickly.

" be it."

So, the name was decided like this, Qi Shui Asking the Immortal Sword Art, it's a bit weird, but it's gratifying.

(End of this chapter)

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